MTL - Starting from Zero-v23 Chapter 27 Highway maniac

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The American unmanned reconnaissance machine is really easy to use, and soon there are only four targets left out. There are five people on our side, one more each. Finally, according to the principle of proximity, Yeyue and Xiaochun arrived. One goal, the rest of us are each a goal.

The goal I assigned myself is of course the one closest to me, but in fact this distance is not too close, after all, the other party has been running for a short time. Fortunately, my flight speed is fast, it does not take long.

Just to deal with that space grenade, my external power armor was completely finished. All the parts were very distorted and deformed, and the metal had fractures inside, which means that repairs are not worth repairing. This kind of thing has no effect except for refurbishment. Recycling is of course supported by support staff, so I don't need to manage it. Although the firepower of a standard-powered armor has decreased slightly, since the programmable atom and atomic energy armor have been brought over, my defensive power can be said to have hardly changed.

To deal with this kind of transfer vehicle, what is needed is speed, and the firepower is not important at all. Besides, I now have excess firepower. Of course, what I am talking about is that there is too much energy to deal with this squadron, and I actually have few equipment left. For example, there were three mini-missiles that were carried when they first came out, and one of them was a non-killing powerful tear gas bomb, which means that there are only two regular missiles left. Fortunately, there are enough rifle bullets, and there are still seven or eight grenades left. In addition to some energy weapons, the combat effectiveness is definitely not a problem.

Although the target has been moving, a civilian remote control aircraft controlled by our son-in-law is tracking us. So I always knew where the enemy was, and soon I was close to that source.

The signal to me was the unmanned camera hijacked by son-in-law from several big boys. Although this thing belongs to civilian equipment, it is a high-end product. The maximum speed of the quadcopter body can reach 100 per hour. Thirty kilometers. This speed is actually not as fast as those running cars. But they can chase those vehicles very steadily, because the road cannot always go straight ahead, there must be curves and obstacles. No matter how good your technology is, you ca n’t always use the car ’s speed limit on the highway. As long as these guys slow down or need to turn, drones can catch up with them. Although from time to time it will be thrown away for a short time. But never lose.

When I saw the signaled drone, I also discovered the racing team.

This fleet has only four cars, which is less than the previous camouflage fleet. One of the four cars is a black luxury bus, which is very large and looks like a large passenger car with a nuclear capacity of 72 people. In front of this bus is a very uphill tricycle. This vehicle is not very popular and its front end looks like a car. But there is only one wheel at the back, and there are only two seats in total, which are still connected in series. This type of car has a small space and is smaller than a typical private car, even in compact family cars. However, although it's not that big in size, it really runs at a speed no worse than those high-performance sports cars. After all, the total weight is more than 400 kilograms, but the engine is the high-output engine used in small aircraft. Strong power coupled with ultra-light bodywork. Speed ​​is not enough.

In addition to these two cars, the team also has two SUVs, which belong to different models of different manufacturers. And they are all very large. From the height of the body, the car should be loaded with weapons because it is heavy.

These four cars are now racing at a speed of 180 kilometers on the highway, and the cars in front are constantly surpassed by them. It's no surprise that the three-wheeler sports car is overtaking, but that supercar swaying overtaking looks quite scary. Many cars are not running this guy, but are frightened by this guy's crazy momentum to actively slow down to make way. I'm afraid it's not worth the hit.

The four cars were fast, but they were on the ground. And my speed is still incomparable. I easily overtook the team, and then I started a full-band scan to check the inside of the car. At least you need to figure out which car the Japanese Prime Minister is in. Otherwise, in case someone is not rescued, but I was blown to death, it might as well be saved!

The scan results were slightly unexpected. The front sports car was modified. There were small missile launchers on the front and a machine gun. The huge luggage compartment on the front was converted into a bullet box with amazing frontal firepower. Of course, I have no intention of fighting with this stuff at all. As for the latter two SUVs, although they are very large, they are standard civilian vehicles without traces of modification, but there are armed men in them, but only submachine guns and individual rocket launchers, which pose no threat to me.

What really **** up is that bus. First, the biomarker suspected of being the prime minister of Japan was in the bus, so I could n’t directly blow up the car until it was confirmed that it was the real prime minister of Japan.

Secondly, only the front half of this car is truly manned space, and the rear half has been converted into a weapon platform. The top of the compartment of this gadget can be opened, and my electromagnetic scan results show that there are actually two Gaussian anti-aircraft guns inside the car. This gadget uses metal ammunition, and works like a heavy machine gun, but uses electromagnetic propulsion in the barrel to assist in the firing of the gun. As a result, although this weapon does not have much explosive power, the penetrating power of the projectile is amazing and the firing rate is extremely high , The muzzle kinetic energy is super scary.

Third, this car is equipped with a full-vehicle anti-electromagnetic system, which means that my electric field control ability is useless for this gadget.

After confirming that this bus is the target, I'm welcome. A tumbling appeared directly above the rear of the convoy, and then two words of silence were made, and the last two missiles flew out, and then the two SUVs were finished. One of the people in the car took a dirt plane without any effect.

After getting the two SUVs, the three-wheeled sports car in front of the bus suddenly gave way, then began to slow down, and the bus rushed forward. The three-wheeled sports car flew to the back of the bus in one place and became retrograde.

Because of the previous explosion. The irrelevant vehicles behind came to a sudden stop and stopped at this time, but there is no need to worry about a car hitting it. The three-wheeled sports car rushed directly at me like this, the two covers on both sides of the front of the car opened, and then saw two large-caliber vehicle heavy machine guns rose. This heavy machine gun using 12.7 mm ammunition is different from ordinary rifles. It uses full-power ammunition. Although the warheads are the same, there are more propellants, and because the barrel is very long, the projectile velocity and kinetic energy are not the same. In short, the power of this gadget is amazing, enough to deal with ordinary civilian vehicles and armored vehicles. However, it is obviously not enough firepower to deal with me.

