MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 138 The Yinshi who came to the door

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  Chapter 138 The underworld that came to the door

  The Great Wilderness World is a very typical ancient world.

   Not right.

  To be precise, the Great Wilderness World is an ancient world of cultivating immortals with many myths. There are dynasties in the secular world, and there are also extraordinary people of various religions and nine streams outside the secular world.

  In the secular world, dynasties are as fickle as the king's flag on the head of the city. In the history of the Great Wilderness World, countless dynasties prospered, fell, and were finally replaced.

  Stories with a dynasty color can always be spread in the widest range.

  Among these many stories, the story of the queen of the Dasheng Dynasty begging for a child in the underworld is one of the most widely circulated.

at the same time…

  Xu Bai's intuition told him that this story seemed to be of great help to the mystery of Su Meng's life experience.

The thin monkey didn't think too much, but after Xu Bai clicked on the story, he frowned first, tried hard to recall the memories of his previous life, then collected himself, looked up at Xu Bai, and then told the story come out.

  The story is actually very short, but the mythology is serious.

   Simply put.

In the endless history of the Great Wilderness World, there used to be such a dynasty called Dasheng, and at a certain time, it could almost be called the end of the dynasty. One of the successors, after inheriting the dynasty, He died without even three days, leaving no successor behind.

  A dynasty that lost its successor, which made countless careerists at that time eager to move.

   It was at that time that the queen, who was diagnosed as a stone girl before she became a queen, found a best friend of Shang Qingzong, and with the help of that best friend, she rushed to the underworld.

   "The next day, the queen summoned the ministers from all walks of life. She already has the blood of the dynasty, and there are successors to the dynasty."

   "The careerists of the Dasheng Dynasty were suppressed."

   "Ten months later, the queen gave birth to a prince."


  "The prince inherited the dynasty when he became an adult, and then swept the world with the great prosperity that had already entered the end at that time. During a few years, he annexed nine countries and changed the king to the emperor."

   "But in the second year after he became emperor, he suddenly died suddenly."

"It is said that the remnants of the Nine Kingdoms knew the life experience of this emperor, and pretended to be a vassal who presented the roster of the Nine Kingdoms. Relying on the opportunity of handing in the roster, they staged an attack on the court and revealed the origin of his life experience to the emperor. .”

   "In an instant."

   "God's Wrath!"

   "When the Yin Dynasty came, the Yin soldiers and generals surrounded the entire Dasheng Emperor almost in the blink of an eye. After the Yin Dynasty retired, the emperor had lost his breath."

  "The emperor sitting on the emperor's chair looks like a withered body, as if years have passed in the blink of an eye."

   "It is said that..."

   "The queen at that time, with the help of that best friend of the Qing Dynasty, went to the underworld, deceived the reincarnation of the underworld, and stole the soul of the underworld, so she became pregnant."

   "That best friend of the Shang Qingzong exhorts thousands and exhorts Wan, don't let others know about this matter. Once others find out, they will feel angry in the dark world."

   "Originally, the queen kept it in her heart, but when her life came to an end, she still told the emperor about it and told her son to keep his secret."

   "As a result, walls have ears, and this matter was learned by the remnants of the Nine Kingdoms..."

  Shouhou told the story in his memory to Xu Bai who was sitting across from him, holding a glass of bourbon and listening carefully. After thinking about it, he confirmed that there was nothing missing: "That's all, that's all."

  Xu Bai nodded and said nothing.

   Infertile stone girl.

   Pregnancy in the Yin world.

   Keep secrets.

  Secrets are exposed, which triggers the wrath of the underworld.

  Xu Bai didn't know how the queen and her best friend of the Shang Qingzong managed to deceive the reincarnation in the story of the thin monkey.


  If this step is omitted, the rest, not bad, can be matched with Su Meng's life experience.


  Xu Bai couldn't help taking a deep breath. If it continued to happen according to this rhythm as he imagined, would it also trigger the wrath of the underworld.

  He looked at his task panel.

  『Task Name: "An Uninvited Guest—Su Meng's Life Experience"』

  『Task Difficulty: "S"』

  『Mission description: "Do you know the truth about Su Meng's life experience?"』

  『Task Rewards: "Character Experience*2W", "Skill Experience*2W", "Game Currency*2W"』

  『Can be submitted. 』

  Xu Bai looked at the very conspicuous S in the difficulty column in the task panel. Originally, he was wondering why it was a mystery of his life experience and why there was an S in difficulty.

  Now Xu Bai understands.


  Following this rhythm, it seems that the difficulty of this task is not overestimated, but underestimated.

   And it's seriously underrated.

  Shouhou looked at Xu Bai, who was holding the wine glass after he finished speaking, and seemed to be looking straight at himself without blinking, a little timid and cautious.



  Xu Bai came back to his senses, looked at Shouhou, and smiled: "What's wrong?"

