MTL - Starting from Zero-v23 Chapter 45 Little 喽 ???? / a>

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This group of guys are very fierce. After seeing that we have no intention to communicate at all, they started to cover fire. It scared me to let everyone evade, especially the eight guides who followed me back quickly. But soon I found myself a little too worried, thinking that the other side's weapon was obviously their own weapon.

Why aren't their own weapons terrible? No, it's not that their weapons are not terrible, but because we were scared by the pilgrim's weapons before, so when we saw the other person suddenly fired at us, we thought of the gun used by the former pilgrim official, but wait When the weapons used by the Sith warriors here hit us, I found that the weapons of these guys were far less exaggerated than they thought. Although they are still much larger than the weapons used by humans, they are not very exaggerated. At most, it is the higher armor-piercing ability, the improvement of the rate of fire and the accuracy, and it is not really strong.

In fact, you can understand by thinking about it. The weapons used by these guys are all single-armed weapons. As long as the single-armed weapons can kill enemy soldiers, what is the power to do? The most powerful gun made by humans is undoubtedly the anti-equipment sniper rifle. The steel can be penetrated by a few centimeters away from the thing. There are also 38-type rifles used by Japanese soldiers during World War II, which can be shot at a short distance to penetrate three people. But what happened? The anti-equipment sniper rifle was only given a small amount of equipment to individual snipers in the special forces and the ordinary company, and the 38-type rifle was completely eliminated. What are you using now? mp5 miniature assault rifle, ak series assault rifle. ak is better. After punching one person, it hurts the second person. Just to say three people ... The armor-piercing shell is almost the same. mp5 is more tragic, it is difficult for one person to penetrate. However, people still have the most equipped individual weapons, which are far more popular than those powerful rifles.

This fact shows that the power of a gun is sufficient. No need to be too strong. The rifle used by our dragons is very powerful because the enemies we deal with are either armored units or soldiers wearing power armor. Ordinary rifles are useless at all, so they will strengthen their power. And even then our gun has a low power mode.

Therefore, even if the aliens have strong technology, their individual weapon power is just able to penetrate the enemy's armor, and it is impossible to get things like individual star destroyers. That's not realistic at all.

The enemies of these Sith warriors are creators and pilgrims. The infantry of the creator wears general power armor, and the protection is not as good as those of ours, because our dragons are high-level arms created by the creators combining pilgrim technology, so our armor is more than creative They have a lot of basic infantry equipment. As for the pilgrims ... these guys are poor and poor. The population of an interstellar civilization is just over 100 million. Can you imagine what the concept is? Maybe some people on some planets they control can't keep it, because the population is too small. Such a race cannot be measured by conventional principles at all. Look at the single-armed weapon used by the pilgrim governor before to know what the race is. Although I don't know what level the consul is to their race, the weapon is actually the self-defense pistol for pilots on the earth!

A self-defense pistol can leave a dent in our weapon. The material of our weapon is better than our power armor, which means that the pistol's pistol can actually penetrate the creator's battleship shell. What is this concept?

Therefore, the strength of the pilgrims cannot be taken into consideration, because the state of this race is relatively abnormal and cannot be measured. According to the public knowledge passed to me by the pilgrim leader, although the pilgrims will also fight these Sith warriors, there are very few individual contacts. According to the leader of the pilgrims, the pilgrims are mainly fleet commanders. Each pilgrim personally drives a starship, and then directs a group of unmanned warships to fight. This is the normal state of pilgrims. As for individual combat ... there are also, but they are peak strength. It is almost equivalent to a mixture of special forces and spies on the earth, but it is a bit like the current state of our dragons on the earth. It is not usually dispatched. Once dispatched, it is dedicated to staring at a certain target, and generally it is a force sweeping everything. The difference is that even if the pilgrims appear on the battlefield, they will not act alone, at least they must bring a large group of fighters and unmanned fighters. Anyway, if you want to kill a pilgrim, those who do n’t die are millions of millions of people who do n’t think about it.

The pilgrims were too strong, and the weapons of the Sith warriors were not designed for them. Their weapons are designed specifically for creators. The combat power of the ordinary soldiers of the creators cannot stop the weapons used by this Sith warrior. However, if the creator's armor is not blocked, it does not mean that our power armor is also unstoppable.

Although our power armor is made on the earth, it can't be said that it is entirely made by earth people. After all, both the equipment and materials are prepared by the creators before. Even the appearance design has been completed more than half, so the power armor provided by Longyuan Group is actually the finished product of the power armor prepared by the creators, but it is only assembled by the Earth people.

The opponent's first round of fire hit us to hide in Tibet, and then they began to roar proudly and launched an assault, but what these guys didn't expect was that we changed the situation immediately after we found the damage of those bullets. Tactics. Previously, they mistakenly thought that their weapons were the power they had before, but now that we have found out the truth, we certainly will not continue to hide behind.

I jumped out of the hiding place and shouted, "Open the limiter, the enemy is an alien combat unit, we don't need to limit the force."

After hearing my words, Ling and Yeyue immediately adjusted their fighting mode to full combat status, and then rushed out of their hiding place and followed me to kill those Sith warriors.

The Sith warrior, who was pretty proud, saw that our side actually started to charge, but he did n’t understand, but the other side was not surprised, but started firing at us again, but this time we already knew their situation, no Will be scared away again.

Meet the bullet of the Sith warrior opposite. I rushed up with the shield all the way. The guy on the opposite side was surprised to find that his bullets couldn't penetrate my shield. I had no choice but to stop firing. Then I adjusted a switch on the gun and pointed at it. I pulled the trigger again.

With a loud noise, my body was slammed in place by a huge force. But it didn't change me, it just stopped the momentum of my charge. However, I didn't plan to be beaten here. The guy who took out my own rifle and aimed at the opponent was a shot.

