MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 245 : The Return of the Xinghai System

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Shen Shi's attitude is very domineering, and he is indeed qualified to be domineering.

As he said, a civilization-level primordial energy device like Primordial Energy World was designed to serve a civilization, the strongest of a race, in the field of primordial energy, only the entire Only when the power of all people in the race is concentrated on one person, can the strongest force of this race be truly exerted.

And this is also the core meaning of the civilization-level original energy device.

However, the truth is this.

But under normal circumstances, this "Supreme One" should be elected from within this civilization, just like the sage Shen Shi in the past.

But what is Shen Shi doing now?

It is an absolute force that is strong enough to suppress the original energy of all the remaining members!

Under such absolute power, there is no need for so-called authority at all!

This is only possible in theory, but basically impossible in practice, but it just happened.

Say without hesitation.

If anyone has this kind of power, even if there is no primordial energy world, without relying on such a primordial energy device, they are capable and qualified to annex and accommodate the entire consciousness of the entire civilization little by little!

And whether the rest of the people accept it or not, all of this has become a reality.

The emotions emanating from Ken and another standing member of the capitulation faction at the moment were extremely complicated.

Compared with emotions such as loss and struggle, they are more incomprehensible at the moment.

"You have such a powerful power, but it's not absolutely correct!" Ken seemed to want to struggle, "In the era of the starry sky, your rights came from such power, but as a result, everyone already knew , when you failed for the first time, we suffered a major blow, and now, if you fail again, human civilization may fall into a real desperate situation!"

His remarks also sparked an uproar in the hearts of some lawmakers.

Frankly speaking, in today's human civilization, the surrender group, or the integration group, is the majority.

For the same reason as Ken.

These people are not traitors to mankind, but they stand from the perspective of interests and reality, and believe that integrating into the Ace civilization is the best choice for mankind at this moment, and choosing to resist will likely bring destruction to mankind.

Reality and interests are also the eternal reality in this vast universe.

So these MPs don't think they're doing anything wrong.

But at this moment, Shen Shi's consciousness once again penetrated into the emotions of every member.

"If my choice puts human civilization in a desperate situation, then it will be in a desperate situation."

Such an incomparably clear awareness completely ignited the mood of the entire meeting.

Even Ken was showing incredible emotions now.

Just because of Shen Shi's consciousness, it was as if he didn't take the life and death of the entire civilization as one thing.

"Is it hard to understand?"

At this moment, Shen Shi has regained the highest authority of the Primordial Energy World, and the consciousness and emotions of every member of the Congress, and even every human being within the scope of the Primordial Energy World, are continuously gathering towards him. …

It has to be said that the human civilization at the moment, whether it is high-level or common people, is already too different from the human civilization three thousand years ago.

But since Shen Shi decided to stand up, he had to bring him back to the right path as much as possible.

"At the beginning of the Starry Sky Era, when I just returned to Blue Star, why didn't human civilization choose to rely on Woren Civilization and accept the control and breeding of Woren Civilization?" Shen Shi's consciousness was placed on a certain member of parliament, " Come and tell me why?"

This is an extremely senior human councilor.

Because he is the first generation.

Although the lifespan of human beings has become infinitely long in the era of the starry sky, people will change, especially their abilities and mentality. In the past three thousand years, countless members of parliament have been eliminated because they cannot keep up with the times, and countless newcomers have come here. , has become one of the leaders of human civilization, but there are still a few people who stand here from beginning to end, and they maintain the common development and progress of themselves and the entire civilization.

At this moment, what Shen Shi asked was such a person.

It is worth mentioning that.

He is also an integrationist.

At this moment, it was written by Shen Shi, but this person is not an exaggeration. He conveyed his own consciousness and said: "At that time, it was not the same as now, and it was unacceptable for any civilization to be made into a primary battery, but, Integrating into Escience is not a bad outcome, we may have lost something, but we have gained more."

This is also the consciousness of many people. They don't even know the reason why Shen Shi mentioned the beginning of the Starry Era, because in their opinion, the two are indeed different.

But is it really different?

"Both of them are not completely extinct, but they both have to lose their own culture and freedom. Why do you feel different?" Shen Shi's voice was still flat, but his attitude was very clearly conveyed, "And again. In other words, do you think that being swallowed by the Ace civilization is not reduced to a primary battery? Or do you think that to be a primary battery is not to be immersed in false emotions?"

"." The congressman did not speak.

This is actually not the first time that it has been proposed. The anti-integration group has already made an oppositional argument on the fate of integrating into the Essence civilization more than once.

Even this kind of proof has been emphasized from the time when the sage Shen Shi first proposed the crisis of "advanced civilization swallowing theory" more than 3,000 years ago, and all kinds of arguments have been put forward.

What Shen Shi said at the moment was not new.

For nearly a thousand years, this seems to have become a discussion with no end, and both sides have their own positions.

However, at this moment, Shen Shi wanted to pass on some new things to the high-level human beings in the future line.

Something that even the sage Shen Shi hadn't said.

"I can tell you very clearly that there is only one really important reason why I insist on my attitude-" Shen Shiping's dull consciousness began to become firm at this moment, "The future of human civilization is not just B-level. , or even not just A-level, we should have a brighter future, instead of abandoning this future and choosing another difficult path to survive.”…

This line of consciousness was clearly passed on to every member, and contained Shen Shi's confidence and belief.

Emotions in the meeting began to be noisy again.

