MTL - Steady Development From Douluo-Chapter 7 Soul Pill!

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   Chapter 7 Soul Pill!



  Selected a room, Su Xun just opened the corner of the door, a man's voice rang out, Su Xun was also stunned, but he didn't expect there were people in the room.

   pushed the door open, a face full of beards suddenly came into his eyes, two peach blossom eyes closed together, staring at him curiously.

   "You are Oscar, right? My name is Su Xun."

   Unexpectedly, he came to Oscar's room, Su Xun greeted with a smile.

   "You are... Senior Su Xun?!"

   Staring at the unfamiliar white-haired youth in front of him, Oscar was wondering in his heart. Hearing Su Xun's words, his pupils shrank suddenly, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help exclaiming.

  Oscar's eyes were full of astonishment, he never thought that he would meet Su Xun in such a way.

   Moreover, the mysterious senior Su Xun looks very young, not even a few years older than him.

  Handsome appearance, fair skin, coupled with that white hair, is simply too cool and handsome!

   "Yeah! I'm out of customs today. I wanted to find a dormitory to live in, but I didn't expect you to live here!" Su Xun nodded with a smile and explained.

   "Senior is really working hard. If it were me, how could I persist for so long, I'm afraid I would be suffocated to death."

  Oscar nodded sincerely, looking at Su Xun with adoring eyes, how much perseverance and tenacity it takes to retreat for thirteen years!

  Thinking that Su Xun was looking for a place to live, Oscar rolled his eyes, grabbed Su Xun's arm directly, and dragged Su Xun into the room with enthusiasm on his face:

   "Since the senior is looking for a place to live, why don't you come to me, my dormitory is definitely the best, warm in winter and cool in summer, just one person is missing!"

   Having said that, Oscar walked around the room with Su Xun in high spirits, as if he had become a real estate agent, and introduced him in a babbling manner, enjoying himself.

   "I appreciate your kindness, but I'm used to living alone."

   Seeing Oscar's enthusiasm, Su Xun couldn't bear to refuse, but interrupted him anyway.

   He has no intention of living with others, otherwise his secrets will be easily discovered, so it is better to live alone.

   "Uh... well then!"

The smile on   's face suddenly solidified, and Oscar nodded sadly.

   "Senior! There are two empty dormitories in the east, you can go and have a look, and you can call me anytime if you have anything!"

   Originally planned to bring Su Xun there, but thinking that Su Xun had already come to the academy, I am afraid that he would not be needed, so Oscar had to remind him.

   "Don't be so polite, I still have your kindness, I should thank you!"

   Seeing Oscar being so polite, Su Xun shook his head and patted him on the shoulder, his eyes shining with sincerity and gratitude.

   "Look at what you said, senior, it's just a little thing, it's nothing!"

   Hearing this, Oscar was also stunned for a moment, then realized that Su Xun was talking about delivering meals, and scratched his head naively, not paying much attention.

   "This is an elixir, which can boost your soul power, so it's a small gift!"

   Others don't care, so Su Xun can't care less, he took out a black pill and handed it to Oscar.

   "Increase Soul Power?"

  Oscar's eyes brightened, and he looked at the medicine pill in his hand in amazement, something that could enhance his soul power, this is a treasure!

   "Senior is so polite, how can you be embarrassed?"

  Although his mouth was very polite, Oscar was not polite at all, he put away the medicine pill in his hand, and planned to try it after Su Xun left.

   "I'm going to choose a dormitory first, so I won't bother!" Patting Oscar on the shoulder, Su Xun smiled lightly, turned and left.

   "Hey hey...try it and see!"

   Watching Su Xun leave, Oscar took out the medicine pill, his eyes were full of surprises, and he plunged into the house without a word.

"Good luck!"

   Aware of Oscar's actions behind him, Su Xun grinned, wondering if he would be able to smile like he does now after taking the medicine pill.

   The first spirit ring was obtained by Su Xun under the guidance of the system. Of course, he did not shoot it himself, but Zao Wuji and the others helped to hunt it down.

The hunted soul beast is called the nine-tailed soul fox. It is considered to be an extremely rare soul beast. It has extremely weak combat power, but has nine lives, and can rely on burning souls and vitality to enhance the soul power in the body. Obtained the first centennial spirit ring.

  Soul Pill!

  Su Xun's first spirit ring's skills can create medicinal pills that increase spirit power, but it is only one-twentieth of the basic level of the cultivation base!

   is one-twentieth of the soul power of thirty-one, forty-one...

   Don't look at it is only one-twentieth, but the improvement of soul power is indeed enormous.

  Because the spirit power level has been raised by one level, the gap with the previous level is basically about 10%.

   In other words, if a person at the 30th level consumes two Soul Rejuvenating Pills, there is a high probability that they will reach the 32nd level, which can be regarded as a cheating tool for cultivation.


  Everything has advantages and disadvantages, and the Soul Soul Pill is not a panacea, and it cannot be used all the time.

  Soul Soul Pill, each person can only take it once a month, and it needs to endure great pain, just like the pain of the nine-tailed soul fox burning soul and vitality.

   On this point, Su Xun didn't make it clear to Oscar, as the saying goes... Without going through a bone-chilling experience, how could plum blossoms smell fragrant!

  The Shrek Academy is not very large, it only rents one-third of the village, so the dormitory of the academy is extremely limited. There are four rooms for men and women, and two people usually live in each room.

   As Dai Mubai, he didn't live with anyone, but in a separate room. Ma Hongjun also came out alone because of his martial spirit, so there was only one empty dormitory left.

   "It should be here..."

   Looking at the room in front of him that had not been opened for a long time, and the door buttons were rusted, Su Xun shook his head, pushed the door and walked in.


The thick choking smell mixed with smoke and dust poured into his nose, Su Xun's body trembled slightly, and the white soul power rushed from his body, spreading in all directions like waves, and under the impact of soul power, the wooden window was shaken with a bang opened.


   A burst of gray air flowed out, and the color gradually faded, and the smell in the room was a lot lighter.

   Looking at the mess in the room, Su Xun reluctantly packed it up, and after a while, a heavy footstep sounded.

   "Mr. Shao, why are you here?"

   Su Xun was also stunned when he saw the person coming, but when he noticed what the other party was holding, Su Xun immediately understood.

   "Bring you a quilt and make it up yourself!"

  The fat face was full of kindness, Shao Xin put down the quilt, then turned and left.

   Staring at the back of Shao Xin's departure, Su Xun suddenly felt a little tingling in his heart. After a while, he recovered and turned his eyes to the bedding.

   "Hey~ Don't you think you owe me more?" The system said resentfully.

   "Fuck! I'm still pretending to be a loli, I've got goosebumps, get out!"


   I'm so hard!

   (end of this chapter)