MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 299 : Reinforce a strong image

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This is indeed a point that is difficult to find a good solution to.

It is difficult for the current human civilization to keep a low profile, but it still lacks a lot in strength, so it is difficult to confront it head-on, but there are basically no other ways.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

Shen Shi frantically calculated in his mind, and finally realized that if he wants to solve the predicament and make human civilization truly become the absolute overlord in this interstellar world, he still needs to start with the main world line. After all, the fourth future line is already very difficult. do something.

"The new type of original energy spore technology was discovered probably hundreds of years later... No, it should be taken seriously." Shen Shi once again paid attention to the history in detail, and he easily discovered that Qianmeng's first action Although it was more than two thousand years ago, this trend had already been revealed earlier.

In other words, earlier, the new type of original energy spore technology had already begun to spread in the Qianmeng.

And it has aroused the attention of those real high-level leaders.

Although the integrity of the Qianmeng is not as strong as the Mudd system, nor does it have a truly powerful ruler and a highly unified will, but this does not mean that the Qianmeng has no cohesion.

The ten civilizations in the top ten are the cohesion of Qianmeng.

Even after human beings mastered such a key technology and clearly demonstrated the potential to surpass these two systems and dominate the entire universe, only one civilization among these ten civilizations chose to join the human interstellar empire. One point, in fact, it can be seen that the high-level cohesion of Qianmeng is not low.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the biggest opponent of human beings is not the entire Qianmeng.

It is the remaining nine civilizations and the many civilizations they control.

"Perhaps, we can disperse the Thousand Leagues as soon as possible." Shen Shi set his sights on the only civilization that joined the human interstellar empire.

This is a civilization called "Entropy".

Yes, it is a free translation of the name.

This "entropy" is the meaning of entropy in human language.

The entropy civilization joined Qianmeng not too short a time ago, but this civilization has very distinctive cultural characteristics. They were born in a very poor galaxy with a small star. There are only three planets in total for the life planets of civilized races, which directly leads to the fact that their civilization has been living in a very difficult environment since its birth.

Natural disasters continue and resources are scarce.

Therefore, in the long course of development, the entire civilization gradually established a culture of fighting against natural disasters, and further evolved into a culture of fighting against doomsday.

This is also the origin of their name.

Entropy civilization firmly believes that everything must perish, including this universe, which is also on the path of extinction. The ultimate goal of all civilizations, including themselves, is to survive the demise of the universe.

This kind of culture is very rare.

In some civilizations, it sounds like an interstellar version of unfounded worry.

After all, no matter whether the universe will perish or not, that day is bound to be extremely far away when there is no trend at all. Perhaps the vast majority of civilizations will be destroyed for various reasons before that day actually arrives.

Worrying about this kind of thing seems pointless.

But it is this kind of firmness, this kind of belief, that constantly drives the strength of entropy civilization.

Shen Shi can be sure that they will choose to join the human interstellar empire that is still weak and may not be able to grow, and there must be reasons for this culture.

After all, the human interstellar empire may not be able to truly defeat the Qianmeng and the Mudd system, and cannot truly become stronger, and there is a high risk of premature death, but it is undeniable that with the Holy Land, the new type of original energy spore technology, and even The human interstellar empire of fantasy legion technology has the qualifications and potential to go further than the Qianmeng and Mudd systems.

If the development goal of entropy civilization is indeed to reach the end of the universe and overcome the destruction of the universe, then it should stand on the side of the more future human interstellar empire, rather than abandoning the distant future for temporary benefits.

Therefore, Shen Shi wondered if he could contact the entropy civilization earlier.

But there are great risks involved.

It doesn't mean that human beings have more potential, so they will definitely join. If you want to make good use of this potential, there are many other ways.

Among other things, with the current strength of human beings, if we take the liberty to search for entropic civilization, we may lose our initiative and be suppressed in turn—using human potential, it is not necessary to focus on human beings.

However... on the premise that you can see the future, you may not be able to make some risky attempts.

"In short, let's figure out which civilization is the one that leaked this news first." Shen Shi already had some ideas of mock lakes in his mind, but it will take time to turn them into practical solutions.

This does not affect him to rule out and avoid some mistakes made by the avatar Shen Shi at the same time.

Among other things, it is always necessary to prevent the spread of news as much as possible, let human beings receive less attention, and delay some development time.

Shen Shi quickly found the first batch of civilizations that the Sisok civilization tried to win over.

But he found that according to the memory of the future world, it is impossible to know which one of them is a traitor.

After all, even civilizations that explicitly joined the human interstellar empire later may not necessarily be undercover agents.

However, which civilization is not a traitor can still be roughly known.

There are a few civilizations that are indeed staunch supporters of the human interstellar empire. The reasons for their support are very firm, not all because of the potential of human beings, but more because of their unfavorable situation in the Thousand Leagues—— Hisoka Ke Wenming is not an exception in the Qianmeng.

The war with the Mudd system itself brought certain differences and divisions within the Qianmeng.

After Shen Shi conducted a detailed analysis, even including sending people to investigate more detailed and confidential historical information in the No. 4 future line, he called Sheila.

The "Prime Minister" among the Sisoke people, at this time, whether it is in his heart or his external posture, he is completely on the side of human beings, and he has taken refuge very thoroughly. Obviously, he also understands My own strength has no advantage in front of this person in front of me.

