MTL - Soul Master-Chapter 201 fighting! fighting!

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   Chapter 201 Battle! fighting!

"My identity is the same as you, but I entered Tianfu earlier than you, don't think too much, I'm not bad, you can feel my luck, in the major holy places, status depends on luck, not on luck. The cultivation base, the cultivation base of the great luck person will not be low, if the great cultivator has low air luck, it is easy to fall."

   Chu Ling shook his head and laughed, Yang Dai smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

   Anyway, he is wary of Chu Ling, and it is always good to have multiple hearts.

   The old man in red robe began to talk about kendo.

   "The sword is an external weapon. It has been created by the heavens. It has become the Dao. The Dao reaches the soul. It can communicate with the spirit and the soul. The way of the sword lies in the front.

   The voice of the old man in red robe was the same as last time, full of mysterious power, making Yang Dai enter a mysterious state.


   Finally came to the Dao where Yang Dai could respond. Last time, he was surprised that other people responded too quickly to the Dao, but this time he could finally experience it.

  Although it is not as good as the perception state of the Sword Saint Sword Intent, it is still very good.

  Yang Dai closed his eyes, and his consciousness entered a state of enlightenment.

   He did not see the illusion similar to the swordsman practicing swords, but his consciousness was immersed in the huge memory, and countless sword moves overwhelmed his will.

   This kind of submersion is extremely comfortable, making Yang Dai's soul feel comfortable.

Tian Dao and Chu Ling looked at him at the same time, and saw him hunting in his robes. A white energy burst into the sky. It was the sword intent. This sword intent was really obvious. Looking around, there was no second Tianfu disciple. The sword intent is comparable.

   The red-robed old man's gaze fell on Yang Dai, but he just glanced at it and never stopped preaching.

  Yang Dai's performance also attracted the attention of monks who had no talent in kendo at all. They wrote down Yang Dai's face, and Yang Dai was the first time he officially entered the eyes of Tianfu disciples.

  Chu Ling murmured: "What a freak, since the rise of Juggernaut, there have been more and more freaks of sword cultivators..."

  Yang Dai did not hear her words and was concentrating on kendo.


   Time flies quickly.

  I don’t know how long it has passed.

  Yang Dai suddenly woke up from a state of epiphany. When he opened his eyes, there were not many people around him. At first glance, there were at least 90% less.

   The old man in the red robe was also gone.

  Yang Dai stood up, Tian Dao and Chu Ling on both sides had already left.

   He suddenly realized something, looked down at the palm of his right hand, and saw that sword energy was swirling in his palm, like a whirlwind.

   is not sword energy, but the condensation of sword energy!

  Each sword contains extremely terrifying power!

  Yang Dai was pleasantly surprised. Before, his sword intent has been increasing, but his sword intent is more reflected in the increase in strength, enhancing his swordsmanship and sword qi. Now, his sword intent can be turned into an offensive means.

   "Your talent in kendo is outstanding. What's your name, look for it in the lower east."

A voice came, and Yang Dai turned to look, only to see a tall white-haired man coming. He was wearing a black robe with a python pattern and a purple-gold inlaid pearl crown on top of his white hair. Full of momentum.

  Yang Dai replied: "Yang Dai."

   Dongfang Xun stopped in front of him, looked at him, and said, "Your luck has been upgraded, why are you staying at the ninth-level fortune?"

  Yang Dai said with a smile: "When I first entered Tianfu, it was too late to improve."

   Dongfang Xun frowned.

  Yang Dai didn't change his face, he didn't know the intention of the other party.

  The other Tianfu disciples all looked at them. The ones who are still here are all kendo geniuses with strong luck.

   Dongfang Xun suddenly said: "Look for an opportunity to upgrade your status, your talent is on the ninth-class athlete, it's not good to hear it, and those who don't know it think that Tianfu is neglecting Tianjiao."

  Yang Dai nodded and said, "Thank you Senior Brother Dongfang for reminding me."

   Dongfang Xun still had a cold face, turned and left.

   When he was gone, the other disciples joined him.

   "Boy, it's very good, it's actually recognized by Dongfang Xun."

   "He is the number one kendo genius in our Tianfu. He doesn't agree with anyone on weekdays and rarely praises others."

   "He's not your senior brother, you should call him Palace Master."

   "There are 81 palace masters in Tianfu, and those who enter the palace are all the top powerhouses in my Tianfu."

   "Hahaha, you are really good at relationships."

   Palace Master?

  Yang Dai was quite surprised. After dealing with the disciples around him one by one, he found an opportunity to leave.

   Sure enough, no matter where you are, you must be strong enough to be respected by others.

  Yang Dai sighed in his heart, but he didn't have the idea of ​​making a deep friendship with other Tianfu disciples.

After    left the main hall, he walked down the stone steps to the sky, and as he walked, his consciousness returned to reality.

   He opened his eyes, looked at his right hand first, and once again condensed the real sword intent in his palm.

