MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1192 Madness crazy

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The first thousand one hundred and ninety two chapters crazy madness

A fierce scream, the black sputum spurts out a black gas and will only fly a red skull with a skull, but the black scorpion is close to the spirit that has been thrown out from the body of the long-browed ancestors. Next, the black skull has been broken halfway.

The fascinating body of the madness creeping invading the law of heaven is rapidly condensing. The fascinating body that originally covered hundreds of stars has been rapidly compressed to only the length of the length, which is a whole body of black skin smooth and scaleless. Nine heads are quirky. Then a black gas spurted out from thousands of stars that had turned into pale black in the void, and the black gas circled around the faint sin. The fascination has become a tall, thin and black skin. man.

The black wind blew the countless fist-sized light black starburst from the sky, screaming with a sharp voice, and both hands grasped the slowly floating spirit. But before the fascinating close to the long-browed ancestor, his avatar has shattered, and the black eyebrow splits a very fine gap, a light knife that is thinner than the **** and shoots from the gap, accurately shot in A fascinating eyebrow.

There is a great supernatural power that infects the laws of the heavens, but his own magical techniques are just ordinary. This black scorpion used her life, and the power was amazing. His sorrow was fierce, his head was pierced by a light knife, and his strong penetrating power took his body to the sky. His black wind and starburst were like a storm and a slap in the face. On the Yuan Palace.

Thousands of outstanding disciples of the Daomen were beaten by the stars, and several of the great masters were worn by the stunned star-studded caves. The gates in the Daoyuan Palace were ruined and mournful. In the face of the solitude of the power of the stars brought by the magical powers of the peak of the road, the celestial beings who broke the road and the Ming Dynasty are so fragile.

The following are the ants, and even the ants are not counted!

The secluded was shot, and the black eyes rushed to the 'spirit'. She cried out, "The spirit of the innate, the beginning of all things, the seed of immortality, the detachment machine! You all die, who dares to I am battling, I have to die!" There was a weird flesh and friction in the skull of the black scorpion. Countless shredded pork squirted from her broken neck and quickly formed a new body. The black scorpion will not hesitate to recover the flesh in the long sleep, which is easy to recover. It is just to fight for the ‘spirit’ of the long-browed ancestor.

In addition to the long-browed ancestors who were stunned and awake, the other eight ancestors screamed in anger. The nine ancestors were in the same breath, and the feelings of these years have been here. How can they tolerate the opportunity of the black-eyed ancestors to take advantage of the extraordinary ancestors? At the same time, the eight ancestors spit out a purple blood, and the fingers licked the blood to draw a mysterious rune in the void, and the runes were printed to the black scorpion.

The black scorpion that rushed forward was stiff, and the invisible horrible pressure forced her to slam the bones.噗噗 两 两 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ‘嚯啦啦’, a loud noise, the black body collapsed, and the head and the internal organs also exploded into countless flesh and blood.

The eight ancestors did not use any magical techniques. They directly used their most pure powers. The eight giants were united as one, arrogant, overbearing, unreasonable and relying on the powerful force to directly destroy the black body. .

A black magical spurt out from the smashed body of the black scorpion, and the black scorpion screams of resentment, cursing the eight ancestors who will scatter the soul forever. With her cursing sound, the faint black water in the void was created out of thin air, and eight black hoes were condensed into the hearts of the Taoist ancestors. The magic of the black 髅 命 元 元 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔

Eight Taoist ancestors had just joined forces to attack a trick, and did not expect that the black scorpion would be so crazy to make such a desperate counterattack. In particular, the green-browed ancestors who had the deepest affair with the long-browed ancestors were going to squat and support the long-browed ancestors. As a result, the black hoes rushed into the back of the green-browed ancestors with countless screams of shouting. The green-browed ancestors were stiff, and the eyebrows suddenly had a mass of the head of the thumb swelled up. The black meat mass swiftly squirmed and turned into a vivid face.

The green-browed ancestors couldn't help the long-browed ancestors, and he took a picture of his own heart, and dozens of three-foot-and-six-inch charms flashed through him. The vomiting sound of the heartbreaking lungs came, and the green-browed ancestors opened their mouths and vomited out, and they heard the sound of numerous cracks. A black sarcoma was unwilling to spray from the mouth of the green eyebrows. Out, there are countless thumb muscles and blood vessels attached to the tumor, and those broken muscles and blood vessels also bring out a few pieces of purple-gold flesh.

"Good vicious means!" Green eyebrows and ancestors rushed back to the black scorpion's life, Yuan Ling, he hand-painted a road sign to suppress black shackles.