These two machine guns fired at me for a round, and I did not hide at all. I bumped into it, and then made a close contact with the three-wheeled sports car. Then the poor three-wheeled car became a pile of scrap iron, and the people in the car became a pile of rotten meat.

After hitting the three-wheeled sports car, I started flying again. Taking advantage of this time, the bus had turned into a highway service station, and then forced out from the trail behind. Vehicles were not allowed in or out of this place. But because there was only a row of flowers and a few trees between the service station and the country road outside, the bus hit it without hesitation.

The modified bus is no longer a bus at all. This thing is actually driving like a bus, which is actually an armored car. Several small trees could not stop it. It was easily broken, and the bus rushed into the country road next to it. After a few turns, it rushed into a county-level road.

Of course, I won't miss the target here, and I caught up after a turn. Although the road conditions are complicated here. But this is not a problem for me. Anyway, I am flying, not on the ground.

The county-level highway on which the bus rushed did not know what was going on. The traffic is actually on the high speed. It's now more than eight in the morning, and the traffic here is like the city center, with a slight traffic jam. But the bus was as crazy as crazy. Walking on the other hand, driving on the shoulder, driving around the grass, and occupying the emergency parking belt, anyway, as long as there is a way to drive forward, this guy is not ambiguous at all, and this bus is not afraid of anything. Anyway, its essence is an armored vehicle, and it is not afraid of collision at all. The car along the way, take the initiative to make the road better. A little slower will be scratched by it.

Looking at the savage bus, I was a little helpless. The missile has already been exhausted and I will not dare to use it even if I have it! The ghost knows if the Japanese Prime Minister is true. If it is true, this missile will pass. If it ca n’t be moved, it ’s better to say, if it breaks through ... I do n’t dare to take any chances.

There is no way but to use small power weapons first.

I think I still aimed the rifle at that body, and then started firing.

The body of this car is really strengthened, and even my rifle can't be penetrated. My rifle is exclusively for the Dragons, and it is not a rifle firing scheme used by ordinary humans. Even if this rifle uses conventional ammunition, its power is almost equivalent to that of a regular caliber sniper rifle. If you use high-power ammunition, it will instantly become the power of a small caliber assault gun. It doesn't matter if you wear a wall or an armored car. However, just now I used conventional ammunition, and I couldn't move this car, which shows that this car is not even sniper rifle.

Since conventional ammunition is not working, of course I can only change ammunition. The chip inside the gun body was controlled by the Mind Network to mobilize the mechanism to change the ammunition, and then I aimed the bus below again. But before I fired this time, people started firing.

I used to know that there was a turret behind the car, and now they have shown it to me directly. As the metal armor plate at the rear of the car turned over and folded over, the rear part of the car became a small platform, where a Gaussian anti-aircraft gun was erected. At first glance, this thing looks like a double gunship, but it is much smaller, and the shape of the barrel is strange, it looks like pieces of metal are stacked. In fact, those structures are radiating skins, because this weapon will generate high temperature when fired. In order to ensure that the barrel does not overheat, the heat sink is exaggerated.

This thing turned to me as soon as it appeared, and then immediately slammed two shells. The speed of this projectile's projectile was as high as 27 times the speed of sound. The bullets flew far away before I heard the gunfire. The sound of this thing is very strange. It doesn't sound like an ordinary artillery, but rather like the air squeak when the high-pressure gas cylinder is deflated, and although its muzzle velocity is very high, the launch speed is not the same. Unhappy. The firing speed of this thing is actually about two seconds and three rounds, but because there are two guns, when firing alternately, it can produce an overall rate of fire of three rounds per second.

Listening to the constant snoring, I kept doing various evasion actions in the air, because I didn't want to be hit. It's not that I'm worried that Atomic Energy armor won't carry it, but that I'm worried about being beaten down.

Although the penetrating power of this thing should not be able to penetrate my armor, the kinetic energy of the muzzle of others is placed there. If I were hit, the instantaneous impact force would be enough for me to turn my head in the sky, and it was absolutely wasteful after landing . So I don't want to be hit, I can only dodge back and forth. Fortunately, although the speed of this ammunition is super fast, the turret is fixed after all, and its rotation speed and pitch adjustment speed obviously cannot keep up with my flight speed, so although the ammunition speed is fast, there is always no way to hit it. Hit me.

But ~ ~ Although I wo n’t hit it for a short while, I was very embarrassed by this thing, because the stuff always chased me so much that I had to dodge constantly, it looks like Very bad. And, just after escaping for more than ten seconds, I suddenly heard a harsh metal impact, and a Mars slipped along my leg armor. It was clear that it was just scratching. Fortunately, it was just rubbing in the past, without direct impact, but Rao so I also felt that the leg had a considerable pulling force for a moment.

The ammunition power of the other side is really too great!

The so-called step-by-step mistakes made me slow a bit after being wiped out, and then I was finally caught up. In a split second, a large ammunition hit my shoulders, chest and thighs. With a huge shock, I was hit directly from the sky, and then banged into a private car parked on the side of the road. .

"It's a shame now!" Rising from a pile of wreck-like car wrecks, I glanced at the bus far away and sighed. (To be continued)

The latest chapter of the 5201 novel high speed start from scratch, this chapter is the twenty-seventh chapter highway fanatic address. If you think this chapter is good, please don't forget to recommend it to your qq group and friends on Weibo!