  Skinny Monkey spoke cautiously: "Is there any problem with this story?"

  Xu Bai shook his head, said no, then got up with a smile: "This story is very inspiring, I like it very much, that's all right, you go back first, Skinny Monkey, I'm tired."

  Skinny Monkey was a little suspicious, but he didn't say anything, and stood up.

  Xu Bai sent the thin monkey to the door, watched the thin monkey go down the stairs, and then returned to his home, glanced at the bottomed wine glass on the coffee table, and then walked towards the wine cabinet.

after awhile.

After Xu Bai poured himself another glass of bourbon, he sat on the high stool over the wine cabinet. After taking a sip of bourbon, he looked thoughtfully at the bourbon in his glass. .

  Although he still has no evidence, but by integrating the story into the mystery through the story that the thin monkey just told, he has basically found the thread of the mystery and sorted out the general context of the whole thing.

   Moreover, in the task bar, Su Meng's birthday, this task has also become Schrödinger's completed state, as long as he chooses to submit this task, it can be completely completed.

   Xu Bai suddenly didn't want to submit.

  The lesson from the past is the teacher of the past.

The ghost knows if there will be any reaction after he submits the task here, for example, let Su Meng be like the emperor in the story of the skinny monkey, because after being broken by human nature, it will trigger the wrath of the Yin world, so that the Yin world appears What should I do if I take Su Meng away?

   Now he finally knows why Zuo Lei chose to die willingly after Su Ruyu said it.


  Xu Bai thought of this, and rubbed the space between his brows involuntarily.

at this time.

   A bang.

  Xu Bai returned to his senses, looked in the direction where the voice came from, and frowned.

   Next second.

  Xu Bai put down the wine glass in his hand, walked to the wooden cabinet where his parents' tablet was placed, and picked up a stick of sandalwood that fell from the incense burner.


  Xu Bai touched the sandalwood with his fingers, and frowned slightly. Feeling the strange coldness coming from the sandalwood, he frowned subconsciously.



The evil wind rose and swept behind him, and a black mist suddenly rose up. From the black mist, an evil spirit with a hideous face appeared. The evil spirit's nails were slender. Facing him, Xu Bai's neck was strangled.

  Xu Bai instantly disappeared in place.

  Evil Spirit froze for a moment.

   "What about people?"


  Evil Spirit turned around subconsciously, and when he came into his eyes, he saw a fist the size of a sandbag coming towards him, rapidly enlarged in his sight.


  The mass of black mist exploded, and the evil wind howled again. Amidst the whistling, it dissipated towards the surroundings in an instant.

  Punching Xu Bai in the void, he retracted his fist and stood on the spot, looking around.

   Next second.

A black mist quietly formed behind Xu Bai again. The evil spirit hiding in the black mist was full of ferocious eyes, but cautiously stretched out its sharp claws and looked around vigilantly, not noticing what was behind him at all. Xu Bai grabbed it by the neck.

   At the moment when the evil spirit's claws were about to touch Xu Bai's neck, the latter was already prepared, sneered, turned around instantly, and raised his right hand instantly: "I caught you."

  The ferocious expression of the evil spirit was once again dull, and then, trying to dissipate and leave as before.


   "Achieving the stars!"


A powerful suction force came out from Xu Bai's right palm, and instantly enveloped the black mist that exploded with a bang. in the palm of your hand.


  Feeling the inescapable evil spirit, his ferocious face looming in the black mist, his voice was like fingernails scraping on rotten wood: "Law the law in the underworld, you dare to stop me."

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows.

   is still a colleague.


Xu Bai's right palm formed a claw, and with a bang, he forcefully forced the evil spirit, which was only level 20, out of the black mist. He pinched the evil spirit's neck, feeling the biting cold between the evil spirit's neck, The corner of the mouth slightly raised: "Fengcheng Police Station, you dare to attack the police?"

   The evil spirit's expression was dull.

   Next second.

  Evil Spirit opened his mouth, and just when he was about to say the next sentence, suddenly, Evil Spirit seemed to sense something that frightened him, and his body struggled violently.

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows, and with the other hand, he took out his police badge from his back pocket.

  The temperature of the police badge seems to be a little high.

   And at the moment Xu Bai took out the police badge, the eyes of the evil spirit clamped by Xu Bai controlled him, and once again struggled hard, trying to escape from Xu Bai's palm.

  Keep Xu Bai's palm was like a vise, making it impossible for him to break free.

  A stream of warm white mist began to appear on the body of the evil spirit.

  After three breaths.

  The evil spirit seemed to have sensed something, opened its mouth, and tried to make a sound, but because it was clamped, it couldn't make any sound.

   Next second.


   The evil spirit turned into a cloud of white mist in Xu Bai's palm, and exploded with a bang.


  (end of this chapter)

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