MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 140 Gao Lan: I lost my body

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  Chapter 140 Gao Lan: I lost my body

  After Xu Bai and Shouhou went downstairs, they saw Gao Lan standing not far away.

  Seeing this, the thin monkey on the side said "Sister Lan" to Gao Lan, and then said to Xu Bai, "Brother Bai, then I'll go first."

  Xu Bai nodded.

  Gao Lan glanced at the thin monkey who left, and looked at Xu Bai curiously: "It's almost twelve o'clock, what is thin monkey doing at your house?"

  Xu Bai smiled: "Everyone in Jiuchang Street doesn't know that I am anxious for justice. It is normal for people to come to me in the middle of the night."

  Gao Lan rolled her eyes directly, as if she had brought up the topic.

Xu Bai raised his hand, and when he led Gao Lan towards the gate of the community, he took a look at Gao Lan's outfit tonight, his eyes fell on the pair of high-heeled shoes that cut both men and women, and said with a smile: "Don't tell me, You just walked onto the operating table in these high heels."

  Gao Lan sighed: "I don't want to either. I was about to get off work, but a patient with heavy bleeding came and went straight to the emergency room. Life is at stake. How can I have time to change my shoes?"

  Xu Bai nodded.

   No wonder Gao Lan said on the phone that she was very tired just now.

  Wearing this pair of high hats, standing for so long, anyone would be tired.

   "Lao Niu BBQ?"


  Gao Lan brushed her hair by her ears: "Let's have another seafood porridge to go with it."

  Xu Bai smiled and said, "Okay."

  When the two came to Lao Niu BBQ, as usual, the inside and outside of the barbecue shop were full of customers, and there were even some foreigners queuing not far away.

  Xu Bai and Gao Lan do not need to line up.

  An apprentice who was helping Lao Niu with odd jobs looked at Xu Bai approaching with sharp eyes, and ran up quickly.

   "Brother Bai."

   "Is there a place?"


  The apprentice said decisively: "Wait a moment, I will go to the store to move the table for you."

  Xu Bai said thank you.

after awhile.

Gao Lan waited until the apprentice took the menu card in Xu Bai's hand, looked around, and the neighbors, who were not at all annoyed by Xu Bai's jumping in line, held his chin and said with a smile: "By the way, you are outside the old factory community. , can you also have such treatment?"

  Xu Bai looked at Gao Lan, thought for a while, and then smiled.

   "It depends."

"for example?"

   "Am I wearing a police badge."

Xu Bai said with a smile, then looked at Gao Lan and said, "Outside, your Gao family's name is much better than mine. When people hear that you are the eldest princess of the Qiangyi Group, even if it is full of customers, they will clear the venue. .”

  Gao Lan rolled her eyes: "You almost said that our Qiangyi group is a violent group."

  Xu Bai smiled without saying a word.

  Whether the Qiangyi Group is a violent group or not has nothing to do with Xu Bai, the reason is very simple, the jurisdiction of the Qiangyi Group is not within the jurisdiction of his thirty-eighth branch.


  Xu Bai didn't care about this.

  Even if the Qiangyi Group is within his thirty-eight jurisdictions, Xu Bai will still do business. He is in love with Gao Lan, not with the Qiangyi Group.

One yard owned by a yard.

  Xu Bai still has a bottom line when it comes to public and private matters.

  Gao Lan looked at the expression on Xu Bai's face, shook her head speechlessly, brushed her hair next to her ear and said, "I haven't called my brother for several days."

  Xu Bai looked at Gao Lan curiously, a little curious.

   "Are you having a conflict?"


  Gao Lan shook her head: "A few days ago, I suddenly found out that the hospital had lost one of my corpses. I've been in the emergency department for the past few days, and I don't have much time to find the corpse."

  Xu Bai blinked his eyes.

   "The body... lost, how could it be?"

   "Is there anything impossible."

  Gao Lan said in a casual tone: "I checked the monitoring of the morgue. Someone sneaked into the morgue and stole a corpse."

  Xu Bai frowned: "Stealing the corpse... I didn't receive the case."

  Gao Lan's hospital is within the jurisdiction of the 38th Branch Bureau. Basically, any medical troubles in the hospital are sent by the 38th Branch Bureau to deal with them.

   Otherwise, the designated medical unit of the thirty-eighth branch police officers would not have been placed in the hospital where Gao Lan was.


   Lost the body, this case is not big or small, but if there is one, it is just enough for Xu Bai to take over.

  Xu Bai thought for a while, the sub-bureau did not receive a similar report call.

  Gao Lan laughed and explained: "Why else? The hospital wants to solve it internally. Moreover, no one claims a corpse. If it is lost, it will be lost. It's no big deal."

  Xu Bai nodded thoughtfully.

I see.

  The hospital lost the body. Although it can't be said that it can make the headlines of the Fengcheng media, it is a scandal for a public hospital anyway.

  Xu Bai thought so in his heart, and then looked at Gao Lan.

   "The unclaimed body, how did you find it?"

