MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 5 inherited

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Chapter 5 Heritage ()

It seems to be a second, and it seems to be a lifetime.

Do not stare at the Miaoyuan Daojun and Shangguanye, who are too imaginary to move outside the lineup, and the big array will burst open.

Wu Wang’s left leg and calf bone suddenly burst into a powerful explosion. The shock wave disturbed the energy operation line of the virtual movement. The huge energy collided with each other, just like the nuclear chain reaction. The terrible big explosion occurred.

It’s just a moment, even in the very short time that one ten-thousandth of a minute is not reached, the too big move that has already been completed can be sent out by the three people, not to mention, Le Xiaobai and Wu Wang. The big bang destroyed hundreds of kilometers of mountains near Machu Picchu, but failed to hurt three people and one hair.

At that moment, there was no sudden amount of strange light flashing in front of me, as if I had broken through a thin layer of soap bubbles, and I did not see a starry sky. It is completely different from the starry sky he sees on Earth on weekdays. The planet he sees at this time is extraordinarily huge, the light is very dazzling, the whole body is magnificent, and countless stars are far from the horizon, but it is as big as before.

The dense stars quickly turned into a stream of light, and the huge star pressure surged from all directions.

The body of Wu Wang, who had already been killed by the left leg, had flashed and was crushed into countless pieces by the pressure. Le Xiaobai was just a cry of despair, and his weak body had already been blown up. Both were smashed into the finest energy particles, and two strange colorful lights were ejected from them, crushed by the pressure of the surrounding.

When you see the two bright lights, you know instinct that it is the soul of Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai.

When the souls of the two were crushed and turned into countless colorful particles, don't scream at the tears, and shouted hysterically.

Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai, a teacher and a friend, are the ones who will not take them out of the terrible Africa. They teach them not to be one of them. They let them not have the power to survive in this world. Nowadays, the two are in front of his eyes, and they are the most deadly way to die!



Don't break your eyes and splatter a lot of blood.

Huge pressure crushed the tears and blood, and it instantly acted on him.

The shadow of death instantly came, and the heart suddenly stopped beating. He opened his mouth and seemed to feel that the big mouth of death was squirting in front of him. He seemed to have seen himself being like Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai. Grinding into pieces, even the scene where the soul is completely destroyed.

Just listening to a crisp sound, not to break the body shirt, his skin was torn by tremendous pressure, and a large piece of blood sprang out.

At that moment, a stream of soft, feminine and chilly air rushed from the feet. The stolen day-changing door of the door of the door that was hidden under the foot plate touched the blood that was not splashed, and burst into a dazzling blue light.

A dense, feminine, tough, chilly, chilly airflow emerges from the head token, and it doesn't flow overnight.

The chilly air flow in the blink of an eye does not flow around the body, quickly concentrated in the arms. Don't feel the arms just as cold as the soaked in ice water, so cold that he is all squatting, his arms can no longer move, all frozen by the implied airflow.

The cold air passed through the arms of the shackles, and finally the stolen day, the door of the door, the token was quietly turned into a smash, and a blue water of the size of the water tank was shot from the token, quietly immersed in the smashing body. A feeling of satisfaction rang in the void, and the faint sigh was like a ghost.

The powerful attraction came from the body of the baboon, and Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai | the smashed soul particles were inhaled by the body.

Don't let your body get stiff, and suddenly burst into a dazzling blue light. His brain was shocked and he was already in a coma.

Between half-sleeping and half-awake, I don’t think that the body is floating in a dark, faintly empty sky. In front of him, a figure that seems to dissipate at any moment is looking at him. .

A sigh, don't seem to hear the figure say.

"The sky is not my mother, and today I have to see the 'seven mysterious thief days', and my followers are stunned!"

One after another, crystal clear and carved like a crystal, the ancient words shining with the mysterious colorful light are displayed in the dark sky. The figure screamed, and every time he spit, there was a colorful text in the void.

First of all, in front of the beggars, it is the word "Theft".

"The road can be stolen, very much!"

"The husband and wife also have more than enough people in the heavens and the earth, and there are more ways to make up for themselves. It is also necessary for others to have more than others, and to take advantage of others to make up for themselves!"

"Hai Na Baichuan, there is a large capacity; the sand is fine, and there are mountains and mountains; the accumulation of water is small, there is boundless sea!"

"There are all things in the world, there are no inevitable, no one can not steal!"

Thousands of words are spoken in the ocean, the reading of the figure is a word, the expression of a word in the sky, not to be vague, but remember very clearly, each word is directly integrated into his soul, Jaya will not forget.

The power of too much volatility to move the squadron to promote the rapid vacillation in the emptiness of the air, each eye does not know how far it flies, breaking through how many imaginary air is naturally generated or someone intends to ban the Scorpio. The blue water wave firmly protects the beggars, and the energy of the chilly and chilly is constantly washing the body, and a large amount of dregs and dirt are continuously secreted from the body of the body, and the black material is crushed by the surrounding pressure.

With the two arms of the donkey as the core, along with the muttering of the figure, the energy of the cold and sturdy flowed. The qigong method "Seven Xuanzhu Lingshui's Water Sources" at the beginning of "Pirates of the Scriptures" gradually laid the foundation in the body of the body.

Do not breathe deeply, with the practice of the "Water Sources", guiding the slow blue energy of the body to flow slowly throughout the body.

Gradually, with the cultivation of the "Water Sources" gradually getting better, the body of the Yangtze River is not the sound of the tide.

Do not mind in the mind, the original black lacquered purple house has already faintly gleamed with water, and it is faintly visible that the waves are rushing in his purple house. The figure of that hustle was suspended above the waves of the sea, and a copy of the complex and mysterious "Theft of the Scriptures" was passed to Doshi.

Then there was a long silence, and the figure looked quietly at the sigh, and suddenly sighed deeply.

"It is your fate to come to my door. It is also your disaster. In the future, you will be a blessing, you will be independent. If you are blessed, don't thank me; if it is a disaster, don't blame me!"

"My way, a generation can only pass one person. If you are safe in your life, it is natural. If you die, try to pass on my avenue!"

Shaking his head, this figure suddenly laughed three times in the sky, and took a palm on the brain.

A shock, don't suddenly open your eyes and wake up.

The blue water wave that protected his body has been absorbed by his body, and it is turned into a wave of water flowing through his arms. The pressure of the starless stars around him was pressing on his bones, and his body could not stand the pressure and still had to be crushed.

A faint mist was drilled from the eyebrows of the eyebrows, and instantly disappeared into the figure that I saw in the sea of ​​Zifu.

"Unlucky baby!"

The figure that couldn’t see the face smirked and suddenly burst open.

A mist wrapped in the body, suddenly took him to move forward quickly, and the speed was ten thousand times faster than the vain movement.

Don't be afraid of the sudden increase in the horror of high speed, the skin of the body bursts in an inch, flipping his eyes and fainting.

The fog is getting lighter and thinner, and it will disappear.

Just before the fog finally dissipated, a faint thunder in the faint mist whistled and instantly shattered the void.

The blood flow is not only ragged, but like a broken meat pocket, the whirlwind flies into the smashing space.

The fog finally turned into nothing, leaving a very light sigh in the void.

"My doorman, live well!"

Read The Duke's Passion