MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1153 Change

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The first one hundred and fifty-three chapters

The fascinating Bodhisattva of Zijing Town looked coldly at the land of the mountain gods.

These little gods are just the most common monks in their lifetimes. Among them, even if they have been cultivated, they are at most 36 small people. However, after being enshrined as a god, they received the blessing of the gods of heaven and earth. Although they transformed from immortals to gods that existed near semi-spiritual bodies, their strengths have been improved.

Nowadays, these mountain gods are the strongest in the land, and they probably have the power equivalent to thirty-class fairy tales. Those sinisters are all the strength of 36 products. Although they have lost their celestial bodies, although they have lost the power of the gods, their cultivation has become a mana. They can use the various magical powers given by the gods and gods, plus their huge quantity. This is a shame. the power of.

However, in front of the millions of Buddhas led by Lingda Bodhisattva in Ziwei Town, these tens of millions of mountain gods and squadrons sent a seat to the next Buddha, with a hundred gold body Luohan and tens of thousands of Buddha soldiers, Can kill them clean!

Although they are all gods, they are protected by the heavenly gods. They can't easily kill them, and they can't easily kill them. But they are so badly hurt that they can't see people for three or five years. It's also easy. . Therefore, the Bodhisattva Lingdai Bodhisattva just looked at the land of these mountain gods coldly, and suddenly sneered: "The poor and the unintentional and the other are bickering, the right and wrong are self-contained, and the poor Nepalese only bring back my poor baby. I thought that these fly-cat shit-like generations could hurt a poor hair?"

The guardian smiled a little, and he waved his sleeves lightly, vomiting a word of 'town'.

Those mountain gods glanced at each other. After all, they feared to guard the identity of the Emperor of Heaven. They carefully responded one by one and sang a 'town' in unison. Then they pulled out various weapons and pointed them at the ground. .

The weapons that these mountain gods pulled out were weapons such as long-handed rifles, forks and arrows, and the land was pulled out by crutches, long feet, and dust. As they sang together, the sinisters also screamed, and Qi Qi swayed the various weapons of the sword, swords and slashes toward the square.

At this moment, the land of the mountain **** around the Dalong Temple is not only the **** in a mountain range of the Dalong Mountains. After all, the guardian is the identity of the great Emperor. He is angry and screams. These are the lowest in all the priests. Who dares not to come to flatter?

In just a few breaths, the mountain gods of thousands of large and small mountains near the Dalong Mountains have come here, and even the nearby East China Sea and the tens of thousands of city walls are carrying the bureaucrats and servants. Hurrying in. The sound of the word 'town' continued to be exported, and gradually gathered into a sound of waves that spread like the Hong Zhong Da Lu roaring between the heavens and the earth.

After the battle of the gods, the Seven Buddhas and nine plans planned to seal these priesthoods for countless years. The power of these heavenly gods was finally revealed for the first time today. Numerous gods, mountain gods, land and other gods did not use their own strength. Those sinisters did not use their own power. They just motivated their power in the heavenly position, integrated the powers of all, and launched. Tiandao Shenli suppressed it.

Millions of Buddha soldiers only felt that hundreds of millions of mountains were under pressure, and the eight King Kongs who guarded the mountain gates of Daling Mountain were screaming, and they screamed and screamed up to thousands of miles, urging the Buddha King Kong to demons, and doing everything to the void. The past. With the power of the Eight King Kong, they are enough to turn the river and move the stars to make the moon. They have refined the Buddha King Kong to demons the magical powers. The power of the King Kong Demon is also famous in the Pangu world.

If it is the surrounding towns, mountain gods, and land with so many squadrons besieging them, the Eight King Kongs are confident that they can waste their time and lose all their time. Kill.

However, the invisible sky invisibly and silently fell, and the Eight Kings were scared to discover that they were not facing these small cities, mountain gods and land. They came down to them, with the Dalong Mountains as the core and the thousands of large and small mountains around them. The power of the ground. It is the life of all the souls of this billion-dollar, and it also includes the power of the human races of hundreds of thousands of people around the city.

All kinds of erratic and unpredictable singular forces merged into one, and turned into a force that made the Eight Great Diamonds look disastrous and changed from high altitude. This is not the city, the mountain god, the land is dealing with them, but this side of the world is suppressing them. In the face of the strength of the heavens and the earth, Rao is the Eight Kings of the King Kong repaired as a shock, and can only be screamed from the heights of the wolf.

The golden body of the 10,000-mile-old body was smashed, and the eight King Kong bodies recovered into ordinary people. They sneaked from the sky and smashed down from the sky, and they squatted on a mountain. The mountains of the Pangu Continent are certainly strong, but for the existence of the Eight King Kong, it is similar to the bean curd. On weekdays, don't say that the eight King Kongs are heavily squatting on a big mountain. Even if they are free to breathe, they can blow a mountain into ashes.

But in the countless mountain gods, a mountain **** with a green face and a fangs suddenly came out. He shouted: "Don't dare to destroy my incense?"

Numerous mountain gods screamed in anger, and the power of the mountain gods was injected into the body of the mountain god. The mountain suddenly burst into a black and black glare. The eight kings of gold that hit the mountain were in turmoil. They were bounced up by the mountain. There are countless bones in the body, and each one hits a slap in the face. At least a hundred large fangs are sprayed out of the mouth with a glaring white light.

This is the fascinating discoloration of the Bodhisattva Lingdai Bodhisattva. These unremarkable ants and ants like the land of the gods and the land, can actually play such a terrible power of heaven? After all, the Bodhisattva Lingdai Bodhisattva is the Buddha watcher. He witnessed the incredible power exerted by these weak and weak gods. She finally understood what the Buddha’s so-called Sanjie Fengshen can completely control the heavenly road!

But before she could come up with a response, the aura around the million Buddhas suddenly disappeared without a trace. Not only did the air around them suddenly disappear, but the space around their bodies became a complete void, and this The space has become incredibly hot and is madly extracting the power of their bodies.

Five hundred golden bodies, Luo Hanqi, the sound of the Buddha, the top of their head spurted a white rainbow straight into the sky, the white rainbow has a fist-sized relic volley, and the white light illuminates the void, with the intention to compete with the suppression of these cities, mountains and land. . However, the five hundred golden body Luohan can not compete with this side of the world. I only listened to the mountain gods, the land was screaming and screaming, and the five hundred golden bodies were spurting blood, and their relics 咔咔 不断 不断 constantly burst out of large cracks.

It’s not just the Bodhisattva of the Purple Town, but even the Big B and the Supreme Master are shocked. They know that the seven Buddhas and nine roads are desperately trying to push the gods to plan their plans, but they can't think of the success of the seven Buddhas and nine gods. These weak gods can alleviate such terrible power.

This is just the mountain **** land and the city near the Dalong Mountains. There is such an incredible power. There are endless mountains in the Pangu Continent that are hundreds of times larger than the Dalong Mountain Range. There are more extensive waters than the land area. Countless rivers and rivers are also enshrined in the size of the water god. If all the water and land gods are dispatched, and the power of the mountain gods and the water gods, how many heavens can they use?

Such a force may indeed be able to completely suppress the devotees who have not recovered their vitality!

"It's really powerful!" The big blessed man widened his eyes. He whispered: "This is the power of the human world. If I can control the power of the world of the Netherworld, hey, this fun can be big." Made it!"

Shouqi's hands clenched his fists tightly, and he whispered: "Before the devil returns, try to control the real power of the heavens and the earth. If you don't believe that these priesthoods are really a piece of iron, you can't believe that we really can't step in!" The coercion is tempting, and the treasures and beauty are two-pronged, grasping the yin and private, taking the handle, and controlling some people anyway, let them be our people!"

The big blessing person sneered: "The seven Buddhas can't go out, and we can't do it. We will do the six idiots!"

The two are here to make a decision. The Zixiao Bodhisattva suddenly screamed: "Do you stop, listen to the poor!"

At this time, there was a sudden buddha in the distance. The fragrance of the sky was floating, and a ray of sunshine blossomed. A golden Buddha stepped on a lotus platform inlaid with an eight-treasure. Everyone is already, and the big blessing person frowned: "The contemporary Buddha, Amitabha, what is he doing?"

The Buddha's Lord Amitabha has a very high status in Buddhism and his status is extremely heavy. After all, in addition to the world-famous and Buddha who are not born, Buddhism is respected by him. Many times, he is the spokesperson of the Buddha on the bright side. His words and deeds represent the will of the seven Buddhas. Therefore, as soon as he appeared, those cities, land, and mountain gods were sincere and fearful, and they had to pay more respects than the guardians.

Amitabha handcuffed a string of beads, and smiled and came to the side of Lingda Bodhisattva in Ziwei Town. Mansheng sang a Buddha.

Even if the Bodhisattva of Zijing Town has been stunned by anger, it is still a respectful gift to Mito. She knows how much her identity is different from that of Amitabha. Amitabha is the Buddha's appointed Buddha's Lord, and she is only the gatekeeper in front of the Buddha's gate and the servant of cleaning the courtyard. This is like the difference between a country's head of the State Council and the cleaners stationed by the State Council. It is not allowed to be cautious and cautious.

Mito nodded with a smile, and he reached out to the top of the head of the Lingda Bodhisattva in Zijing Town, and said faintly: "You should not come here."

Zixiao Town Lingda Bodhisattva said bitterly: "Please also ask the Buddha to be the owner of the little scorpion, poor little 僧 僧 孩 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧Only the child of Xiaoyan was saved. Only the child was injured, so it has not changed shape for so many years, but the Buddha’s understanding of him is appreciated."

The Bodhisattva of Zijing Town is very clever. She keeps saying that she does not leave the word 'Buddha', that is, she wants to deny Amitabha and ask Amitabha to save her children. This is the child who is appreciated by the Buddha. You are the Buddha's confidant, and you dare not help you?

Amitabha smiled slightly, and he sighed long: "It's a good boy, just... He doesn't have a mother, how sad it is!"

咔嚓 咔嚓 , , , , , , , , 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥 弥Thirteen fist-sized gold relics just had to fly out of the smashed golden body. Amitabha had already opened his mouth and swallowed all the relics.

Full of shock, the big blessed person shouted: "Everyone testified, not the dead wife who was killed by Foye!"

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