MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 100 My **** charm (first order, 10/10)

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  Chapter 100 My **** charm (seeking first order, 1010)

  Hearing what Xu Bai said, Su Meng's big eyes were filled with happiness.

"Very good."

"What's wrong?"

   "Master, can you come to my birthday party tomorrow?"


  Xu Bai nodded without even thinking about it. As the apprentice celebrates his birthday, he, the master, will naturally be there.

  Seeing this, Su Meng's smiling eyes almost narrowed into a line: "Master, it's great to be able to participate. I'll tell my mother right now and let her add your name to it."

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows, quickly reached out, and held down Su Meng, who was ready to make a call.

"Wait a moment."

   "What's the matter, master?"

   "Your birthday... How many people?"

"have no idea."

  Su Meng shook her head: "Probably some guests from the banking circle, some female stars who will sing live on their birthday, and some people from Grandpa's side."

  Xu Bai called a good guy, then shook his head: "Forget it, I won't go."

  Su Meng's eyes widened: "Why?"

  Xu Bai shrugged: "The grade is too high."

  He thought that Su Meng invited him to a birthday party, at most it would be a hotel, find a private room, call his friends, and have a lively time together.

   It turned out to be a group of people from the financial industry, and then from the entertainment industry, and even their close friends.

  Su Meng's family is the famous Su's Bank.

   Let's put it this way.

If in Fengcheng, there is one person who recites... No, it should be said that if there is one person who is more lucky, then he is likely to be born in the maternity hospital invested by Su's Bank, and then drink milk from Su's Dairy Industry, and drink milk. Kindergartens, primary schools, middle schools and universities invested by Su Bank...

  If the Anya family's An's Group is known as the giant of the Federation, then Su Meng's Su family is a proper local snake in Fengcheng.

  Su Bancheng!

  The half city in the name already represents everything.

   In short.

  Xu Bai shook his head, and said to Su Meng: "That scene is not suitable for me, and I have never been there, so forget it."

  When he took Su Meng with him, he didn't know Su Meng's identity. After he found out later, he didn't have any other thoughts.

  For example, relying on one's own apprentice to complete a leap in identity.


  Xu Bai still feels that the fish belly noodles on the roadside are not much different from the fish belly noodles in five-star hotels.

   Even if he was asked to comment, he would think that the fish belly noodles on the roadside would be more delicious.

  The higher the occasion, the more rules there are.

  Su Meng stared at her big eyes, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes: "Master, won't you come for my birthday?"

Xu Bai smiled, thought about it, and looked at Su Meng: "Well, I won't go to the dinner party tomorrow. After you have attended the dinner party, if you have time, come to Jiuchang Street. I will treat you to a barbecue to celebrate you How's your birthday?"

  Su Meng blinked.

   seems to be thinking about this proposal.

  After Xu Bai finished speaking, he looked at Su Meng with a smile.

after awhile.

  Su Meng seemed to have finished thinking, and looked at Xu Bai: "Then will the master buy me a cake?"

  Xu Bai smiled.

   "Of course, moreover, there is a century-old pastry shop in Jiuchang Street. The taste is not inferior to those cakes that cost thousands of dollars. If you come over tomorrow, I will take you to try it."

"Oh well."

  Su Meng heard this sentence, so she gave up her plan to ask Xu Bai to attend her birthday party tomorrow, but she was afraid that Xu Bai would lie to him, so she stretched out her right hand: "The hook, don't lie to me."

  Xu Bai laughed, stretched out his finger, and pulled the hook.

   "Hanging on the hook for a hundred years..."

   "No change!"

   Just as Xu Bai retracted his fingers, the phone in his pocket rang.

  Xu Bai took out his phone and looked at the incoming call on it.

   is switched on.

after awhile.

  Xu Bai hummed, and looked at his watch: "I'll be there in an hour."

   Finished speaking.

  Xu Bai hung up the phone, got up, and said to Su Meng, "I'll go out for a while."

   "Is it a case?"

   "No, a friend. I have something to do. I'll be back in the afternoon. Call me if you have anything to do."

   "Okay, master, please slow down."


  Xu Baitou waved his hand without looking back.

after an hour.

After Xu Bai stepped out of the subway, he lowered his head, took off the "variable mask" on his face, and then once again followed the crowd that seemed to be unusually crowded from morning to night, and squeezed into the **** shop that he had visited yesterday .


  Xu Bai walked in, looked at a figure behind the iron fence, and when he was about to speak, he looked up at the figure, and changed his words instantly: "Where's your grandfather."

   Today, she changed into a dress similar to that of a motorcycle girl, and even wore smoky makeup. Zhu Nianyan, who was wearing a ponytail, rubbed her eyes and stared at Xu Bai who walked in, stunned.

   Next second.

With a whimper, Zhu Nianyan left his seat, opened the iron fence, ran in front of Xu Bai, turned his head to look behind him, seemed to be sure that there was no danger behind him, then turned around again, and said in a low voice to Xu Bai: " How did you come here?"

  Xu Bai was slightly taken aback: "Your grandfather..."

  The voice did not fall.

