MTL - Starting from Zero-v23 Chapter 16 Strong road block

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The large-area metal shots produced by air defense missiles have no effect on us. The outer shell of the power armor is enough to resist such low-intensity attacks, and it instantly breaks through those metal short sticks and other things. Up.

"Now I can move freely, but pay attention to finding the target, so as not to accidentally hurt." I rushed after I ordered, and did not care about your own actions.

Armored vehicles are quite good against soldiers, but they are of little use to us. Everett flew directly over the entire team and landed in the forefront, then the electromagnetic railgun on his back flipped to the front, and with an electric arc flashing, the front full tracked armored vehicle burst into the sky. Metal fragments, but the second armored vehicle behind did not care about the front, and drove directly from the wreckage of the first burning armored vehicle to continue advancing.

Everett's electromagnetic cannon shone again, and the second armored car was immediately blasted into pieces. A scream came from the crowd who had not come to the street and ran away. Within it, a hot piece of metal flew into the crowd.

A local police car was driving nearby, and stopped seeing the situation. The two policemen rushed forward with great dedication, took a pistol, and aimed at Everett. Although Everett doesn't look like a normal criminal, the problem is that Everett is a robot, and the armored car on the opposite side obviously belongs to the Land Self-Defense Force. It is obvious who the police help at this time.

"Don't move, put down ... that, that, that thing on your shoulder." The two policemen were already scared that their legs were shaking, but they still raised their guns and aimed at Everett without shaking.

Just as Everett was attracted by the police, a missile suddenly flew from the wreckage of a still burning armored vehicle, right in the breastplate in front of Everett. With a loud bang, Everett was lifted off by a huge shock wave, and the two police officers were also followed by the blast.

After the explosion, the burning debris on the road ahead was suddenly knocked open, and a main battle tank rushed out of the flames and crashed towards Everett.

As soon as he fell on the ground, if Everett sat up, the tank drove up. Everett hurried up, but the tank at full speed had already hit. Everett can only reach out against the lightning protection armor in front of the tank, his feet against the ground. But the huge kinetic energy brought by the tank's huge dead weight and the inherently low power made Everett unable to stop this guy. Was pushed hard to slide backwards.

Looking back, all the cars on the road were stopped because of sudden fighting. Although most people have ran out of the car and hid on the roadside, there are still a few cars in the middle of the road because Various reasons left people who did not leave.

After discovering that there were civilians behind him, Eiffel's feet suddenly clinked and several grappling hooks popped into the ground. The speed of the tank dropped sharply, then the joints of Evrit's legs and arms were folded and deformed, and the sturdy hydraulic device popped out, then automatically locked into place with the front fixing device, followed by a roar. Everett finally stopped the tank completely. At this time, the tank's tracks were still spinning wildly on the ground, but they could not move forward.

Everett's eyes flashed sharply, his arms raised up to the front half of the tank stiffly, the driver inside the tank stepped on the accelerator frantically, but felt helplessly the body was leaning violently.

Just as Everett watched that the tank was about to be overturned, another tank came out of the back of the tank, and slammed into the tank's butt. Everett, who had already gained an advantage, lost his center of gravity and fell backwards. The raised tank also slammed into his body, and then the rumbling ran over.

Everett, dragged by a tank on the ground, crawled out from behind the tank. But the second tank rushed up again, and this time the opponent twisted a bit, actually pointed at the track with Everett to crush him, but Everett's right hand suddenly folded inward, palm Partially separated, then a ring flashed with a white arc.

Looking at the rushing tank, Everett suddenly lifted the ring on the tank chassis, and the white light suddenly increased in the next second. With the splash of blue light spots, the tank's track and the front guide wheel were directly blown up. But that aura didn't go out, but flashed one after another. In one fell swoop, the tank's track and guide wheels disappeared; twice, the tank's left front armor was missing a large piece; three times. The tank's driver and the entire cab melted together into molten steel; four times, the entire crew cabin of the tank became a steelmaking furnace, shells burst, and the entire tank became a pile of burning steel.

Everett, who had drilled out from under the tank, turned to look at the tank that rushed past, and the electromagnetic cannon on his shoulders re-launched. The chrysanthemum of that tank burst directly into a real chrysanthemum shape, the billowing smoke spewed out from the various outlets on the tank, and the tank itself stopped after a few meters of driving.

The two launchers halved by Ivorite, which had been recaptured, unfolded. Sixteen small missiles flew out. Instead of flying forward, they flew upward at an angle of nearly ninety degrees, waiting for three hundred. The place was more than a meter high and then suddenly turned his head, then each selected the target engine to advance at full speed, and each slammed towards his own target.

Armored vehicles that are still advancing behind have been penetrated by the top armor by such falling missiles and turned into a pile of burning debris in the sound of an explosion.

The two policemen had recovered from the previous blast at this time, but never dared to point at Everett with a small pistol. At present, the owner who can still dismantle the tank by hand after receiving a missile, threatens this existence with a small pistol. What's the difference between finding death?

Everett didn't even go to see the two policemen at all. The surface of the armored layer of the black Laou who was smoked by the flame suddenly moved. After a flash of light, all the dents, bullet holes and cracks disappeared. Even the paint on the surface looks brilliant, as if just polished.

The biggest benefit of programmable atoms is here. As long as the main control chip is okay and there is enough energy, these atoms can be rearranged again and again, and any damage can be repaired.

Straight through the fire-burning street in front, Everett continued to move forward, seeing an approaching armored vehicle and sending a cannonball in the middle of the convoy. I am also tangling with those armored vehicles.

