MTL - Soul Master-Chapter 240 The Son of Heaven and the Great Sage, Yang Dai's Fantasy [Third Edition]

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   Chapter 240 The Son of Heaven and the Great Sage, Yang Dai's Fantasy [Third Update]

"What do you want to do?"

   The ice-cream woman trembled, looking at Yang Dai with fearful eyes.

   Her skin was covered with ice crystals, making it impossible for Yang Dai to see her true face, but her voice was very nice.

  Yang Dai smiled and said, "Give you a great opportunity to the Extreme Ice Clan, and soon we will be our own people."

  Wang Han and Jiang Xiaoyu laughed along, they were all looking forward to the next battle, especially Jiang Xiaoyu, who was eager to prove himself.

  Yang Dai directly injected spiritual power into the war order, and the war order burst into a strong light in an instant, and he quickly chose the girl of the extreme ice tribe.

   In the next second, he felt that the world was spinning and he landed soon.

  【Because you used the war order, you and the extreme ice race entered the race elimination battlefield, you can only leave after killing the other race]

   Seeing this line of words, Yang Dai was indifferent. He opened his eyes, and what he saw was not the Demon Prison Continent, but a vast expanse of grassland. The sky was blue, and there were no clouds in the sky.

Black lines appeared on Yang Dai's forehead. The black mist spread from the soles of his feet and quickly swept across hundreds of miles. The space behind him became pitch black, as if a huge black hole was suspended on the grassland. Like a crucian carp crossing a river.

  The number of yin crawling out from the black mist is even more huge, and the scene is extremely spectacular, as if the gate of **** is opened.

   In less than ten seconds, Yang Dai summoned all the 1.5 billion Yin people, and he left 300 million in the deep area to guard the small sea of ​​​​the sky.

Murong Changan, Guitianzi, Xingsheng, Jiang Xiaoyu, Panlei Gong, Zhouwu Tianwang, Shilong, Sun God, Xionglie, Tianshen, Anger God, Anger Yushen, Jiang Li, etc., hundreds of Yin people who hold power gather to him.

  The Sea God of the Chahai Clan emerged from the ground, standing proudly in the sky, like a huge mountain, and the mouth of the Motan Clan was also huge, like a moving Mount Tai.

  Wan Tianhao was suspended in the air, and he used his divine eyes to scan the heaven and earth.

   Liu Junjie said excitedly: "There is a war again, Master, how do you fight?"

Jiang Li shook the paper fan and said with a smile: "The other party is three billion giants. It's hard to judge how strong it is, but that great sage must be killed first, and then summoned after killing, and the rest will be It's a mob."

  Pan Lei Gong smiled and said: "The other party has just stepped into the great sage, how can he compare to our ancient great sage?"

   He has already experienced the yin-god form, and has no regrets. He also realized that he also entered the yin-god form, his strength is far less than that of Xing Sheng, and Xing Sheng's magical powers and fighting talents are far superior to him.

   Ten thousand years ago, there were so many great saints of the human race, but being one of the nine great saints was enough to show the power of the saint of punishment.

"Although there are 3 billion members of the Extreme Ice Clan, there are only 800 million testers. The situation is very similar to that of the Earth Human Clan. That Great Sage is just like our master. He is above the entire race." Wang Han said, facing a group of people. Boss, he is still very nervous.

   Before these people became the underworld, most of them were existences that he had to look up to. Any one person was enough to sweep the earth.

   Yang Dai asked, "Have you felt their breath?"

  Jiang Xiaoyu nodded and said, "In that direction, there are still seventeen holy places."

   Looking down his hand, the end of the horizon looks extremely calm, without any vision.

"I'll go first. I have experience in fighting with the Great Sage. If I can't beat it, I can escape. The Extreme Ice Clan is estimated to be in chaos. They never thought they would be suddenly pulled into the battlefield." Killing intent and madness have been revealed.

  Yang Dai nodded in agreement, the battle to become famous was to escape from the great sage, and no one dared to provoke him until the appearance of Yang Dai.

   The Ghost Emperor turned into a burst of ghost energy, dissipating in place, coming and going without a trace.

   This kind of movement makes the people of Yin stunned. Even the existence of the Holy Land cannot capture the direction of his breath, and he really disappears in place.

   After five seconds.


   An earth-shattering explosion sounded from the end of the heaven and the earth. The 1.5 billion Yin people looked at them together. A black beam of light rose from the end of the horizon in that direction. At first glance, it seemed to divide the heaven and earth into two, which was extremely spectacular.

   The devil is at war!

   "Everyone is on alert and ready to fight!"

   Murong Changan flew high into the sky, opened the mouth and said, his voice was not loud, using a secret technique taught by the Sanctuary of Punishment, which could be clearly transmitted to the ears of every yin.

  Yang Dai switched the perspective of the devil and looked at it.

So fast!

  Yang Dai only felt dazzled. He was in the Tianyuan realm, and he couldn't keep up with the speed of the devil. He only felt that the things in his field of vision were changing at an incomprehensible speed.

   The devil is killing like crazy!

Suddenly, the Ghost Emperor stopped, and Yang Dai could see clearly that he was parked high in the sky, surrounded by icicles in all directions. Countless extreme ice warriors hid in the icicles, and a figure appeared in front of the field of vision. , The whole body is swirling with cold wind, mixed with broken ice, and the power is terrifying.

  Yang Dai had not yet seen the true face of the figure, and the devil boy suddenly retreated.

   was not retreating, but was hit by some kind of powerful supernatural power, and he was shot and flew out before he had time to dodge.

  The sky was spinning, and the devil smashed into a huge icicle, and countless pieces of ice appeared in the field of vision.

  The Ghost Emperor was not defeated because of this. With a flicker of vision, he reappeared in the sky again, and black crows flew past his eyes. He cast spells quickly with both hands, and countless black crows exploded, and darkness enveloped the battlefield.

  Yang Dai retracted his angle of view, he opened his eyes, and the yin congregation had already formed formations under the command of their respective leaders, and there were more than 20 large formations that could be switched at any time.

   "Let's go, go straight to the battlefield."

  Yang Dai opened the mouth and said, he jumped up, and the ice storm Tianlong from the high mountain of Xiya flew quickly, caught Yang Dai's feet with the dragon head, and the army of 1.5 billion rushed to the battlefield mighty, not slow.

   Jiang Xiaoyu said with emotion: "This fellow is really strong, he can actually fight against the Great Sage."

  Pan Lei Gong smiled and said: "The pressure of the great sage is indeed terrifying, but it is far less than the punishment of the sage."

   The battle between Xing Sheng and Lei Sheng shocked every Yin clan, so in this battle, most Yin clans were full of confidence, only the newly joined Yin clans were a little scared.

   The core yin members were discussing, but Yang Dai did not participate. He looked ahead and pretended to be deep.

  He seemed calm, but he was thinking about it.

   After this battle, the number of his yin will reach 4.8 billion. How exaggerated is his points?

   He began to look forward to the spectacular scene of the 5 billion army surrounding the Sword Sect.


   A sound of breaking through the air came galloping, and Yang Dai looked intently, and an ice arrow pierced through the sky and shot directly at him.

   (end of this chapter)