MTL - Soul Master-Chapter 207 elimination war, anger war

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Yang Dai was very interested when he saw the wrathful spirit summoning a wrathful warrior. It was the first time he had met an enemy of a large-scale combat unit. Heavenly people from the Celestial Clan would also be summoned, but there were not many, and the anger spirit was quick. Hundreds of thousands of Furious Warriors were summoned, far exceeding the Heavenly Clan in terms of number.

   The most important thing is that these angry warriors are all terrifying. They are like shadows, they can't see their true faces, and they kill Murong Changan one after another.

  Murong Changan did not panic at all, holding the dragon shadow in his hand, he slashed with a sword, the sword energy was mighty, ravaging the universe, forcing the army of the angry warriors to be unable to approach.

   "Tianyuan Universe Realm..."

   The anger god's eyes flickered, and he was slightly surprised.

   He originally thought that his biggest opponent was the Heavenly King of Wrath, but he did not expect that the other party would send another Qiankun Realm.

   But the universe is no longer enough to make him jealous!

The anger Shenxin raised his right hand, and a long staff carved from silver crystal appeared in his hand, and spiritual power was injected into it. be bright.

Besieged by hundreds of thousands of angry warriors, Murong Changan stepped on the Jian River, swung his sword with one hand, and the sword energy rushed out like a torrent, slaughtering an angry warrior. At this moment, Murong Changan opened and closed. Spending the spiritual power, even if the distance is far away, the live broadcasts captured by various satellites also excite the people of the earth.

  Most people on earth recognize Murong Changan. He is very popular on the Internet. Seeing his performance, the whole world is cheering.

   "Is this the Sword God and Sword Saint that often appear in Eastern stories?"

   "So handsome!"

   "On the level of the Furious Warriors? I feel that Murong Changan alone is enough!"

   "It's not that the angry warriors are too weak, it's the overlord but Jiang is too strong!"

"That's an exaggeration, have you discovered that the overlord but Jiang's yin is also growing very fast. He is not only getting stronger by himself, but also with his subordinates. Look at the heroic national pillar, he punched a punch. Dragon, that dragon feels longer than Longjiang!"


  When Murong Changan showed his strength, the sun **** fell into a passive state. He was besieged by the special forces of the angry god, and he was always at a disadvantage and was extremely frustrated.

Anger Shenxin waved his long staff, and the silver light appeared out of thin air and sprinkled on the battlefield. Murong Changan only felt his soul sink, as if he was on a giant mountain. Instead, the soldiers of the Furious Warriors accelerated, killing them one by one in front of Murong Changan with fists and feet. When they hit each other, their boxing strength was extremely terrifying, and it was definitely not a difficult task.

Murong Changan suddenly turned into thousands of figures, scattered in the void, all the figures took off together, flew above the silver light, and swung their swords in unison. , slaughtered an angry warrior warrior below.

   These Furious Warriors began to roar. Although they were silent, they could clearly feel that their size and momentum were rapidly getting stronger.

   Furious Shenxin sent hundreds of thousands of Furious Warriors warriors, but Murong Changan alone contained them. On the other hand, Yang Dai, surrounded by 100 million Yin people, showed the spirit of a king, as if he could control everything.

  Yang Dai is silently counting the time.

   He deliberately let Murong Changan show the powerful strength of the Tianyuan Universe Realm to stimulate the Earth Human Race, but the real war has not yet begun.

   Murong Changan was also very good at controlling the rhythm and did not slaughter these summoned warriors quickly.

   It was the anger that made Yang Dai a little strange.

   This guy occasionally shoots, and most of the time he is watching the battle, as if waiting.

When Yang Dai was confused about the attitude of the anger Shenxin, the anger Shenxin was also curious. He could feel that Murong Changan had more powerful strength. In addition, the momentum of the gathering of the 100 million Yin people was also extremely terrifying. Why not All pressed?

  Ten minutes passed quickly.

  Yang Dai felt that it was almost done, and he poured his spiritual power into the war order in his hand.

  【Whether you choose to pull the angry warriors into the elimination war】

   Within the calculation range, only the Furious Warriors, so there are no extra options.

  Yang Dai silently chose yes.

  In an instant, a bright light burst out from behind him, instantly drowning the entire battlefield.

  Rage Shenxin widened his eyes and subconsciously blocked his face with a long silver staff.

   When the strong light disappeared, there were no two figures in the starry sky.