A machine gun at the top of an armored vehicle pointed at me and was swept by a series of ammunition, but I hardly pressed all the bullets against the electromagnetic force field. Suddenly, he rushed towards the armored car, and then crashed into the side of the body. The entire armored vehicle rolled over and tilted out under my impact, and then crashed into the ground.

The person in the car opened the door and climbed out. But the moment a door opened, a small grenade flew in. With a burst of flame, the entire car quieted down, and only the flame continued to erupt.

Standing in the middle of the road, he looked at the armored vehicle in front of him, raised his rifle and aimed at the tail. The left hand pulls the bolt of the barrel, then pulls the trigger, and with a click, a small bomb flew out. Accurately nailed behind the buttocks of the armored car in front, the doctor heard a loud noise the next second, and the entire tail of the armored car was lifted, almost turned over, but the people inside were dead. With such great power, the car was okay, and the people in it were also killed.

Immediately after getting the car in front, I looked back at the armored car that ran into the back. Raised the head against the car, hung the rifle back, pulled out the sabre hanging on the left waist, and then suddenly inserted into the position of the cab. With a stab and a retraction, the power of the armored vehicle disappeared immediately. The driver has hung up, no one can blame it if there is power to step on the accelerator.

The person next to him had to pull the driver away and wanted to drive it by himself, but I had jumped to the roof, cut off the top hatch with a sword, and dropped a fire bomb. Just leave it alone.

Standing on the roof of the car, looked at the two ends of the line.

Everett intercepted the team's forward in the front, Yeyue blocked the rear of the team in the back, and Ling and Xiaochun annihilated these armored vehicles one by one in the middle like me.

After making sure that no problems were found, I jumped out of the already burned armored car and waved the blade of the vibrating blade in the air to split the driver behind the car. The armored vehicles were not much different from the plastic plates in front of me. Not to mention this kind of military truck, it's completely paper-fed.

After cutting the driver into two sections, I kicked my head directly from the side. The truck whistled and rolled out, and then there was a big explosion and ammunition flying around. This car pulled a lot of ammunition.

After killing these cars, I heard the burst of gunshots in the back. The American and Korean troops finally arrived, and at this time they were rushing into the middle of the team. Because seeing them arrive. So Yeyue didn't look at the team at the tail of the team, but continued to rush forward. The fleet of fifty or more cars lost more than half in an instant.

I was watching the offensive situation behind, and suddenly I found the signal sent by Ling from the mental network. The scanned signal was concentrated in the middle of the convoy, a little forward. Here are three large trailers, which are clearly different from ordinary military vehicles, but we did not target them at first. But now I don't pay attention, because Ling found the problem.

I had to take a look at the information scanned by Ling. I did not expect that the Japanese themselves could not bear it. I saw the carriages of the two trailers suddenly burst out from the inside, and then two quite small things popped out of it.

This thing is definitely not power armor, but it is not right to say that it is a robot, because this thing is not human. Of course, the robot does not have to be human, but we have scanned humans in these two things, which means that this thing is driven by someone.

Based on these circumstances, we can roughly think that this is actually a walking tank, but the shape is a bit weird.

The shape of this gadget looks a bit like a big spider, with eight mechanical legs, each with wheels at the front end, and it should have good motive power. The upper body part is divided into three parts, head, chest, and abdomen. This point seems to be different from the spider, because the spider's head and chest are connected into one piece and there is no obvious division, but this thing does.

The gadget has a small head and looks like an observation platform with two machine guns and some small missiles on it. Its chest and belly are about the same size, and one of the humans we scanned was in the chest structure.

This chest structure is probably composed of multiple groups of polyhedrons, with an obvious protective armor layer on the outside, and an unmanned turret on the back and under the chest.

Its abdomen is basically an oval structure, and the connecting part with the chest is hard-connected, and there is not much range of motion. The device in this part has a very strange device, and the result is quite complicated. We sensed energy fluctuations similar to our dragons, but we were not sure what it was. However, there seems to be no prominent device on the outside, at least it can be determined that it should not be a weapon.

After jumping out of the two spider tanks, they did not rush to run, but extended a fifth pair of mechanical legs, or robotic arms, from under their heads. This gripper has an obvious gripping function, which very accurately disassembles the compartment of the middle truck.

After the carriage was opened, a four-wheeled armored car suddenly rushed out of the carriage and then crashed into the ground, with four very large motorcycles next to it.

The armored vehicle is not large, and is similar to the ordinary civilian off-road vehicle, it looks like a light armored vehicle. But the shape of those four motorcycles is very special ~ ~ three times the size of an average motorcycle. Of course, triple size doesn't mean triple length or width. In fact, the overall size of this motorcycle is only twice as large as the average motorcycle. The key is that it looks very stout and the overall volume looks much larger than the average motorcycle. It gives you a riding bull a feeling of.

The spider tank and the motorcycle team were equipped with armored vehicles. When this strange combination appeared, I also planned to go up and try their power. As a result, they turned around and ran away, drilling directly out of the side alley.

The volume of the spider tank itself seems very large, but that is caused by the length of the mechanical legs. The actual volume of this thing is actually not large. As long as the long legs are gathered, they can pass through a very narrow channel. As for the armored vehicle, because it is a lightweight model, it is naturally smoother. I wo n’t say a motorcycle. Even if I hit it again, it ’s a motorcycle. Walking through the streets is my specialty.

Watching the other side run away, of course I can't let go. Tell Ling Yi to help me look here, and then directly called Yeyue together to catch up, anyway, there are Americans and Koreans behind, anyway, Yeeyue is not a problem.

Since the other party saw us and ran, it means that 80% of the Japanese Prime Minister is in this strange team. Otherwise, what are they going to do? (To be continued.)

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