MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 103 Are you teaching me how to do things?

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  Chapter 103 Are you teaching me how to do things?

On the table.

  Zhu Cong, who already had a certain guess in his mind, paid attention to Xu Bai and Anya from the corner of his eye. The most important thing was Anya's expression and attitude, and he became more and more sure of his guess.

   Sure enough.

   Anya is interested in this silly boy.

Wait a moment.


  Zhu Cong suddenly had a flash of thought, thinking of what his granddaughter and Team Leader An said just now.

  Xu Bai is her boyfriend.

   No wonder.

  I just said, why when he just came in, he seemed to feel the killing intent that was hanging down.

   Next second.

  Zhu Cong wiped his lips, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and looked at Anya: "Group Leader An, actually, my granddaughter just lied. She is not Xu Bai's boyfriend."

   Anya looked up.


   Zhu Nianyan on the side heard this, his eyes widened, and he quickly said, "Brother Bai is not my boyfriend, he is my boyfriend."

  Did Grandpa drink too much?

are you crazy.

   In front of Tianjian, admitting that he exposed his identity as a superhuman to deal with ordinary people?

  What is this for?

  Sky Sword will take us back to jail.

  Zhu Cong shook his head inwardly as he looked at his granddaughter's gaze.

   No, silly granddaughter, you don't understand.

  If Xu Bai was really your boyfriend, we would be dragged to prison by Tianjian.

With this in mind, Zhu Cong looked at Anya and explained, "I'm sorry, Team Leader An, my granddaughter is mainly worried about the regulations on the relationship between extraordinary people and ordinary people. As you know, the Department of Homeland Security is very strict about this. .”

   Anya smiled.

   This was the first smile on her cold face after she came here.

Anya glanced at Zhu Nianyan, who looked at her nervously and uneasy after her grandfather finished speaking, for fear of being dragged to jail, smiled, and turned to Zhu Cong: "Why did you tell me about this, I And don't care."


  伱 care.

   Otherwise, why are you smiling.

  Zhu Cong looked at Anya's face that had just bloomed for a while, but now it has been put away, and the smile that has returned to an iceberg, thought secretly, and then looked at Xu Bai who was eating with his head down from the corner of his eye.

  Xu Bai, who was engrossed in his meal, didn't seem to have heard their conversation at all, as if it had nothing to do with him at all.

   This had nothing to do with him.

  Xu Bai heard it. He was not Zhu Nianyan's boyfriend in the first place, and he was not willing to lower his generation to the old guy's grandchildren.

Naturally, when Zhu Cong was explaining, he would not have made a sound. If he had, in case Zhu Cong thought he had other intentions, for example, he said in Zhu Nianyan that he was his boyfriend. Why didn't you explain it when it was time, and why do you have to explain it now that you say no?

  Xu Bai just didn't know how to refuse.


  Xu Bai didn't interrupt, but waited for them to finish talking, then raised his head, pointed to the braised lion's head on the table and said, "This lion's head is pretty good, quite delicious."

  Zhu Cong was speechless.

   Anya used her own chopsticks to pick up some and put it in her mouth.

  It's really delicious.

  Zhu Cong now completely confirmed his conjecture.

  After lunch.

  Xu Bai and Zhu Cong bid farewell, followed Anya to the parking lot of the commercial street, and got into Anya's car.

   This is not the first time he took a girl's car, but the first time he took Anya's car.

   Let alone.

  Even this car, like her owner, is driven by pure cold wind in a cold style.

  After Xu Bai got into the car, he glanced at the layout inside the car and thought to himself.

   Anya started the car, left the parking lot, and carried Xu Bai towards the direction of the 38th Branch.

  Xu Bai leaned on the seat, turned on the radar of the Resurrection Pill, and planned to see if he could see a soul that matched his sister on the way back.

after awhile.

  An Yaqing coughed.

   "Do you want to join Kongkongmen?"


  Xu Bai heard the voice, turned his face sideways, looked at Anya who was sitting in the driver's seat, and thought for a while: "Why, can't it?"

   Anya looked at Xu Bai, who was more handsome with a sideways face, and looked away.

   "Kong Kongmen is not a good choice."


   "Kong Kong door belongs to heresy, not in Dao door."

   "The eight sects of Taoism are the most suitable for you."

   "Su Meng's Su family, they are the Tianji Sect, they practice the Tianji technique, spy on the secrets, and tell life and death."

   "There is also Danzong, who cultivates the way of alchemy, and a golden pill enters the belly."


   "Jianzong, the heart of the sword is clear, and one sword can break all spells."

Anya's tone was cold, and she briefly explained the most typical sects of the eight sects of the federal cultivating immortals: "These eight sects all cultivate the orthodox immortal way, and they are far from being comparable to the nine left sects where the robber sect is located. of."

  Xu Bai heard Anya bring up this remark, and it happened to be a good time to make up for his understanding of this extraordinary world.

   "What about humane martial arts?"

   "The way of humanity and the way of immortality are not the same path."


   "The way of humanity is slim, while the way of immortality is reckless. The way of humanity is the way of luck in the world, while the way of immortality is the way of picking up and letting go."


  Xu Bai shrugged without any embarrassment.

   Ask if you don't understand, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

   Pretending to understand something is the most embarrassing thing.

   "Can you explain more clearly?"

"Humanity needs to borrow the luck of the human race to practice. The stronger the luck of the human race, the easier it is to practice the human way. However, if the luck of the human race changes, you must come forward, because you have borrowed the luck of the human race. Most of the superhumans in the Homeland Security Bureau They are all walking the path of humane martial arts."

   "As for the cultivation of the immortal way, what one cultivates is oneself, cutting off one's own cause and effect, whether it is reciting Huang Ting quietly, or other things. In short, there are many choices in the three thousand ways."

"Wait a moment."

  Xu Bai heard this, and asked: "Su Bancheng belongs to the Tianji Sect, and he cultivates immortality. Isn't he also in the Department of Homeland Security?"

  He originally wanted to talk about Anya herself.


   Anya didn't say what she was doing, and Xu Bai wasn't sure.

   Simply take Su Bancheng as an example.

Anya said: "This is what I said before. Immortal practice and three thousand ways are different. Tianjizong needs to seek breakthroughs in constant peeping at the secrets, and there is nothing more complicated than human secrets. Therefore, he chose Pick it up, take the initiative to enter the human realm, and in the future, when his cultivation base breaks through, he will enter the stage of letting go, cutting off the cause and effect between himself and the human realm."

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows.



   "Whore for nothing."


  An Ya frowned, and looked at Xu Bai who suddenly said such a sentence.

Xu Bai spread his hands: "Isn't it? Immortal Dao has been cultivated through humane practice, and it has been repaired, and the Humane Dao has been kicked away. This is not the same as some time ago, when a boy supported his girlfriend to study for three years, and the girlfriend was admitted to the federal civil service. The boy said that we are not in the same world, and then kicked him directly, is there an essential difference?"

Is it not.

   What to pick up, then put down.


  In essence, I want to be a **** and set up a torii.

Anya, on the other hand, listened to Xu Bai's words, she was slightly taken aback, and then shook her head: "You are not in the Tao, so you think so, but when you are in the Tao, you will know what I want to say .”

  I have entered the Tao.

   Now it is thirty-one.

  I can go one more level if needed.

  Xu Bai thought so in his heart, and then, looking at the 38th branch that was about to arrive, Xu Bai, who felt that time was running out, directly opened the topic: "Then what did you just say heresy?"

   Anya didn't hesitate: "Opportunistic."

  Xu Bai was slightly taken aback.

   "Is it so short? Didn't it mean that there are nine sects of heresy?"

   "Left ways are small ways. Although they are right ways, they do not belong to Taoist schools. There is no great way to speak of."

   "There are nine ways of heresy, and there is no great way."

   Anya glanced at Xu Bai, thought for a while, and then briefly introduced the current Nine Schools of heresy.

"Root door, you already know that what you are walking is a thief, and the difference between Taoism and Taoism is one word. Taoist practice is about following the sky. Explaining the way of heaven, but Robber door is walking out of the path, thinking that the Tao is fifty, the sky Yan Sijiu can go against the sky and intercept the secrets of heaven."

   "Dan Ding Sect is also a crooked way of alchemy. He thinks that people are a great medicine, but they can temper themselves with one furnace, so..."

   Anya didn't continue talking.

   But Xu Bai already understood.

   Furnace tripod.

  He is familiar with this, that is, men use women as cauldrons, and women use men as cauldrons, helping each other and making progress together.

  I don’t think this is a trick.

   No matter how you look at it, it’s all the way.

  The Way of Man!

  Xu Bai thought so in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud. After all, Teacher An was still teaching.

   "The Gu sect is good at killing with Gu, poison and curses. Recently, it is suspected that it has degenerated into a demon."

   "Spiritual Beast Sect, tame spiritual pets, practice with spiritual pets, if spiritual pets die, they die."

   "In short, heresy is a small way, maybe the threshold is very low, but the upper limit is also very low."

   "Is that really the case?"

   Finished speaking.

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows, and immediately thought of Zhu Cong, who was obviously in his seventies and turned out to be one level higher than him, and he already had the answer in his heart.

   It seems to be the same.

  Look at Su Bancheng, he is young and light, and his level has been at least thirty-six.

  Watching Zhu Cong, he is old enough to be Su Bancheng's grandfather, and his level is only thirty-two.

   It seems that I thought about it before, and the idea of ​​joining Kongkongmen and pulling a tiger's skin as the background is not a good idea.

  If this is added, if you don't pay attention, you will be directly crushed by a young man.

   What about this?

  Hearing Anya's popularity, Xu Bai's mind was instantly shaken.


Wait a moment.

  He is a level repairer.

  What Taoism, what heresy, what humanity.

  Xu Bai doesn't play the same game as the others, he doesn't need any luck, no idea of ​​picking up and putting it down for free.

  He is a level repairer, with enough experience points, not to mention heresy, Xu Bai can reach the upper limit of the level even if he is a small belly.

  Xu Bai's eyes flickered.


  (end of this chapter)