MTL - Soul Master-Chapter 13 Nine Demon Gods [Third Edition]

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   Chapter 13 Nine Demon Gods [Third Update]

   There were seventeen people in total, and the leader was a burly man with a large robe, and his exposed chest was covered with scars left by burns.

  The burly man came to Yang Dai, stared like a leopard, and asked, "Boy, have you seen a woman in red?"

   What a loud voice!

  Yang Dai was disappointed. He didn't expect that the other party was not a bandit. He pointed to the front and said, "Not long after you left, maybe you guys can catch up."

  The burly man took out two strings of coins from his arms and threw them to Yang Dai, and then led his men to continue chasing.

  Yang Dai weighed two strings of coins, shook his head and laughed.

He put the coins into the storage bag inside the trousers bag. The inner pocket of his trousers is large enough to fit the storage bag. It was given to him by Huli. It was specially made by the Intelligence Bureau. The interior is still modern pants.

   After reaching the first floor of the Qi Gathering Realm, he learned to use the storage bags seized in Guikuling Mountain. There are storage bags in his trouser pockets on both sides, and he did not want to put all his belongings together.

  Yang Dai continued on.

  Sunset and moonrise, night falls.

  Yang Dai stopped in the woods beside the official road, called out the yin people and surrounded himself.

They began to practice. According to what Cheng Hungry Ghost said, they would be able to reach the town at noon tomorrow. Yang Dai was not in a hurry. After all, the gate of the town was closed at night. He didn't want to climb over the wall to enter. It is three feet high, equivalent to ten meters, and is guarded by city guards at night.

  Shi Long, Cheng Hungry Ghost, and Bai Wei continue to patrol the nearby mountains and forests.

  The night is quiet.

  Yang Dai was immersed in cultivation until all three of Shilong came back.

   Bai Wei, who came back last, came to Yang Dai and whispered, "Master, I found a group of corpses, and they died in less than half a day. Do you want to collect the yin?"

   Yang Dai opened his eyes immediately and asked, "Are there any powerful monks nearby?"

   "No, they should be martial arts people, the group of people you met during the day, all died, died under the sword, and there is no trace of magic."

   "Lead the way!"

  Yang Dai got up directly.

  I didn't expect that, after going around, those people were still dead.

   But as long as he didn't die in the hands of Yang Dai, he had a clear conscience, and he wasn't the group of people he killed, he just pointed the way honestly.

   The group, led by Bai Wei, quickly walked through the woods.

   Under the darkness of night, silhouettes flashing green light flashed across the dim woods, which was really scary, but fortunately there were no people in the mountains and fields nearby.

   After more than twenty minutes, they finally reached their destination.

   Above the official road, there are corpses lying one after another, and even their horses died tragically.

  Yang Dai first asked Cheng Hungry Ghost to check the situation, and after confirming that there was no danger, he went to **** the souls one by one.

   There are seventeen souls in total, all of them are still there.

Although    is the soul of seventeen mortals, there are too many, which makes Yang Dai's head uncomfortable.

  Yang Dai's yin crowd suddenly reached thirty-one!

   They retreated into the woods, far away from the incident, and stopped deep in the woods.

  Yang Dai released the Xinyin crowd.

The burly man headed by    was slightly surprised when he saw Yang Dai, but he quickly adapted to his identity as a yin.

   "Introduce yourself." Yang Dai instructed the burly man.

   He only needs to remember the leader's name, otherwise there will be many Yin Yin in the future, and he will not be able to remember every name.

The burly man truthfully introduced that his name is Tie Niu, and he is the guardian of a villa hundreds of miles away. The owner of the village was so angry that he asked them to chase after him. The chase lasted for a few days, and it was hard to catch up. Unexpectedly, the woman in red had helpers, and they were all brutally executed.

   "How many days will you chase after a remnant picture?" Liu Junjie couldn't help but complained, unable to understand.

  Tie Niu smiled bitterly: "I'm also confused, but after all, I'm a servant, and the owner of the village has an order. If I can't find it, I won't go back."

  Cheng Hungry Ghost suddenly asked, "What's that residual picture called?"

Tie Niu glanced at him and replied, "I'm just guarding the hospital, how do I know, but I've seen it before, the residual picture is very strange, it has a sword-dancing monster, and the upper body of the monster is like a human being. But the lower body is the body of a snake."

  Cheng Hungry Ghost's expression suddenly changed.

   The four Tanbuzhong were also moved.

  Shi Long urged: "Hungry ghost, do you know what that is? Tell me now!"

  Other Yin people looked at Cheng Hungry Ghost curiously, as did Yang Dai.

Cheng Hungry took a deep breath and said, "It should be the picture of the Nine Demons and Gods. It is rumored that there are divine beasts in the heaven and earth, and there are nine demons under the knees of the divine beasts. Long ago, the land of the Daxia Dynasty was in the wild, and the human race was inherently weak and was taken by monsters. Food, until the appearance of the divine beast, saved the human race, and subdued the nine demon kings at that time. The divine beast gave the human race the practice of cultivation. There is a treasure left behind, which was hidden by the ancestors of the human race. The map of the treasure is hidden in the picture of the nine demon gods. A few years ago, I heard that the picture of the nine demon gods reappeared in the cultivation world. I didn’t expect one of the residual pictures to fall into the hands of mortals."

Liu Junjie's eyes lit up, he turned his head to look at Yang Dai, and said, "Master, we have such a chance, we must grab it, the woman in red probably didn't go far, she will chase her all out tomorrow, maybe she can catch up, Jiu Yao Shentu, listen. It's arrogant."

  Yang Dai rolled his eyes at him and said, "That's just one of the nine residual pictures, should you trigger the main quest?"

   "It's not like the main quest, it must be a big chance!"

  Liu Junjie became more and more excited as he spoke. He followed Yang Dai. He had been practising for the past month, which made him bored to death, and finally had a chance to meet a major event.

  Yang Dai did not agree.

Too much trouble.

   To be honest, if he is just an ordinary talent, he must fight for it, but he is an SS-level talent and has the support of the Intelligence Bureau in terms of cultivation resources, so why take the risk?

  Tian Buzhong suddenly opened his mouth and said, "The Nine Demon Gods are a good treasure. There is a Guozhu who can get one of them, and he has learned the true art of Shenlei."

   Who is Guozhu?

  The yin people are confused, but they have long been used to some yin people who like to say some strange words.

  Yang Dai was interested, but he didn't expect that the Shenlei Zhenlei Secret Art was from the Nine Demons God Map, which was the most advanced practice on the Xiaguo Secret Network at present.

Ying Ji suddenly said: "I heard from the royal brothers that there are only three residual pictures of the Nine Demon Gods that are still missing. If you get one of them, you can call the wind and call the rain. If you gather them all, you can become an immortal. "

  Cheng Hungry Ghost and Tian Buzhong nodded in succession.

Liu Junjie was even more excited, clenching his fists tightly, and said, "It's rare to be so lucky in life, that woman in red is just a mortal. Before, Big Brother Tian didn't notice that she had spiritual energy on her body. She is at most a martial arts master, but we They are all immortal cultivators, and for the martial arts forces, it is a dimensionality reduction attack, let’s fight, do you want to regret it later?”

   "Now thirty-one Yin people help you, we have the strength to grab it!"

  Yang Dai looked at him speechlessly, you motherfucker, you are already dead, what chance do you need, forget how you died?

   (end of this chapter)