   "I found it when I took another body to the morgue."


Gao Lan smiled: "Just a few days ago, a patient in a car accident came, and the rescue failed, and he died. At that time, there was a shortage of beds in the emergency room, and the people in the morgue didn't know where to go, so I just pushed the corpse. In the morgue, it turned out that the small door of the corpse was open, and then it was found that the corpse had been lost."

  Xu Bai frowned and said, "Aren't there people guarding your hospital and the morgue?"

Originally, the morgue did not need people to watch, but last year, something happened in the hospital. Simply put, there were two corpses with contraband hidden in their bodies. After the people died, the corpses were parked in the morgue. When the people from the police station went to pull them back, they suddenly discovered that the two corpses had been disemboweled.

   After being disembowelled by the accomplices of these two people, the accomplices directly left the two corpses outside, and then tried to leave the result with contraband, but was caught.

   After that, the hospital added security to the morgue.

   Such an operation, assigning security to the mortuary, in the entire Fengcheng, no, in the entire federal hospital system, can be regarded as the only one for Scorpion Lababa.

Hearing this, Gao Lan sighed: "Following the investigation, one of the security guards went to work drinking, got drunk, passed out, and hid in the small room next door to sleep. The other security guard said it was from the doorman. Call, someone is waiting for him at the door."

   "Such a coincidence?"

  Xu Bai frowned slightly, and touched his chin: "Why do I feel that this is a premeditated crime? There are also contraband hidden in that corpse?"

  Out of professional habits, Xu Bai smelled the smell of the case.

  Gao Lan shook her head: "No, after what happened last year, any corpse of unknown origin will be inspected when it enters the morgue to ensure that without any formalities, the morgue can only enter and cannot exit."

  Xu Bai rubbed his chin, but didn't speak.

  Gao Lan looked at Xu Bai curiously: "I suspect that someone stole this corpse for the purpose of stealing the identity certificate of this corpse."

  Xu Bai was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then he looked at Gao Lan and said, "It's possible, but he has the ability to steal a corpse without anyone noticing it, so it's better to create a fake identity out of thin air."

  In a dark street in Fengcheng, the price is clearly marked on the ID card.

   Directly spending money to buy a 99% fake identity, isn’t this less risky than going to the hospital to steal a dead body?

  Gao Lan shook her head: "Fake ones are always fake ones. Can fake identities bought with money enter your archives?"

  Xu Bai smiled and said, "Of course not."

  Gao Lan didn't speak, but just spread her hands towards Xu Bai.

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows.

   "More than ten years ago, there were people who bribed hospitals and bought unclaimed corpses in order to pretend to be proofs. In recent years, such things have rarely happened."

   "Rarely, does not mean no."


  Xu Bai thought for a while, nodded, and looked at Gao Lan: "Do you need me to intervene in the investigation?"

  Gao Lan waved her hand without thinking.


"What's wrong?"

   "The hospital wants to solve it internally. If you intervene, it's okay."

   "Have you solved the key point?"

   "Don't you still have me?"


  Xu Bai looked at Gao Lan who said this suspiciously: "It seems that you are a doctor and I am a police detective. Healing diseases and saving lives is your specialty, but investigating cases and finding people is my specialty."

  At this moment, Xu Bai became a little bit in a trance about his career with Gao Lan.

  Gao Lan said: "I received that corpse, and I also signed it and sent it to the morgue. Now that the corpse is lost, I must find him back."

  Xu Bai thought that Gao Lan was afraid that the hospital's internal solution would blame her, so he shook his head and said, "If the hospital wants to hold the blame, it is also the responsibility of the two security guards. You are the doctor."

  Gao Lan nodded and said: "I know, so after losing the body, the hospital dismissed the two security guards."

  Resigned... Retired?

  Xu Bai's mouth twitched.

   Good guy.

   Did you act so quickly? After the accident, didn't hold these two people to blame, and fired them immediately?

   These two security guards are probably not relatives of a leader of the hospital.

  Xu Bai was seriously suspicious.

at this time.

   Along with the sound of yelling, Lao Niu brought his two apprentices, and brought the hastily prepared barbecue and seafood porridge to Xu Bai and Gao Lan's table.

   "Yo, Xiaolan, I haven't been here for a long time."

   "Uncle Niu."

  Gao Lan looked up at Lao Niu: "What a long time, you forgot, the day before yesterday when apprentice Xiaobai celebrated his birthday, didn't I come?"

  Old Niu laughed and waved his hands: "That's not the same, you and Xiaobai came to my place, and that's why I asked you to come here. I, Lao Niu, don't even recognize the others."

  Gao Lan smiled.

  Xu Bai didn't speak, but the corner of his mouth twitched slightly when he heard these words.

  Lao Niu is a tough Bailan Party.

no way.

   Who made him and Gao Lan be childhood sweethearts?

  Just like Lao Niu, with such thoughts, he hoped that Xu Bai's wife would be Gao Lan's neighbors in the neighborhood.


  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion