MTL - Starting from Zero-Chapter 1 Fight

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One point, the original name of this article is "Zero". The current name is purely because the original name is the same, so please don't try to associate the article with the title, because it was never related!


"Nothing wrong! It's been so long!" A young man complained.

"What the **** are you! I did not even have breakfast to eat, so I ate a burger!" A Wei mumbled.

A Wei named Liang Wei is my dead party and roommate. We knew each other from a very young age. We were in the same class in junior high school, the same school in high school, and we were assigned the same room in college. We have been playing games together since junior high school. At that time, Hou Awei's game room was our favorite! Now I am in college. Awei and I live in a double room. The main reason is that I am a lonely person. I have few friends except Awei! We are a freshman now. Now that the summer vacation is over, it will take a long time to start classes anyway. It is also good to use this time to play games in the dormitory!

Awei's house is full of money. His house is real estate, but I don't know how many there are anyway. Next to his own bedroom is the game room that he specializes in. He has bought all kinds of machines from his family for him! My family is more complicated. My father runs a multinational enterprise group called Longyuan Group. The group has no main business content. Basically, as long as it can make money, there is nothing we do not do. In fact, Longyuan's biggest source of economics is special military industries. what? Don't you know what a special military industry is? Special military industry is the military industry that produces special weapons, such as biological weapons, electronic weapons, energy weapons, space weapons, and other weapons with a high technical content and will not be widely used. If it weren't for my little master's identity, I really didn't know that Long Yuan still did this! This Longyuan Group was left to Dad by grandpa, and is now the second largest company in the world. Dad owns 51% of the company's shares. I don't know how much the total value of this part of the shares is anyway higher than last year's GDP. The mother is the chairman of the Chinese company. Unlike the father, the Chinese company started from scratch. Because she is completely self-reliant, her mother controls 78% of the company. Although the Chinese company is still small, the total value of the mother's shares is also over 100 million yuan. Of course, it is a drop of water in the ocean compared with the father's Longyuan Group! Because the family is too rich, I don't get the normal childhood that a child should have. Whatever I did, I followed three-digit bodyguards, and a dozen people went to the toilet to round me. My parents are always busy at work. They even talked to each other at my tenth birthday party! Since I have bodyguards wherever I go, it is really difficult to make friends. In addition, all the people who actively seek me are mostly for my family's money. I do n’t believe in friends anymore. As a result, I only have A Wei, the only friend (Actually, my parents hope that I can be a little happier with Awei), and since then, my family has tried to let me have a growth environment similar to ordinary people and not make me feel like a privileged class. For this reason, my identity was deliberately hidden. Dad also used relationships to change records in many departments. Nowadays most people basically do n’t know whether my dad has a child, let alone who I am. This is the most common way to do this. The obvious benefit is that more than a hundred bodyguards behind me have become several security guards hidden in the dark, and I can also go to ordinary schools like others (my primary school was at A Wei ’s specially hired teacher , Ah Wei also went with me). It was because of this strange childhood that it was difficult for me to make friends, and I developed a lonely character!

In fact, there is also a major obstacle to making friends, and that is my appearance and voice. Actually, I'm not ugly at all. On the contrary, I'm beautiful, yes, beautiful. Basically I can rank in beauty pageants all over the world. But the problem is that as a man with a **** iron, I have a body that is completely different from that of a man. Note that I am not a pervert. From a medical perspective, I am completely a man. My sexuality is also normal. but! Ninety-ninety-nine percent of the people cannot guess my gender without knowing it beforehand (depressed!)! Every time a guest at home sees me, the first sentence is always: Chairman, make Qian Jin so beautiful! It is true that most people's first impression of me is a beautiful bubbling pure MM, and my voice does not know why it is always like the sweet child voice before the voice change, it is more difficult for me to confirm the gender! Think about how a group of men looked at me drooling and how could I be friends with them! For this appearance, even going to school can't be peaceful. I have had 200 incidents from childhood to freshman that scared a group of boys out of the toilet! So A Wei, the only peer of my age who can treat me as a man for a long time, is my most loyal friend. I ’m used to it. In fact, A Wei is also very lascivious. He also complains that after I look so beautiful, he wo n’t find a girlfriend when he is so beautiful. !).

Today, Awei and I are waiting in line for the latest online game, Zero. Today is the game's first launch. The first 10,000 received accounts have special rewards. The prizes are electronic virtual reality helmets dedicated to Zero and random hidden rewards in games. That helmet is nothing. Now, in 2062, the market price of this helmet is 300 yuan. It is not so precious. On the contrary, the random hidden reward is more attractive. In fact, this "Zero" is the product of cooperation between Dad's company and the world's largest company, the EU peer-to-peer trading group, and is the general agent of the Chinese company of the mother. But Dad said that he couldn't specialize, and if he wanted an account, he would queue himself, so I appeared here!

