MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1168 Helpless Liu Bang

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The first thousand one hundred and sixty-eight chapters helpless Liu Bang

Pangu mainland is very south.

The mainland is still absorbing the chaos and constantly expanding in all directions. Nowadays, Pangu Continent has a large area and its ability to adsorb is getting stronger and stronger. Every quarter of the continent's edge is expanding to nearly a million miles. The new continent is not a grass, only the bare mountains and mountains, only the tyrannical thunderstorms, only the violent energy tide that can destroy everything.

A cone-shaped volcano still erupting, Liu Bang sullenly held his face and stood. There are countless glaring lights in the distant sky, where the Pangu continent is expanding and expanding. The concentration is amazing, but the degree of violentness is also incomparable. The aura of the awkward continually spurts from there, like a real tide rushing over Liu Bang’s body and splashing countless Mars.

Clothes are of no use here, even if the best gold fairy is in this ghost place, it will be invisible for two or three days. It is even more impossible to use the immortal law to ban the protection of clothes. The only end to the use of fairy tales in such places is to lead the infinite Thunder to smash themselves.

Therefore, Liu Bang and Han Xin, who is standing next to him, are naked and naked, letting the aura of the aura roll up countless stones to wash the body. The large and small stones made a dull percussion on them, and the stones shattered and burst into numerous fires, setting off the two as if they were two firemen.

Looking at the flashing light in the distance, Liu Bang took a deep breath and slowly lifted his right hand and shook it. A piece of Taixuanjin, which had just been born from the chaos of the chaos, was just in his hands. The hard and abnormal Taixuanjin was crushed by a hand.

"These days, I have suffered you!" Liu Bang sighed with a smile.

Han Xin’s face was also a bitter smile on his face. He shook his head gently and said in a low voice: "Why did you say this? Now we haven’t reached the point where we are still running out of water. The hope of success."

Liu Bang's gray eyes suddenly burst into a glimmer of light, and then quickly extinguished. He slowly nodded: "Also, there is always hope... Hey, there are a lot of young women who came here yesterday, and they are very energetic. Later, the widows should be born to be intimate with them!"

The voice didn't fall, and a large piece of viscous tartar sauce that couldn't tell the color slowly crawled out of a piece of magma. The sound of Wu Xian’s hoarse voice screamed slowly: “Your Majesty said that the daughters of the nine yin dynasty who were favored by their sire yesterday? Hey, the old man thought that his Majesty had used it, so they have already taken medicine for them today. If you want a woman, the old man will send someone to get a few more."

Liu Bang looked back at Wu Xian, but Han Xin did not move at all.

Wu Xian struggled to climb out of the magma, and the body of the thick and sloping scorpion covered in the lava pool of the crater. The high-temperature magma burned his body, and the skyfire that would breed in all kinds of chaos burned him. '吱吱' rang, but he just snorted a few times, then a tall and strong man's body emerged from the center of his body.

This vague man looked at Liu Bang’s strange voice: “These predecessors’ bans are very different. The poor old man can only use this volcanic heat to offset a little pain. Hey, kneel, please come with me, everything is ready, today is Let's leave your good days, oh, the nine distractions will once again be integrated into one, and you will have the power of heaven, will you not be happy?"

Liu Bang shook his head gently, and he sighed in a low voice. Han Xin blinked and sighed. Wu Xian squirmed for a while, suddenly sighed deeply and deeply, the man on his body shook his head and shook his head, whispering: "The man is under the low wall! Hey, the old man can't understand." Why did His Majesty worship the illusion as a teacher?"

In the strange laughter, two large tentacles were found in the body of Wu Xian. Liu Bang and Han Xin looked at the tentacles in disgust, and were helplessly rolled up by two tentacles. They were swept away by Wu Xian and quickly flowed down the volcano. Wu Xian’s speed was very fast, but only half an hour came to a remote valley in the foothills.

There are human bone piles everywhere in the valley. There are countless huge strange patterns on the pillars of the thick human bones. These gimmicks are still constantly moving and screaming, and from time to time they emit low sullen shouts from their skulls. Occasionally there are a few wildfires that don't know where to squirt, and the valley looks just like hell.

A large black mist shrouded the valley, and these black mists were the same as the black fog that was raging in the heavens, but they were extraordinarily thick and thick. The black fog in the heavens is still sparse. The black fog here is as thick as the iron. From time to time, countless ghosts are heard from it.

There are 999 large-scale human bone refining furnaces in the valley. The huge furnaces are thousands of feet high. There is only one kind of fuel inside, that is, all kinds of white bones. The white miserable bones were shrouded in green fires, and the sweltering fire of the forest rose into a miserable green.

