MTL - Steady Development From Douluo-Chapter 216 Continent is changing!

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   Chapter 216 The situation of the continent changes!

   "Have you figured it out?"

   A vague voice sounded, the tone was very flat, and the mood did not seem to fluctuate in the slightest because of Su Xun's refusal.

  Su Xun understood that this was the voice of the Sea God and the warning of the Sea God, but Su Xun did not have any regrets, "I thought about it very clearly."

  The voice is firm and decisive, without any hesitation!

The    voice fell, the pressure from the top of the holy pillar disappeared immediately, and the original golden light disappeared without a trace, leaving only a translucent red light.


  The red light fell between Su Xun's eyebrows, and a red prismatic mark appeared on Su Xun's forehead.

   Then, nine red squares burst out from Su Xun's forehead, one of them fell into Su Xun's eyebrows, and the rest disappeared.

   Top, nine exams? ?

   Seahorse Douluo's eyes were about to pop out, Te Miao's this is the top nine exams, even the high priest is only the top eight exams.

  The top nine exams, hey... He couldn't imagine how perverted Su Xun was!

"Come with me."

The horror on   's face slowly faded, Bo Saixi stared at Su Xun, and finally took a long breath and said softly.

   "Senior wait a moment, there are still two confidantes below, I'm afraid they also need to be assessed."

   The assessment information of the Sea God was very surprising to Su Xun. Seeing that Bo Saixi was about to leave, Su Xun opened his mouth to stop him, but also released Leng Mengyao and Ning Rongrong.


   Seeing Leng Mengyao and Ning Rongrong, Bo Saixi's eyes were even more surprised, but then he put his eyes on Leng Mengyao's abdomen, a faint smile flashed in his eyes.

   But that smile seemed a bit bitter, both envious and lonely.

  Leng Mengyao and Ning Rongrong also took the assessment. Ning Rongrong was still the top seven, but Leng Mengyao came to the top eight, even surpassing Ning Rongrong.

   Moreover, there was a light pouring into her abdomen, which was also red, the top nine exams!

"Ha ha…"

   Seeing this scene, Su Xun laughed immediately, while Leng Mengyao was rubbing her stomach with a doting and loving look on her face.

   Then, the three of them followed Bo Saixi and left, leaving only Seahorse Douluo in the wind.


   There are three top-level assessments all at once, what are they doing?

   Three people competed for the position of high priest and ousted her?


  Leng Mengyao's assessment should not exceed Ning Rongrong's, because there is a gap in the martial arts between the two. The Thousand-Change Ice Bow is not a top-level weapon, but the Nine Treasures Glazed Glass is the best among the top-level weapons.

   The reason for this is that Leng Mengyao has eaten a lot of medicinal herbs. Besides water and fire, there are other powerful factors in the blood, and these will also be passed on to the children.

   In terms of parents' expectations, Su Xun hopes to see the Sea God's Nine Tests in his child, but from the sincerity of his parents, Su Xun prefers to see the top nine test.

  Although this shows that the little guy is not very talented, at least in his mother's womb, he will not bear the burden of becoming a god!

   "Why did you refuse? That's the **** of the sea, don't you want to be a god?"

   walked at the front, Bo Saixi suddenly stopped, turned his head and asked.

   This question, she is very curious, and has no intention of continuing to endure.

   The guardian of the Sea God Island, the messenger of the Sea God, no one knows better than him that there is no such thing as the top nine exams!

   Nine exams, only Seagod nine exams, top-level exams only seven exams and eight exams.

   The golden light lit up just now, which meant that it was indeed the Seagod's Nine Tests, but it dropped down later.

   The reason for this, Bo Saixi wanted to understand, and also wanted to know why Su Xun rejected the Sea God just now.

  Although Seahorse Douluo couldn't hear the conversation between Seagod and Su Xun, she was vaguely aware of it.

   "It's fate." Su Xun said with a smile.

   Bo Saixi frowned slightly, "Then what is the content of your assessment?"

   Hearing the content of the assessment, Su Xun was stunned for a moment, then looked at Leng Mengyao and the others, "Come on, your assessment content is the same, right?"

   "The content of my assessment is to stay in Seagod Island for three years in the end!" Leng Mengyao replied, then looked at Ning Rongrong, who also nodded.

   "My assessment content is also three years!" Under Bo Saixi's astonished gaze, Su Xun said slowly.

   Bo Saixi: ….

   Lord Sea God is too drunk today, what kind of assessment is this?

   The mood was up and down, and Bo Saixi didn't have the heart to ask any more, so he directly led Su Xun and the others to the town of Seagod Island, and then left.

   "Looks like we're going to live here in the future."

   Looking at the coastal town in front of him, Su Xun said with a smile.

  The people in the city are very respectful when they see the marks on the foreheads of Su Xun and others, even some high-level sea soul masters.

   In addition, there is a special person to arrange everything for Su Xun and others.

The content of the    Poseidon's assessment was unexpected and reasonable. After all, the original Seagod's Nine Tests were not difficult for Su Xun.

   Even if one of them defeated Bo Saixi and wanted to come to Su Xun with all his strength, even if Bo Saixi used the power of the sea god, he might not be able to win.

   Knowing how strong Su Xun is, and what the belief in Su Xun's body is about, the Sea God gave such an assessment.

   Three years in Poseidon Island!

   As soon as it comes, it can be regarded as getting acquainted with Su Xun in advance.

   Second, it is also to confirm Su Xun's words, will someone come to Seagod Island in the future and inherit his Seagod position.

   In this way, Su Xun and the others settled on the Sea God Island. At first, the people on the island were very new to them, and they got used to it over time.

  Su Xun's child was also born. It's a girl. Like Su Xun, she has white hair. She looks sweet and moving, and is very popular with other people.

   Bo Saixi also likes this little guy very much. He often comes to visit, but Xiao Bai is the one who worries the most. He frightens her from time to time, but the little guy is daring and not afraid at all.

  Su Yunmeng!

   This is the name that Su Xun gave her. It combines the names of Su Xun and Leng Mengyao, and it sounds more convenient.

  The time on the island passed by leisurely, but the situation on the mainland gradually became tense.

   Wuhun Temple, which has the method of body refining and the method of spiritual power cultivation, believes that the strength of Wuhun Temple is enough, and launched a battle against the whole continent in the third year.

   This time, Spirit Hall is confident, but also a little arrogant.

   What they didn't know was that the Star Luo Empire and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School possessed a more powerful method of body refining, and the strength of the two parties increased even faster than the Spirit Hall.

   Attacked Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, Wuhun Hall won, but attacked Qibao Glazed Tile Sect. They paid a heavy price.

   The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School secretly trained a group of body warriors, and with the blessing of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Martial Spirit, their combat power was a little scary.

  Ning Fengzhi also strengthened his physical training. In addition, he secretly broke through to Soul Douluo, and his support ability has reached a new level. The eighth soul skill is even more abnormal.

   The sneak attack on the Spirit Hall not only damaged the soldiers, but also lost a Title Douluo in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

   (end of this chapter)