MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2182 Worship

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High morale!

It’s also very happy!

Regardless of whether it is superior or not, it is the Guards who defeated the Guards. The defeated is the Guards of 50 million horses. The defeat is the Guards who destroyed the 嬴九光. The defeat is the establishment of Tianting. Known as the battle, there is no way to win the attack, but the Guardian of the name of the Guardian, how can morale not rise!

The biggest main battlefield, the two sides of the army have abandoned the use of the broken bow, stifled in a piece, short-handed, besieged!

"Adult, there has been a complete loss of contact with Zhuo's side!"

The longest heart of the battlefield gazing at the battlefield trembled. At this time, the complete loss of contact over there meant nothing to say.

Outside the battle, a group of pro-military guards, Miao Yi and others watched the battle.

On the side of Yang Zhaoqing's singer, the star bell reported: "Wang Ye, the handsome coach, the 50 million Guards are all annihilated, and they are rushing to help!"

Cheng Taize shook his head in the side: "Destroy 50 million guards!"

Miao Yi nodded and asked: "How is the battle damage?"

Yang Zhaoqing: "We have lost nearly 60 million people!"

Miao Yi brows up, even Cheng Taize also frowned, 500 million people beat 50 million people, the battle damage is actually higher than the enemy, this Guard's combat power is indeed powerful, and Huayitian over there However, there are 300 million garrison troops, which makes him somewhat worried.

Yang Zhaoqing added: "Wu Shuai took the quick-fixing style of play, and pressed it all over, so the loss was large."

Miao Yi decapitated, looking back at Cheng Taize, "Cheng Wang, I have 50 million broken bows here, until the eyes are annihilated, 500 million pieces of broken bows are actually held in the hands. Your department If it can annihilate the 300 million army of Huayitian, I will not take 300 million pieces of broken bows, and I will dispose of them all at all. How?"

Yang Qing heard the smile on the side, 300 million broken the bow, this is to force Taize desperate!

At this time, he had taken off the mask on his face and revealed his true feelings. At this point, he had already tore his face with the heavens, and there was no need to cover up.

Cheng Taize heard the words bright, 300 million pieces of broken bow, if you can get this equipment, what is lost in the East Army site, there is this equipment in hand, soaring!

However, Miao Yi’s mysterious smile is like a smile, and the heart is fierce. The whole family is already hostage on the hands of others. People have already said that you want to be in your hands, and you have to make your name, and you have to break the 300 million. The words of the law bow are tantamount to wanting to be self-respecting, and can people let you go back alive? In a word, the minister has a way to live, and the soldiers will die without weight!

In exchange for being in the position of Niu Youde, you may wish to think about it, the world is about to usher in a big change in the interests. In the end, whoever is strong will have the right to distribute the benefits! To provoke such a big war, the following must be a heavy loss. If you change yourself, you will inevitably need to replenish the troops in the hands of Niu Youde. Can you let others pull the following people? Is it so costly to pay for such a big price?

Regardless of whether it will usher in a pattern of great changes in the world, it is impossible for the next big war, Niu Youde, to watch its own strength shrink sharply. Unless you want to find death, it’s almost the same. Is it really a vegetarian?

It is natural not to understand that Niu Youde’s intention to say this to himself is to test himself!

Cheng Taize almost sweated coldly, knowing that he had turned around in front of the ghost gate. If he agreed to it, he would have to get rid of himself and then find a way to compile his man. In the current situation, he wants to run. No.

"Wang Ye, now the general trend, you and me are divided into two harms, and the two are good. Now you and I are both a family. I talk about what is the distribution of the broken bow. The situation has developed to the present day, and it is obvious that Wang Yexiong is a big man. It’s better, sincere and sincere, today is willing to be in front of everyone...” Cheng Taize’s lips stretched, facing Miao Yi, holding a fist and bowing, and sincerely said: “The King of the Green Seal has passed, and there is only Cheng Taize. There is no king, Cheng Taize is willing to be the only leader of the king, as long as the king is under his life, willing to die!"

Listening to this statement, the few people he will accompany will be a glimpse of the prince, and understand that Wang Ye is a little bit of a slap in the face. Some people seem to understand what it is, and they are obviously stunned.

Some people were shocked and said: "Wang Ye! You..."

Cheng Taize hurried back and glared at him: "Shut up! Niu Wangye is a big man, I am willing to follow, and if I don't accept it, I will not stop you even if I leave."

Another person took the person and secretly said: "If you want to live, don't be confused. Wang Ye is for everyone's pleading."

The man didn't understand it, but he frowned and shut up.

Miao Yi is a face of great joy, and blinks at the dissatisfied person. It can be seen that there is still a group of loyal followers under the demise of Taizawa, and the mind is turned and grabbed the wrist of Cheng Taize. Dao: "This is a bad saying! Since Cheng Wang said that he is a family, who else is it worth to kill? Who is the old man? If you don't disappoint, I would like to honor you as your brother. You and I are worshipping brothers of different surnames. It’s good to have a blessing, but it’s good?” It’s really full of expectations.

Cheng Taize hurriedly waved: "Don't dare to dare, Cheng willing to follow the prince's life, it is indeed from the heart of the words!"