   [Deep Domain Announcement: Congratulations to the tester of the Xia Kingdom, 'The Overlord Can't Overcome the River' Sword Intent has entered the realm of Dacheng, and the luck of the earth's human race has improved]

   A message appeared in front of Yang Dai's eyes, making him smile.

   There are thousands of announcements every day, including newcomers and achievements of old testers. He has been silent for too long, and finally he has made announcements again.

   Dacheng Sword Intent!

  Yang Dai remembered that Murong Changan had said that the Sword Saint swept the Xiuxian realm with Dacheng Sword Intent, and he was slowly catching up with the Sword Saint.

   Sword Intent is divided into Beginning, Enlightenment, Dacheng, and Immortal God. The Sword Intent of the Sword Saint must be the Immortal Sword Intent.

  Yang Dai manipulated his sword intent and condensed a qi sword. Dacheng sword intent no longer needs a sword, and his own sword intent is the strongest sword.

   He smiled with satisfaction, the improvement in his own strength made him very happy.

  Although he usually doesn’t need to shoot, but to become stronger, he still has to try his best to become stronger.

   It was three months before the third sermon in Tianfu. Yang Dai was no longer looking forward to the next sermon. Apart from kendo, his talent in other cultivation ways was mediocre, and he had accepted it.

   "The number of Yin people is still not growing fast enough. If this continues, there will be a maximum of 100 million Yin people a year."

  Yang Dai's eyes flickered, he squeezed the sword intent and thought silently.

   He has taken the Sword Sect as an imaginary enemy, and he must not let the Sword Sect successfully establish a holy place and gain the strength of the Sword Saint. In that case, the Sword Sect will definitely target the testers.

   But the sword sect has a strong background, even if it is a declining holy land, it will not be weak. Without a holy place master, Yang Dai would not dare to attack the sword sect.

   Even one sanctuary is not enough.

  Yang Dai's goal is to upgrade his talent first and go to Canghai Tianyu with a stronger attitude.

   After thinking about it for a while, he called the last batch of core yin people offline.

   Back to reality.

   He appeared in the room, released the yin people, and then took out his mobile phone. At this time, the call came.

   Xiao Xing, chief of the Combat Bureau.

  Yang Dai answered the call, thinking that Xiao Xing wanted to congratulate him, he was ready to pretend to be this coercion.

"The Nu Zhan Clan is coming. The previously detected cosmic light is a technology of the Nu Zhan Clan, which can perform space transition. It contains the spaceship of the Nu Zhan Clan. According to the detection of the Hao Clan's technicians, this spacecraft There are energy fluctuations of living things inside, that is to say, the number of angry warriors is going to attack the earth, and the number cannot be determined."

   Xiao Xing's tone was heavy, and the strength of the Furious Warriors brought him great pressure. Maybe Yang Dai could stop the Furious Warriors, but the battle would spread to the earth.

   Yang Dai raised his eyebrows and said, "How long will it take?"

   He didn't panic, but was a little bit happy, but he didn't show it.

   "It's hard to predict. It's as short as one month, and as slow as three months. The speed of this cosmic light is changing." Xiao Xing replied.

  Yang Dai said: "Let the yin people remind me when it is about to arrive."

   "Okay, the Furious Warriors dare to come even when they know that you have an extremely high-level talent, there must be a stronger support, you have to be careful."

"I see."

   After hanging up the call, Yang Dai immediately told the King Zhou Fury next to him.

Zhou Wu Tian Wang frowned and said: "The anger Shenxin guy should have reached the extreme universe level talent. Before the race is eliminated, the Wuzhan people have the option of gods. If I have an accident, I will become a **** from anger Shenxin, this guy He is the only person among the Furious Warriors who has awakened the second talent, and he also has a hidden talent, which is to summon the undead of the Furious Race."

  The sun **** quickly asked: "Being a god, will there be an increase in strength?"

   He was extremely sensitive to the identity of God.

   Liu Junjie said: "There must be, do you think you are the same as you, self-proclaimed sun god?"

   The sun **** glared at him.

King Zhou Wu took a deep breath and said: "There must be, but I'm not sure how strong it is. God's plan is the most important experimental plan of the angry war clan at present. According to estimates, the angry war **** will surpass the entire angry war clan. ."

  Rage God Heart…

  Yang Dai turned his head to look out the window, the blue sky outside the window was still so beautiful, I am afraid that the people could not have imagined that a crisis from the depths of the universe was coming.

Zhou Nu Tian Wang said: "Master, you don't need to worry. Now, the two of us in the Qiankun Realm are still confident in dealing with the Nu Zhan clan. Besides, we still have the Yin-God form... Let me enter the Yin-God form when I am angry with the Fire God. , I've always wanted to have a fair and honest discussion with him."

   Ji Yunyan rolled his eyes and said, "You are in the form of a greedy yin god."

  Liang Zixiao said with a smile: "Who is not greedy? Gather the power of 700 million Yin people and directly incarnate into a god."

   The rest of the yin people followed suit, but the Heavenly King of Wrath did not change his expression.

  Yang Dai said: "Let's look at it later."

He brought the yin crowd to the living room on the first floor. His mother, younger siblings were not there, and the house was very deserted. Yang Teng usually spent a full time in the deep domain before going offline. He is a middle-aged man with a complete Internet addiction. When he was young, he often fantasized about the virtual world, and now there is a more advanced deep domain, how can he not be addicted?

  Yang Dai came to the sofa and sat down, and began to follow the world on the Internet.

  The human civilization on earth is making progress every day, and even the people at the bottom can feel it.

   Such a beautiful earth cannot be destroyed by the Furious Warriors.

  Yang Dai decided to put the battlefield in outer space.


  The ocean is boundless, and there are no clouds.

   Inside the Soul Shrine.

   Yunyou Lao Xian is reporting diplomatic results.

"At present, we have established good relations with thirteen major forces, including basic resource trading channels, but I have found that the Holy Land in the Thunder God Sea is investigating us, and even intends to establish a teleportation circle in the direction of the small sea of ​​​​Tianqi. When the major forces on the ocean start a full-scale war, they will establish a teleportation formation in advance to facilitate a large-scale invasion. After all, the sea area is vast, and not all disciples can travel long distances to fight across the sea area."

   Yunyou Lao Xian said solemnly, his brows furrowed.

  Thor Tower…

  Yang Dai feels the pressure, this is a holy place.

   He asked: "The Thunder God Tower is going to attack us in an all-round way? Can't it?"

   If he wanted to fight, he hoped that the other party would be the gourd baby to save the grandfather and deliver them one by one.

   Please give me the script of the fantasy hero.

   Yunyou old immortal said: "It is indeed impossible to invade in an all-round way. I guess that a certain big man is eyeing us and will only mobilize part of his power. But if they lose, they will inevitably send more people to come. The majesty of the Holy Land cannot be provoked."

  Yang Dai immediately called the lord of the forces from the Thunder God Sea to discuss together, whose backer was watching them.

   After half an hour, all these underworld people gathered in the Soul God Palace.

   After discussing for a while, the yin congregation decided on a character.

  The arrogance of the Thunder God Tower, relying on Tiannan.

Zhuang Tiannan is one of the people in charge of the Thunder God Tower who is responsible for accepting offerings from the major forces. There are many people in this position, but after the negotiators discussed it, most of the headmasters faced Zhuang Tiannan when they offered offerings. .

  Without so many forces, it also has an impact on the Thunder God Tower, which is equivalent to the loss of tens of millions of coolies.

The most important thing is that Zhuang Tiannan can extract benefits from the tribute, which has the greatest influence on him. On the road of cultivation, no matter how high the realm is, he needs resources to help him cultivate. Not everyone's talent can continue to break through, more often External force is required.

  Relying on Tiannan, a transcendent existence beyond the Tianyuan realm, an absolute master of the holy realm, how strong it is, and the teachers of the yin are not clear.

Chen Tianhai opened his mouth and said: "Zhang Tiannan has many experts in the Tianyuan realm, and most of his disciples are above the void. With our power, as long as someone can fight against Zhan Tiannan, there is hope of victory. When the battle is over, They are our fighting force..."

   As he spoke, he became excited, and so did the other yin people. They were all past people and had seen Yang Dai's performance in the race elimination.

  If you can fight for war and devour the Thunder God Tower...

   They get excited just thinking about it.

   Before, they must not believe it, and when they hear this plan, they must sneer, but now they feel that it is really possible.

Yang Dai said: "If the other party wants to come, naturally you have to fight, but you can't be blindly confident. The sect closest to that direction should do intelligence investigation work, Yunyou, you can choose another Yin clan to approach the Dragon Palace, hold my dragon scale, and wait for me. If you can't get through the notification, you might as well call for help as soon as possible."

  The yin nods.

  From the beginning of the day, the small sea area is still very large. If he really can't beat it, Yang Dai can run away at any time, and the pressure is not too great.

   There are 700 million Yin people, and it can be delayed for a long time.

After the   yins retreated, Yang Dai summoned Murong Changan and others back, waiting for the battle.

   During this period of time, the total number of his underworlds has reached 772.32 million.

  Yang Dai had an idea.

   There is no need for a full-scale war.

   Can Murong Changan be lurking at the border in that direction, and when the time comes, the Yin God form will be activated directly?

   No, at this time, we still have to find the most reliable existence.

  Yang Dai summoned Xing Sheng.

  Sage Punishment quickly entered the temple and saluted Yang Dai with his fists.

   "There is an enemy attacking, and the leader may be the Holy Land. Are you ready?" Yang Dai asked.

   The supernatural power mastered by Xing Sheng is incomparable to Murong Changan. Under the same realm, the supernatural power is stronger, and the strength is naturally stronger.

  Sage Punishment was as calm as always, and said softly: "I can feel that breath, it is indeed the cultivation of the Holy Realm. If I enter the yin **** form, I can slash."

   (end of this chapter)

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