MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1198 Moving around

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The first thousand one hundred and ninety-eight chapters

It’s not a hit, but a blow to life and death.

The words of Zimei Dazu are extremely straightforward, and even since he was born in chaos, he has never spoken so straightforwardly. Not to mention that he is speaking to the seven Buddhas of Buddhism. He has never even said anything true to the seven old friends.

But now the phrase ‘one strikes off life and death’ is definitely the most sincere and true sentence in the countless words that Zimei Dao’s life has said.

One blow, broken life and death.

If the seven Buddhas are defeated, the Buddha will be defeated. The nine Taoists will not give the Seven Buddhas any opportunity to turn over. They will directly suppress the spirits of the Seven Buddhas, and wait for them to understand the mystery of the innate spirit, and to achieve the saints who are immortal, and so on. Their strength exceeds the standard of the Pangu World Heavenly Law. They will surely strip the seven Buddhas' true spirits from the heavens of the Pangu world and destroy them completely.

Similarly, if the nine ancestors were defeated, the seven Buddhas would absolutely destroy their celestial bodies and suppress their spirits. After they plundered the innate spirits of the nine ancestors, the nine ancestors will Faced with the catastrophe.

After a blow, life and death, after a blow, no matter who lost, then the real, downright loss, no chance to turn over.

In particular, the twelve broken-offers have been trapped by the big squad, and with the current strength of the devotees, they pose no threat to today's Buddha or Tao. As long as these demolitionists are suppressed together, the winners between Buddhism and Taoism will be able to sit back and relax.

Nine-color lotus and seven gold wheels simultaneously emit the glare that shines through the whole world. The elites of Buddhism and Daomen are all gathered together. Both sides have used the final strength to prepare for a high score. The world of Pangu world has been pouring into the big Luotian, and the big Luotian has become like a black hole. It is madly swallowing everything around.

The beggar who was kept in his hand was suddenly sucked up, his body had returned, and he was reunited with the body. He slowly stood up and looked at the huge nine-color lotus flower and seven gold wheels on his head. He waved long sleeves without saying a word and took everyone to fly.

After thirty-three days of collapse, the three heavens above Da Luotian are also rapidly collapsing. The collapse of the heavens brought about not only the shock of the heavens and the earth, but also the tearing of the surrounding voids. The violent chaos gas rushed out of the huge cracks, turning into squally winds, thunder and thunder stars and other things, and rushing down and rushing down to the ancient continent.

Countless immortals in the heavens have fallen. When the heavens collapsed, a small number of immortals were shocked to death. When the heavens turned into a huge amount of aura and poured into the 36-pound pagoda, a small number of immortals were smashed and souls. Finally, The violent energy ejected from this void crack will be killed by a small number of immortals, and more than 90% of the immortals left behind by the vast heavens have fallen.

Only in the three clear days, a group of golden light shines, stealing the big array is releasing the golden light shrouded the Quartet, Meng Xiaobai, Rock Enemy, Nie Yao female and other people who are not on the side are gathering in the golden light, looking around in horror Almost turned into a void of porridge. At the core of the big array, the six emperors are struggling to mobilize the power of the heavens to maintain the operation of the big array. However, with the impact of the energy frenzy around them, the golden glory of the big glory is faint, and there is a sense of precariousness.

Pangu condensed the real body, the Heavenly Law of Pangu World has been greatly improved and supplemented. The sneak peek of the sneak peek is not effective in controlling the heavenly laws of the new Pangu world, and can only emphasize the power of a small part of heaven. In the face of this almost catastrophic natural disaster, the sneak peek is not enough to protect itself, let alone shelter the Nie drug woman and so on?

Seeing that the big battle is about to collapse, don’t take everyone to fly to the big side. He spurted out thirty-six groups of golden light into a rune to settle the surrounding water and fire, and then pushed the big squad to the Pangu mainland.

Look up and look at the mess everywhere is a crack of the void, do not scream and shout: "Yu Huang, your hand is coming! My people help you to protect the Pangu continent, you quickly find a way to fill this hole Do you live in a ghost, isn’t this thirty-three days the original thing in the Pangu world?"

A group of people, such as Princess Lele and Xia Xia, broke into the sky and sneaked into the sky. At the moment, things that were careless would be out of control, and the void collapsed. Except for the opening of the ancient continent, the void of the entire Pangu world was everywhere. The cracks, no one dare to waste time, and it is most important to join the big array to protect the Pangu continent.

Do not be surrounded by a sudden flash of light, Pangu, Yu Huang Shi moved to his side at the same time.

Yan Huang's face looked gloomy and looked at the countless hollow cracks in his head. The waves in his eyes flashed like tears. Just listen to her whispering: "There is indeed a pasture for the girl, but in the past, the world has been robbed, even if it is played hard, it is three or five days, and now it is more than three hundred and five billion? Those who are not dead It’s really awesome."

Pangu’s face was also gloomy and ugly. He squinted and said one word at a time: “Thirty-three days, Daling Mountain, all of them are manifested by the seven Buddhas and nine abilities, and there is no relationship with this world. Oh, hey, I don’t check it for a while, these thirty-three days are such a scourge!"

