MTL - Starting from Zero-v23 Chapter 53 Fierce battle

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The shield of the Sith Empire battleship collided with the repulsive shield on the Nova ’s armor shell, but it lasted less than a second before the repulsive shield on the armor layer of the Nova was completely penetrated. This is not to say that repulsive shields are not useful, but because the shields that come with the armor layer and the shields from the shield generator are different.

The shield issued by the shield generator is a kind of overall shield. When there is an attack, the overall energy will be concentrated on this point. This ensures that the enemy's attack does not exceed the energy output of the shield generator. At the limit, it will not penetrate it. Whether you attack from all directions or focus a bit, the impact on the shield issued by the shield generator is not great. Although it is true that a single point of focus attack can increase the penetration effect, some models of shield generators have a stronger concentration and can be blocked. And this is also related to the speed of the shield generator's concentrated shield. If you can break down once before the opponent's shields are concentrated, you don't have to completely resist the energy of the shield generator.

However, the characteristic of biological armor is that the shields generated are partitioned, that is, it is impossible to use them collectively. Although biological armor will also automatically concentrate the surrounding shields to strengthen a little defense after being attacked, this concentration is a limited concentration, and it is impossible to concentrate the entire ship's shields at one point, and Only a small range of shields near the attack area can be concentrated.

This limited concentration determines that although the shield that comes with the biological armor is not weaker in instantaneous strength than the shield issued by the shield generator, it will be much weaker in terms of peak output and durability.

If it is an enemy's shelling, the biological armor's built-in shield is not afraid of it, because the shelling will not always hit a location. Even if the other party is using a continuous beam type of beam weapon, but because both sides are in motion, it is impossible to really lock a position to attack at all times, and the radiation irradiation position will definitely continue to shake. As for the ordinary shelling, don't worry about it, because the one-time fixed-point attack can't be prevented mainly depends on the instantaneous strength of the shield, and the built-in shield generated by the biological armor is actually slightly shorter in terms of instantaneous strength. Above the shield from the shield generator.

but. The problem now is that the Sith Empire battleships were not shelling, but ran into them. This collision process is not only long, but also large in area, and even more terrible is the power. Therefore, the protective force field on the biological armor is obviously inferior to the shield weapon in this case.

After the shield outside the biological armor was smashed, the last layer of shields gathered by the Sith Empire battleships has also turned into a hazy layer of light film, which seems to be reaching its limit. The next second the Sith Empire battleship ran directly into Nova's own armor. At this point all the shields of the new star have disappeared.

The glittering creature armor showed a large depression at the moment of impact, and then began to collapse and disintegrate. But the last shield outside the Sith Empire battleship was finally dead. The armor in front of the battleship suddenly hit the shell of the New Star, and the armor of the two began to collapse and deform, but in general the deformation of the bow of the Sith Empire battleship was slightly smaller than the deformation of the hull of the New Star, because the two When the actual contact was made, the shell of the new asterisk was actually knocked open by the opponent's protective cover. After lacking the support of the overall structural strength, even though it is dominant in materials, the new star still suffers.

Of course, the Sith Empire battleships are also not good, and the front impact position is also smashed into a large area, it looks as if the head is knocked with a hammer.

About five seconds after the two warships were stuck together, the self-power of the New Star finally corrected its acceleration direction. Then gradually began to get out of contact, but at this time the warship had basically lost its direction control and flew out in the air.

Some ground personnel who have been slowly coming around found that the New Star was actually hit by a fly, all of them were terribly nervous, especially those high-level people who received the live scene broadcasted by Xiaochun using dark matter communication. Although they are not on site, they are more worried because they all know. The new star is the last line of defense. Once the new star is finished, no one on earth can stop this alien battleship.

However, just when the top leaders, including the No. 1 head and a large group of national leaders, were extremely worried, the Sith Empire battleship that had just won was suddenly wanting to get drunk and generally began to tilt in one direction, and The bow also began to turn. It is obvious that the action is not its turn.

In the puzzled eyes of everyone, the bow of the Sith Empire battleship turned faster and faster, and it began to spin at a 45-degree angle to the holder.

At this time, inside the Sith Empire battleship, the warship soldier in charge of flight control was desperately twisting the mechanical sensor controller while shouting: "The anti-gravity engine No. 2 failed, and the lift decreased. Restore balance. "

"Use compensation thrusters," the captain shouted.

The warrior pressed the two switches, then stepped on the pedal with his left foot and pushed it all the way down. But after stepping on it, he was surprised to lift his foot and step on it several times in succession, after which he reported helplessly: "Compensation thruster failure, correction failure!"

The damage management officer reported: "It was the guys who invaded the ship. They broke our anti-gravity engine. And these guys are tearing down our emergency control lines. Without stopping them, we will crash. of!"

Before the captain had responded, he suddenly heard the girl shouting, "High energy response, come down from above!"

"Shield!" The captain shouted.

The girl behind responded anxiously: "No, it's overloaded!"

The girl over there just shouted, a bright white beam suddenly fell from the sky, and the center of the Sith Empire battleship slightly rearward protruded the position of the thruster of the hull. It is to make the surface begin to slowly vaporize and disappear, but it is not completely useless, at least the irradiation position is continuously deepening inward, and it seems that the speed is not slow.

The girl inside the ship shouted: "Identified as an early model proton laser gun, the power is not great, but if we don't care about it, our armor will not last too long."

"Where did the attack come from?"

"The attack came from a high-orbit orbiting platform, which should be the enemy's satellite weapon platform."