  Zhu Nianyan was already holding Xu Bai's arm, walked towards the door, and hurriedly said: "Go, if she finds you, you will be in danger."



who is she?

  A question mark popped out involuntarily on Xu Bai's head.

  He came here because Zhu Cong called him, saying that he had found a way to help him completely restore the foundation, so he came here.

Xu Bai had already told Zhu Cong that he would be fine if he rested for a while, but Zhu Cong didn't believe his words at all, so Xu Bai had no choice but to raise his explicit level to eleventh again, and planned to come over. Lest Zhu Cong keep thinking about this matter.

   But what is the situation now?

  Xu Bainian turned his head, squinted his eyes, and looked at Zhu Nianyan who was pulling him to the door.

  Old guy in trouble?

"what happened?"

   "Sky Sword...don't ask, just leave."

   "Heavenly Sword?"

   "Oh, don't ask, let her see..."

   "Xu Bai!"

   Zhu Nianyan, who was pulling Xu Bai and trying to walk towards the door, was shocked, and subconsciously moved his steps, as if he wanted to hide Xu Bai behind him.


  Zhu Nianyan seems to have forgotten one thing, that is, her height is not as tall as Xu Bai's, and even if she puts her feet on her feet, she can't hide Xu Bai's handsome face.

  Xu Bai squinted his eyes, looking at the acquaintance who came down the stairs.

  Anya the cold-faced tiger!

  Zhu Nianyan let out a groan, swallowed her saliva, looked at Anya who came down, and quickly squeezed out a smile: "Sister An, he is my boyfriend, he came to play with me, I will go with him first..."


  Zhu Nianyan turned around again, pulled Xu Bai, and was about to leave.

  What the hell?

  When did I become her boyfriend?

I do not know how.

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows.

   Next second.

  My damned charm that has nowhere to go!

   Anya's expression was cold.



  Xu Bai watched, and beside him, he stopped, lowered his head, and muttered "I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die." Then he took a deep breath, turned around, squeezed out a smile again, and looked at Anya.

   "Sister An, he doesn't know anything."

   "I didn't ask you."


  An Ya's gaze passed over Zhu Nianyan, and then fell on Xu Bai.

   Next second.

Anya's thin lips showed a nice curve, a pair of clear lips without any fluctuations, the cold eyes under the willow eyebrows seemed to represent an iceberg, but the tone of her mouth was gentle with a sense of contrast : "Fengcheng is indeed our agent Xu's hunting ground. Girlfriends can be found everywhere. However, when did agent Xu start dating his girlfriend in the next year?"

   Sure enough.

  Old hermaphrodite.


  Xu Bai acted as if he didn't hear it, but looked at Anya who appeared here with some curiosity.

   "Why did Team Leader An come here?"

   "Looking for someone, didn't Detective Xu also come here to find his girlfriend, but you know the girlfriend of Detective Xu's Dr. Gao?"

"have no idea."


   Zhu Nianyan on the side was dumbfounded.

   Hunting ground?

  Many girlfriends?

   next year?

What's the meaning?

  Her head was spinning crazily. After a while, she came to her senses, opened her mouth uncontrollably, and looked at Xu Bai: "Do you know Sister An?"

  Xu Bai looked at Zhu Nianyan: "If possible, I hope I don't know him."

  He is sincere.

at this time.

Zhu Cong, who didn't know where he was just now, came in from outside carrying two paper bags, looked at the picture in the store, and was slightly taken aback: "Hey, Xiaobai, here you come, come in and sit, stand here Why, go, go, come in with me."


  Zhu Cong handed the two paper bags to the granddaughter beside him, then greeted Xu Bai, and prepared to walk inside together.

   Next second.

  When Zhu Cong's arm was placed on Xu Bai's arm, it suddenly froze, and he seemed a little dumbfounded.

  Blood energy is like mercury, endless life.

  Zhu Cong looked at Xu Bai with a look of disbelief.


   "I said, I'll just rest for a while."

Xu Bai naturally knew what Zhu Cong wanted to ask, so he shrugged his shoulders: "However, those two pills of yours are really good. I took them yesterday and went home to sleep. When I woke up this morning, I felt refreshed. gone."

  Don't think I'm old, I'm just old and confused.

  Zhu Cong listened to Xu Bai's words, and glanced at Xu Bai expressionlessly.

   Those two pills from yesterday?


  I didn't even know that those two ordinary blood-enriching pills could have such a good effect.

  Zhu Cong squinted his eyes, took Xu Bai's arm straight, walked into the inner room, came to the sofa, and after signaling Xu Bai to sit down, put his right hand on Xu Bai's arm again.

  Since the very beginning, Anya, who has been standing aside without speaking, is also silent, watching the scene in front of her calmly.

Zhu Nianyan, who was behind him, hesitated for a moment, walked to Anya's side, and said in a low voice: "Sister An, my grandfather accepted him as a disciple yesterday, so he is no longer an ordinary person, you can't erase his memory .”

   Anya turned her head to look at Zhu Nianyan, raising her eyebrows.


  (end of this chapter)

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