Do not see it, this thirty-three days is really a big scourge.

The pagodas of the nine Taoist priests did not know what it was, but apparently it was a powerful sacred instrument left by the sacred world. The Taoist priests spread the power of this pagoda and evolved into the thirty-six heavens as the residence of the heavens and the secrets of the soldiers. These thirty-six heavens have gradually invaded the void of the Pangu world, gradually merged with this void, and continue to extract the power of the void to supplement themselves.

This is like the 36 groups of cancer cells growing in the body of a healthy person. Now the Taoist priests will sacrifice the pagoda, and the 36 heavens will collapse, bringing the power of the Pangu world, which they have drawn for countless years, back to the pagoda. The pagoda has become powerful, but the void of the entire Pangu world has fallen into the brink of collapse.

Buddhism collected the power of the people of Limin to turn into their own strength, and the Taoist door was made even more ridiculous. They directly extracted the origin of the Pangu world into their own use. Regardless of Buddhism or the Taoist temple, it seems to be the parasite of this ancient world. It is nothing but the main body of parasitism.

Don't look at Pangu with a squint: "This is your site, you didn't even notice their movements!"

Pangu’s face was embarrassed. He bit his teeth: “After sleeping for so many years, I have been waking up for more than a hundred years. I only care about the real spirits. Where are the empty and intrigues?” He’s stunned, Pangu from In the sleeves, three innate spirits of purple rising spirits were smashed out. He said coldly: "Help me to stabilize the void, and clarify this world, I will send you three innate spirits!"

The eyes of the donkey suddenly slammed the boss. It’s no wonder that this kind of sufficiency has such a temperament that the Seven Buddhas and the Nine Ways are misbehaving in the world he opened up. Does he have such a card? Can easily pick up three innate spirits to send people, Pangu himself is certainly not lacking this stuff, and the Emperor Huang will certainly get the benefits.

Grab three innate spirits into your mouth, don't laugh and say: "I am one person, two wives, three innate spirits are indeed a gift!"

Pangu smiled a little and was about to speak, but he did not hesitate to smile shamelessly: "But poor, I have two wives, except for two wives!"

Yan Huang's severe coughing a few times, 90,000 small sputum, this is a good thing that the six kings and monarchs made!

Pangu's face became black and purple, and the purple was red. He slammed out a big axe and slammed it down.

Don't blame the laughter, the avatars of the eternal fires rise to the sky, and a few of them move back to the original location of the big Luotian.

Pangu gas gnawed his teeth and whispered: "90,000 small sputum, you as the innate spirit is the bandits in the ground can be casually smashed? When a certain nine dead life is a good soul flying to solve the case, it is easy to get thirteen from the chaos Only, sending you three is already a big man!"

Pangu, who is angry with the drums, complained to the Emperor of the Emperor: "The mistake is to keep the strength to shovel the broken nest of the old people. Someone has to smash him with an axe today! What is wrong with those who break the border, where is he asking him? Shooting the seven ghosts and the nine ghosts?"

Yan Huang’s frowning face sighed, Wan Lingding squirted from the top of her head, and a bandit-sized yellow-haired bandit spurted out from Wanling Ding. She smiled bitterly: "Big brother and protect the law for the son-in-law, this void is broken, not to fill it up as soon as possible, even if the Pangu continent is innocent, the people in the outer domain of the void are also dead and wounded. I am afraid that the death and injury of the soul is too heavy, those who break the border The strength will rise and rise!"

Pangu snorted, and he held the axe tightly and turned into a shadow into the shadow of Emperor Huang. "Things are urgent, but it is also a big opportunity. We can't say that we can solve all the troubles once and for all." Pangu snorted and snorted.

In the void, the Buddha and Taoist elites are facing each other. In a million miles, the squad has been compressed into a ball with a diameter of 100,000 miles under the influence of the Tao Fu. The group is surrounded by 12 broken players. .

Suddenly, a whistling sound and a buddha sound shook and smashed around the void. The nine-color lotus and the seven gold wheels rolled up and chaotically touched the past. Without any tricks, there is no magical change. All the elites of Buddhism and Taoism concentrated all their power and turned them into two devastating energy streams that rushed toward each other.

Just when the distance between the two sides was hundreds of thousands of miles away, he did not want to squat to the sky above the big sky. He waved his hands and spewed ten waves of runes on the ten fingers, turning into a colorful glow. Firmly wrapped inside.

The ninth consecutive spurts of blood spurt out, and don't let out the strength of eating milk, and reluctantly moved the big scorpion big squad to a little position.

Gathering the heavens, apart from the five elements of the gods, all the sacred squadrons of the squadrons appeared in the center of the collision of Buddhism.

At the same time, the six great emperors roared desperately, and countless gods and soldiers would stare at the devastating torrents of the two sides, and closed their eyes desperately.

Even the twelve broken-offers trapped in the big squad were stunned. They were helpless and sighed, and they seemed to be suppressed again.

Two torrents slammed into the sky, and the dazzling light shrouded the entire Pangu world.