MTL - So Fragrant [Quick Transmigration]-Chapter 86

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Chu Xia sat down on the seat designated by Li Cheng, and let these Li family members look at him. He didn't move. Anyway, with Li Cheng pressing down here, these Li family members would not dare to act rashly.

Although he didn't understand Li Cheng's heart, Chu Xia was quite happy.

Except for Li Cheng and Chu Xia, everyone else was distracted during this meal. They wanted to find out the relationship between Xia and Li Cheng, but Chu Xia is sitting next to Li Cheng? What are they asking, Li Cheng? You'll hear it, it's not a good way to speak.

This kid Qiu Chi is not Li Cheng's kind, right?

They suspected this when Qiu Chi was a child, so they secretly took Qiu Chi's hair for a paternity test, but the results showed that there was no blood relationship between him and Li Cheng.

It can't be a paternity test? The result is wrong again.

Is the Li family compatible with the paternity test?

Although Li Cheng didn't have so many thoughts, he only took two bites and put down his chopsticks.

When the Li family saw it, they couldn't help but slander in their hearts, eat less, eat less, and one day you will starve to death.

Seeing that he didn't eat much, Chu Xia thought that after all the people from the Li family had left, he would go to the kitchen and cook two more side dishes for Li Cheng.

He pondered for a while, but felt that it was not very appropriate. Li Cheng helped him avoid the family law once, but he only returned a few side dishes, which was at best a return of sesame.

The Li family said goodbye to Li Cheng after dinner and left one after another, but some people made an excuse and chose to stay in the Li family, trying to find out what happened between Chu Xia and Li Cheng, Li Cheng What is your plan now?

Li Cheng went back to the bedroom upstairs to rest. Chu Xia had no class in the afternoon, so he went to the kitchen to fry two simple dishes, accompanied by white porridge, and asked the butler to serve them. Standing not too far away, he also heard what Li Chen said, and Li Cheng's later words were obviously meant to protect Chu Xia.

The housekeeper? I couldn't help but muttered in my heart at this moment. I was dissatisfied with Chu Xia. ?

Just seeing Chu Xia's diligent appearance in the kitchen for Li Cheng again, the butler's heart? This breath came out. Forget it, Mr. is not angry, what is he caring about here, looking at Mr.'s attitude, it is obvious that he wants to To train Young Master Qiu well, this matter is lightly let go.

I just hope that Young Master Qiu will not let down the trust of Mr.

After the housekeeper left, Chu Xia stayed in the kitchen. He boiled a pot of soup, but he had to simmer it over a low heat. Burning, can't some ingredients at once? Put them all in, and they must be divided into batches, otherwise the taste and texture will be worse.

"Young Master Qiu is using this method to get the Patriarch even if he knows about you? He is willing to pretend he doesn't know about those scandals, and still cover up peace for you?"

Chu Xia turned his head and found that Li Chen was standing at the door of the kitchen, the sarcasm on his face was undisguised, but what he said didn't make sense. Is this also a means? Isn't that Wang Ma very wronged?

"Why don't Chen come over and learn?" Chu Xia said to Li Chen with a smile.

Li Chen shook his head and said to Chu Xia, "Forget it, these are all made by servants in the Li family? I can't learn it."

Chu Xia: "..."

What's wrong with this man!

"Sir said two days ago that he wanted to come to the kitchen with me to learn." Chu Xia said with a smile, this matter is completely nonsense, and he just relied on Li Chen's inability to get this matter to Li Chen. Cheng's? Ask in front of you.

The smile on Li Cheng's face really froze for a moment, but immediately returned to his original yin and yang weird look, and said to Chu Xia, "Young Master Qiu, don't forget your surname."

Chu Xia really didn't bother to pay attention to it, so he only dared to say these sour words in front of his own. If he really had that ability, he should go to Li Cheng's and say it.

See Li Chen? Chu Xia ignored him, and asked Chu Xia again, "What did Young Master Qiu just do? Is there anything else? I wasn't full just now. Please, Young Master Qiu, give me a bowl."

"I don't have that anymore. I did it originally? Not much, it's all for your husband," Chu Xia paused, glanced at the cupboard on the side, and said to Li Chen, "The leftovers haven't been poured out yet, Master Chen. If you're not full, it's the same thing if you take it out and eat it hot."

