MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 94 Dragon Heart Grass in hand (seeking first order 4/10)

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  Chapter 94 Dragon Heart Grass Arrived (Seek first order 410)

  The black snake Nemo was dumbfounded.

  He stood there blankly, with a dull expression on his face.

  Xu Bai turned around and took a look, smiled, then reached out into the secret room, and after groping for a while, his eyes lit up, and he pressed down on a position inside.

   Next second.

   There was a snap.

  Xu Bai withdrew his right hand and pulled it open. If he hadn't opened the door from the inside, he wouldn't have been able to tell that it was a secret door, a secret door that fit the wall perfectly, and then walked in.

  Black-stalked snake Nemo reacted, his face darkened, and he didn't say any more nonsense to make Xu Bai leave now, but followed closely.

   This bedroom, disguised behind a wall, has a small footprint.

  Small enough to stand two people side by side, the space is at an end.

  In the secret room, there is a safe.

  Xu Bai turned around and looked at Nemo, the black snake who came in after him, and motioned for the safe.

   "I bet the stolen item is in the safe."

"He's not in now."

  The tone of Nemo the black-headed snake at this time, instead of the anger just now, it is a kind of contrasting calm.

  He looked at Xu Bai with a low tone, as if he had made up his mind.

   "Sir, you really should go, I don't have what you want here."

"I do not believe."

  Xu Bai shook his head resolutely, rejected the black-snake Nemo's proposal, pointed at the safe, and looked at it with a smile: "I bet the stolen things must be..."

  The words did not fall.

  The black-stalked snake Nemo, who had a gloomy face at first, flashed a fierce light decisively in his eyes, then burst into flames instantly, and rushed towards Xu Bai in front of him: "You found this by yourself..."

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows.

  Create a mountain!



  The back of the black-snake Nemo slammed against the wall, making a muffled sound, and then fell heavily on the ground, even bouncing a bit, and couldn't help but let out a violent snort.

   Next second.

  Black-stalked snake Nemo showed shock on his face, looked up at Xu Bai who retracted his right hand, with a playful expression on the corner of his mouth: "You are not a police detective at all!"

  The detectives of Fengcheng Police Station are a group of ordinary people, how could there be extraordinary people.

  He knew it.

  Black-stalked snake Nemo resisted the discomfort from his back, got up from the ground, looked at Xu Bai, and asked solemnly, "Who are you?"

  Xu Bai did not answer this question, but pointed to the safe at the back.




  Xu Bai listened to Wushao Snake's crisp answer, and laughed: "Are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

  Black-stalked snake Nemo heard Xu Bai's words, the hairs on his body instantly stood up.

   No other.

  When Xu Bai said this, he was too calm.

  Especially those eyes.

  He looked at Xu Bai's eyes on him, giving him a feeling that in the eyes of the owner of these eyes, he was not a living being at all.

   It seems that killing him, and killing chickens...

   Not right.

  It seems that in Xu Bai's eyes, killing him is like accidentally breaking an item, and it is the kind of common item, even if it is broken, there will be no mercy.

  Black-stalked snake Nemo resisted the discomfort from his eyes: "I told you, you will kill me."

  He's a Nigger, but he's not an idiot.

  In his opinion, the person in front of him came for the things he stole from Renhetang last night.

   And he put those things in this so-called indestructible safe.

  Nimo looked at Xu Bai vigilantly, and was just about to make his request, when he saw Xu Bai had turned around, turned his back to him, and squatted in front of the safe.

  Xu Bai didn't seem to be worried about Nemo's sneak attack at all, looking at the safe in front of him: "I've given you a chance, you don't cherish it yourself."


  Xu Bai went straight to the safe in front of him.

  During the years when he was hanging out with Zhu Cong, Zhu Cong, who admired him very much, taught him various skills in order to lure him into joining the sect.

  He also opened the safe.


   This thing is not difficult to open at all.

  Five seconds later.

   There was a clicking sound from the safe itself, and immediately after, the so-called indestructible safe door came loose.

   "What?" Standing behind, Nemo, who had just watched Xu Bai intend to decipher it by himself, with a smile on his mouth, was dumbfounded once again when he saw this scene.

   This is a safe that he spent a lot of money on.

  He tried it himself, but he couldn't even open it.

  Who is this person?

  The black-snake Nemo's eyes flickered.

   "Sure enough."

  Xu Bai opened the safe casually, looked at a wooden box inside, his eyes lit up, took it out, opened it, and said, "I found it."

  Inside the wooden box, a dragon heart grass that looks like a heart, but looks like a black gold tree branch lies quietly in it.

  Xu Bai turned his back to the black-snake Nemo, swung his right hand, put the Dragon Heart Grass into his backpack, and then looked at a pair of scrolls put away in the safe.

   This is the rare calligraphy and painting worth 100 million?

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows and reached out to take it out.

"Ding! 』

  『Discover visualization techniques. 』

  『Analyzing. 』

  『The analysis is complete! 』

  『The name of the technique: "Herbs Visualization Diagram"』

  『Cultivation method attribute: "assistant"』

  『Quality: "Red"』

  『Cultivation Level: "Ten"』

  『Bonus of skill effects: "Each level increases the alchemy success rate +2%", "Each level increases the quality of the elixir +2%"』

  『Remarks: "The name of this exercise should be changed to "How Alchemists Practice It", because it has no other effect except to improve your success rate of alchemy."』』

  A method that can increase the success rate.

   What a surprise.

  Xu Bai's eyes lit up, and he also threw the scroll into his inventory.

   Just right.

  He can use it later.

  Xu Bairu thought, after putting away the scroll, he looked at some other precious jewels and dozens of cash in the safe, and thought for a while.

   Next second.

  Xu Bai shrugged, and directly packed the remaining things into a bag he took out of his pocket.

  Don't ask, these must have been stolen too.

   Must be confiscated!

  Standing behind Xu Bai and watching his safe being ransacked in front of his eyes, Nemo the black-headed snake finally came to his senses at this moment.

   He was angry.

  Especially when he saw Xu Bai looting a gold bracelet in the safe, he erupted again and stepped forward angrily.

   "Give me a stay..."



  The black-snake Nemo, who flew backwards instantly like lightning, hit the wall that had just been under pressure once again.

   But this time, the wall finally couldn't bear it and cracked instantly.

   There was a bang.

  The black-stalked snake Nemo directly broke through the wall, unabated, his eyes widened, and he looked in disbelief at Xu Bai who also broke through the wall and rushed towards him.



"Ding! 』

  『Successful kill』

  『"Character experience * 60000 (20% skill bonus』

  『"Skill Experience*5000"』

  『Skill Book*1』


  The body of the black-snake Nemo fell from the second floor to the floor of the first floor. The dust on his body immediately rose up and was absorbed by the blood droplets that fell slowly.

  Xu Bai fell beside the corpse, looked down at the wisps of dust on his right sleeve, frowned, and patted.

  The dust was instantly dispersed.


  No blood.

  Stained with other people's blood, he can bear it, go back and wash it, and then you can continue to wear it.

   But with the blood of the Niggers?

  This clothes can be thrown directly into the trash can.

  Xu Bai thought so in his heart.


  Xu Bai raised his head and looked in the direction of the door where the movement came from.

   into the eyes.

  The five Niggers who were watching at the door heard the movement from inside, and directly smashed open the house, and then their eyes fell on the corpse on the floor whose chest was almost sunken.


   "Gift Crab."

   "Water Fat."

  The five people turned pale in shock when they saw this, and with a slap, they set their gazes on the corpse standing next to them, their expressions looked extremely indifferent, like Xu Bai who had done something insignificant.

  Xu Bai looked at the five people who broke in and narrowed his eyes.

  Although they are all five ordinary people, if they are chopped up, they should be able to give experience to a character of six hundred.

  The corners of Xu Bai's mouth rose slowly, and he lifted his foot.

  The five people on the opposite side looked at Xu Bai with such an expression and such an action, their expressions were very indignant, but their bodies were very honest, and they couldn't help but took a few steps back in unison.

  Want to leave now?


  Everyone is here, so let’s just go together.

Xu Bai sneered inwardly, at this moment, his raised right foot stopped slightly for a moment, his gaze passed over the five people with angry and terrified faces, and he looked outside the house, feeling the familiar figure approaching from not far away. breath.

   Next second.

  Xu Bai turned around quickly, and in an instant, rushed to the back door of the house. With a bang, he directly smashed into the back door of the house, leaned against the wall of the backyard, and disappeared behind the house on the opposite street after a hurdle.

  By the time the five Nige people in the house reacted, rushed out of the room, and ran to the opposite street, Xu Bai had completely disappeared without a trace.




   Seeing this, the five Niggers rushed back to Nemo's room, shouting their native swear words one after another, intending to see if there were any good things in the house that could be brought back to their own before calling the police.


When the five of them returned to the house, they saw them standing in the living room of Nemo's house, wearing a pair of sunglasses, wearing a white coat, white jeans and white boots. The beauty of the iceberg with coldness rushing towards her face.

   Anya turned around and looked at the five Niggers who walked in, and took off her sunglasses.

  The five Niggers were instantly taken aback.

   Anya spoke.

   "Tell me, what's going on here."


  (end of this chapter)

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