MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2253 I hope that you will be happy in this life.

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Musen quickly noticed the abnormality of Mu Linger. Seeing that she always turned back, she could not help but stop and looked at the direction she was looking at. She did not see anything. He asked: "Linger, what happened to you?"

Mu Linger was a bit skeptical about his own illusion. He said with red eyes: "Elder, I just saw a person."

What happened to a person? Musen strangely said: "Who is it? Is it a sea person or a white man?" In this place, he can't think of any other people.

Mu Linger shook his head. "It seems to be a stranger. I have never seen it before."

"Stranger?" Mussen frowned: "What kind of stranger?"

Mu Linger looked up and thought, "I am very strange, like the bad guys the tribe said."

"Strange people? The bad guys the tribe said?" Musen groaned, a little unclear, "is it like a bad person?"

Mu Linger stroked one hand. "Barehead, no hair, wide sleeves, like the monks who the tribe said. The tribe said that the monks are bad people, especially the long-looking monks are liar. I just seemed to I saw a long, nice-looking monk, without hair, wearing a white-colored robes..."

With the detailed description of Mu Linger, Musen’s face gradually showed a look of horror, and a shadow of a monk appeared in his mind.

Mu Linger said that she may be wrong, it may be an illusion, but for Musen, what is wrong with the illusion, why is it like that monk, but it is not that others are wrong, but Mu Linger.

Musen stared at the suspected stone statue at the end of the bridge. He thought of the situation when the stone statue appeared. A Tianlei smashed a piece of rock into a human silhouette. Then Mulinger was born, and the length became more and more like Muna. It is simply a rebirth of the saint.

Musen quickly fell into fear, and quickly pulled Mu Linger back to the Elves, and quickly went to the beach to find the White Lord.

Not long after, the three figures descended from the sky, and the white master, the demon Lord and Musen landed in front of the stone statue, staring at the stone statue, and inspecting it carefully, it was an ordinary stone, without any abnormality.

"Will it be that Linger is wrong?" The demon asked softly.

Musen asked: "Is there such a coincidence?"

The white master signaled him to ask Mu Linger to come over.

In a short while, Mu Linger brought it, and the white master asked her about the process. When she heard a soft white light falling on the stone statue, the white master suddenly blinked. Musen had never seen the situation of the Eight Rings in the Star Wars. He has seen it.

Waiting to hear the stone statue seems to have spoken to Mu Linger, and asked: "Think about it, what did he say?"

Mu Linger recalled and said: "He seems to be saying... I am willing to be a stone statue, I will endure 100,000 years of wind and rain, pray for you, protect you safely! He seems to be crying..." will cry After speaking, the transparent gemstone in the palm of the hand was also revealed.

"Is he still not letting go?" Musen gradually revealed an irresistible anger look, suddenly waving his cane and smashing toward the stone statue.

The white master grabbed the cane and stopped Musen’s destructive action. He shook his head and said: "All passed, he is not malicious, otherwise no one can stop him."

Musen looked painful and Mu Linger was curious: "He? Which one?"

The demon Lord smiled softly, reaching out and holding the head of Mu Linger into his arms. He said softly: "Linger grows up, the world is full of you and me..." With the wood Linger left, all the way to warm The whispers, at the same time, signaled Musen to keep up.

Before the stone statue, there was a white master, and he stared at the mottled stone for a long time. He really didn't think that he could hide it here. No one could find it. Someone could find it. The other person’s magical power is really like a god. I can't help but sigh. "We don't want to provoke anything else. You have become a boundless Dharma and you have to suffer from causality. I hope that you are only protecting her love."

The Tiangong Temple is vast and towering. It can only be seen from afar.

Not far from the Tiangong Lake, on the lakeside path between the green trees, Ban Yuegong, Qingmei, and the butterfly are leading under the guidance of Xianyu. The three eyes are looking around and the heart is extremely embarrassing.

On the lakeside, a beautiful otter with a carved frame, a gray blouse, a simple Miao Yi fence, and a fairy holding a jade, Miao Yi grabbed the food and threw it into the water, and teased the fish in the water, but saw the water. From time to time, flashing neon light and shadow, a fish with a colorful brilliance, and a circle of water in the blue water.

The fairy sang led the three into the otter, and half-heartedly said: "Your Majesty, the guests are here."