With a bang, a shot was shot in the chest of the guy opposite, but a bullet flew when Mars flashed. Sure enough, ordinary bullets can't penetrate this guy's power armor. The target I chose was an enemy with heavy power armor, not an ordinary Sith warrior, so it was also expected that I would not wear it. After all, this gun is not the product of the creator, but the real earth product, but there are some technologies from the creator.

One shot did not respond to the other. I immediately used the Mind Network to control the rifle replacement mode in the hand. A mechanical device in the barrel pulled back the ordinary projectile that had been loaded, and then a bullet was caught in the second magazine on the other side Push into the barrel, and at the same time, the electric couplers on both sides of the barrel drive the lines to dock, and the electromagnetic acceleration track starts to work.

Our guns are not simply gunpowder weapons. In fact, there are many creators' technology in this stuff, and even a small amount of technology from pilgrims. It's just really small. In addition to being a gunpowder weapon, this gun is also an energy weapon. It can only use the propellant behind the bullet to boost the projectile, but if you need to increase the power or increase the range, you can start the electromagnetic orbit system. This will turn the gun into an orbital gun. Under the dual acceleration of gunpowder and electromagnetic force, the projectile's speed will be very terrible, of course, the price will be doubled. That is to say, we can hold this kind of gun and change it to a person. Shooting a gun and holding a howitzer without a brake should not be much worse.

All of this is done in an instant. The Sith warrior on the opposite side didn't feel any pause and saw a flash of fire again on my side, and then he flew up. When he died, he didn't understand why the first bullet was fired without any incident, and the second bullet killed his life directly.

My second bullet just opened a small hole the size of a wild walnut directly on this guy's chest, but behind him was a cantaloupe-sized hole. Although the bullet was double-accelerated, the projectile itself was not simple. This is actually a bullet, the outer layer is a cermet armor piercing warhead, and the inner layer is a pressure-sensitive explosive.

The advantage of metal ceramics is that they can be accelerated by electromagnetic accelerators, which is a necessary condition for railguns, and ceramics are actually more brittle. Of course, cermets are not the same as the porcelain you use at home. This stuff is really crispy, but it won't break at the touch. When this cermet projectile hits the target, a physical reaction called a piezoelectric reaction occurs. In a short period of time, the ceramic shell will shatter, but this shattering time is enough for it to maintain its full shape and penetrate the hard armor layer.

After the ceramic warhead that has passed through the shell has shattered, the resistance it receives has increased greatly, and then it will be torn apart. This is the legendary Dam bomb, also known as the fried bomb. Then, the explosive inside the projectile will explode due to the impact pressure, further increasing the effect of this fragment flying and killing.

However, this type of armor-piercing projectile is actually a kind of armor-piercing projectile designed for medium-level armor. It really encounters that kind of thick armor, which may not be as good as some ordinary armor-piercing projectiles. However, it is very easy to deal with power armor, because the outer shell of the power armor is not too thick, and the inside is a soft human body. This thing works best against such protective features.

Although this guy just shot one, just now if someone does an autopsy to him, he will find that there are no organs in his chest, and the rest is a pile of meat. This thing is absolutely brutal.

Immediately after I shot down a target, I shifted the target and found that there was no target at all.

When I was using armor-piercing shells, Ling and Yeyue also fired, but everyone used them differently. Ling used a high-explosive armor-piercing projectile to directly shoot a lightly armored Sith warrior into a human pancake. Yeyue used a tungsten heart armor-piercing shell similar to the embroidery needle to sweep a Sith warrior wearing heavy power armor into a honeycomb.

The remaining three ordinary power armored Sith warriors were surrounded by more than a dozen robotic dogs. One of them had been divided, and the other two were still fighting, but they seemed to be about to die. Of course, the opponent is not without success. At least our robot dogs lost five or six. It can be seen that the opponent's combat effectiveness is still good, but unfortunately they met us.

"Okay, let's stay two live." I walked over as I said. The two Sith warriors had been pressed to the ground by a group of robotic dogs, their weapons had been dragged hard, and the power armor on their hands and feet had been torn apart. After all, the tooth in the robot dog's mouth comes with a vibrating blade. As long as it is not the material that is particularly anti-sky, in general, most materials cannot hold this thing. This has nothing to do with hardness, and the cutting principle of the vibrating blade does not depend on hardness.

Under my control, the robot dogs stepped back, and the two guys on the ground remembered it, but just after they got up, they were kicked back by me and Yeyue.

Walked up to these guys ~ ~ and grabbed each other's helmet and twisted and pulled it off. This is not because the other's helmet is not fixed, but that we have too much strength and twisted the lock hard.

In fact, to be honest, I was a little surprised when I saw the appearance of these two guys, because it seemed almost no different from humans. In addition to the hair color and eye color, the Sith Warrior in front of him is almost indistinguishable from the Earth. Of course, the opponent's body is in the power armor, so it can't be seen, but from the shape of the power armor, there should not be much difference. After all, the structure of the limbs is the same, and the fingers are also five, the positions are similar. With this human-like head, it really doesn't feel like an alien.

In fact, according to the content introduced by the leader of the pilgrims, the creators seem to be no different from the earth people, but the appearance of the pilgrims themselves and humans is slightly different. I do n’t know if it ’s because there is a relationship between the Sith Warrior and the creator and the Earth people. Anyway, I feel that this is what a species looks like.

"Xiaochun, you take these two guys outside first, let's go and see inside." I arranged a job and walked towards the spaceship in front. I don't know what's in this spaceship here. The creators' spaceships are just like pirate treasures to us, and I hope to have something fun this time. (To be continued ...) uw