"Knock it down."

The battleship girl immediately said while operating: "Attack the target high-orbit artificial weapon platform, two rounds of Solomon 2, fire."

While the engine position of the Sith Empire battleship was constantly bombarded by proton laser guns, a armor plate was suddenly opened at the rear of the hull, and a twelve-unit launcher was raised. Without a pause. Two missiles with white trails soared into the sky, the speed increased sharply as soon as they left the spacecraft, and it took almost a few seconds to get out of low-Earth orbit.

When the red alarm prompt was seen in the satellite control center of Longyuan Group, the screen became a snowflake in the next second. After two seconds, the screen turned black, and only a red reminder box appeared in the center of the large screen, which said "Signal Lost".

According to the picture you saw in the last second, everyone actually knows it. Our killer satellite should have been killed. As extraterrestrial equipment in the interstellar era, it is perfectly normal for Sith Empire battleships to have anti-satellite missiles on them. What we did not expect is that the speed of this missile is so exaggerated. It climbed from the ground to the height of the high-orbit satellite within ten seconds. It was really too late to respond!

Our Dragon's Killer Satellite is definitely a first-class weapon on earth. Its attack capabilities are jealous of Americans, but it was not expected that it would have little effect in the face of the Sith Empire battleships. Of course, it is not completely useless, at least a large pit appeared on the opponent's propeller, and the armor layer was burned through at least half. However, it must be thought that this is the result of the situation when the protective cover of the other has been spelled out with the new asterisk. If someone's protective cover is still there ... I guess it's purely hitting the tank with a child water gun!

Chief No. 1 sat in his office and asked a general next to him: "Do we have any other weapons we can use?"

"Besides nuclear weapons, I can't think of anything else. But there are still many of us nearby who haven't evacuated, if we use nuclear weapons ..."

Leader No. 1 also knows what the other party means. Besides, even if the people there are withdrawn, this is our own land after all! Throwing a nuclear bomb on your own land ... Even if the earth is about to be finished soon, no one can do such a thing with hard heart!

After thinking about it, the general said, "Isn't that Shenlin they went in? I think the victory is still ours. It's just the previous loss ..."

The head of the No. 1 reluctantly said, "I also know that victory is ours after all. As long as they enter Shenlin, the ship is basically doomed. But after all, it is an alien thing. Who knows that it can still work out in the end What is it? Have n’t you heard of it just now? The gold-like spaceship they got from Japan has weapons that can directly destroy the earth from space. Would n’t the larger spaceship have it? ”

"We can only trust them in Shenlin!"

The Chief Executive No. 1 said nothing after listening. It really can only be so now. To deal with such things, the conventional weapons of the Earth people are useless at all, and nuclear weapons dare not use them. If it is used, the loss may be greater than that caused by that warship. So, apart from waiting for our side to get the results, they can do nothing more than evacuate nearby people as much as possible.

In fact, the results of the killer satellite just now are not as bad as imagined. At this time, the inside of the Sith Empire battleship, the loss management personnel anxiously reported: "Sir, the shell of the main thruster of the left wing is too hot. The cooling system is damaged and cannot be cooled, 2 The main propulsion may lose momentum at any time. "

"Turn power to Thruster 4 and reduce Thruster 2 output to have the maintenance robot repair the cooling system."


As soon as the commander's words came to an end, the battleship suddenly shook suddenly, and then heard the warship soldier girl shouting: "It was the battleship just now, it is back!"

At this time, the senior members of the state who watched the video transmission almost stood up and cheered. I saw that the new star, which had just been hit and flew out, dragged the billowing smoke and flew back. There is a large area of ​​obvious deformation on the underside of the bow on the left front side of the New Star, and a huge hole has appeared in the center. The thick smoke is coming from there. However, although it looks serious, the New Star is back, and all its artillery is miraculously not bad. In other words, although the new star has a large hole in the bow, the firepower output has not dropped at all.

"Is that ship a monster? We were hit by our battleship. Even the pilgrim's ship should be paralyzed?" The warship pilot exclaimed.

The captain frowned. "Don't worry, focus your firepower. Since it won't lie down, let me tear it down completely."


The artillery on the Sith Empire battleship began to turn again, and then a round of artillery was fired at the new star, but the new star was not fixed there and fired at it as before, but was constantly moving laterally. Of course, you can't avoid many attacks in this way. The battles in the space era begin to confront each other several seconds. At such a distance, it is almost as if everyone is firing against others. It is absolutely impossible to miss them ~ ~ This is also a new star before No. hasn't moved, but the reason for the stand-up and the opposite party. Because the hits on both sides are 100% at this distance, there is no difference between dodging and not dodging.

The group of people on the Sith Empire battleship did not think so much, but kept firing on the target.

As a result of the previous adjustment, the Sith Empire battleship has restored its balance, but the steering speed is very slow, but it can still adjust the direction continuously according to the speed of the new star, always aiming at the new star with the thickest bow.

However, as the Sith Empire battleship continued to turn, the siren inside the ship suddenly sounded. The girl jumped out of the view of the external camera before the girl came to report what was going on inside the bridge, only to see a huge unknown creature beating their turret.

"What is this? Is this planet's native creature?" The captain was completely stupid at this time, because the creature he had never seen in the picture had bite one of their turrets and gave the gun barrel in front. Pulled out stiffly. Nima, this is a space battleship! It's not a children's toy! How could it be bitten by a native creature? Are the teeth of that thing made of neutron star cores? (To be continued.)
