MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1145 Violent conquest

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The first thousand one hundred and forty-five chapters of violence

"Goodness? Grandpa and this rabbit is a good marriage?" 敖 敖 敖 得 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额 额The dark dragons turned into dozens of small black dragons around the singularly roaring, the air around them suddenly stagnate, the bitter cold and the high temperature that burned people into ash and shrouded them all around.

The white-faced youth was surprised and dismissed. He suddenly smiled ‘嗤嗤’: “Good and powerful, strong and strong, I like it very much!”

The scorpion shines like a peach blossom, and the white-faced youth sleeves glimpse, and a pink spar like a heart flies out of the sleeves with a sigh of relief. past. The faces of the sturdy chaotic creatures standing behind the young man changed at the same time, and the subconsciously stepped back a few steps. Obviously they all suffered from the bitterness of this pink spar.

"Be careful!" Don't scream at the salty and not faint, then step back from the old man. He left his anger and rushed to the crown and ignored him. He only looked at the buildings around him. According to Pangu, the Seven Holy Palace is a step by step, step by step, but his own group has entered the first heavy palace, how have you not encountered any special ban?

It seems that this is an ordinary human palace, but it is extraordinarily large and majestic. Bronze roof tiles, bronze walls, red pillars, blue and blue with a touch of metallic floor tiles, all the palaces here are exceptionally old and extraordinarily heavy. Do not faintly feel that these palaces are like a mountain. After a long time, my heart has been crushed and uncomfortable.

There are faint flashes in the eyes, and I don’t want to start to concentrate on analyzing the surrounding palace buildings. He is too lazy to ignore things outside.

The pink sparkles with a faint light and a crystal of the warm aroma of the soul-sucking soul, and slowly flies to the front of the face, drawing a curve like the peerless curves of the chest and the belly. The spar volleyed to the unsettled heavenly cover. At the same time, the vacant light and shadow around the room changed, and the empty blue-green square suddenly turned into a pink cloak. There were silk satin everywhere, and there were all kinds of delicate furnishings everywhere. There were countless beautiful boys and girls, and countless looks. Lili's unclear men and women's human form gently entangled in the brocade, and the body constantly squirmed and rubbed.

Xia Xia whispered and laughed, shaking his head in disapproval. This spar is obviously also a saint, but the style is too sloppy. The illusion of this kind of obscenity and temptation is quite powerful, but what is the use of a monster that does not respect this kind of heart like iron and stone?

He didn't look up and smiled. He grabbed the cracked gun and pulled it out against the sky. The splitting gun gave a long whistling into a black raging dragon, and spit out dozens of arrogant fire dragons in the mouth against the pink spar, which forced the spar to fall. The white-faced youth face changed, and he was about to drink a bad one. He did not respect the body and had a thick black dragon scale. He grabbed the sacred rifle that had just been robbed, and laughed at the volley with a shot to the white surface. The young stabbed the past.

A shot was shot, and the pink illusion was shattered around. Numerous light and shadow like a meteor flew out from the long gun, and the sharp whistling sound of the heartbreaking lungs was madly wounded by the white-faced youth. The white-faced youth exclaimed, and his body became a pale-white four-eared white rabbit. The two extremely powerful hind legs smashed into a white electric light and smashed to the exit of the square.

Seeing that the electric light is going out of the square, I don’t want to take it with my palm. I only hear a loud noise, and the four-eared white rabbit is hit with a dizzy head and hit the ground. The blue-blue floor tiles are not known to be made of any material. The floor tiles are not damaged at all. The four-eared white rabbits have broken their heads and the blood vessels are broken. The skulls are all sunken and there seems to be a few drops of brains spilling out.

"Rabbit!" 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 , , , 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , There was a lot of blood spurting between his two hind legs, and he obviously did some minor surgery for him.

"A rabbit, you must never learn to be a man!" He did not respect the voice and laughed. He strode to the side of the beggar and grabbed the four-eared white rabbit. He swayed in his hand. He glared at the chaotic creatures who had just stood behind the white rabbits with a pair of sly eyes: "Who else wants to do it with Laozi?"

A total of seven chaotic creatures were horrified and fell to the ground. They showed their original shape and carefully exposed their belly. This is a sign that the chaotic creatures succumb to the strong. They are also violently shocked by the white-eared white rabbits. Nowadays, the four-eared white rabbits are beaten to death and do not know. It is obviously a more violent and violent existence. What else can you do with surrender?

Don't whisper a few words with your eyes open, and the words that stand on his side are not respected. Do not want to blame or disappoint the remaining two groups of people forcibly conquered, the seven holy palaces are in jeopardy, there is such a group of cannon fodder to explore the road is more valuable than any baby. Although there is still a qualified pathfinder cannon in the hand, but the mysterious and unpredictable in the Seven Holy Palace, Wu Chang is likely to be completely obliterated. In contrast, it is more cost-effective to take this group of people to take the path.

If he didn't understand the words, he laughed and slammed his hand and cut off the head of the four-eared white rabbit. Just listening to a tragic, a white rabbit ghost shadow flew out of the body of the four-eared white rabbit, rushed toward the chaotic space of high altitude, and saw that it would escape.

"Can't go, why waste power?" I don't shook my head, and I don't know when I have already flown into the sky. She opened her mouth and looked at the white rabbit spirit from the net.咕咚 'The white rabbit swallowed it cleanly.

He did not smile and laughed a few times. He squeezed his eyes toward the pointed man and the bone-strong man standing on the square. Then he opened his mouth and swallowed the four-eared white rabbit. The sharp teeth chewed the bones of the white rabbit, and he did not deliberately shed some blood from the corner of his mouth. He was satisfied with the decapitation: "The taste is not bad. This kid is weak, but he has a bit of chewing." It’s just a little more hair, aunt!”

A heavy sip, a mouthful of white hair spit in the sky, and he did not respect the hand and grabbed the pink spar that was facing the rifle. Standing on the stomach, the two men who looked a little ugly, screaming at the big model: "You are taking the lead? These people are your subordinates?"

The sharp-eared man and the bone-browed man looked at each other, and they launched an attack without swearing. The pointed man took out a bow and arrow, and in the blink of an eye was a dozens of pale green fluorescent screams. The bones of the strong man shouted, and he made a magical power of the heavens and the earth. His body shape suddenly expanded to ten feet, and when he raised a huge fist, he slammed down.

敖 敖 尊 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左He recognized that the bow and arrow in the hand of the pointed ear was also a set of sacred devices. Where did the fire that led the holy device hit the fire?

As for the punch that the bones of the strong man volleyed, I don’t respect it. He smiled and raised his head, letting the big man hit a fist on his head. A tragic rumor came, the bones on the fists of the strong man smashed, and the two dragon horns that were not found on the forehead penetrated his fist deeply and smashed his phalanx.

The strong man was sore and violent, and he screamed out a shackle with three metal hammerheads full of wolf teeth, and tried his best to wave the shackles and squat.敖 敖 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊This flail is also a saint. The power of the eruption during the bombardment is extraordinarily heavy. It is like thousands of stars at the same time squatting at the same time. The splitting gun is stunned and shivering. The black dragon is crushed and smashed. Zundu was shocked and shivered.

With a cold scream, the Holy Spirit will not give him the giant shield to sacrifice. The giant shield burst into a myriad of streamers, and it is woven into a brilliant light curtain in the top of the head. There are countless heavy visors in it. The flames of smoke are looming. The bones of the brave man are constantly squatting on the light curtain, but only a burst of glare of fire, but the light curtain can not be shaken.

How can this giant shield be a good thing after the re-cultivation of the beggars? It is much stronger than the fake and shoddy sacristys of the Jiugong Palace. The repair of the Dahan is also lower than that of the Holy Spirit. How can he possibly The giant shield that was revealed by the Holy Spirit caused a little pressure?

The squatting hand is even more hot, she never seems to know what is going on under her hand, and the long needle that has not been revived has been silently turned into a three-color long rainbow masculine, like Iron acupuncture tofu pricked in from the back of the pointed ear man.

A terrible, three-color Changhong spurred out from the sharp-eyed man's eyebrows, a mixture of brain and plasma squirted dozens of feet away, just squirting a face.敖 尊 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不

I whispered a spell that was not taught, and the rifle that was not spurred suddenly turned into a thorny, dazzling light that invaded the body of the sharp-eyed man. Just listening to the '噗嗤' sound, the sharp-eyed man’s body was smashed by countless splashes, his body collapsed, and every cell was stirred into tens of thousands of tiny particles, even the soul was The dense light spurs the sieve.

Seeing that he is quite similar to his own cultivation, the power of the holy device is also quite similar. They have drawn a few lucky hands and formed a small group of four-eared white rabbits and sharp-eared men who are all dying in the hands of a group of people. Han lost his desperate courage, and he left his hand to the forefront and threw himself to the ground.

"The seniors are forgiving, and the younger generation is willing to return to the predecessors, and will be driven!"

The bones of the strong man pleaded for mercy, and the other nearly 20 chaotic creatures fell to the ground, showing the original shape with sincerity and fear.


The newly changed mobile phone battery was scrapped, and it was so bad that the phone didn’t have to be played!

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