Who knows that Miao Yi has taken a handful of daggers, and said nothing, directly scratching the back of his hand, **** fists and fists: "Niumou is indeed the words of the lungs, willing to swear by blood, a sincere heart, hope that the elder brother does not deny!" Sent in the past.

Cheng Taize’s heart is full of mothers, and she has a fart for worship. The white and white people still worshipped their brothers. When they turned their faces, who cares about this, what excuse can’t find it?

He knew in his heart that this is a man who needs him urgently. He wants to accept it as soon as possible. He does not want to make any twists and turns at this time, and he wants to buy people's hearts.

But everyone can move their own knife. To do this, he can't give face, he has to pick up the dagger, cut through the back of his hand, and also make a fist out.

The two men’s double fists touched each other, and the **** mouth of the fist hit them together. They laughed at each other and Miao Yi’s "brother" called sincerity.

"Brother!" Cheng Taize also shouted in a deep and affectionate manner, and the bitterness in his heart was only clear to himself.

The general who had just opposed it, and found that the cow had a good morality, did not despise the bully, Wang Ye refused to take the initiative, and now becomes a brother of worship... The injustice in his heart will also dissipate.

Yang Zhaoqing smiled beside him.

Yang Qing secretly beheaded, and his heart was filled with emotions. Think about Miao Yi of that year, and then look at what is happening now. This person really went to what position to do what kind of thing.

He can also understand Miao Yi's mood at this time. Under the current circumstances, Miao Yi can't afford to lose. He wants to go his own way and set off such a big war. Once he is defeated, he will have to be alone, and there is no way to give it to the following. People do not say that the life of the whole family is also at stake. It is necessary to pull the people of Cheng Taize as soon as possible.

"I immediately ordered the whole army, and the king has already been my brother, and no matter who I am, I will not be slow!" Miao Yi turned back and said to Yang Zhaoqing.

Yang Zhaoqing knows well, the following people are not idiots, and the Guards of the Guards will have a bit of a brain. They will know that the strength of the prince will definitely suffer a lot of losses. At this time, the whole army will be informed of this good news, let the following people know the prince. The strength is not only no loss, but also increased, will give everyone confidence, enhance morale!

Of course, the coordination of the command of the Taisha Zemao’s squad is definitely a special notice, let Yan Xiao tell Cheng Taize’s people, Cheng Taize and Wang Ye are already brothers.

After Miao Yi has been with him for so many years, Miao Yi has a look, and he naturally understands what it means.

"Yes!" He should touch the star bell immediately after he should.

Looking back, Miao Yi also sincerely said to Cheng Taize: "Brothers, the people who annihilated Huayitian must be as soon as possible, and the reinforcements of the Qingzhu have arrived. It is not good for you and me. Now, even if we are rushing to help, It is also far from being hydrolyzed!"

I have been a brother, and I can’t say it without trying my best. This is to force myself to win it at any cost! Cheng Taize sighed in the heart, but the surface looked dignified: "This is nature, I will urge them!"

At this time, the army led the army to return to life.

Nothing to say, Miao Yi immediately ordered him to hand over the army to the unified command of Qingyue.

Qingyue took over, and 100 million people were placed in the battlefield to become ten broken bow clusters. Each group of 10 million people was distributed around the battlefield. Once there were enemy troops fleeing the battlefield, they might be exposed. The enemy troops outside the battlefield immediately shot and the rest of the people were all on the battlefield. There are a large number of broken bows in hand, as well as the arrangement of this surplus man, Qingyue will no longer lock the encirclement circle, and concentrate on a few people to directly insert into the enemy's army, and join forces internally and externally.

The absolute superior force rushed into the battlefield to cut the The situation changed immediately.

"Adults, the enemy is so widowed, can't keep it, break through!" The core of the battle array, a pair will be mournful to Qu Changtian.

Qu Changtian closed his eyes with force. He knew the consequences of the breakout. The army had been entangled by the enemy. Once it broke out, there must be a large number of brethren to be left here to drag the enemy. It is equal to let them die. If you don’t want to live any more, you can only walk a part and go.

"Some people are concentrated, all the way to the right road breakout, all the way to break out with my left!" Qu Changtian hard to speak.

Soon, tens of millions of people gathered around the road screamed and screamed, and directly to the right.

Qu Changtian also quietly gathered tens of millions of people waiting for the opportunity to move, ready to wait until the man attracted a large number of enemy troops to stop the breakout pressure on the other side and then took the opportunity to kill.

In the battlefield situation, Qingyue was unmoved, and a command was made. The three million points of the three points of the enemy's breakout direction were quickly concentrated together. When the enemy troops rushed to the edge of the battlefield, Qingyue suddenly ordered the evacuation of the army that had been killed nearby to make a gap.

The enemy who just rushed out of the head immediately suffered a violent attack of countless streamers, and 30 million broken bows alternately fired, giving the enemy a further opportunity. At the same time, Qingyue made another order, and the two men who had let go on both sides were once again smothered from the two wings of the enemy's breakout, and they immediately intercepted the squadron and stopped the smashing of the cluster. The person who rushed out in the front is equal to sending death. (To be continued.)

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