Miao Yi threw away the bait in her hand and waved her hand. The fairy owl that came from the collar and the fairy scorpion that held the jade squatted back.

At the same time, several squid squid entered, and the dishes were set on the table. They had to leave their service, and Miao Yi, who was turned around, waved back.

There was no other person in the otter, and Miao Yi turned to smile.

Ban Yuegong, Qingmei, and Butterfly immediately respected the ceremony: "See your Majesty!"

"It's all old friends, there are no outsiders here, don't be so polite. Flower butterflies, we are not the first time to meet." Miao Yi smiled, took the lead, and reached out and said: "Sit, sit down." ”

"Don't dare!" The three men owe themselves, and dare to sit on the same level as the Emperor.

Seeing that the three were restrained, Miao Yi had to increase her tone. "I want you to sit, don't be polite!"

Although the word "朕" is not used, the three people are all in one heart.

Despite Miao Yi's approaching approach, the arrogance and imposing manner of the smuggling of the hand is enough to capture.

The three people are completely aware of this, and this cow has a cow and morality that was not recognized by the early years. Who could have thought of it at the beginning, the little soldier who knew the innocent place has become the supreme world!

For Miao Yi, it is not an accident to find these three accidents.

The unexpected thing was that he accidentally looked at the remnants of the various forces and found the butterfly inadvertently. The butterfly belongs to the family. When he saw the remarks of the butterfly, he found that Ban Yuegong and Qingmei were in the same place. Local seclusion.

After sitting in the world, he was prepared to repay the people who had helped him. When he recalled the past, he thought of Ban Yuegong and Qingmei couple. He had the contact information of the two people, and he contacted him. Who knows that he couldn’t connect with him. He also thought that the couple were involved in the catastrophe of the world is no longer alive, quite regrettable.

As for why it is not an accident, the class and the class have no way to reveal the trace. If the new law of the heavens is out, it will be regarded as a thief if it is not registered in the immortality. It is not convenient to do anything without the immortality. If you don't work well, you will lose your life for no reason. You can only register honestly. If you don't register Miao Yi, you can't find them.

This time I found the three people to want to tell the old. When I was the Emperor of the past few years, it was indeed lonely. I found no friends around. Since it is old, he does not want the three to be too polite. I wanted to see three people in the Heavenly Palace. I was afraid of giving pressure to the three people. I changed it here, and I also specially changed the simplicity of wearing it.

However, from the perspective of the three people's restraint, it seems that it has no effect.

In order to let the three relax, Miao Yi personally took the pot to get up and drunk for three people. The three people who were shocked quickly stood up and didn't dare!

Miao Yi’s lips stretched, and after the wine was poured, she said, “Sit!”

The three men sat carefully and sat down. Miao Yi stared at the couple and smiled. "I contact you, why not respond?"

The couple who listened to this story were shocked and screamed. The class was careful to return: "In the early years, something happened, and the body was robbed, so I could not contact."

Miao Yihe said: "Then you can also contact us 朕... Contact me, my big goal is not to find it, it is my friend, I think the following people will also report it."

How do you answer the couple? Ghost knows that you still don't recognize us, let's not say, we have nothing to do to find the right relationship with the Emperor to climb friends?

"Your next day, I don't dare to bother."

Anyway, if you come and talk, these questions are answered one by one. The enthusiasm of Miao Yi’s old enthusiasm has also been ruined. He finally asked: "Is there any difficulty that needs to help you solve it?" ”

Ban Yuegong shook his head and said: "Your majesty is wise. If we are going to be peaceful today, we will have leisurely and leisurely. There is no difficulty."

Miao Yi said: "Come to Heaven, let me arrange a good position for you, don't delay your leisure, and you can take it with you. You can feel at ease."

The class was busy and said: "We are used to it, not used to the rules, or as a mountain village husband."

The good intentions were repeatedly rejected. Obviously, I didn't want to go too close to him. Miao Yi's face was a little bit faint, and she fainted "oh", didn't say anything, and looked at the way they coped. It was also a bit, and it was rewarded for three. When people order something, they send the three people.

Watching the three people leave, Miao Yi, who was sitting in the pavilion, poured a few glasses of wine and said: "Let the snow rise to see you!"