Where can Li Chen eat leftovers? He sneered and turned back.

Chu Xia was in a good mood. He was humming a little song. What is in front of him? This pot of bone soup still needs to be simmered for at least two hours. Since he became angry, the teachers in the school did not know whether they were entrusted by Li Cheng, or did they see that he really had such a spirit, and they paid special attention to him. Homework, but also call him to the office, open a small stove, and add another homework to him by the way.

Every time he added homework, the teacher would persuade him earnestly that his foundation was worse than others, so he had to put in more effort now, and Chu Xia could only obey.

In the evening, when Li Cheng came down from the upstairs, Li Chen came to Li Cheng's side unconsciously, as if nothing happened at noon today, he sat down opposite Li Cheng's and said humbly: " I have something to ask the owner of the house."

Although Li Cheng is indifferent, but there are juniors who come to ask him for advice? At times, he will also give pointers patiently, but today he dealt with Li Chen a few words, and he was a little absent-minded until Chu Xia came out of the kitchen with the soup cup. .

Although the expression on Li Cheng's face had not changed, the fingers holding the book were unconsciously tightened.

Li Chen saw? When Chu Xia came over, he raised his eyebrows at Chu Xia. Chu Xia looked at him and felt that this person was not at ease. Sure enough, Chu Xia just put down the soup cup in his hand and listened to him. When Li Chen said to Li Cheng: "By the way, when I was talking to Shao Qiu this afternoon? Shao Qiu told me that Mr. is interested in learning how to cook, so be careful, sir, there are knives and fires in the kitchen. , you are inconvenient now, but you must have someone to accompany you."

Chu Xia stared at Li Chen, there is something wrong with this person, why does he say anything.

He decided to ignore Li Chen in the future, but he didn't worry much. It wasn't a big deal at all. Even the original owner committed such a big thing? Wrong, Li Cheng helped him cover it up. On? What is it.

Li Cheng really hummed.

The corners of Chu Xia's mouth lifted slightly upwards.

Li Chen's face was not good-looking at this time, because he couldn't see anything because of Li Cheng, so he made no secret of his hatred for Chu Xia.

It doesn't matter to Chu Xia, it's Li Cheng who is giving him money now, not Li Chen. Even if he can stare a hole in his body now, what's the use?

Chu Xia opened the lid of the soup cup, put out a small bowl, and sent it to Li Cheng.

Li Chen suddenly said, "Master Qiu made this soup? It's good. I wonder if I'm lucky enough to taste it."

Chu Xia refused mercilessly: "No, there is only one person? All of them belong to the husband?"

Li Cheng lowered his head and held the soup bowl in his hand, never saying a word, but a smile flashed in his eyes.

Li Chen was a little embarrassed. He was the closest blood relationship to Li Cheng, the younger generation. Everyone felt that if Li Cheng had no children, most of the Li family would be handed over to him in the future. So all these years Li Chen was held outside? He never suffered a loss. Even when he returned to Li's house in the past, Qiu Chi avoided him, but today it is this person who let him go. Continue to slump.

"How long are you going to stay at home?" Li Cheng put down the soup bowl in his hand and suddenly asked Li Chen.

"Half a month," Li Chen replied with a smile. He paused and asked Li Cheng in a joking tone, "Sir, won't you think I've stayed too long and want to drive me away?"

"There are some," Li Cheng nodded and said, "you can leave tomorrow."

This time Li Chen couldn't laugh anymore. His expression even looked a little grim. He asked Li Cheng, "Sir, can you ask me what I did wrong?"

"Nothing wrong, I just don't want to see you." Li Cheng said.

Li Chen's face was so ugly that it almost dripped with water. Chu Xia gloated over the misfortune and was in a good mood. Seeing the undisguised smile on Chu Xia's face, Li Chen's mood was even worse.

Li Chen was angry and at the same time felt fortunate. Fortunately, there were only the three of them here, and no other Li family members were present. Otherwise, he might have a harder time in the Li family.