Since you can't hide your thoughts, you can only discard redundant thoughts.

"During this time, have you chosen your target?" Shen Shi entertained him according to human customs.

"Several targets have been selected." Sheila replied, "Some of them have a good relationship with us, and the other part, after analysis, has a high possibility of being willing to join us."

This is the same as in history.

"Don't worry." Shen Shi poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip slowly, and said unhurriedly, "You should understand that although we need these civilizations to increase our strength and increase our interests, but , We are not ready to go to war with Qianmeng and Mulder at the same time, in this special period, this belongs to the war between them, we can have more benefits and more opportunities."

"Yes, I understand," Sheila said.

In fact, when Shen Shi reminded him not to spread the news of the new type of original energy spore technology directly, he had already realized that for the human interstellar empire, hiding behind is the best choice at the moment.

Even if you choose to take the lead, it should be for the benefit that is worth taking the lead.

This is not necessarily weak strength. After all, the criterion for choosing a civilization among the stars is that no matter how strong the strength is, there is no need to act in a way that goes against interests.

But what Sheila didn't expect was that Shen Shi shook his head and said, "No, you don't understand."

"..." Sheila was silent.

"I don't know if you have calculated how likely it is that these choices you made will spread the intelligence information of the new type of original energy spore technology, and how likely it is that the Qianmeng will start to strengthen its control over us. Attention, even at the expense of slowing down the war with the Mudd system, but in my opinion, your calculations are clearly a failure, if you could really calculate these correctly, you would not have given such a list.” Shen After Shi finished speaking, a list appeared in front of him.

Sheila's emotions surged sharply at this moment.

Naturally it was not because of Shen Shi's accusation.

It's because of the list in front of me!

You must know that the current list to him is just a choice, and even he himself has not yet fully made a decision.

But in this list, it seems that he has already made a decision!

This is equivalent to the fact that the other party not only obtained the information in his consciousness quietly, but also predicted his analysis-this can already be regarded as a kind of thorough control in the field of original energy technology .

From the way of thinking, to consciousness, to actual intelligence data, everything and all reactions of an intelligent life have been completely controlled.

Only in this way can such accurate predictions be made.

This also means a huge gap.

It's like a **** looking at the fate of mortals.

However, he is not an ordinary person, let alone a mortal!

As the leader of a civilization that can be counted among the top fifty of all known civilizations in the known universe, even if his strength is not as good as that of ranchers, he should be the most powerful group. No one can Master everything about him! Not even a rancher!

"This, what the hell..." Sheila's consciousness even began to become confused, so that he couldn't give a reaction under the correct thinking logic.

The reason is also very simple. He doesn't know whether his reaction at the moment will also be under the control of the other party, which will make his thinking fall into a loop that is difficult to break out of.

If it is not an intelligent life, but an intelligent life with only computing power, then at this time he may have fallen into a loop of thinking logic and cannot extricate himself.

"It's just some means you don't know about, don't worry too much about it." After Shen Shi strengthened his strong and mysterious impression, he didn't continue any further, he just waved his hand to let him skip this point, and then He clicked on the list and said, "Back to the matter in front of you, it's an obvious fact that you didn't really pay attention to my words, and you lacked enough information."

"...Yes, I admit my mistake and accept the punishment." Sheila bowed her head and admitted her mistake in accordance with human customs.

He was relieved now.

No more tangling with the list.

It is very simple for him to put aside the things that affect him for the time being. In the final analysis, it is impossible for a strong person in consciousness to keep digging his horns.

However, refocusing on the matter in front of him still couldn't keep him calm.

Because the person in front of him can not only come up with this list, but can even determine which civilizations in this list are not suitable choices? This means that the other party probably knows more about Qianmeng than he originally knew.

Even surpassed him.

It is only such a short time to appear and come here... Is this also a "means" that he doesn't know about?

"I will share some intelligence information with you, but depending on the situation, you must absolutely obey my instructions to be able to do this well." Shen Shi took out a list again, "Go and read this list first. Contact with civilizations on the Internet, including the object of contact, the method of contact, and the things that need to be paid attention to. I have listed them all here. If there is any change that needs to be changed, I will also notify you in time. In addition, we will try our best to minimize We exist, so the civilizations around outside need you to solve it, is there any problem?"

"No problem." Sheila's emotions at this time were extremely firm.

He clearly knew that he had done something wrong in the list he gave before, which would definitely affect his position and even the future of the Sisok civilization in the human interstellar empire.

Any system, UU Reading or even any force, will not pay attention to an existence that cannot make reasonable contributions.

Therefore, the current task is related to the future of their entire Sisok civilization.

As for the "old buddies" who are preparing to send out the army outside, as long as he can complete the mission this time, he can bring all the civilizations on this list over, and even need to bring some envoys over, so why should he worry about them? It is not enough to let humans take action.

And when Sheila went back, after looking at the list and intelligence information that Shen Shi had passed on to him in detail, she was speechless for a long time again.

"Many of the intelligence information on this, we have never mastered, and it is the latest, most confidential, and most important information." Sheila said to the high-level officials of the Sisok civilization in front of her, "From now on, we'd better have Give up redundant preparations, and bind our interests and our position with the human interstellar empire more deeply, otherwise, as their strength continues to show, we will continue to lose interests and opportunities..."

Shen Shi didn't know what Sheila said after returning, but he could see how the Sisok civilization did it from the history of the future.