MTL - Starting from Zero-v23 Chapter 59 Got pitted

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"Are you moving fast!" I was threatening the group of people to stop moving and heard Ling's voice coming from above, followed by Ling and Yeyue jumping into the bridge.

"Help to watch these people." After Ling and Yeyue stared at these people, I started to fix them one by one. Although I did n’t bring handcuffs, but how can I say that the power armor is fully equipped? There is a small box with a small size near the side of my waist, and there are actually two hundred strands. I did n’t know it before. .

In fact, plastic ties are very useful on the battlefield, such as temporarily fixing objects, temporarily stopping bleeding when injured, especially on the hands and feet, and can be used to tie people when they are captured, not only strong, but also It ’s fast. What ’s more important is that this gadget does n’t take up space. It ’s impossible to stuff three or fifty pieces into a cigarette box. Pig? Pig? Island? Novel w.uu question, if it ’s a special kind As long as two thumb-shaped extraction boxes, one box can hold 500 pieces.

In the past, the disobedient captain was **** first, then his men, all of them were dragged out one by one, and then **** and thrown to one side, of course, all the things on his body must be removed. My eyes are better than tomography scanners. Don't try to hide anything, even plastic ones.

Compared to this small ship, this bridge is a bit too big, but think about it as the command room of a large battleship, so it is normal.

Cambridge's design is roughly a fan-shaped, somewhat like a scallop. There are two rows of curved consoles in the front, but the middle is disconnected, it feels like an arc drawn with dotted lines. These positions are all facing away from the center, and behind these two consoles are five larger consoles. These five consoles are almost circular, with a circle of control buttons. There is only one opening to get in and out, and the console inside is just like the double-row keyboard, which is almost dense, and I do n’t know how the controllers got busy.

Behind these five consoles is a **** more than one meter high, the top of the **** is also fan-shaped, but there are three planes. As you go from level to level, At the front are two left and right consoles, and the second level is an extra large console, which is the captain's position. Behind the captain are two consoles arranged around, but these two consoles have four seats and are the only double consoles here. These four people should be positions like tactical staff and intelligence gathering.

Below this high platform is not an entity, but there are steps to go down. Below are the left and right two rows of back-to-back consoles. They belong to the tactical command center and are mainly used for commanding and communicating with fleets and fighter groups and receiving superior communications What. Not responsible for commanding inside the ship.

After I **** all the people here, I walked to the front of the spacecraft console. The captain saw that I was going to move the console and shouted immediately, "This is the battleship of our Sith Empire. You won't ..."

He was half stuck when he said that, because I pulled the power cord's own cable directly from the wrist. Although the data port of our dragon family is behind the neck, when wearing power armor, we will directly connect with the power armor. At this time, the connection line of the power armor on the wrist is sufficient, which is equivalent to more gateways.

After the universal data interface was docked, I began to invade the system, and then I saw a large screen on the bridge top lit with a lot of strange graphics. This is not the text of the Sith Empire, but garbled. Because I am invading the system, this is a pulse signal caused by overflow of meaningless data generated by the system check, so it is meaningless at all. But if you see this, you know that the system is being hacked.

It took less than five seconds for the speed of the spacecraft we were in to suddenly come to a halt, and then it began to slowly decline. Obviously, the central computer had been controlled. But I didn't hack all the computers. It was just forcibly switching the flight control to manual mode, and then just simulating the control signal, which was much simpler than invading the computer. Who calls the warship command system designed by these guys to be manual first.

The first priority of the control circuit inside the Sith Empire warship is manual mode, and the computer is only a secondary assistance, so it is easy to cut off the computer signal. If the creator and pilgrim spacecraft are estimated to be in trouble. Because the creator's spacecraft is processed manually and in parallel with the computer, both of them are not easy to cut off, and the pilgrims are more troublesome. The computer is the priority. If you are not sure about the computer, don't try to control the spacecraft.

The more high-end civilization actually depends on artificial intelligence, as for the betrayal of artificial intelligence ... To be honest, those who think so are actually laymen, or have only a half-knowledge. The artificial intelligence that is actually used in practical applications is actually very different from the intelligence that everyone generally understands. This artificial intelligence cannot be regarded as a living body. They behave intelligently, and even have a small amount of innovative ability. They can self-program a part of the program to cope with emerging situations.

However, such a program does not actually have an ego. It doesn't really understand what "I" is, or it doesn't want to understand "I" at all. It doesn't know what it means to be self-aware. Do anything you didn't order it to do. This kind of artificial intelligence is actually not a complete personality. They have very strong abilities and super fast thinking speed, but they are still not electronic life. They are machines regardless of the level of intelligence development.

The creator's ship has electronic life, but these guys and the heart of the ship are not the same thing. The electronic life is loaded in a small mobile device, and they are not directly manufactured in the factory, but follow the captain's personal belongings.

Yes, the electronic lives of advanced civilizations are personal assistants. When the captain was very young, this electronic life was with him. At that time, they were playmates, and when they grew up, they were working assistants. When this person became the captain, this electronic life became the intelligent core of the battleship. Just like a control person presses a button to control a battleship, this idea of ​​life controls the spacecraft through data communication with the inanimate core computer on the spacecraft.

The benefits of this setup are clear. The first is that an electronic life was exposed to very low permissions at first, and they could not do anything exaggerated even if they were crazy. The second is that in the process of electronic life growing up with the master, a very complete personality will be formed. With the existence of personality, it is difficult to make much changes. He does everything based on this basic personality, so he doesn't do irrational things. The third is that the more electronic life knows like humans, the stronger it becomes, and the electronic life that grows together with humans will become more powerful and stable. They know that the more they get, the less likely they are to be silly.