"That's impossible!" The veteran congressman just said again, "The development potential of civilization comes from culture, as well as from systems and ego. Human civilization has actually reached the limit of development. If there is no Ess civilization , It is difficult for us to even truly enter the B-level civilization. The cultural superiority of the Ace civilization has already been clearly displayed in front of us. This is not what I said, but the countless thousands of years. Scholars' conclusions based on reality!"

If it hadn't come to an end, or had reached its limit, perhaps not so many people would be willing to give up the original culture and accept everything about the Ace civilization.

But this is precisely the reality.

It is also the key to the choice of human civilization.

However, in addition to these councilors who didn't believe it at all, there were also some councilors who were staring at Shen Shi full of expectations at this moment, and they were also unwilling to give up further growth like this.

Human civilization has only taken more than 3,000 years to get to where it is today from the Earth and Star period. What miracles have been created in this process, and how many beliefs and honors have been created?

How can you just stop here?

Those members who oppose the fusion are sticking to this past glory, which is why most of them retain their respect for the sages, because the sage Shen Shi is the only core of this glory!

And now.

They are desperately longing for the return of the sage Shen Shi, longing for this glorious return.

What Shen Shi did was just as they wished!

"This kind of potential doesn't have much reference at all." Shen Shi said calmly, "According to this standard, how much potential does the human civilization in the Earth Star period have to reach the level of D? Don't forget that human civilization once existed. All kinds of flaws, but we still got to this point, tell me, what did we rely on?"


The mood at the scene fell into a kind of eerie silence.

But some people's emotions began to gradually become frenzied.

Because this answer is not difficult to answer.

"It's you!" An executive councilor who stood on Shen Shi's side answered this question, and his eagerness was undisguised, "It's Xinghai Company!"

Yes, the so-called potential is indeed difficult to break under normal circumstances.

However, the development of civilization can be learned.

The support of Ace Civilization can break this potential, so can the "Xinghai Company" representing the power of the sages, and it has done it!

"Xinghai. Didn't that stop appearing three thousand years ago?" Ken asked.

Yes, in this future line, the support of Xinghai Company was up to 3,000 years ago.

That is, until the development of Shen Shi in the contemporary world.

After all, this power comes entirely from Shi Ling, and the sage Shen Shi does not have Shi Ling.

However, Shen Shi understands that it is not enough to rely on a sage who has failed many times in order to re-motivate the parliamentarians in front of him and to master the will of the entire civilization. The only thing that can be done is to The "Xinghai" created by Shen Shi with three hundred years of miracles! …

This is the final trump card he will take out today!

"Xinghai has indeed abandoned us." Shen Shi conveyed his consciousness slowly, "As the weak, we don't have much choice in the face of a truly powerful civilization and a powerful force. This is the case with the Ace civilization, and the forces of Xinghai also The same is true, however, there is a fundamental difference between Xinghai and Ace, and you should all understand the difference."

Even Ken was a little excited at this time.

Yes, of course they understand.

Xinghai will never interfere with their development!

It doesn't even show its own culture!

Just take out the technology, take out the device, take out all kinds of practical without any additional requirements, add any support for influence.

If it is said that all that Ace Civilization has done is to establish a mentor, recruit disciples, teach martial arts, and also require disciples to be loyal to and obey the mentor, then everything Xinghai does is the parents who silently pay behind the scenes. , does not ask for anything in return, just asks that the child can soar into the sky and be able to bloom himself.

If there is a choice, no one will choose Ace!

"Lord Sage, has Xinghai finally returned?" Some members even asked impatiently.

"Yes, no." Shen Shi said, "Everyone present understands that period of history, and understands the fundamental reason for us to overcome the initial difficulties and defeat the Wo people—on the one hand, it is my channel, and on the other hand, It is the potential that we let Xinghai see. Obviously, human civilization has lost its ambition to go further, and the people standing here no longer have the fearlessness and momentum of the Starry Era. Such changes are not in line with Xinghai's support goals. , what they want is not a parasite that can only live on them, but a powerful civilization that can constantly struggle to catch up."


The emotions present once again became quite complicated.

All are afraid of comparison.

In the three thousand years of the sudden disappearance of Xinghai, human civilization has become accustomed to everything in the Mulder system.

That is profit first.

The actions of the Ace civilization to devour human civilization little by little are regarded as reasonable actions. Many people keep saying that "the devouring of the Ace civilization is logical", "the strong eat the weak is the essential truth of the vast universe", "the weak and the weak". If you don’t want to perish, you can only join” and “Integration is not surrender, but rebirth” and other words, as if being swallowed by Ace civilization is the ultimate and best fate of human civilization.

But at this moment, Shen Shi used the star sea that appeared briefly three thousand years ago to forcibly expose the veil of this self-paralysis.

When a being with far above average morality emerges, all moral inferiority will be invisible.

At least, many congressmen at the moment are already thinking.

If there is hope for mankind to continue to grow stronger on the basis of the devouring of the Aes will this be a better choice?

Shen Shiming was keenly aware of this change.

He knows that the purpose of today's meeting has almost been achieved.

"Whether Xinghai returns, depends on whether my return can correct you and correct this wrong path." At the end, Shen Shi conveyed his will to everyone clearly, "But no matter what, I will never accept it. Human civilization has lost everything about itself, which will make me regret returning 3,300 years ago, because this result is no different from the result of becoming a primary battery, and human civilization that has lost its culture is better to be destroyed.”

At this moment, all the members were awe-inspiring.

They felt Shen Shi's determination.

And they had to admit it.

The sage Shen Shi may no longer have the ability to achieve absolute control over human civilization again, but, as the supreme civilization, he is absolutely capable of completely destroying human civilization!

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