   This stunned the hosts of the global live broadcast, not knowing how to continue the explanation, and soon they got a document.



  Yang Dai landed, followed by 100 million Yin people in all directions, all of them watching this continent, very similar to the previous Demon Prison Continent, but not the same.

  [The elimination war starts, both sides must kill all the enemies, otherwise they will stay in the elimination war forever]

  【Because you used the war order, your race will not be implicated by you】

  Two prompts appeared in front of Yang Dai, making him smile.

  The killing officially begins!

   He could feel more and more breaths appearing in the distance.

   The entire Fury Clan has come in, not just the testers of the Furious Clan, which is very scary.

   War Order can be completely renamed as Extermination Order.

Yang Dai immediately summoned the yin clan, and summoned all the remaining 700 million yin clan. The more than 820 million yin clan were scattered. The scene was extremely spectacular. The wild beasts in the scriptures.

  Zhang Tiannan said contemptuously: "Is the other party at this level? Except for one Qiankun, the strongest are also in the Yin and Yang realm, but the average strength is not bad."

   King Zhou Wu said: "Master, I will go first, my race, I want to bury them myself, so it is not a disgrace to the prestige of the angry warriors."

  Yang Dai said: "Well, rely on Tiannan to accompany him, the other Yin people are waiting here."

   Hearing the words, the two immediately disappeared in place.

  Yang Dai was thinking about his attitude before the anger and spirit, and always felt that something was wrong.

   After thinking about it, he immediately cast his avatar, created a avatar, and then used his transformation technique to transform himself into an ordinary Qiu clan creature, a black cat man.

  The yin people did not express their views on this, and even pretended not to see it, they would also communicate with Yang Dai's avatar.

   Liu Junjie said excitedly: "Open the Yinshen form, it's just seconds."

   The current Yin God form lasts for ten minutes, which is enough to suppress the Furious Warriors.

Yang Dai was also a little hesitant, but he wanted to see first, in case Tiannan and Zhouwu Tianwang were enough to suppress the angry war clan, anyway, the angry war clan could not escape. Rather more troublesome.


   There was an earth-shattering explosion at the end of the horizon, the earth trembled, and terrifying winds and waves swept in. A hundred people from the Heavenly Origin Realm landed in front of them, using their own momentum to gather into a spectacular air wall to resist the wind and waves.

  Yang Dai's avatar was blown away, his black hair fluttered on his forehead, and his eyes were calm.

   "Master, the spirit of anger has entered the realm of heaven and earth, and can gather the power of the angry warriors."

  The voice of the Heavenly King of Zhou Fury resounded in Yang Dai's heart.

   Yang Dai asked in his heart, "You two are not sure?"

  The King of Wrath quickly replied: "I don't know for the time being, but I have a bad feeling. Let's try my best first. Master, be careful around you. I'm worried that guy will plot against you."

"I know."

  Yang Dai replied, he wanted to see what conspiracy and tricks anger Shenxin had.

   At present, the angry warriors are no longer qualified to become Yang Dai's enemies, it depends on whether the angry gods have other means.

   There is a vast and depressing aura pervading the heaven and earth, but the yin people are not nervous, but eager to try, and even hope that the angry warriors can be stronger, so that they have a sense of participation.

Murong Changan was mobilizing the yin crowd to form an array. Jiang Li followed him and directed the formation. The 800 million yin crowd acted together according to different formations, but they did not appear to be chaotic. Instead, there was a sense of order. Majestic.

   After a few minutes.

   Standing beside Yang Dai, Xing Sheng suddenly said, "Something is coming!"

   With a serious tone, he raised the evil spirit in his hand. Every time he fought, Yang Dai would immediately hand him the evil spirit.

   The nearby yin is in full force, ready to fight at any time.

   With Yang Dai as the center, there are shadows in a radius of hundreds of miles. It stands to reason that Yang Dai should be extremely safe.

   "Be careful underground!"

   The voice of Xing Sheng just sounded, and Yang Dai suddenly jumped up. Although the other Yin people were a bit slower, they still flew up immediately after they reacted and took off together with him.


  The ground shattered, and countless rocks, soil, and weeds were scattered in all directions. A terrifying figure emerged, and thousands of yin people flew away, killing Yang Dai.

   This is a figure of the angry war clan that is hundreds of feet tall. Unlike other angry war clan, he has three heads and eight arms, like an ancient **** awakening, and one of his hands grabs Yang Dai in the air.