The Sith Empire lags far behind the creators. Their electronic life is still at a very low level, so the spacecraft is mainly controlled manually, and the electronic systems are auxiliary. However, this gave me a good chance to control this spacecraft, at least for now, there is no need to compare the calculation speed with the central computer of the Sith Empire spacecraft. Although my electronic brain is technically ahead of the Sith Empire's computers, the problem is that the volume is too much! Even if the computer is backward. The volume is so large, the computing power will not be too bad, and the opponent is defensive. My attack speed certainly cannot be converted into the speed of invading resources, so I do n’t have to fight against the central computer. I am quite happy.

After our business was done, we heard the call from the opposite side of the mind network: "Shenlin, did you get it?"

"The spacecraft is already under my control."

"Then why is the launch bay below open?"

"Ah?" The son-in-law's reminder made me sting a moment, and then quickly concentrated on the invasion of the flight control assistance system, only to find that a large part of the spacecraft was not online. "I rely! This is a broken system!" Really Xiao He defeated Xiao He! This thing is too backward, there is no full system through design. I didn't notice that some parts were offline. It's like a complete person. If his leg is cut off, do you think he might not know? However, the Sith Empire ’s battleship is possible because its system is not a cyclic network, but an independent network. Each region has an independent network, which is connected to the central backbone network in parallel with each other. That is, the loss of any part does not affect the backbone. jobs. This idea is right. But you ca n’t really play like that! The creator and pilgrim battleship control systems are cyclical, that is, a cascade. However, when a certain part is damaged, an automatic repair is implemented through a virtual interface. This advantage is that the network is still intact, no matter how high the damage to Chengdu is, as long as one part is still working, the battleship control network will not be interrupted, and the closed security of the entire network can be determined. Because if a regional system is lost, the network becomes shorter. This way the system can determine its integrity at any time. At the same time, if someone invades, it means that there is one more link in this cycle, and the system will immediately discover it. No matter how clever you are, as long as you come in. Will be found. Therefore, the computers of creators and pilgrims can only be forcibly broken, and it is impossible to sneak in.

This weird design makes me very depressed, because obviously there are not only some people in this ship, there should be people in the spaceship who are controlling the spacecraft elsewhere, and he cut off the control line of the central control room , And still physically cut off.

"Your sister! Did your Sith Empire's system come from the cottage factory?" I knocked down the console in depression, and then the door of the control room behind us suddenly opened the next second.

There was no pause, and the moment the door opened, there was a roar of gunshots. Yeyue was the most unfortunate. Because he was in the wrong position, he was sprayed a few times, and the whole person was taken off. Ling reacted slightly, raising his hand as a series of bullets swept past, but the captain in front of him suddenly slammed into her. Although Ling was not attacked, he was shaken by this striker. He did not kill the intruder at the door, but also hit one of the guy's shoulders.

As soon as his wrists were turned and his elbows were stunned in the countryside, the captain's eyes fell suddenly, and the whole man could only pump on the ground. Obviously, Ling Han's anger was slightly stronger. But seeing that this guy did n’t have a dead body on the spot, at least that Ling had no intention of killing, otherwise Ling ’s power would not only hurt, everyone would knock you into meat.

I was sitting at the captain's position. There was a console behind it, but I was not assaulted for the first time, but the other party obviously knew my position, so I raised a grenade and hit the roof of the command room, then bounced off. In my hand, Nima is a master!

There was a loud noise, and I was taken off from the position, but nothing happened. The power armor is strong enough, and the pilgrim technology is cattle.

Ye Yueyue who got up from the back of the console pulled out the assault rifle in the back and adjusted it to armor-piercing mode, connected the armor power, and then started firing at the door. When the bullet hit a hole in the steel plate at the door, the firepower outside was weak. It went down, but a small ball rolled in the next second, and after a circle on the ground, it rushed towards Yeyue.

My eyes glanced at the ball, and analysis data popped up immediately in my sight. "Yueyue flashes fast, it's a black hole bomb!"

These Sith people are absolutely crazy. Such abnormal things are actually used in their own warships. The structure of their heads is really amazing.

Yeyue heard that the black hole bounced around and jumped up ~ ~ The propeller behind him started the whole person to fly directly to the roof, but unfortunately she was waiting for her. Seven or eight grenades flew together and covered her all around, and left and right, Yeyue, who had no space to evade, was directly blown down, and then the black hole bomb just exploded.

"Ah ..." With a scream, the black hole bomb disappeared, and there was also a space with a radius of about one meter. The console, floor and the following things were all gone. It's like taking a sip of something. The smooth cut can be used as a mirror. But these are not the point, the point is that the lower body of Yeyue is gone. The body was only at the waist, and the parts starting from the navel were gone. Blood and water were everywhere.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly looking at Yeyue.

Although Yeyue looks miserable, she is not affected at all. "It's okay, but the lower body is gone." Ye Yue said with her own hands, she climbed behind the console to avoid bullets, then took out a first-aid needle to inject herself, and then used polymer tape to cut the fracture under the belly All sealed up. This is our dragon family, and it may be painful to die for another person. But it hasn't affected us much. The core of the Dragons is the brain. As long as the electronic brain with a metal shell inside the skull is not a problem, the body is sieved. (To be continued.)

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