MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 300 New 1st Generation Medium Passenger and Cargo 2-Purpose Aircraft

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Suddenly, I felt that what I thought was so far away, but these things are indeed achievable, but how much technical support is needed in the middle, that is something that will not be known until then.

But judging from the current situation, the Xuannv space fighter in front of him really felt a little too big for him, which made him wonder whether he should really be pulled out in reality.

But if he didn't make it in reality, wouldn't his efforts during this period of time be wasted? So now he was a little at a loss, and he also hesitated about what he said to agree to Wang Yuesheng.

He was hesitating whether he really wanted to go to the Nantianmen project hosted by Kyushu that Wang Yuesheng said. Because it seems that at this time, he has already figured out the most important technology of the Nantianmen project.

Now he can play with this aspect by himself, and even though he doesn't know the technical content of the Nantianmen Project at the Kyushu level, what he is sure of is that there must be no such technical content that he created himself. high.

If he really wants to join, he must follow the arrangements of some researchers. He may not be free to study something inside, so it is better for him to stay at home and do his own research.

So he is very entangled, whether to pass it, if it really does not meet his expectations, how should he deal with himself, these are all problems.

Problems represent troubles. He is a person who doesn't like troubles very much, and he just finished a long-term task before, so he doesn't want to devote himself to a super-time-consuming task again.

After much deliberation, he finally made up his mind to reject Wang Yuesheng's invitation and not to join the Nantianmen project he said. In fact, he studied his own stuff, which is the way to maximize his golden fingers.

With this decision, Li Zhenhua glanced at the Xuannv fighter plane that had been manufactured in the laboratory before him, but had never been flown. Then the fighter plane disappeared in front of him, and he himself withdrew from the virtual laboratory.

Withdrew from the laboratory, got up from the bed, went to the coffee table and took a few sips of water. As his mind gradually cleared up, he came to the sofa and sat down. At the same time, he called Wang Yuesheng.

[beep beep...]

The phone rang for a long time but no one answered it. When he thought the other party was busy and was about to hang up, the phone was finally answered, and then he heard Wang Yuesheng's voice.

"Boy Li, you are calling me to tell me that you are free recently, do you finally want to join our plan?"

Wang Yuesheng was very happy when he received his call, but his happiness was destined not to last long, because after he heard what Li Zhenhua said next, his mood would definitely not be so good.

"Chief, that... um..." Li Zhenhua hesitated all the time, he didn't know how to speak, or he was embarrassed to speak, and finally hesitated a few times before he spoke.

"Let me just say it directly, Chief. It's not the case if I keep haggling like this. I just want to talk about the plan you invited me to. I don't want to go now. That's all!"

He finally told the story. Wang Yuesheng, who was very happy just now, immediately lost the smile on his face after listening to his words, or his face became very bad.

Although he didn't know why Li Zhenhua said he would not participate, he still wanted to fight for it again. Although he knew it was slim, what if he convinced him!

The reason for inviting him to join is because he valued his magic, that brain that is comparable to Einstein, or even smarter than the old man who loves the old man. In Wang Yuesheng's opinion, his joining alone is simply better than half a research and development team. But also awesome.

"Didn't you promise it before? Why did you suddenly go back on it now? Did you encounter any problems? Tell me, an old man, that as long as I can solve it for you, I will definitely solve it for you!"

Hearing Wang Yuesheng's words, he immediately felt a little bit embarrassed, and felt nothing for a moment, but then he followed his own mind.

"I haven't encountered any problems, and there is nothing that requires you to come forward to solve it. As for why I regret what you asked, I won't go if I don't want to go. Let me explain to you.

You also know that from the very beginning when I started to play motorcycles, I have been fighting alone, even after that, I have been doing research and development by myself, and the big machine tool project just completed is no exception.

Although the big machine tool project locked my time, and I was very tired of this repetitive work, I still completed it, and these were all led by me.

So I want to come by myself, giving me freedom in research is the best way to develop my own value, I figured it out now, that's why I refused your previous invitation! "

Although Wang Yuesheng was anxious in his heart, he still calmed down and listened to what he said. After listening to it, the old man actually agreed with him in his heart, but he was still a little unwilling.

If the other party joins the plan at the national level, the benefits are obvious. In terms of resources alone, he cannot match it alone.

"I know what you think, you don't want to be too comfortable, but we didn't say too much about interfering with your research.

After you join in, you can choose from various projects in it. What you want to study is up to you. Is this not enough?

And didn't you accept the invitation from the Kyushu Space Agency before? Didn't you work well with those teams back then? It's not that he has no experience in cooperation, just a glance like the previous one! "

But now he is determined not to join in, because joining in will definitely result in more ineffective social interaction, and what Wang Yuesheng said, he has participated in the Wu Gang power space suit project and cooperated well with the team. premise.

The premise is that he has already worked out the powered exoskeleton before, which is just a fusion of the powered exoskeleton and the spacesuit. Although it is difficult, it is different from this big project.

"Chief, last time I worked with the team on the matter of Wu Gang's spacesuit. It was only achieved after I developed a powered exoskeleton, so it can only be an example and has no reference value. So I still refuse your invitation to me."

After hearing his answer, Wang Yuesheng knew it. He was considerate. It seemed that it was completely hopeless for him to join the Nantianmen Project. Now there was only regret in his heart, because he could not join the project. It is a pity that Nantianmen is planned.

Just when Wang Yuesheng was feeling regretful, Li Zhenhua who was opposite him spoke to him again.

"Actually, if I don't join in, I can conduct research myself, and I feel more free to conduct research by myself.

Without the restrictions of rules and regulations, my thinking can be more divergent, and some of my ideas can be implemented, so it's not that I don't do research on Nantianmen.

How about this, chief, why don't we make a bet and see if your plan is the first to produce results, or my own research is quicker and I can get the results first? "

At this moment when he finished speaking, Wang Yuesheng felt the strong self-confidence of the boy opposite, or arrogance, but he combined with the previous achievements of this boy, it is really not arrogant.

After thinking about it this way, he also gradually agreed with Li Zhenhua's idea. Since this kid has already said so, let's try it. Anyway, the Nantianmen Project is a huge project, and the time span of this project is extremely long.

Even if he didn't achieve any results for a while, he can still be invited to join the Nantianmen project in Kyushu later.

"Alright kid, then I'll agree with your idea first, but I want to explain in advance that if you can't continue your research later, you can tell me at any time, our plan welcomes you at any time join in."

Hearing Wang Yuesheng's answer, he felt relieved, this matter has been resolved by him up to now, evading Wang Yuesheng's invitation is just because he has nothing to do.

Then I chatted with the old man for a few more words, it didn't take long, and then I hung up the phone.

Sitting on the sofa at home, Li Zhenhua felt really good. After talking so much, he also felt thirsty.

Feeling relaxed, he picked up the water cup on the coffee table and took a sip, but he forgot that the water in the tea cup was poured just before the phone call, and the hot water scalded him so much light.

Feeling the pain of being scalded in his mouth, he hurried to the refrigerator, took a small pudding from it and stuffed it into his mouth, feeling the coolness coming from his mouth.

When the mouth got used to the coolness, the taste of pudding also came from the mouth, this moment was really refreshing.

Moreover, the ice cream assassin incident some time ago also made him feel that those ice creams were sold so expensive that most of the people who bought them were faulty! How about a fifty cent pudding? Simply inedible?

When the small pudding in his mouth was completely melted, and only a wooden stick was left, he could not feel the pain from the scalding before.

At this moment, he began to think alone, whether to make the Xuannv fighter that he made in the virtual laboratory next.

Because the Xuannv fighter he created is technically a bit too awesome, and it can only be described in this way.

Just talking about an energy core produced by thermonuclear reaction technology, the influence of this thing is immeasurable.

This is a kind of nuclear fusion technology, which is much more advanced than the reactor used on the 005 aircraft mother. That is the nuclear fission reactor used, but what he created is a nuclear fusion reactor.

The output and energy density of these two energy cores are vastly different. The difference is ten times or even a hundred times. It may wait until the mother of the aircraft is dead, and the energy has not been consumed yet!

This is just an energy core, and there is also new particle anti-gravity technology! This is also a top-notch technology. If it can be used on a large scale, it can directly push Kyushu into the cosmic age.

Although the range of activities may only reach within the solar system, it is also a very remarkable effect. Almost all the resources in the solar system can be utilized by Kyushu. Not to mention the earth's satellite moon, this is a resource Great treasure house.

If the above helium III can be transported to the earth, the real Kyushu will once again break the current energy structure of the entire earth. Just think about it, how crazy it will be.

Some technologies that are restricted by energy sources also have a wide range of applications.

There is also the application of anti-gravity technology in the future, whether it is possible to manufacture a hovering car, etc. Anyway, the impact will be huge.

After thinking about it like this, he went through all the consequences that would happen later in his mind, which can be said to have considered all aspects of the problem.

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't make up his mind, but when he was in trouble, he suddenly thought of what Da Ke said in Marvel.

Rather than fantasizing here, it is better to practice it. Only after doing it will you know what the consequences will be.

Originally, he was an activist. After he had an idea in his mind, he immediately began to think about which aspect of work to do first.

At this time, he was no longer sitting on the sofa, he got up directly and came to his desk, opened the document on the computer and began to write the specific should be prepared first, what is needed The materials, what preparations should be made for the equipment to be launched, and everything in detail was recorded in the document by him.

Moreover, such a huge project is not something he can handle alone, and he still needs the help of some other people. Only in this way can he make the most of his own talents and speed up the overall progress.

The word count of the computer’s document was growing at an average rate of 3,000 words per hour, until it was completely dark, and he wrote a total of nearly 10,000 words. With this speed of coding, even if he was asked to be a It is a craft to be able to survive starvation for street writers.

But even at this speed, writing a plan of more than 10,000 words has only completed more than half of the overall schedule.

YY Novels

At this time, looking at the dark sky, I didn't work overtime. Instead, I turned off the computer and cut off the electricity in the office, and then I went home.

When he returned to the company the next day, he continued to work on some proposals. He once again used up his day's time. At this time, his proposal was finally written, with revisions in the middle, and a total of 30,000 words.

After the plan is written, the whole project is considered to have taken the first step from him! The first step of the real Xuannv Fighter, of course, the name of the current plan is not Xuannv Fighter.

What was written on the title of the document was "Regulations for the Development of a New Generation of Medium-sized Passenger and Cargo Aircraft", which could be regarded as a disguise from the very beginning. , will not be disclosed to the outside world at all.

PS: At 8:30 on Monday morning, I will live broadcast the code words on Acne Printing, welcome everyone to come to the live broadcast room and supervise my code words! Just search for DukeLi and you will find me!

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