In a short while, a fairy singer entered the 禀 report: "Your Majesty, Sheng Daren said... He said... He said that he is fishing, no time, ask what is going on?"

"Hey! I asked his wife to let him go, and he was ruined with a slap in the face and gave him a promotion. Now he dares to slap with the shackles. This guy is getting more and more disfigured. He still licks his nose and looks for him to settle accounts!" Miao Yi Le, suddenly stood up, just out of the water, and step by step: "Prepare a few altars with good wine to bring..."

Time is long, the sky is vast, and the heavens have been set for 100,000 years!

In the garden with strange flowers and different sights, in a pavilion, Yun Zhiqiu has a big belly and a little girl who is shabby in the clothes. The little girl is obviously out of place, and it seems to be from the home of the poor people.

"Eat! It doesn't matter, take it to eat!" Yun Zhiqiu took a peach and gave it to him.

The little girl put her hands behind her and shook her head, and she didn't dare to look like it, but the **** and white eyes were always staring at the fragrant and seductive fruits in the fruit bowl on the table, and secretly swallowing water from time to time.

Yun Zhiqiu put the peaches back into the fruit plate, and sat down with his hands on the big belly. He smiled at the little girl: "Then you want to eat what you want, the things here are delicious..."

It was called a boast, and the little girl who was finally tempted could not hold on. The attitude of Yun Zhiqiu was indeed very harmonious. The little girl approached the table and took the apricot in hand. Seeing Yun Zhiqiu nodded and encouraged. Minsheng gave birth to a small bite and found that the mouth was sweet and fragrant, and it was delicious than anything he had ever eaten. He suddenly had bright eyes and even bite a few mouthfuls.

Yun Zhiqiu laughed and said: "Slowly eat, don't lie, no one will grab you."

Just then, Miao Yi’s voice came, “Where is the man?” Others also walked out from behind the flowers.

As a result, the scorpion scared the little girl to jump, and the apricot biting in the hand was stunned to the ground. Looking back at Miao Yi’s momentum, she was scared to have no place to drill, and hurriedly hid behind a pillar. Today, Miao Yi's momentum is even better than that of the past, and she has three long hairs and a middle-aged man.

Yun Zhiqiu was so angry and funny, and took a look at Miao Yi.

Miao Yi looked at the apricots that rolled to the feet, and then looked at the little girl who couldn’t hide. She gently asked her voice, "Is it confirmed to be her?"

Followed by the beheading dagger, hoarse voice: "Confirm that it is her!"

Miao Yi's look was extremely complicated. She slowly smashed the bitten fruit and reached out. Immediately, she received the fairy, and another fairy handed over the whole fruit plate.

Miao Yi took the fruit plate and walked to the little girl. She squatted and sent the fruit plate to her. "Scared you? Hey... I apologize to you, is it good? This fruit is yours."

The little girl shook her head.

Miao Yi asked again: "What is your name?"

The little girl is weak and weak: "Little South!"

"Xiaonan?" Miao Yi beheaded, "a very nice name, would you like to go back to see your grandparents?" He has already learned from the repairs that the little girl's parents are both dead, and now with grandparents, the family is not good.

Xiaonan nodded.

Miao Yi laughed again: "Do you want to cure your grandparents?"

Xiaonan nodded again, but he bowed his head and muttered, "I have to spend a lot of money to cure the disease. I have no money..."

Miao Yi: "Is it good for you?"

Xiaonan looked up and looked around again, swearing: "Uncle, your home looks very rich, but I can't just ask someone else's money."

Miao Yi put the fruit plate aside, stood up, and took her hand and walked outside the pavilion. "I don't give it to help me work, I pay you for work."

Xiaonan, who was taken away, immediately nodded and said: "Okay, uncle, I can do anything. I can wash clothes, cook, farm, clean, and I am not too small." I was afraid that the uncle would not hire himself and look like a face.

"Good!" Miao Yi smiled and said: "Look back and find something to give you a try. If appropriate, let's talk about how much work, how about?"


"If you don't believe, I can pay you first."

Xiao Nan 蹦 screamed and cheered, "Uncle, you are so good, thank you, uncle!"

In the pavilion, Yun Zhiqiu and others watched the big and small backs slowly, and listened to Miao Yi’s voice slowly. “No thanks, I promise you this life!”




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