MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1161 Shocked

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The 1161th chapter is shocked

"The meaning of the two is that as long as the courtiers of Tianting are relying on us, their responsible functions are under our control?" Is there such a way?

If the guardian is really a wild crane, it is really a retreat for many years of seclusion. It is really a powerful person who has just fortunately stood out in the battle of the gods, so the two emperors’ actions are really playing. In the death of the guardian. For example, today’s court is in charge of the disciples. The main officials of the ministry, the various princes, and the squadrons are the core disciples of Daomen. The six great emperors are their masters or ancestors. They are loyal to the six great emperors. Hey, how can they rely on a rootless guardian?

However, the swearing-in person is not a foreigner, and he is a shackle!

Quirky grin, don't laugh: "Then, can the two majesty promise, as long as someone is relying on our majesty, their functions, you will not find ways to decentralize or do other activities?"

After a pause, don't frown. "For example, if the thunder is the **** of the thunder, the thunder and the demon are really relying on our majesty. This is just an analogy. If he really depends on us, but The two majestys have added a new mine...."

Yuan Zhen Da Tiandi could not help but laugh out. He shook his head and said: "Why do you say this? We are the kind of people who don’t believe in words? As long as the purple pole inspiration is able to attract followers, then no matter what he recruits Who, he is the head of that department."

Don't squint and smile: "Then, if the Nantianmen Heavenly Guards commanded us to squat, then when the two lords want to mobilize the Heavenly Soldiers of Nantianmen, they must also ask us to issue military orders through the plaques. Is this the truth? ”

Yuan Zhen Da Tiandi smiled and said: "It is this truth."

Standing on the side, he said, "You two have promised this thing. There are four more over there? You six emperors, only two people have promised this. If the other four face afterwards, we are jealous." Not still suffering?"

Yuan Zhen Da Tiandi said indifferently: "This is the decision of our six people."

At the same time, there were four purple air falling in the void, and the purple gas was falling straight to the beggar. He grabbed the purple gas in his hand and had a voice coming out of the purple gas. The other four Emperors really agreed with the decision of the Yuanshi Emperor and the Yuanxiao Emperor, as long as the Supreme Master can draw any of the celestial officials in Tianting, the responsible official of the sergeant will be in charge of the sergeant. The other six great emperors will never be forced to do so.

Don't look at the two big heavenly emperors in front of them, and the two great emperors laughed. The three people all smiled very brightly, but the bright smile always showed the taste of a sinister calculation. Don't understand the meaning of the two great emperors. This is the rule of the game made by the six emperors who passed the seal of the gods. How many powers can the masters win? If you can't draw people, it's that you don't have the skills, then you will be an empty shell, and don't give them six troubles!

It can be seen that the addition of the pedestrians and the big blessings is really too much pressure for the six great emperors. If you really force the defenders to be too powerful, and wait for the break-ups to come, don't wait for the violent rebound of others to make the heavens a mess. So close to the delicate moment, you must not be forced to rebel against the group of people - the big blessing is the foresight of the car, but this goods with all the disciples disciples out the Buddha!

It’s hard to imagine what the consequences of the seventh great Emperor of Heaven’s imperial court with a mighty group of people to vote for the Buddha’s Gate, but the six Emperors know that if things really develop to that point, they will wait for the ancestors to go out. Six people must not eat, and they are afraid that they will not leave.

The three of them looked at each other for a long time, and they did not applaud and applauded: "The six emperors are deeply impressed, and it is really touching. It is so good, so heaven is clear, everyone can live in harmony, everyone can be together. How happy is it to cooperate with the outside world?"

The two Emperors also smiled a few times with a smile, and Yuan Tian Da Di looked at the Qing dynasty who was still hanging on the archway. The smile was more and more sly and said to him: "The green scorpion is a widowed person, always The work is also diligent and steady, I wonder if he can be put down?"

Do not wave the generous hand, the Qinglan immortal hanging on the archway fell heavily on the ground. The Qinglan immortal snorted, but did not dare to say half a word, just climbed up hard, and the wolf smashed out a robes on his body. All of his fairy powers were banned by the big Blessings, and the robe rubbed his horrible wounds, causing the Qinglan immortal to be sore and convulsive.

Yuanxiao Datiandi did not seem to see such a wretched appearance of his own doorman. He laughed and talked a few words with He Xiaoxiao, and then went to the Tongming Hall with the Lantern Day Emperor. The other four great emperors are waiting for them in the Tongming Temple. The six people have to combine the best of their lives. In the recent period, they must step up their monitoring of the various departments and departments of the various courts.

It is necessary to know that the core elite disciples of Daomen only occupy the middle and upper ranks of the various divisions of the heavenly courts. A large number of middle and lower ranks are held by the monks of the outer world and the monks of the ghosts, devils, spirits and demons who are sent to the list of gods. If some of these people are relying on the guardian, then it is really big.

It is like the cleansing department of the heavenly court. This department is responsible for the cleaning and cleaning work in the heavens. If there are officials in this clean department who are taken away by the guards, it is difficult for them to be cleaned up by the next few Emperors. Or do you have to write to the Supreme Master to apply for the cleaning of the miscellaneous? That shame can be lost.

Not only the Clean Department, but also the Tianting Royal Horse Supervisor and other squadrons, although they are responsible for the responsibilities, but if they are missing, this heaven really has to stop and collapse. In order to prevent this, we must quickly discuss countermeasures today.

Don't laugh and laugh, and leave the house with the sorrowful disrespect and the big blessings. The young sages stand in front of the priests and look at the backs of the singers, but they don’t dare to scream. . From the eccentric attitude of the Yuan Dynasty Emperor of Heaven, he judged that the Emperor of Heaven was not afraid of jealousy. In the face of the jealousy of the Emperor of Heaven, what qualifications does his Qingren immortal have to take revenge? To retaliate?

"Just bitten by the dog!" Qing Yan immortal whispered a sigh, then turned his eyes and passed out.

With the squadron Ma Yaowu Yang Wei left the street where the house was located, and the group of people did not come to the square in front of the Tongming Temple. Looking back at the Tongming Temple on the golden pedestal, I don’t want to suddenly wave a wave to the team on the side of the square: "White, long time no see, is it good recently? Ah, you seem to be promoted?" ”

Meng Xiaobai, who wore a silver unicorn to cover his heart, laughed and strode out of the team of soldiers. He stretched out his hands and hugged him. Excited Meng Xiaobai shouted: "Big brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, have you been well?"

He smiled without knowing his teeth, and he smiled proudly. "Can you be good? Hey, you kid, I remember you!"

Don't laugh, he hugged Meng Xiaobai and laughed loudly: "How many soldiers are you now?"

Meng Xiaobai's eyebrows were picked and put on the channel: "There was a big chaos in the previous Tianting. Many of the sacred deaths and injuries under the former Emperor of Heaven were heavy. The Heavenly Terracotta Warriors and Horses went to Liuqi, and Xiaobai was a person who had been deeply in the old days of Tianting. Xiaobai now has 200,000 soldiers in his army. He is responsible for the daily patrol and defense of the east side of the Tongming Temple.

Do not know the old acquaintance, Wanxianxing Mengshan Mengmeng village young Meng Baibai, he flew to heaven after the advice of the beggar, because of his simple and straightforward personality, got the attention of the former Tianting Ziwei Lingying Emperor. He was selected into the elite Tianbing team and guarded the heaven and earth secrets of Pangu’s lungs thirty-three days away.

Afterwards, the catastrophe in the heavens continued, and the invasion of the outer domain demon was first followed by the battle of the gods. The six heavenly emperors were tossed by the blasphemy and the half of the heavens went to six or seven. Meng Xiaobai and the same ascending Mengcun people were saved because of their relationship with the secret, and they also became the older people in the old base of the heavens.

Old qualifications, but also the confidant of the predecessor of the Emperor, such a person is a credible and usable person for Tianting, so Meng Xiaobai used the repair of the immortal to seal the patrol day, and ruled that the 200,000-day soldier was responsible for the Tongming Temple. The patrol and defense work of all the priests in this street on the east side.

In the Tongming Hall, the six Emperors also smashed the jade cup in their hands.

Outside the Tongming Temple, don't slap the shoulders of Meng Xiaobai: "Well, then follow the purple-inspired Datian Emperor, except for the purple-inspired Emperor's hand, even the command of the six great emperors, you Don't bother to pay attention!"

Meng Xiaobai does not know what is the power struggle between the emperors. He only knows that he is the most trusted person of him and his villagers. Even after so many years, then after experiencing so much wind and rain, it is still a good brother in the hearts of their villagers. He stood up and shouted: "The big brother is relieved, except for the purple-inspired Emperor, what other Heavenly Emperor's orders will not listen!"

The pace of the rumbling sounded, hundreds of Mongolian villagers wearing various kinds of armor have come here, they are happy and do not see each other, laughing and joking and don't make a mess.

These Mengcun people, like Meng Xiaobai, flew up to heaven in the arrangement of the donkey, and they all survived the catastrophe in the heavens. They are now in power and not in high power in heaven, but they are the most basic heavens in heaven. They have three to five thousand to 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers. They are responsible for the scope of patrols and guards. They basically cover the seven floors of the important temples around the Tongming Hall!

After Mengcun people swore to vote for the Purple Emperor inspiration, there were a large number of low-ranking bureaucrats who would like to see them under the recommendation of these Mongolian villagers.

Just in front of the Tongming Temple, under the eyes of the six Emperors, nearly a thousand low-ranking bureaucrats went to see the ceremony!

These people are among the most recent catastrophe in the heavens, because the low-level bureaucrats of the heavens survived the ambulance of the Mongolian people. As with the six Emperors, the nearly 1,000 low-ranking bureaucrats have little power, but they are responsible for some very embarrassing departments.

For example, the supervision of the Tianting Imperial Liquor Supervisor is in it. If there is no order from him, no one can drink a sacred wine.

Do not laugh at the eyes have become a line, the six Emperors are convulsing on the face, the heart is tangled hard to describe.

What exactly is going on? Don't he know that he used to be the king of the East China Sea. How can he know so many heavenly bureaucrats?

Read The Duke's Passion