The other ancestors also ate a lot of sorrows under the curse of the black scorpion. They also spit out a few black smears of stench and blood, and the impetuous manners slammed into the black. However, the Taoist priests did not notice that the red scorpion that had just been spurted by the black scorpion had already smashed his mouth and rushed to the long-browed ancestor.

The same is the loss of the fate of the life, Akasaka's body has also recovered. Like a snake in the grass, she swept across the ground silently, quickly approaching the long eyebrows. She ecstatically reached out and grabbed the ‘spirit’, and even her tears flashed in her eyes.

The Spirit of Congenital, the beginning of all things, the spirit of all things, the most primitive existence of all origins, and the power of the two spiritual gods 'female' and 'final' that dominate the endless void. As long as it absorbs this innate spirit, and realizes the mystery of it, and fully integrates its power, it can truly be truly sanctified, and it will truly die!

Even if he created the ‘final’ of the thirteen devotees, he could not erase a hacker who merged with the ‘spirit’!

Undoubtedly, when ‘final’ wakes up from a long sleep, when the crackers completely destroy everything they can see, then the ‘final’ trend must completely obliterate the devotees themselves. Because the meaning of ‘final’ exists is to erase everything, destroy everything, destroy everything, and the object that he destroys naturally includes the broken-offs he personally made.

Even if the devotee does not want to be arbitrarily obliterated, as long as he has this 'spirit', Akasaka will never fear the 'final', she will live freely and freely, destroy whatever she is willing to destroy. !

Seeing that Akasaka’s hand was about to touch the ‘spirit’, there was a scream of high-pitched swords in the void. The solitude is suspended in the sky, and the hands are pointing high to the stars of the zenith. Tens of thousands of stars are exploding with the tremors of his fingers. The black starlight whizzed from the sky, and in the place thousands of feet away from the ground, the tens of thousands of stars of the original star power condensed into a long, three-footed weird evil sawtooth dagger.

The sword front is densely jagged, and the sword is covered with a stinger like a bristles. The short sword with a terrible green light falls from the sky, and the scorpion's heart is red. Akasaka screamed, her fingers abruptly stopped less than half an inch from the 'spirit', her body was destroyed by the terrible star power and the evil forces and killings contained in it, beautiful The flesh suddenly burst into numerous tiny spots of light.

The same is a black magical sky, and the screaming of the screaming screams: "The solitude, you have to pay the price, you have to pay the price! You must die, you will die in the most cruel punishment, you will Eternal life suffers endless suffering and will never be free!"

The secluded sound of a long, like a dragon's whistle, his body whirls rapidly, and tens of thousands of people have been invaded by his stars, and the stars are spurting out of the stars, turning into countless swords and rains. The target of his attack is not only the nine ancestors, but also the black scorpion and the red scorpion. The screaming screams: "Shut up, two ***, even if you die, I will get it!"

The eight ancestors screamed and shouted, and the long-browed ancestors were sneaked into a sneak peek. The eight ancestors occupied the direction of the gossip, and at the same time, they took out a piece of purple jinpa from the sleeves embroidered with the sacred taiji pattern to the sky. throw. Eight pieces of Jinpai flew out and turned into a heavy purple cloud wrapped the entire Taoyuan Palace. Zimei Daozu gnawed his teeth and said: "Well, wait for a good life, and this heaven and earth spirits, but you can see it? The evil demon, all damn!"

The purple cloud became a piece, and the pressure of the tough and viscous pressure swept from all sides. The fascination, the black scorpion, and the red scorpion could not move at all.

At the same time, in the Daling Mountain, the finale of the massacre was smashed at the same time. They looked up and snorted and sniffed. They were fierce, and they did not dare to make a roar like a thunderstorm. They rushed in the direction of Da Luotian with two glare.

"The innate spirit, must get! Who dares to obstruct, all die!" Finally, a scream of madness, the blackness of the skull is rapidly changing, and tens of thousands of different faces are changed in the blink of an eye. At the moment, the breath of the end is so violent, like a flame that burns a void of darkness.

The seven Buddhas have been overthrown by the Dingzhu, and no one in the Great Lingshan can stop the final. He rushed out of the Daling Mountain, and several of them appeared in the Da Luotian. Hundreds of high-ranking immortals who kept the door outside did not see the final figure. He successfully broke into the Taoyuan Palace.

At the same time, I almost rushed to the entrance of Da Luotian. I saw the high-ranking immortal in front of the door. He just waved it out. A sturdy knifeman kept it for a quarter of an hour in the void. All the immortals were Knife light is imprisoned. After a quarter of an hour, the knives collapsed, and hundreds of high-ranking immortals, including seven broken Daojin Luo Jinxian collapsed at the same time.

There are also a few black gas rising from the Pangu Continent and the Great Lingshan Mountains, and also rushed to the direction of Da Luotian.

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ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts