MTL - Star Martial God Technique-Chapter 262 We go

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Chapter 262 We Go

Ye Xinghe’s eyelids suddenly shot a cold light, and the palms swung out, and the palms swallowed. They saw that the children of the family seemed to be hitting a solid wall, and they flew out one by one.

Ye Xinghe is also the appearance of fifteen or sixteen years old. Two seven heavens and three strong six-day powers are shot at the same time. Everyone thinks that these younger families can easily take Ye Xinghe, but the result is all out. People's expectations.

The two seven-day strong, three six-day strong, actually rivaled Ye Xinghe!

Is it the Ye Xinghe, has it entered the Eight Heavens?

A fifteen-year-old eight-day-old strongman? Even the whole of Kyoto is a super genius!

The eyes of the people were full of shock. They looked at the ground and fell down. They cried and shouted, and they screamed and screamed at the family. They couldn’t help but secretly celebrate, but fortunately they did not rush to rush. Otherwise, it is estimated to be as bad as these people.

The Lin Yin behind the crowd looked at the proud Ye Xinghe. At this moment, she realized how big the gap between herself and Ye Xinghe was.

The current Ye Xinghe, even the royal family is not in sight.

With the amazing talent of Ye Xinghe, it will surely rise like a comet, and eventually reach a level that she will never be able to reach.

Lin Yin’s heart is full of miscellaneous, and it’s unclear whether it’s regret, or jealousy, or something else.

Ye Xinghe slowly approached the six emperors Zhou Yan, the powerful momentum, so that Zhou Yan could not help but take a step back.

"You...bold!" Liu Yanzi, a prince of the six emperors, sighed sternly. "If you dare to step forward, you can't think of going out of Kyoto!"

Ye Xinghe glanced at Liuyingzi Zhouyan faintly, and he was too lazy to pay attention to the six emperors. His eyes only looked at An Xueyun's body. These people didn't matter to him.

Just stepping on Ye Xinghe, suddenly a cold light passed, and a sword gas stabbed toward the chest of Ye Xinghe.

Almost none of the younger children in the room reacted to what happened in the end, and the sword was too fast.

An Xueyun felt the danger and shouted. "Star River, be careful..."

It’s just that her voice has just fallen, and the sword is already stabbed in the chest of Ye Xinghe.

Almost at the same moment that the sword stabs at the chest of Ye Xinghe, Ye Xinghe’s Tianlong breaks toward the coming.

The figure didn't think that his sword was stabbing in the middle of the river, and Ye Xinghe was still safe and sound. He saw Ye Xinghe's fists blowing in the face and quickly parried.


A terrible horror, Ye Xinghe and the man were attacked. The horrible counter-shock force made Ye Xinghe retreat three steps. He saw that the figure also retreated five or six steps.

Ye Xinghe’s blood rushed and gasped for a bite. He looked up at the person in front and saw the person wearing a black tights on his face. His face was covered with black cloth and his hand was covered with a cold light. A sharp sword.

Ye Xinghe was so strong, the black man looked a little surprised. He slowly moved to the front of Liu Yingzi Zhou Yan and looked at Ye Xinghe coldly.

When I saw this scene, everyone could not help but be a bit surprised. The black man appeared too suddenly. They didn't see how the black man appeared.

"It’s the royal black feather guard!" There is a family next to him who can’t help but be surprised.

There were some movements in the crowd, and the eyes fell on the black man, and the deep fear was revealed in his eyes.

The Ye Xinghe and the black people just played too fast, they only saw the shadows passing by, and it was not clear what happened.

Black Feather has always been a very secret and terrible existence. It is said that the black feather guard is secretly cultivated by the royal family. These black feather guards have experienced very harsh training from small to large. They are the elites selected among countless talents. They can become black feathers, at most twenty or thirty people.

Black feather guards who can be assigned missions are at least nine-day-level. Therefore, this black feather guard should be the master of the nine-day level.

Black Yuwei never does anything else, only protects the security of the royal family, acts freely outside, and can even make some decisions without listening to the orders of the royals, but the black loyalty is loyal to the royal family. There is no doubt about it.

This black feather guard should be the guardian of the six emperors!

"Black feather guard, kill him!" Liu Yanzi Zhou Yan looked at Ye Xinghe coldly.

Black feather guards who can be assigned to perform protection tasks are all strong in the nine heavens. Even if Ye Xinghe can deal with the children of the previous family, it is impossible to deal with the black feather guard!

The black feather guard heard Zhou Yan’s words, but he was unmoved, just staring at Ye Xinghe coldly.

The eyes of Ye Xinghe also fell on the black feather guard. In addition to its powerful strength, this black feather guard is also very fast. Just if it is not a quick reaction, it will summon the dragon dragon scales in an instant, I am afraid that he has been killed by a blow.

Ye Xinghe secretly vigilant, running the power of the stars in the body, ready to fight this black feather guard.

This black feather guard has the strength of nine heavens, and the speed is extremely horrible, definitely a very strong opponent.

Compared with Ye Xinghe, in fact, the heart of this black feather guard is also very shocked. On the one hand, it is shocked by the age of Ye Xinghe. Ye Xinghe is only fifteen or six years old, and he has such amazing strength. On the other hand, just that blow, actually did not kill Ye Xinghe, how Ye Xinghe resisted, but also made him a bit confused.

"I don't want to kill, don't force me to do it!" Ye Xinghe's eyes swept coldly from the black feathers.

Black Yuwei silent for a moment, looked up and said: "My duty is to protect the security of the royal family, as long as you do not threaten the safety of the six emperors, I will not shoot."

"What are you talking about? I let you kill him!" Zhou Ying, an emperor of six emperors, cursed with anger.

Black Yuwei said calmly.. "His Royal Highness of the Six Emperors, it is hard to kill, my task is only to protect your safety." Black Yuwei's meaning is obvious, he can not obey the orders of the six emperors.

"I want to take An Xueyun away, as long as they do not block, I will not kill!" Ye Xinghe said coldly, slowly walking toward An Xueyun.

The crowd has let go of a road.

When I heard Ye Xinghe, An Xueyun’s heart was sour and tears, tears could not help but rolled down. She wanted to keep her self-esteem and leave quietly, but she looked at Ye Xinghe step by step, but she did not Know what to say.

Under the eyes of the public, Ye Xinghe took the hand of An Xueyun and looked at An Xueyun with a slight smile. "Let's go!"

Read The Duke's Passion