MTL - Soul Master-Chapter 261 Go to war!

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   Chapter 261 War!

   "This is a kind of breath, you can't see it, don't think about it, I'm just distracted, wait for the battle."

  Tian Dao said, pulling everyone's eyes back.

  Chen Che curled his lips and said: "It's really mysterious, the overlord is not as mysterious as you, I see you, you have become a person from the deep domain after cultivating Taoism."

  Yang Dai smiled, this was also his feeling.

  Tian Dao is the person he has seen most like a cultivator. The testers retain more or less modern habits and tone, but Tian Dao is different.

   Although Yang Dai can clearly see the cultivation of the Tao of Heaven, he always feels that the Tao of Heaven is unfathomable.

  The tent fell into silence, the national pillars were thinking about their own thoughts, and Yang Dai also began to close his eyes and rest.

   Since Xuan started the killing, the announcement has not stopped, more and more races have joined in, and Yang Dai even saw the mortal races of the same camp killing each other.

   Sure enough!

How can    ninety-seven races be completely united.

   But they can kill directly, perhaps to capture luck, and perhaps even have talents like Yang Dai in their race.

There are thousands of    races, how could it be possible to have an exclusive talent for the earth human race.

  Yang Dai thought silently, and then he asked the three yin kings to go out to summon the yin crowd, first summon 500 million yin crowd, and then arrange some people to go to all directions to inquire about the information.

   Guozhu Li Tianshi said with emotion: "It's good to have a lot of people, Overlord, you don't need to fight in person now, right?"

  Yang Dai smiled and said, "Yeah, I'll just try my best to live."

   Not only now, he has never fought.

   Time passed by minute by minute.

   For all testers, even if the battle has not yet started in the race elimination, everyone is in danger. This kind of torment is really uncomfortable.

  Three hours later.

   Xiao Xing's voice spread to all the testers, with a serious tone:

   "Everyone, prepare to march."

  Yang Dai stood up and left with the Twelve National Pillars. Just out of the tent, a tester came to Yang Dai's side and introduced himself. He was sent by the headquarters and could communicate with the headquarters.

   In this regard, Yang Dai has no objection. He took this tester and flew to the army of the underworld. Due to his special talent, he could lead the army to act independently.

  The mighty army of Yinzhong walked in front of the Earth Human Race, and in front of Yang Dai was the team of the Intelligence Bureau, responsible for leading the way.

  Yang Dai landed on a huge spaceship and took the tester to lie on two benches.

The    tester was very embarrassed and asked, "I'll just lie down like this, okay?"

  Yang Dai put his hands on his head, smiled and said, "Then are you going to fight?"

   "I'm a logistical messenger, I don't need to fight."

   "Well then, there is no difference between you standing and lying down. In case the earth human race perishes, do you want your last time to be spent in tension or relaxation?"

When the    tester heard it, he thought it was reasonable, but he still asked cautiously: "If we win, won't the superiors hold me accountable?"

  Yang Dai said angrily: "Who am I? You listen to me, and I can protect you with a single word, and even make you rise."

   The tester was full of energy and hurriedly lay down.


   Isn't it better to please the earth **** than your own job?

   The two started chatting, the tester's job is to pass the command of the headquarters, so chatting is nothing, he doesn't need to be vigilant around him, and he doesn't have that ability.

   There are more than 500 million underworld people in the earth human race today, which is more than double the last time the race was eliminated.

Two hours later, they merged with another race. The number of that race was many times greater than that of the Earth human race. At first glance, there was no end in sight. The creatures of this race were human-shaped, with strong bodies and fleshy wings. Wearing a high-tech battle suit, the skin and face are all kinds of strange.

  Yang Dai learned that the other party was the Luohong tribe, one place lower than the earth human, but overall, the Luohong was much stronger than the earth human.

   After comparison, the earth human race trialists finally knew how exaggerated the increase in luck that Yang Dai brought to the earth human race.

   He alone can reverse the gap between the Earth Human Race and the Luohong Race, which is simply unimaginable.

   After half a day, the four races have converged and rushed in the same direction. The four races did not communicate, only the high-level people communicated with each other.

  Yang Dai's yin congregation clearly felt the probes of divine consciousness thrown from all directions. Ji Yu was very unhappy.

   The Sword Saint meditating on the deck suddenly got up. She looked in one direction and murmured, "Come on."

   The rest of the yin crowd followed, and Yang Dai also felt a powerful aura approaching fast. He sat up, and the tester next to him got up and nervously asked about the situation.

  Yang Dai did not answer, but asked the great saints in his heart.

   "I'll try it!"

  Ji Yu volunteered, his talent is unparalleled, coupled with long-term soul-sucking, his strength is far beyond the ordinary great sage.

  Yang Dai agreed, and Ji Yu disappeared in place.

   At the same time, the other three clans also dispatched strong men, and these strong men quickly disappeared into the sky.

   After half a minute.

   There was a loud bang, earth-shattering, and the mountains and seas trembled.

  A strong wind blows from the end of the sky and the earth, tearing apart the sky and the sea of ​​clouds, forming a long dragon, which is extremely spectacular.

   All races stopped and waited.

   The tester beside Yang Dai said: "There is a Protoss ahead, and a war is breaking out. The whole army is waiting to guard against enemy attacks from other directions."

  Yang Dai nodded, he had already seen the figure of the fairy.

   One million feet high, like a giant mountain located tens of thousands of miles away, besieged by a group of powerful people in the holy realm, Ji Yu's cultivation base is the highest, and bears the main hatred of the enemy.

   Sword Saint said: "Let me go, he can't hold it."

  Yang Dai agreed, and the Juggernaut flew away immediately and soon joined the battlefield.

   "It started so soon."

   "What a terrible fighting atmosphere, is that a fairy?"

   "Probably not, those three races are not all immortals."

   "Yeah, how exaggerated that Xuan's performance was before, the immortal **** should be his kind of performance."

   "The overlord's yin army has not moved yet."

   The trialists were discussing each other, and anxiety began to spread.

  At this moment, there was movement from the east, Yang Dai turned his head to look, and saw countless creatures attacking the sky and covering the sky, densely packed, and it was impossible to count how many. They attacked from the end of the ocean, and the speed was extremely fast.



  Yang Dai immediately dispatched a large army of Yin Zhong to resist, because the people on earth were the first to suffer because of the attack from that direction.

   He summoned the yin crowd together with Gui Tianzi and Murong Changan. The black mist spread for hundreds of miles, and countless yin people rushed out, like the entrance of the abyss, and the ghosts haunted.

  The Heavenly King of Zhou Fury took the angry warrior clan to kill first and collided with the enemy army.

  The Earth Humans didn't watch the battle either. All the troops began to charge, and a large number of Xiuxian technology weapons were fired. The artillery fire and beams of artillery and beams all over the sky killed and bombed the enemy.

   (end of this chapter)