The phantom plate sits on a refining furnace, and is looking at the thousands of huge outer-field devils with their long whip and whip the demon who walked past the team. The demon gods lined up with an expressionless eyes and a godless line to the white bone furnace, one after another actively jumped into the wildfire of the evil spirits. Some of the devil's vitality is extremely tenacious. After falling into the furnace, they are on fire and can raise their hands and mourn. But more of the demon gods just came across the green fire, and they were burned into a black smoke. The black smoke rose and merged into the black smoke that covered the valley in the sky.

There are thousands of black-painted portals in the void, and these outer gods go out one by one from the portal, and continue to line up into the furnace. With the scale of these 999-furnace furnaces, there are more than a million foreign gods smelting every day.

There are still two black air looming around the phantom, and they occasionally make a low and strange laughter. It seems that these scenes of the outer gods are being slaughtered at random and they are very happy. Look at them and the phantoms are equal, they should also be a member of the broken-off.

Liu Bang and Han Xin were swept by the Witchham to the illusion, and Wu Xian’s charming and charming called “Fantasy ancestor”.

The illusion slowly turned his head and looked at Liu Bang. He smiled faintly: "Apprentice, you used to distract from the nine intentions to plan a big event. Although it is a good strategy, but the power is weak, the strength is strong. Distraction is completely unnecessary, you still reintegrate them!"

Gently patted Liu Bang’s shoulder, and the illusion said: “I know that you are looking for a soulful bead, but isn’t the beaded being taken away? But it’s okay, there are two secrets of your teacher. Supernatural powers, you will be able to smoothly integrate the eight distractions. Hey, wait for you to make great progress, there are still many things that you need to help."

Liu Bang was respectful and respected the illusion. He smiled lightly: "In the future, you need a lot of guidance from the teacher!"

The smirk smirked and smiled and waved at Wu Xian. Wu Xian’s ‘咕咕’ smiled a few times, and Liu Bang and Han Xin went to the depths of the valley. Waiting for Wu Xian to go far, a black shadow around the phantom whispered: "How stupid, your apprentice. You promised him to let him live in the future, he really believed?"

The illusion blinked: "I don't really believe what I mean. It doesn't matter. The important thing is that he is very interested. After I find him, he will cooperate with me and cooperate well. Wrong. Without him to come out, how can I collect so many materials and arrange a large array to bring you so quickly?"

Sigh a sigh, the illusion said: "When the world is completely destroyed by us, let him die a little bit more, this is my and his mentoring!"

The two black shadows laughed at the same time, and they laughed and twisted. The team's outer devils are still continually going to the human bones. They are neatly lining up to join the tragic green fire, turning themselves into a smoky smog into the top of the head.

At the same time, the three devotees looked at the direction of the sky, and a black shadow whispered: "The slayer can kill the fun, Yang Huan... Before he can play enough, don't expect him to use it. As for the thousand heads and the coffins, huh, can they recover a little more power this time?"

Wu Xian and Liu Bang and Han Xin quickly came to the end of the valley.

Here is also a **** and evil place, countless residual limbs are broken all over the ground. The middle of the valley is a blood pool with a depth of about a hundred miles. The thick plasma is rolling in the blood pool. Occasionally, a few twisted black faces can be seen struggling in the plasma. Next to the blood pool stood thousands of grotesque taboos. They held bone knives and dragged them through a choppy woman. They cut their heads and injected all the blood into the blood pool. With the continuous injection of fresh plasma, the blood in the blood pool is more and more tumbling.

There are eight black stone pillars standing next to the blood pool. Eight men and Liu Bang’s uncommon men are tied to the pillars in a lively and lifeless manner. Among them are the undead emperors who have never seen them. Obviously these eight people are the distractions of Liu Bang’s use of the secret laws of the taboos.

Liu Bang looked at the strange blood pool and gritted his teeth: "Wu Xian, I know that you sold me to the Miracle, which led to all my distractions."

Taking a breath, Liu Bang Shen said: "If I am not dead, I will definitely obliterate your taboos."

Wu Xianqi smiled. He gently shook his head. "Even if you don't die, after you reunite with these eight idiots, you are just a jealousy, a tool, how do you deal with the old man? It’s up to you to count me first. It’s your first count of my taboos! Can you blame me? Breakers, they are stronger and harder than your backstage. Why don’t the old men trust them?”

With the low grotesque laughter, Wu Xian throws Liu Bang into the blood pool.

"Well, send a few squats into it. Hey, divide the distraction of my family into nine distractions, and then reintegrate the nine distractions into one." Wu Xian's hysterical screams: "Plus The blood of the yin to the yin, plus the blood of the millions of gods that the old man has collected for so many years, I really don’t know what miracles can be created!"

"Hey, no drugs, what?"

"Hey, Liu Bang is down... Are you ready to become a tool and a tool?"

"Oh... Actually, what is the break-off?"

The last sentence of Wu Xian was very slight, and only he could barely hear it.


I didn’t even dare to eat fruit in these two days, depressed

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