MTL - Son God Marvel-Chapter 2140

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She said that Strange was not stupid for no reason. Because on the intellectual side, he should have foreseen such a situation when he had made such a determination.

What you want to sacrifice is what you sacrifice. Whether it is a man, a woman, an old man or a child, even if it is such a newly born life, it should be treated equally. People who, on the surface, have made up their minds and even started to perform, but suddenly hesitate and hesitate, are essentially stupid and ridiculous.

Of course, as an opponent, she didn't mind Strange showing such stupidity. He even said that he had already figured out how to give him a heavy blow. In fact, it is very simple to say. Since the contest between the two sides has been extended from the confrontation of strength to the contest of will, then it is better to knock him down completely on the will. Especially now, when he proactively exposed his weaknesses, she should have expressed more.

Alexia wouldn't have the weakness of Strance, so she relentlessly began to gather her own strength.

It's about an indispensable process to get the job done and defeat Strange in one fell swoop. It's just that there wasn't such a chance before, because after all, the legs are still on his body, but he can always run without hitting. Coupled with the fact that there may be another Ultron in the eye, so she has no need to do such a waste of power.

But now it's different. Strange has a reason to stand here, and he can't retreat, because a retreat means a withdrawal of his will and avoidance, which is a fatal thing for him at this point. So this is the opportunity.

The power of the gods gathered in her hands, and the glorious divine power was almost as dazzling as the sun. With such a blow, Alexia was almost confident to destroy everything in front of her. But also feeling the magnitude of this power, Strinch gritted his teeth, showing an increasingly angry expression.

Vicious woman. This is his truest assessment of Alexia. Perhaps this woman's face is indeed beautiful, but in his opinion, the heart of this woman is already horrible and ugly.

He couldn't imagine what kind of woman would point a butcher knife at a group of newborn babies. A mother's natural love and sympathy do not seem to exist in her. She is no longer human, and she is showing a completely terrifying and terrifying monster image. In the face of such a monster, he couldn't say a word of begging for mercy, all he could do was stick to it and fight against it.

This is a very hopeless thing, even if he has tried to stir up the blaze of fierce flames, making himself as fierce as if he were in the fire, but this is no help to the gap between the two sides.

What he needs is time, time to make himself stronger, and unfortunately, he seems to have no such time.

Alexia is about to start, and life or death is also an answer that will be revealed. He was a little sorry, but also a little angry. And just as he was ready to make the final preparations to meet the shock, a dazzling orange-red light flashed in the sky.

fast! The speed of dozens of times the speed of sound makes even a character like them have a sense of dizziness and too late to react. Alecsia only noticed the sudden appearance of this light, and the next moment, her body was already hit by this light, and then flew out uncontrollably in an instant.

This was completely unforeseen in Alexia, but strangling out of breath. Because he knew that he no longer had to fight alone.

"Sorry, I seem to be coming late, doctor!"

From some surviving broadcast systems came Frank's voice. He is still thousands of miles away, but with the scientific and technological resources he possesses, he can already get involved in this battlefield. It was like the beam of light just now, the support he gave on the battleship above the atmosphere.

Prometheus class battleship one, Prometheus planet frigate. A planetary civil warship carrying 26 small-scale cold nuclear fusion reactors straddling the stratosphere with an anti-gravity system of an era.

It has a total length of 530 meters and a weight of 360,000 tons. The cruising speed in the planet is 500 kilometers per hour, and the maximum speed can exceed Mach 2. It can sail normally in the second universe speed in the space environment.

This is the first result of Ultron's reverse deduction of the Cree warship technology, and it is also a rare few that can be used as practical strategic weapons. The reason why the modern navy's outdated battleship system is used instead of using the so-called air and space carrier like the original SHIELD was due to practical considerations.

The battleship was eliminated not because its combat effectiveness was not up to standard, but because it could only stand on the ocean and withstand both air and sea in a clumsy manner. It could not meet the needs of war in terms of cost performance. After all, the cost of building a battleship can almost empty a fairly rich country, and destroying it may be a matter of several aircraft and torpedoes. Such a profitable business is naturally not cost-effective, so the elimination is Inevitable.

However, when the warship moves from the deep sea to the sky, or even a higher level of Xinghai, this situation will change again. Carriers, this kind of war tool that has ended an era and ruled an era can hardly meet the needs of the interstellar era. After all, an aircraft carrier without the ability to protect itself cannot assume the heavy responsibility of commanding a platform in a complex cosmic environment. After all, you can't count on fighter groups to withstand damage such as high-energy particle cannons. Therefore, the strong ship cannon is definitely the best choice. The Prometheus class is an attempt under this choice.

Possessing abundant energy, the Prometheus was equipped with twelve high-energy particle main guns and forty-two large electromagnetic rail guns. Different from the past battleships need to consider the impact of the main gun reaction force on the battleship itself, battleships mainly based on high-energy particle guns and electromagnetic guns need only consider how to fully arm themselves.

Fully double the size of the battleships of the old era, there is enough space to house these technology weapons, and it even says that it can also free up a deck for the fighter group to take off and land. Of course, at this time, the Prometheus does not need to use such a means to deal with Alexia. What it can do now is to use her own large electromagnetic rail gun to give her fiercely through hundreds of thousands of meters. Come on.

Do not use the main gun because it is not a weapon that can be easily used. As a planetary orbital frigate, what Prometheus lacks is not combat effectiveness, but more critical navigational capabilities. Because the engine technology has not yet fully met the standards of interplanetary navigation, it is now only able to sail between the earth and the moon.

This is the only thing it lacks, and in terms of combat effectiveness, you are welcome to say that it has reached the standard of Star Wars.

Attacking a human city with a Star Warship-level main gun is undoubtedly an illegal operation. Because of this power, the situation of exploding for dozens of miles will not just be an exaggerated falsehood. Frank's purpose was only to deal with Alexia, not to shell half of Paris. Therefore, the use of electromagnetic rail guns is his best choice.

In space warfare, electromagnetic weapons will be no less powerful weapons than energy weapons. Unlike the situation where the electromagnetic weapon inside the planet will be affected by the atmosphere, the power of the electromagnetic weapon will be increased to the limit by the maximum acceleration under the cosmic vacuum environment.

Of course, the power of electromagnetic railguns to attack the inside of the planet from space must be discounted. However, with the best initial velocity and the gravity of the planet itself, this power will not be worse. Simply put, this attack can be viewed as a simplified version of the Dawn Hammer. And being hit by this level of attack, even a **** like Alexia, can't stand it.

Unprepared, Alexia was shot hundreds of meters directly by a tungsten alloy warhead. With the position just hit as the core, an impactful air wave blooms like a dahlia in full bloom.

This is also a threat, but fortunately Stranga's Dharma body resists it all. After ensuring the innocence of those innocent little lives, Stranger said with a sigh of relief.

"It's really too late! If you are one step behind, I'm afraid you can only collect my body!"

"Looking for the best, isn't it time for me to come?"

The understatement overwhelmed his long overdue fact, and Frank didn't make any stop, using electromagnetic rail guns to launch a continuous attack on Alexia.

He understands the truth too much, that is, he can't have the slightest mercy to deal with such people. A hundred-footed worms die but are not stiff, it is they. Slightly dull, then the chances of beating Strange will be lost.

This was definitely not what he wanted to see, so from the moment he debuted, he had already turned on the Prometheus' full-fire mode.

Forty electromagnetic orbital guns fired in turns, and the orange light of the sky penetrated the sky and the earth at an angle of about thirty degrees. There is only one goal, that is, Alexia who was previously sent to the soul.

Unprotected, Alexia was not in a good shape at the moment. Because even if it is said that the guardian spirit of the **** Horus is protecting her, it is difficult to ensure her thoroughness. After all, it can be said that this pure physical force has reached a certain limit. If you want to resist by purely divine power, then you also look down on physics, the most basic force in the universe.

Therefore, Alexia's status at the moment cannot be said to be good. The precise attack from the Prometheus caused the tungsten alloy's warhead to directly hit her chest. The armor, which left many cracks in the previous battle, could not bear such a violent blow at all.

The armor that was blessed by the power of the eagle **** was directly disintegrated into pieces by violence, and the projectile rubbed into the cone by the atmosphere penetrated her chest directly. For mortals, this may be a fatal blow. But for a deity like Alexia, it was just hurting her.

The viscera's organs are not her key. She relies on her own power to control the underworld, and she will be immortal until the divinity is completely destroyed.

So at the moment, it may be an overstatement to say that it is harmless. But if we really talk about it, it is probably a trivial matter.

Of course, a trivial matter may not be a problem, but if it accumulates and becomes hundreds or thousands of trivial things, then I am afraid it is a terrible thing.

At a rate of three seconds per round of electromagnetic railguns and the fierce firepower of forty cannons firing rounds, from a simple little idea to a fatal big idea is just an instant thing. But also felt this most direct deadly threat. When her small body and the ground under her body were blasted into a smash, she was also decisive and called back her own giant scorpion and beast. The carapace acts as a barrier and stands in front of itself.

The divine giant scorpion has all kinds of magical powers, but obviously, it does not have the ability to block this pure physical destructive power. The only thing that is better than Alexia is that its huge body can withstand a few more such blows. And it was with this little opportunity that was won that Alexia responded in a hurry.

The first thing she did was to use divine power to strengthen the resistance of the divine giant scorpion. As a man-made divine creature, the divine giant scorpion, like Strangi's demon dragon, emerged through the divine power provided by Alexia. Therefore, it does not have death in the usual sense, and there is only one way to destroy it, and that is to let Alexia no longer provide the divine power on which it depends.

That is to say, at this moment, the raging bombardment from the electromagnetic orbital gun can't destroy it for a while. It even said that because of Alexa's support, it could explode even more tenacious vitality.

Of course, this is only an expedient solution after all. Alexia is not naive to think that resisting in such a negative way will give her the opportunity to fight back. After all, this opportunity still depends on her own efforts. So, just thinking about the electric light flint, she is already staring at the source of this attack now.

Attacks from space orbit were also a difficult area for her to reach. Although the gods have all kinds of incredible powers, it doesn't mean that she can reach out of the planet casually. If you really say it seriously, although the gods trapped inside the planet and the gods that cross the universe are gods, whether they are a species or not, they have to say two things.

Although Alexia's power is strong at this moment, if you want to say that you want to break this boundary, you don't have such qualification. So by the same token, it is impossible to counterattack warships far away from the planet with the power she has at the moment.

However, the failure of this path does not mean that she has no other way to deal with the Prometheus far away.

Don't forget, she is still a mature scientist, a person who has almost reached the peak of biotechnology. If she can't use her own mysterious methods to achieve the result she wants, then who has stipulated that she can't use her science to achieve the goal she wants to achieve?

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