MTL - Star Martial God Technique-Chapter 332 Tai Ashura

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At this time, there was a loud bang.

I saw only the Tianyin female Valkyrie hit a huge boulder in the distance and slowly fell. At this moment, she was embarrassed.

The Emperor of God only sneered a sneak peek at the Tianyin Valkyrie and ignored the Tianyin Valkyrie.

Shangguan and Lin Hong were seriously injured, but still stood in front of Ye Xinghe, staring coldly at the Emperor.

"You guys have to die, then I will fulfill you!" The Emperor sneered, and saw a black dragon, screaming at the Shangguan and Lin Hong.

The shadow of death is shrouded.

Even if you know that you must die, Shangguan and Lin Hong have gathered together the strength of the whole body, facing the Emperor.

If they retreat, then Ye Xinghe will die!

Black dragons roared, and a chilly breath continued to wrap around them. Their mouths were sharp and fangs, and their faces were terrible.

Lin Hong screamed wildly, and the black qi, gathered from all sides, formed a huge giant shield, blocking them in front of them.


The black dragon hit the giant shield, and the giant shield was torn apart. The black dragon did not pause for a moment, and screamed toward them.

The gap in strength is too big to be smoothed out.

The body of the Shangguan, the blue atmosphere, turned into a huge god, rushing toward the black dragon.


The gods burst and the black dragon fell down.

No matter whether it is Shangguan or Lin Hong, at this moment, they have no choice but to grow a sigh of relief. Their strength is inferior to that of the gods. They can delay the gods to the present, and they have tried their best.

The shadow of death enveloped them.

Looking at the black dragon whistling down, it was about to bombard the body of Shangguan and Lin Hong. I saw a hot white light and slammed into the black dragon.


Black dragons are scattered and cracked.

The breath of the sweep swept everything around.

Ye Xinghe slowly volleyed, and at this moment, his temperament seems to have undergone a magical change, like the integration of the surrounding world.

There is only a dazzling white light that shines through the entire tower of the Heavenly God.

The magnificent atmosphere of the gods made the gods inevitably stunned and looked at Ye Xinghe in amazement.

Before Ye Xinghe’s strength, it’s just just stepping into the realm of heaven and man, but now, Ye Xinghe’s body reveals that it is not inferior to his breath.

The whole tower of the Tongtian God is filled with the power of a majestic star, like a hurricane, sweeping through the entire Tiantian Tower space.

"is the starry martial art on the yin and yang ancient monuments? Interesting!" The eyes of the emperor's eyes were slightly stunned, and suddenly the body's magical code, the huge black dragon, circling around him.

After Shangguan, Lin Hong and others landed, they gasped with a big mouth. The horrible shock wave was originally enough to seriously injure them. Thanks to Ye Xinghe, they were wrapped up with the power of stars to protect them from Getting hurt.

They looked up and saw that the Ye Xinghe was shrouded in white light, and the radiance was as if the gods were born.

"Success, he has become a star god!" Lin Hong said excitedly.

But at this time, there is no smile on Shangguan’s face.

" Just like your anger, you want to cultivate a star god, you must pay the same price. He can build it at the expense of his life!" Shangguan said.

"Lifetime costs? A few years?"

"He has a life span of up to two years left!" Shangguan said, staring deeply at the Yexing River.

With such a great price, can the Xingwu gods who have been cultivated overcome the gods?

Ye Xinghe stood volley and calmly stared at the gods in front. His hands were quickly printed, and only a few thousand miles away, there was a star-studded shadow in the air.

Hundreds of towering towers stand tall like a giant array, and countless dark forces surround the pillars like a nebula.

A majestic atmosphere is suppressed on the Emperor.

The look of the Emperor of God was slightly changed. He did not think that the star **** of Ye Xinghe was so powerful that it seemed to be such a degree that he suppressed his magical code to a certain extent.

"Impossible, my magical code is the most powerful code with the same name as Taiyi, how can you lose to your star god!" The gods roared, and hundreds of black dragons appeared in the air. , blasting toward the surrounding star pillars.

"Whether the magic code is stronger, or is the star **** more powerful?" Lin Hong could not help but ask.

"Nature is the star martial art. The strongest demon ancestor who cultivated too magical code is the ancestor of the ancestors who were cultivated by the martial arts gods." Shangguan said calmly.

As the reincarnation of history, the practitioners of the Star Wars are once again confronted with the practitioners of the Tailor.

No one knows who will win this time.

When the hundreds of black dragons slammed into the pillars, Ye Xinghe screamed and saw his body circumference, suddenly condensed hundreds of dead stars.

In the past, the power of the stars in Ye Xinghe could only condense a starburst, and the power of the whole body would be exhausted.

But now, Ye Xinghe can communicate with the heavens and the earth, and can use the power of endless stars to instantly condense hundreds of dead stars.


These stars are blasting into streams, and they are rushing toward those black dragons.


The deafening explosion sounded constantly, and the black dragon hit by the smashing star was instantly blown apart.

A lonely star burst, enough to kill five or six black dragons!

Feeling his strength, it was completely suppressed everywhere, and the Emperor was crazy in anger. He meditated on the ancient mantra, and saw a huge shadow behind his body.

This shadow is hundreds of meters high, and it looks like a huge, huge arm with six huge arms. Each arm is armed with huge weapons. It is full of explosive power, waving arms toward Ye Xinghe. It fell.

"It’s too Ashura!" Shangguan’s heart glimpsed, apparently did not expect that the Emperor actually cultivated such a terrible battle skill.

Lin Hong and others can't help but be nervous about Ye Xinghe.


A series of dead stars smashed on the body of Tai Ashura, only slightly shaken too Ashura, but did not completely kill it.

The huge weapon screamed toward the Yexing River.

The figure of Ye Xinghe turns into a stream of light and quickly evades.

Too Ashuro's weapon, madly waving and falling, turned into a shadow in the sky, the arms waved tightly, and several times were missed by the middle of the Star River.

"My millennium is repaired, and I will lose it to you! Go to hell!" The goddess looked pale and screamed wildly.