MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 148 super detective

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  Chapter 148 Extraordinary Inspector

  Su Meng was also taken aback.


   She reacted.

  Little Fatty Fish was talking about her.

  Ever since she told Xu Bai once that she could transform into a small, chubby goldfish in the long river of fate, Xu Bai nicknamed her Little Fat Fish at that time.

  After Su Meng came to her senses, she couldn't help stamping her feet.


"Ha ha."

  Xu Bai looked at Su Meng's angry and annoyed appearance, but he burst out laughing.

  However, I have to say that the fact that his apprentice can become a little fat fish in the long river of fate made Xu Bai a little surprised, but also a little happy.

   One sentence.

  In the past, Xu Bai used cheats to solve cases.

at the moment…

   Another trick came, and the efficiency of this trick was even better than his original cheat.

  After all, before this, Xu Bai solved the case by relying on whether the other party had a red name, but it is one thing to be able to see the red name, and another thing to be unable to find it.

However, it was different after Su Meng entered the Tao. He could ignore the process of finding the famous name. Meng talked about the facial features of the criminal suspect. After the drawing is completed, take it to the system and run around. After the information comes out, just take the person directly.

  This efficiency has increased by about 40% in the blink of an eye.

   And this time is no exception.

  Since the Department of Homeland Security has been involved in these cases of spontaneous human combustion, it means that this case is not as simple as it seems, and there is a high probability that it involves the extraordinary world.

Although Xu Bai is now a member of the Extraordinary World, after all, he is full of plans, and he has joined Thief for less than four days, and Zhu Cong has been very busy these days, so that he has never been free. Find Zhu Cong to popularize the knowledge points of the extraordinary world.

   Ask DHS directly?

  Xu Bai didn't even need to think about it, the Department of Homeland Security would definitely not tell him the truth.

  He even suspected that the Department of Homeland Security took the corpses of other bureaus and did not come to him, most likely because he was afraid that he would know that they were involved, and then he was afraid that he would know something from the Department of Homeland Security.


  Xu Bai has a cheat, as long as Gu Hongyu and Zheng Sen come here, Su Meng can go directly to the river of fate and find out what these two people know about this case.

  He didn't even have to ask.

   not long.

  An hour after Xu Bai hung up the call with Gu Hongyu, three black SUVs drove over from a distance, and then stopped at the gate of the 38th Sub-bureau.

   Agents Gu Hongyu and Zheng Sen from the Department of Homeland Security walked over from the car.

  Xu Bai received a call from the guard, and waited at the entrance of the building with Su Meng. Looking at the two people getting off the car, he winked at Su Meng beside him, and then greeted him with a smile.

   "Welcome, welcome, welcome both."


  Gu Hongyu and Zheng Sen looked at each other, obviously feeling extremely uncomfortable with Xu Bai's sudden enthusiasm this time, who made Xu Bai treat his case with a rough attitude from the Department of Homeland Security before that.

  How can this sudden 180-degree change in attitude not make people feel uncomfortable.

  Xu Bai didn't give Gu Hongyu and Zheng Sen a chance to think more, but led them all the way to the forensic office on the first floor, pointing to the five packed corpses.

   "The five corpses are all here, take them away."


  Gu Hongyu was still thinking about why Xu Bai's attitude had changed like this, but after seeing the five packed corpses, listening to Xu Bai's words, he waved his hand directly.

  Regardless of what Xu Bai was thinking, it was right to hand over the case first.

   Several homeland agents came out expressionlessly, and began to transport the five packed corpses to the van they drove over.

   "By the way, Detective Xu."

  Gu Hongyu looked at the unobstructed transport work, and looked at Xu Bai who was aside: "There are still case files."

  Xu Bai let out a cry.

   Then shake your head.



   "I haven't filed a case yet, where did I get the file from?"


  Gu Hongyu frowned.

Xu Bai looked at Gu Hongyu with an expression that you understand, "I knew yesterday that this case was a bit tricky, and I just heard that there were similar cases in other sub-bureaus. The case was passed, but I didn’t expect that your Department of Homeland Security wanted the corpses of other branches, but not mine, why, you don’t discriminate against our 38th branch, do you?”

   A disagreement is a hat of discrimination.

"how come."

   "It's just that this case is more complicated. After all, many sub-bureaus have similar corpses. It may be that the detectives under my hand had some problems during the docking. I will criticize them later."

  Gu Hongyu quickly explained, and after throwing the blame on the young detective, he said curiously: "By the way, detective Xu, don't you want to handle this case yourself?"

  Xu Bai told the truth: "I think so."

  Gu Hongyu and Zheng Sen exchanged glances.

