MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 115 invincible from now on

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  Chapter 115 Invincible from now on

   Just when Xu Bai opened the door, he was about to take Su Meng out of the room and send Su Meng out to take a taxi to leave here.

  Shouhou's voice suddenly came from the fifth floor of the third building next door.

Very loud sound.

   "Brother Bai, run!"


After the thin monkey's words fell, there was a loud bang and bang from the fifth floor of the third building, and then, along with the big hole in the wall and the flying gravel, a figure came directly from the entrance of the cave. flew out.

   At the same time, a crisp notification sound appeared in Xu Bai's ear.

"Ding! 』

  『The task is being generated! 』

  『Task Name: "Uninvited Guest"』

  『Task Difficulty: "A"』

  『Mission description: "Because of the chain reaction you caused when you destroyed the Night Rose, now, uninvited guests are coming to your door, repel or defeat and kill them!"』

  『Task Rewards: "Character Experience*1W", "Skill Experience*1W", "Game Currency*1W"』


  Skinny Monkey!

Xu Bai raised his eyebrows, reacted almost at the moment the mission sounded, and directly pushed Su Meng behind him into the room, then at the moment he turned around, he jumped up, touched the corridor guardrail with his toes, and flew straight into the air .

   "Achieving the stars!"


  Xu Bai landed steadily on the ground, holding the thin monkey's back collar with his right hand, looking at the pale monkey with bleeding from the corner of his mouth, he poured a bottle of red syrup into the thin monkey's mouth with his backhand.

   Anyway, he has a lot of red potions.

  It can be made vigorously!

   After swallowing a bottle of red potion, the skinny monkey's face turned rosy almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The thin monkey opened his eyes.

   "Bai...Brother Bai."

"what happened."

   "Left... Zuo Lei!"

  Shouhou said so, and after saying the name, he came to his senses and quickly looked at Xu Bai: "No, brother Bai, it's Zuo Lei, he's here, you go."

  Xu Bai didn't speak.

  His gaze passed the thin monkey, and landed on the figure who opened the door from the room on the fifth floor, wiped his hands, lowered his head, and walked from the room to the corridor.

   "Is he Zuo Lei?"


  Shou Hou was taken aback for a moment, then turned around to look.

  Xu Bai narrowed his eyes slightly.

  『Name: "Zuo Lei"』

  『Title: "One of the Five Scatterers of the Holy Cult (Great Wilderness) (Deterrence against disciples of the Holy Cult +100』

  『Level: "35"』

  『Boundary: "Three layers of Tongmai!"』

  『Friendship degree: "-89"』


  Level thirty-five?

  Three layers of Tongmai.


   Zuo Lei, who was standing in the corridor on the fifth floor, jumped and landed firmly in front of Xu Bai.

He looks about forty years old, with black and vertical long hair shawl, evil sword eyebrows, and a beard, but the eyebrows are slightly drooping, giving people a kind of old bacon who was once handsome, but belongs to his era. a feeling of.

  Xu Bai looked at Zuo Lei who fell to the ground.

   "Zuo Lei?"

   "You are Xu Bai."

   Also wearing a suit, but different from Xu Bai's mass-market suit, Zuo Lei, who made the suit by hand, also spoke, his voice was very soft, but there was also an evil spirit.

  Zuo Lei glanced at the thin monkey, and then his eyes fell on Xu Bai: "You led people to destroy Ye Meigui, and even killed Han Feng?"

   "Go, don't let other people come over!"

   "Brother Bai, then..."



  Xu Bai ignored Zuo Lei, but said something to the thin monkey beside him.

  Shouhou hesitated for a moment, nodded, turned around, and ran towards the direction of the crowd not far away, stopping Wang Qiang and others who were leading people to approach here.

  If these people come over, it will basically be the same as sending hostages.

  Xu Bai was suddenly a little thankful that all the neighbors went to eat his melons tonight. At this time, they were probably still exchanging their discoveries and information at Lao Niu BBQ.


  Xu Bai shook off his own thoughts, turned his head and looked at Zuo Lei again, with a very frank expression: "Yes."

   Zuo Lei smiled.

"That's good."

"Then what?"

   "I know this, I didn't kill the wrong person!"


  Zuo Lei instantly rose up, his right hand formed into a palm, his luck concentrated, and he waved his palm in the air towards Xu Bai's direction.

  Xu Bai raised his head, and a large phantom hand full of evil aura instantly condensed into shape.

   Next second.

  Xu Bai also palmed with his right hand.

   "Achieving the stars!"


  A golden phantom with an internal breath appeared instantly, confronting the phantom full of evil spirit.

  In an instant.

  Like thunder.


  Zuo Lei squinted his eyes, landed on Xu Bai's body, and chuckled: "A warrior who has just stepped into the extraordinary realm, has the Federation already popularized cultivation?"

  Xu Bai heard Zuo Lei's words, and also said: "You really are from the Federation, not from the Great Wilderness."

  Zuo Lei laughed loudly: "So what if it is, so what if it's not. Compared with the Federation, I found that I prefer my identity as a member of the Great Wilderness."

  Xu Bai nodded: "Understood, after all, a little man from the Federation can go to the Great Wilderness and become a member of the Holy Cult. If it were me, I would also like someone with a high status."

   Hearing these words, Zuo Lei narrowed his eyes again: "You know me?"

  Xu Bai shook his head.

"and you…"

   "I checked you."

  Xu Bai interrupted directly, and then looked at Zuo Lei thoughtfully: "But, I have some doubts, Zuo Lei, is this name your real name?"

  Zuo Lei's gaze fully absorbed Xu Bai's expression, but he didn't seem to be in a hurry.

"Why do you say that."

   "Because I didn't find any information about you in the system."

  Zuo Lei cooperated very well.

  Xu Bai naturally cooperated very well.

  He really looked for it, and came back from Shouhou. After hearing the name Zuo Lei, he went to Chen Shan, borrowed his account, and ran around the system.


   No such person was found.

  Xu Bai wondered at the time whether the thin monkey had heard it wrong. Zuo Lei was actually a man from the wilderness, and like Xiao Jingnan, he traveled to the Federation in his physical body.

  But just now, Xu Bai saw Zuo Lei and his status bar.

It is clear.

  The system is not certified, so Zuo Lei is a member of the Federation.

  Since he is a federal citizen, and there is no information, the answer is ready to come out.

   This must be a fake name.

   But right now?

  Xu Bai listened to Zuo Lei's answer, and thought of another possibility, that he was a member of the Federation, but could not find any information in the Federation's system.

  His information was artificially erased.

  Just like the ex-husband of Su Meng's mother who kidnapped her, the information was artificially erased from any federal system.

  He didn't connect Zuo Lei with Su Meng's biological father.

after all…

  How can there be such a coincidence in the world.

Zuo Lei snorted coldly, and seemed not at all surprised by Xu Bai's answer: "Of course you can't find any information about me, because all traces of my existence have been erased. "

  Xu Bai let out a cry.

  The tone is neither salty nor bland.

   This stunned Zuo Lei, who had just prepared the rhythm and was waiting for Xu Bai to ask questions, and then he could vent his anger, and felt a little uncomfortable: "Don't you ask me why?"

  Xu Bai blinked, thought seriously, and then looked at Zuo Lei.

   Shaking his head.

   "No, do you know why?"


   "I don't want to ask!"

  Xu Bai raised the corner of his mouth and showed a smile: "Besides, it's almost twelve o'clock, it's time to go to bed."

  The words fell.

  Xu Bai disappeared in place in an instant, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of Zuo Lei from the original position ten meters away.

   Next second.

  Xu Bai stretched out his right palm, and the internal breath of three turns was better than one turn. After the third turn, the burst of inner breath was already comparable to Zuo Lei's inner breath.


   is far more than that.

   "Move the cloud!"

   "Copper-skinned iron...Boom!"

  After Xu Bai's three rounds of blessing, it was enough for him to use the second move cloud move of the God's palm that covers the sky.

Added 50% of the attack damage, and also has its own star-catching adsorption effect, Zuo Lei, who was just about to open his arms to resist his move, was instantly under the adsorption force, and couldn't help but move towards The direction of Xu Bai's palm staggered for a moment, and then, the whole person seemed to have touched Xu Bai's right palm on his own initiative.


  Zuo Lei flew upside down, smashed into the window of No. 301 on the first floor of the third building with a roar, and then flew in abruptly.

  Xu Bai retracted his palms, calming down the boiling inner breath in his dantian.

  Fight against the enemy.


  How can there be so much nonsense to say.

Of course.

  In some cases, it is not impossible.

   It's just that Xu Bai raised his level to thirty-three while talking nonsense, and at the same time raised the "Nine Turns of the Golden Body Sutra" to the level of the third turn.

   Zuo Lei is talking nonsense, why?

   Complain about the injustice of this society?

   Still complaining about the collapse of the world system?

  Purely sick!

   Last time, Han Feng was also delaying time.

   It's just that Han Feng procrastinated to cover the retreat of others.

  What is this Zuo Lei talking nonsense for?

  Xu Bai couldn't help but want to laugh.

   Next second.

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the corridor of the second building where he was.

   into the eyes.

  On the other side of the stair passage, there were two people carrying Su Meng one after the other, and went downstairs quickly.


  Xu Bai instantly disappeared in place.


   "Boom! Poof!"

"Ding! 』



"Ding! 』


  Xu Bai stretched out his right hand, hugged Su Meng whose hands and feet were bound, comforted Su Meng whose mouth was also sealed, and then tore off the tape on her mouth.

  As soon as Su Meng's mouth was unsealed, she burst into tears.


   "Don't worry, I'm here."


  After untying her hands and feet, Su Meng threw herself into Xu Bai's arms, hugged Xu Bai, and howled loudly.

  Xu Bai didn't push Su Meng away, but patted Su Meng's back, while comforting him, he cast his eyes on the ground, two fresh corpses that had just died.


  (end of this chapter)

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