Li Chen's? He didn't even come home after his face training. Li Cheng asked him to leave tomorrow, but he packed up and left the old house overnight. Even his parents were curious about why he left so soon. They had agreed to stay here. After living for a long time, in addition to figuring out the current relationship between Qiu Chi and Li Cheng, I also hope that Li Chen can show more in front of Li Cheng? As a result, why did this person run away.

Chu Xia originally thought that Li Cheng helped him settle all the sins that the original owner had done that day, and let himself sit next to him during dinner. It should be so interesting to him, but soon after attending the love, he found out This is completely self-indulgent.

Li Cheng maintained his homophobia? Straight man's character was determined not to collapse, he seemed to really just see Chu Xia as a younger generation who wanted to nurture him well.

Chu Xia couldn't see it at first, but when Li Cheng asked him to help him read those important documents, Chu Xia thought about it. Li Cheng wanted him to study with him.

Every time after Chu Xia finished reading, Li Cheng would give him a detailed analysis of the document from beginning to end, making sure that even if he was a fool, he would have to understand it. Chu Xia did pretend to be stupid with Li Cheng at first. , but Li Cheng showed a lot of patience, and his health was not very good. After talking to Chu Xia for a long time, he would cough for a long time, which made Chu Xia feel very guilty and could only take it seriously. Really learn from him.

See? Chu Xia learned well, Li Cheng simply gave Chu Xia a small company and asked him to practice his skills first.

But Li Cheng still remembers what he is studying at university now? What is it? It's painting, and asking him to manage such a big thing, really? Is it appropriate?

Chu Xia tapped his head, and put down his hands after a long while, feeling that he should tap Li Cheng's head more, look at what's inside, did he really think of himself as a son?

Should the previous behaviors be summed up in the words "father's love like a mountain"?

The Li family knew that Li Cheng had handed over a small company to Chu Xia, and they were so angry that they almost gnawed their teeth. Many of them pointed to their hands? Why would Qiu live with just a few shares? A foreigner in Chi can get a company from Li Cheng's hands!

They made a lot of stumbling blocks for Chu Xia secretly. While Chu Xia had to take classes, he also had to deal with various crises in the company, even if his talent, ability, and experience in this area were better than Li Cheng thought. A bit better, and a little trickier to handle.

At the end of the month, Chu Xia read the company's financial statements to Li Cheng.

After Chu Xia finished reading, Li Cheng nodded and said to Chu Xia, "You did a good job."

Chu Xia looked at the net income at the end, which was much less than the previous few months, and she couldn't even boast a good word. It was really embarrassing for Li Cheng.

"Really? That's right," Li Cheng seemed to sense his suspicions, and said with a smile, "they made so much trouble for you, you survived it all, and finally made a small profit."

"Mister knows?" Chu Xia asked in surprise.

"I know." Li Cheng nodded and said to Chu Xia, "There is a banquet in Tianfu tonight. Come with me."

Chu Xia responded, went back and changed into more formal clothes, and accompanied Li Cheng to the evening banquet. When someone came to greet Li Cheng, Li Cheng would introduce Chu Xia to the other party. This is Li Cheng. For the first time in front of outsiders, he showed his respect for a certain junior. The guests looked at Chu Xia in secret, wanting to see what was special about him.

However, looking at it, it doesn't seem to be anything special.

Chu Xia followed silently. He was now taking over the job of the housekeeper. He should always pay attention to Li Cheng at the banquet. Don't be bumped into, and don't have other accidents.

Chu Xia listened to Li Cheng and the other guests talking about him, and began to worry in his heart. Wouldn't Li Cheng really give him the Li family?

He just wants to be a rotten person who eats and waits to die, and doesn't want to bear such a lot of pressure.

And these guests couldn't understand, there are so many in the Li family? Smart and capable? Young man, why did Li Cheng choose an outsider like Qiu Chi? Did he want to set up a target first and use him to arouse Li The fighting spirit of the rest of the family.

Everyone secretly sighed in their hearts, Mr. Li's heart is really dirty.

But Chu Xia knew that Li Cheng was real? He wanted to cultivate himself, but he was also real? He didn't want to take over the Li family.

After the banquet ended, a few days later, the friends of the original owner called Chu Xia and asked him to go out to play together. Chu Xia knew in his heart that they must have something else? Set up the affair between him and Li Cheng,

Chu Xia was so busy during this time that she finally had some free time. She really needed to relax, so she asked them for the address and drove over by taxi.

The address they gave was a bar, and the original owner used to come here often. Chu Xia chatted with these friends for a while. After a while, they really asked what was going on with Li Cheng and him now. Chu Xia gave a perfunctory answer. In other words, a few people saw that they couldn't ask anything else, so they started toasting Chu Xia, congratulating him for getting Li Cheng's attention.

Chu Xia drank a few glasses and felt that his brain was a little dizzy. He thought about his own? Is it that bad? Did he drink it just now? The alcohol level was too high. Someone helped him into the private room upstairs. Chu Xia lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and felt sleepy. He was really tired these two days. .

He heard the rustling in his ears as if he was undressing? He didn't bother to lift his eyelids until he heard a click, and Chu Xia felt that something was wrong. He opened his eyes and found that someone was taking a picture of him at the door. There were three naked men lying around at some point, and his own clothes were also very messy, and he looked like he was about to have a big fight.

Chu Xia: "..."

This kind of good thing doesn't need to be drunk to do it, but it's unnecessary to take pictures.

"What are you doing?" Chu Xia asked, staring at the friend who was taking pictures at the door.

The friend was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Chu Xia would be able to wake up at this time. He was embarrassed for a moment, then turned around and ran, sending out what he had just photographed as he ran.

Chu Xia snorted, knowing that she was being tricked, and hurriedly chased him out, but he just drank a little too much, and now he can't run at all, and when he chased downstairs, he was gone. The figure of a friend.

Chu Xia leaned against the door frame, thinking who would that person send the photo to?

If you want this photo to be useful and not offend the Li family, it may only be sent to Li Cheng.

Chu Xia didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly took a taxi back to Li's house. He ran all the way from the gate to the house, and then saw Li Cheng sitting on the sofa, while the housekeeper was standing beside him, looking at Chu with disappointment. summer.

It's over, Li Cheng has mostly seen the photo at this time, he has not been able to run 5G after all!

"You're back?" Li Cheng asked, his voice was calm, and he couldn't hear joy or anger.

"I'm back." Chu Xia was standing not far from Li Cheng. Even though he hadn't done anything, he felt a little guilty for no apparent reason.

"Did you have fun?"

"Not very happy." Chu Xia replied with her head lowered.

"Why are you unhappy?" Li Cheng asked, sounding sarcastic.

Chu Xia didn't speak, and heard Li Cheng ask again, "Aren't you happy with so many people playing with you?"

Chu Xia wondered if she didn't play it!

"Come upstairs with me." Li Cheng got up from the sofa and walked upstairs. Chu Xia followed Li Cheng's back with drooping eyebrows, blaming him for forgetting to look at Huang Li when he went out today.

Li Cheng entered the bedroom, Chu Xia stopped outside the door, stretched his head and said to Li Cheng, "That gentleman, you said you wouldn't let me in your room."

Li Cheng was not at all embarrassed to be slapped in the face, he said to Chu Xia, "Come in."

Chu Xia walked in carefully, Li Cheng closed the door, Chu Xia panicked, and heard Li Cheng say, "I saved your family law before, I thought you really? You can learn a lesson, but now it doesn't seem to be the case. "

Chu Xia stared at Li Cheng. He didn't expect this matter to be so serious. The last time it was 50 boards, and it's more than 100 until now. Really?

Li Cheng pressed him on the bed behind him? Chu Xia thought badly, and hurriedly called to Li Cheng, "Sir, listen to my explanation."

"Explain what?" Li Cheng's voice was extremely cold.

Just as Chu Xia was about to speak, his trousers were pulled off, the cold wind blew, and it was a little cold. His hands were caught by Li Cheng, unable to struggle, and his legs were pulled to the knees because of his trousers. His activities were also somewhat restricted, and Chu Xia didn't dare to kick because Li Cheng couldn't see and his health was not very good.

Before he could react, what was Li Cheng going to do? At that time, he heard a crisp sound that echoed in the bedroom.

The pain made him tremble.

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