   The dragon roar exploded, and dozens of huge black dragons came raging and knocked him away, but he just stumbled and was not knocked down or knocked flying.

   It was Xing Sheng who shot.

   Xing Sheng's signature attack turned out to be useless.

   "That's... how is that possible!"

   The **** of anger Yu cried out, and another yin crowd of the anger war tribe was also terrified and trembled.

  Xionglie turned his head and asked, "What? You say it!"

   Millions of yin people above the Void Realm cultivation base were surrounded, lined up with souls, and prepared to trap the eight-armed angry warriors.

The God of Nuyu said solemnly: "Three heads and eight arms, since ancient times only the previous patriarch of the Nuzhan clan has reached the level, but he died in the previous battle, that is, the scene where the Nuzhan clan was annihilated by an aircraft and half of the clan members. War, he has been dead for so many years, how can he become the summoning spirit of the wrathful heart?"

  Yang Dai raised his eyebrows, how could a dead patriarch be so strong?

   He originally thought that this generation of the Furious Warriors was the strongest generation, but it didn't seem to be the case.

   "He gathers the strength of many Furious Warriors, which is immeasurable."

   Saint Punisher's voice followed.

  Yang Dai didn't give any orders, Murong Changan came with the dragon shadow from the sea, like a sword light, swept across the sky, and it was difficult for the naked eye to keep up with its speed.

   The sword light flashed, and the eight-armed rage warrior was pierced through his chest, but he was not shattered. Four of his arms hit Yang Dai, blasting four dark waves of fire of different colors, hitting him from four directions.

   Xing Sheng stopped in front of Yang Dai, waved his soul, drew a circle in front of him, created a black hole, burst out a terrible suction, and absorbed the four waves of fire.


   Millions of yin crowds formed a successful formation, and bursts of ice crystals rose up, trapping the strong eight-armed angry warriors, and Yang Dai quickly flew out of the formation, causing the weak yin people to retreat one after another.

The    ice attribute array, the exact name of Yang Dai is not clear, anyway, Jiang Li led the Yin crowd to practice, the effect is surprisingly strong, and quickly freezes the eight-armed angry warriors.

  Xionglie brought his Dragon Potion army into battle, and they all used Canglong Po to attack the eight-armed wrathful warriors at close range.

  In the sky, Yang Dai was disappointed. Is this the reliance of the anger and spirit?

   is not qualified to be his Yin general!

  In that case, let’s end it early!

   "Start the slaughter!"

  Yang Dai ordered in his heart, and all the yin people heard this sentence.

   A terrifying aura soared into the sky in the distance, rolling up a billowing wave of dust, it was the momentum of Tiannan.

  The strong man in the holy realm finally has to fight with all his strength!

  Yang Dai clearly felt that a lot of aura was dying out. The Heavenly King of Zhou Fury and Zhan Tiannan teamed up, enough to slaughter the entire Furious War clan.

  Yang Dai sent a hundred people from the Heavenly Origin Realm to support him, including Murong Changan, who needed Murong Changan to absorb his soul.

   He was worried that after the death of the Angry Clan, the war would stop immediately, so he had to fight while absorbing souls.

  In the distance, the sea of ​​flames rolled into the sky, covering thousands of miles in a radius, and countless people of the Anger tribe were on fire. They did not flee, but rushed to Zhuangtiannan regardless of their lives.

  Zhang Tiannan has entered the holy body, the soul body bursts with golden light, and the palms open and close, each magical power destroys the dead, changes the landscape, and kills thousands of people of the angry war clan.

  The always strong angry warriors have become weak and slaughtered.

   Furious Shenxin was at war with Murong Changan, and his own strength was able to challenge Murong Changan.

   "You don't seem to care about your clan, you must know that your clan is in such a dangerous situation because of you."

  Murong Changan asked, the dragon shadow in his hand never stopped, the dragon shadow wrapped around the sword body, and the divine soldier's posture was fully revealed.

  The anger God did not answer, but his eyes were full of contempt.

   The two fought fiercely, and for the time being it was impossible to see who would win and who would lose.

  The Heavenly King of Eternal Fury was besieged by more than a dozen chosen people, but he was extremely powerful, and seven chosen people had died in his hands.

   "Damn, are you worthy of being the No. 1 Divine Chosen of the Furious Clan?"

   "Zhou Furious King, even if I die, I will turn into a ghost to haunt you!"

   "Damn, my Anger Clan actually perished in my own hands!"

   "Why is this happening? Why did you suddenly enter the elimination war?"

   In the face of the indignation of his compatriots, the Heavenly King of Zhou Fury was expressionless, he had no burden at all, anyway, his compatriots would soon understand.

   In less than two minutes, he slaughtered all the chosen ones except the God of Fury. He went to fight the God of Fury and let Murong Changan continue to **** souls.

  Yang Dai, who turned into an Qiu tribe, felt the increase in the number of Yin people and felt at ease.

that's it!

   Kill while sucking!

  Yang Dai was thinking about it when he suddenly saw a group of black shadows attacking quickly. The shadows wanted to stop them along the way, but they passed through their bodies and passed by, as if they had encountered a phantom.

   Their target is Yang Dai.

So fast!

  Yang Dai had a bad premonition, but the yin people couldn't stop him at all.

  Sage Punishment waved his evil spirits, and those black dragons passed through the same body without blocking those shadows.

  In an instant, those shadows jumped up and surrounded Yang Dai. One of them burst out with red light on Yang Dai. The figure of Yang Dai who was preparing to attack was stagnant, fixed in the air, unable to move.


   Xing Sheng shouted loudly, resounding like thunder.

   The evil spirit slashed away, but it passed through those shadows without causing any damage, which was extremely strange.

   One of the dark shadows came out with an angry voice: "The overlord can't cross the river, this is the end, you will become my strength!"

  Yang Dai can't understand the language of the Furious Warriors. After all, it is a battlefield in reality, and there is no language common ability in the deep domain, so the races cannot understand each other's language.

  Yang Dai replied, "Can you speak Chinese?"

  The anger **** sneered: "It seems that you don't believe it."

  Yang Dai said: "What?"

  The God of Fury smiled proudly and said, "War order? I also have it. I wanted to use it too. I didn't expect you to use it first. It's good. The only value of the Earth Human Race is you!"

  Yang Dai said: "Are you begging for mercy?"

   He didn't understand what the God of Fury was thinking. Although he couldn't move his body, he didn't feel any discomfort.

   And he is only a clone, not the deity.

  The anger Shenxin suddenly realized that something was wrong, and the black shadow with red eyes exclaimed: "How is it possible? You have no talent? Then what is the matter with these soul slaves?"

  Yang Dai said disdainfully: "Although I don't understand, but I feel like your mentality is broken, it's useless to beg for mercy."

  The formation of millions of Yin people just wiped out the eight-armed angry warriors, and immediately surrounded Yang Dai and the shadows, and began to form a formation.

The    formation was formed quickly, but the shadows still failed to capture Yang Dai's talent.

   "Shoot the virtual formation, get up!"

  Jiang Li shouted loudly in the sky, the formation started, and the shady curtain rose up, connecting the sky and the earth.

  Thousands of thunders emerged from the shady curtain, killing the shadows one after another, leaving Yang Dai's clone unscathed.

  In the distance, the eyes of the God of Fury, who are fighting fiercely with the Heavenly King of Wrath, have changed dramatically.

   "Why is this...impossible..."

   As Yang Dai guessed, the mentality of anger and anger collapsed.

   His plan was to capture Yang Dai's talent, but it failed and he couldn't understand it.

  Those shadows are testers of other races, and one of them has the talent to capture the talent of other testers, with 100% success.

   He couldn't figure out why it failed.

   Could it be that the fake overlord just now is not Jiang?

   But his breath is clearly the overlord, but Jiang?

   The anger **** was in a state of turmoil, which led to a battle error. He was punched by the Heavenly King of Wrath, fell down, and smashed through the ground.

   Confusion flashed in Zhou Wu Tianwang's eyes, but he didn't think much about it, he leaned over and rushed to kill the angry heart.

The spirit of anger was restrained, the chosen people died, and the angry warriors began to walk toward strangers. many.

There are quite a few    angry war clan, there are hundreds of millions of people, so far the war, Yang Dai has absorbed millions of Yin people.

   This war has lost its suspense.

After    one stick of incense, Yang Dai's Angry War clan had over 10 million people. Murong Changan summoned them to the war. Seeing the compatriots who fought side by side become enemies, the morale of the angry war clan plummeted.

   They realized the fact that the Furious Warriors were dying!

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