I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Shenlin, and I am from Nanjing. This new Nanjing needs to be explained. A large-scale armed conflict between China and Japan over maritime border issues escalated into war in 2012. During the war, Japan fired 37 giant air-fuel bombs into our country. Fortunately, 36 were successfully intercepted by the space directed energy interception system (this system was the first successful arms business of Longyuan Company. At that time, it was still Grandpa. (Controlling the Longyuan Group), but the last air-fuel bomb fell on Nanjing, and the entire area of ​​Nanjing was moved to flat ground. At that time, the direct death toll exceeded four times the total number of the Nanjing Massacre in Japan during the Sino-Japanese War during World War II, reaching 1.35 million; and as a retaliatory attack, China dropped a crust bomb on Honshu Island in Japan and directly killed the Japanese islands Honshu Island, one of them, was sent to the Pacific Ocean (now Japan has three main islands), and the tsunami also seriously affected neighboring countries. For this reason, China also compensated South Korea and North Korea by RMB 52,220 billion. This new Nanjing was rebuilt from the original Nanjing ruins.

"Look, the door is open!" A Wei pulled me back from the tour.

Squeezing forward with the energy of milking, I was really dizzy. The orderly team was messed up as soon as the door opened. I almost lifted my feet into the sales hall. After entering the hall, the scene became more chaotic. The originally not large hall was crowded with more than 3,000 people. It is estimated that there are still at least 10,000 people trying to enter the hall. A Wei, who was standing behind me, was rushed somewhere by people.

I saw that the sales account in front had already started selling, so I had to rush to the window. It is a pity that the security guards are doing their best to maintain order. "Help!" I heard a faint cry for help, the sound seemed to come from under my feet. I reluctantly lowered my head and saw that someone seemed to be stepped on by someone else. If this continues, the people below will definitely be trampled to death, and I pushed hard to push away the dense crowd around me. Hold your shoulders against the people around you to close again, and stretch out a hand to pull up the people on the ground.

I was stunned, and I was rescued by a beautiful fairy who seemed to be living in the world. Her beauty completely surpassed me. So far, there are not many such people, so generally no woman dares to walk with me—everyone Don't want to be a green leaf! But the footprints on her body are really embarrassing now, but this cannot hide her beauty.

"Thank my sister!" Even though my voice was very pleasant, I felt like I was thrown in cold water.

"Nothing, it's not good to see you being trampled without pulling you at this time! Do you want me to send you out of the hall?" I regret it as soon as I said it, if she really wanted me to send her out, I dare Make sure you have the ability to squeeze in and get the first 10,000 accounts. Besides, this game is released globally at the same time, even if the new Nanjing is the distribution company of "Zero", the headquarters of the Chinese company can be divided into three or five hundred at most.

"No! I want to get an account!" The girl's words relieved me.

"OK, follow me!"

I continued to kill the window, and I struggled to make a way out. Tired and half-dead I finally swim to the window, yes, indeed, because I don't have much time to land on both feet at all. "I want an account!" Shouted at the sales lady.

"I want an account too!" The girl also came to the window sill.

The sales lady quickly passed the two helmets. "The account number is in the helmet. If you are not sure, you can read the instructions."

I couldn't help but squeeze the crowd into the door again. After finally coming to the door again, I didn't dare to think about how I just squeezed in when I saw the crowd outside. There was a gasp in his back, and he looked back and saw the girl.

"Thank you! My name is Li Jia, Lin Li Jia. If it wasn't your sister today, don't mention your account number, I'm afraid I'll lose my life!" She extended her hand generously.

I held the soft, stained black (it was very white) little hand, and I did n’t plan to explain it, anyway, the chance of meeting in the future was negligible. "It's nothing! Now that we all have the account, I will remember your account and keep you in the game."

"Okay!" Lijia copied the account number from the helmet and handed it to me. "Then I'll go first. Contact me when I have time!"

"Okay!" Seeing her drifting away, I looked back at the crowd, and it was impossible to find A Wei, so I had to go back to the dormitory first.


I finally arrived at the dormitory, and A Wei had not yet returned. Take it out by the way, take it early and study the manual while eating ~ ~ Anyway, the game will not be officially opened until 8 o'clock tonight anyway.

The instructions are very thin, only 17 pages in total. It turns out that the first 10,000 accounts are related to the helmet. The actual account does not make much sense. The key lies in this helmet. When the helmet first logs in to the game, the account used by the helmet will be automatically recognized as a reward account and random reward calculation will be performed. Of course, each account can only accept the reward opportunity once, even if you have two helmets and use one account to log in with two helmets, it is useless. The system will only recognize the first reward and the second will ignore it. The instructions also mention that each person can only use one account, and the helmet will automatically scan the user ’s brain waves and iris to implement binding when entering the game for the first time. Once the binding is completed, this account will never be used by others, which completely eliminates the possibility of training and number theft. In addition, the identity of each person will also be tied to the account, and once a person has used an account, he can no longer apply for a second account. Other instructions have been omitted. The instructions only refer to the system NPC after entering the game.

As soon as she put down her instructions, she saw Awei return. "how about it?"

A Wei's face was frustrated: "Don't mention it, I was squeezed out when I came up and didn't even touch it! You got it!" A Wei saw my helmet. "But it's nothing, anyway, I'm not a professional player, even if the account is normal, it's not a big deal."

"It's okay. When my level training takes you higher, it will definitely rise faster than others." I consoled him.

"That's great! Don't confess your account at that time!"

完 Early after lunch, I took a nap in the afternoon to recharge my mind and prepare for the night. At seven o'clock I got up for dinner and started waiting for the game to officially open. After a long wait (actually less than half an hour), it's finally eight o'clock!

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