   Next second.

Xu Bai looked around, lowered his voice, and said to the two of them, "But, it's the last month now, as you know, the end-of-year assessment of our police station has started, and I'm going to try to get the chief inspector's job this year." Location."

  He is now a police detective of the 38th Branch, and from a certain point of view, he can also be said to be the chief inspector. After all, he is the head of the serious crime team of the 38th Branch.


  Detective is one level, chief inspector is another level.

  Xu Bai said that he was the target of a police inspector, but he was still paid the detective's salary.

  The annual end-of-year assessment of the police department gives priority to the detection rate. His detection rate is one of the best, so there is no problem, but when the police station is promoted, it will still consider another aspect.

   For example, do you have an unsolved case or something.

  If there is, at this time, you have been promoted, what should you do with your case, just get rid of it, then the police department has no way to explain it to the taxpayer.

  From the beginning to the present, Gu Hongyu and Zheng Sen have been wondering why Xu Bai would hand over the case to them so simply this time. Now, hearing Xu Bai's words, they nodded involuntarily.

   This is indeed a reasonable explanation.

  In order to pass this month's assessment, it is indeed reasonable to find a way to get rid of the case in hand, and this can also be said to be a kind of unspoken promotion rule.

  Before being promoted, it is tacit to clear up the affairs in hand.

  Gu Hongyu and Zheng Sen looked at each other, and did not discriminate against Xu Bai because of it, but said to Xu Bai: "Really, that's great, then we have to congratulate you in advance, Inspector Xu."

  Xu Bai accepted the congratulations of the two, and said: "Thank you, I will treat you to a light meal when the time comes, and I hope you will appreciate it."


   "Then it's settled, I'll send you two out."


  Xu Bai smiled and led Gu Hongyu and Zheng Sen, who had dispelled the confusion in their hearts, back to the door of the building, then waved with a smile, and sent away Zheng Sen and Gu Hongyu who had taken away the five corpses.

   not long.

  The three black SUVs of the Homeland Security Bureau and the van containing five corpses drove out of the gate of the 38th Branch Bureau one after another.

  Xu Bai then withdrew his farewell right hand and put it in his pocket.

  Su Meng, who had been by the side just now, kept silent, waited until the car disappeared, and then looked at Xu Bai: "Master, are you really going to be promoted to Inspector?"

  Xu Bai hummed: "Almost."

  He wasn't lying.

  The day before yesterday, Papi Zhou pulled him into the office for a conversation. After talking about his possible promotion to police chief at the end of the year, he also talked about his whereabouts after the promotion.

   "Where to?"

   "Nowhere to go, it's still the 38th branch."


  Su Meng blinked her eyes: "But, didn't you say a few days ago that Inspector Zhang went to the Special Economic Zone to complete his intensive training and would come back at the end of the year? Could it be that he was transferred to another place?"

The Inspector Zhang she was talking about was the serious Inspector Zhang, and in name, he was the Chief of the Serious Crime Unit of the 38th Sub-bureau. However, after Xu Bai became a police detective, Inspector Zhang ran to The special zone has been refined, and it has always been Xu Bai who has been doing the work of the chief inspector as a police detective.

  Xu Bai shook his head and said, "No, he came back to take my place."

  Su Meng shook her head in confusion: "I don't understand."

  Xu Bai shook his head: "Maybe the sub-bureau will set up a new team next year, and I may lead this new team."

   This is also what Papi Zhou told him, but after Xu Bai came out of Papi Zhou's office, he called some of his friends in the police headquarters to inquire about it, and it wasn't false news.

However, these friends don’t know what the name of this newly established group is, and the motivation for its establishment. A few of them do. To get this position.

  Xu Bai had a certain guess in his heart.

  This newly established group is very likely to be the Fengcheng Police Department, which has made previous preparations for this month's double moon and same sky phenomenon.

  The soldiers and horses have not moved, but the food and grass go first.

  Su Meng pouted: "Master, then you went to this new group, and me, I want to follow you."

  Xu Bai regained consciousness, looked at Su Meng: "Don't worry, there is your place."

  Su Meng blinked: "Really?"

  Xu Bai shrugged and said, "If you don't believe me, you can turn into a little fat fish and go to the river of fate to have a look."

  Since this group is prepared for the Federation to fully popularize the Transcendent in the future, naturally, the members of this group, without exception, all belong to the Transcendent system.

  Su Meng heard Xu Bai call her little fat fish again, and stomped angrily again: "Master~~"

  Xu Bai laughed out loud.

   "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, how do you look, do you have any clues?"


   "Go back and talk."



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion