MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 11 wife has a problem

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Zhong Jianguo was speechless and couldn't understand: "Why?"

"I'll live in after your room is cleaned up." Song Zhaodi glanced at the wall.

Zhong Jianguo followed her gaze, a trace of embarrassment flashed on his face: "Yes, I was negligent."

"You didn't expect me to come with you. It's normal that you didn't clean up in advance. I don't blame you." , "Put things away first, and then give the three of them a bath and change?"

Zhong Jianguo nodded: "I'll go down and boil water later. There is a wooden basin in the north house. The dirty clothes are thrown into the basin first, and I wash them at night. There is a pressurized water well in the yard, and the toilet is in At the back of the building, the washbasin is under the porch on the first floor, and the pancreas is there."

"I see." Song Zhaodi said, "I can't find anything to ask you later."

Zhong Jianguo let out a "hmm" and wanted to go back to the house to change clothes. He walked to the door and turned back to the east guest room to make the bed for Song Zhaodi.

Zhong Dawa looked at his father, and at the stepmother, who seemed to be a different person, did not dare to bear any more, ran to his father and whispered: "Dad, I want to eat a big white rabbit. "

"You can only eat one a day, and I've already eaten it today." Zhong Jianguo said to Song Zhaodi as he made the bed, "Children can't eat too much sugar, I won't be home in the future, you can't get used to them. "

"No." Song Zhaodi said, "The three of them are your sons. I will teach you how to raise them."

Zhong Jianguo frowned slightly: "The three of them are also your sons. You, don't treat yourself as an outsider, we will be a family in the future. As long as you are right, whether you beat them or scold them, I have no opinion."

"Dad!" Zhong Dawa stared, "Are you going to become a step dad?"

Zhong Jianguo raised his hand and flicked his forehead: "If you dare to be naughty again, if your mother doesn't beat you, I will beat you with a belt."

Zhong Dawa suddenly fainted.

"Er baby, what's wrong?" Out of the corner of Song Zhaodi's eyes, she noticed Erwa rubbing her stomach and realized that she had neglected the second child.

Zhong Erwa looked at Zhong Jianguo subconsciously.

Zhong Jianguo heard Song Zhaodi's words and just looked back: "What's wrong?"

"I'm hungry." Zhong Erwa said weakly.

Zhong Jianguo put on the quilt, folded the quilt into tofu cubes, and picked up the second baby: "Let's cook now." When he spoke, he looked at Song Zhaodi, no problem.

Song Zhaodi: "I'm hungry too. You bathe the three of them, and I cook."

"Okay." October's Binhai has entered the late autumn, and October's Wengzhou Island is still very hot. Song Zhaodi and Zhong Jianguo were wearing long trousers and long jackets. They didn't feel the heat when they were transferring boats in Shencheng, and they were sweating profusely when they arrived at Wengzhou Island. Zhong Jianguo smelled the strange smell on Song Zhaodi's body, and also smelled the bad smell on his body, so he went to the first floor with a bucket to press the water.

Song Zhaodi put the sleeping third child on the bench in the living room, asked Dawa and Erwa to look at him, and rolled up their sleeves to wash their hands and face.

The stove in Zhong's kitchen is an earthen stove, Song Zhaodi left the big pot to Zhong Jianguo to boil water, ready to use a small pot to cook.

Open the cabinet, there are rice, noodles, eggs, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and only these things. Song Zhaodi asked Zhong Jianguo, who came in with the water, "Are there any vegetables?"

"There should be more." Zhong Jianguo said, "Go and have a look in the yard."

Zhong's small building is about 200 square meters, and the outside yard is 70 to 80 square meters. It is surrounded by bamboo and looks like a small villa from a distance.

Song Zhaodi came in with Zhong Jianguo before, and after taking a cursory look at it, she couldn't help but give herself a compliment—it's not wrong.

When I got to the yard, Song Zhaodi was dumbfounded. In such a big yard, all flowers and plants are grown? Song Zhaodi did not believe in evil, and only found a few amaranth.

Song Zhaodi bent down, stretched her hand halfway and stopped, instead of pulling the amaranth, she took off all the leaves of the amaranth.

Song Zhaodi straightened up and looked around, sighing. Then take a bamboo sieve to wash vegetables next to the pressure well.

"Is there a fire now?" Zhong Jianguo asked when she saw her coming in.

Song Zhaodi originally wanted to find some green onions, but she didn't even find any green onion leaves. Song Zhaodi really wanted to ask Zhong Jianguo if your family didn't open fire before: "Boil it." As he spoke, he poured two scoops of water into a small pot, and then beat three eggs in three bowls.

"What are you doing?" Zhong Jianguo was curious.

Song Zhaodi: "You have nothing at home, let's eat white noodles and make three bowls of steamed eggs for your three sons."

Zhong Jianguo frowned: "Don't always be mine, this is yours in the future."

"Okay." Liu Ling also likes flowers and plants, and after she became Song Zhaodi, this preference has not been lost, provided that she has enough food and clothing. As for the actual situation, she wanted to buy four bags of milk powder for Sanwa, but hesitated for nearly ten minutes or just bought two bags, because she was afraid that she would run out of money and return to the island and the family would have to tighten their belts to live.

Liu Ling was not so aggrieved when she was the poorest in her last life. For the first time in her past life and this life, Liu Ling told herself that the future would be better and better. However, she was careful in Shencheng, and the Zhong family on Wengzhou Island did not even plant a single green onion. As long as he thought that he would have to buy green onions in the future, Liu Ling couldn't help but have a headache.

Zhong Jianguo returned to his home, and the whole person was relaxed. It is better to be careful when he was in Xiaosong Village. After listening to Song Zhaodi's wrong voice, he noticed that she seemed unhappy: "Are you tired? Tell me What to do, I'll do it."

"No." Song Zhaodi said, "I'm fine." Put the drawer in the pot, and put the three bowls with water and sesame oil in it, "The water in the pot will just boil."

Zhong Jianguo frowned and saw Song Zhaodi go to make noodles again. After thinking for a while, he finally said nothing.

Around five o'clock, Song Zhaodi took a shower, went upstairs in short sleeves and big pants, and saw Zhong Jianguo walking back and forth with Sanwa in his arms: "Give it to me, you go take a bath."

Zhong Jianguo saw that there was no smile on Song Zhaodi's face, he sighed, turned and went downstairs.

Song Zhaodi made a face at his back, went to the west room, opened the door and saw that the eldest child and the second child were already asleep, so she found a towel blanket to put on the stomach of the two children, Carrying Sanwa out: "Little guy, both brothers are sleeping, why are you still not sleeping?"

The child slept for a long time, but was not sleepy at the moment. Seeing Song Zhaodi talking to him, she stretched out her hand and made random gestures.

Song Zhaodi couldn't understand, so she taught the child to call her mother.

The child made an "ah" and saliva came out.

Song Zhaodi turned around and wanted to get the paper, and stopped at the side: "Paper has to be saved. Forget it, I'll make you more bibs tomorrow." In the lush greenery, Song Zhaodi's head hurt, and she tapped Sanwa's little face: "Your mother is really a lady."

Zhong Jianguo went downstairs, and while filling the water, he carefully recalled whether he had made Song Zhaodi angry, he went back and forth twice, and suddenly thought that since they got off the boat, Song Zhaodi never said "I" again .

When Song Zhaodi talked to Ma Zhonghua, she spoke Mandarin in a fluent Mandarin, without any coastal accent? He had just spoken to Song Zhaodi, and Song Zhaodi's Mandarin did not have a Binhai accent.

The more Zhong Jianguo thought about it, the more strange it became. There was no TV set or radio in Xiaosong Village. Song Zhaodi, a peasant girl who had never been out of Hongya Town, did she learn Mandarin from?

After a quick battle bath, Zhong Jianguo put on big pants and a vest and ran upstairs: "Zhao Di, I think we should talk."

"I also want to chat with you." Song Zhaodi said, "The most important thing now is not that we can talk frankly, but that you don't even have a green onion at home. What will you eat tomorrow morning? White rice porridge is just white steamed buns? What do the three of them eat? Continue to eat egg custard."

Zhong Jianguo choked and muttered, "What do you think you need to buy, I'll buy it now."

Song Zhaodi sighed: "Go find a pen and some paper."

When Zhong Jianguo's original wife was alive, his wife bought the firewood, rice, oil, salt, onion, **** and garlic. After his wife's death, Zhong Jianguo has been eating in the cafeteria. He didn't know what to buy at home. Even if there are many problems in the heart, in the face of life crisis, those are nothing.

Song Zhaodi handed the third baby to him, took the notebook and pen: "When the third baby's mother gave birth to the third baby, if you were not at home, how did she take care of the eldest baby and the second baby?"

"My mother-in-law took care of her for the first two months." Zhong Jianguo said, "The eldest baby and the second baby are obedient, and the third baby occasionally keeps crying, and I happen to be away from home, it's the next-door teacher Liu Wife, Sister-in-law Duan helps her."

Song Zhaodi asked as she wrote, "Why doesn't the eldest child like his grandma?"

"Ponder sons over daughters." Zhong Jianguo thought of his mother-in-law, and his forehead twitched, "No matter what the big baby's mother buys some good things for several children, the old lady will secretly Hide most of it and send it to Dawa's uncle's family."

Song Zhaodi tutted: "It's patriarchal enough. I know why Dawa doesn't like his grandma. Should you tell me how Dawa's mother got there?"

There are many people on the island, and Zhong Jianguo never thought to hide Song Zhaodi: "Dawa's grandma used to be a servant in a wealthy family in Shencheng, and Dawa's grandfather did not write much when he was working in the newspaper office. Good article, the 'revolution' broke out in Shencheng last year, and the old couple was investigated.

"Daddy's uncle and aunt are workers, and their children are proletarians. The problem with the old couple is not big. Those people didn't treat them very harshly. They just asked them to write a review. The old lady didn't know Whoever said that there is no need to write a review in the army, sent a telegram to tell Dawa's mother to pick her up."

"Pick her up?" Song Zhaodi's hand paused, "How can you pick her up when those people are staring at her? Your former daughter-in-law won't really go, will she?"

Zhong Jianguo: "I didn't tell her to go, she said she couldn't say it, but she didn't give up her mind. I guessed that I was about to return from the sea, so I entrusted the three children to Sister Duan and brought them with me. Pick up the money and clothes and go.

"She planned to take the train from Hangzhou to Shencheng. When she arrived in Hangzhou, it rained heavily and the train couldn't leave, so she came back. But when she got out of the train station, a typhoon blew, and then it was like that already."

"What?" Song Zhaodi didn't understand, "Was it blown away by the typhoon?"

Zhong Jianguo sighed: "It was the downed tree that hit her."

"That's really..." Song Zhaodi didn't know what to say, "How did you know?"

Zhong Jianguo: "We hurried back when we received news of a typhoon. She only left for half a day when I got home. I settled my three children and planned to find her, but there was also a strong wind here. , the boat can't go.

"The wind stopped two days later, I thought it was time for her to go to Shencheng, and I received a telegram from the old lady urging Dawa's mother to pick her up. Only then did I realize that something had happened to her. It took several days to check in Hangcheng. When I found her, I could barely recognize her. If I hadn't found the ticket in her pocket, I wouldn't be sure that she was going to Shencheng. "

"The grandmother of Dawa knew that her daughter died because of her, and didn't tell you to take care of the three of them for you?" Song Zhaodi continued to ask when she saw that Zhong Jianguo was not very sad.

Zhong Jianguo sneered: "Dawa's mother died on the street. She was afraid that I would trouble her. On the day Dawa's mother was cremated, no one dared to come."

"Daddy's mother didn't know there was a typhoon when she left?" Song Zhaodi didn't know how to evaluate Zhong Jianguo's superb mother-in-law, so she simply changed the subject.

Zhong Jianguo: "We moved here last summer. At that time, we encountered a typhoon and it only rained for a few days. She probably had a fluke and felt that there would be no strong wind."

"It's also her unlucky." Song Zhaodi sighed and returned the book to him, "You will often be away from home in the future, I will take the three of them alone, it is impossible to feed them one by one. You can find a carpenter. Help me make three chairs, and then make a small bed for the third baby. The older baby and the second baby sit on the chairs to eat by themselves. When the third baby is asleep, the small bed is placed next to me, and I can do other things. "

Zhong Jianguo saw that the drawings in the book were more standard than what he drew with a ruler. He was shocked, and his face remained calm: "What else is there other than a chair and a bed?"

"Buy some green cabbage and cabbage first, and then buy some seeds." Song Zhaodi said, "The weather here is very hot, and you should be able to grow vegetables before winter comes. Buy more rapeseeds , I'll tidy up the ground in the yard tomorrow, and serve all the vegetables, so I don't need to buy vegetables in the future."

Zhong Jianguo nodded: "Is there any more?"

"So much for the time being." Song Zhaodi said, "Give me Sanwa, you can go."

Zhong Jianguo went out of the house, instead of going to the supply and marketing agency on the island, he went straight to the barracks with the drawings. Go to the office, push the door and go in, "Old Zhang—"

"Captain?" The man in his forties stood up suddenly, "When did you come back?"

Zhong Jianguo: "Just came back. I remember that a few carpenters in our group did a good job and helped me make three chairs and a bed." Handed the notebook to Political Commissar Zhang.

Commissar Zhang took it subconsciously: "This broken island doesn't even have a decent carpenter—" He lowered his head and opened his eyes wide, "Did you paint? When did you have such skills? , why don't I know? When did you learn it?"

"What kind of skill is this?" Zhong Jianguo said modestly, his eyes fixed on Political Commissar Zhang's expression.

Commissar Zhang's eyes widened: "This is not a skill? My old Zhang never went to a university, but my old Zhang went to a private school. The chair on the paper will not be painted in three or five years. That's it. Captain, you're hiding deep enough."

Zhong Jianguo's eyes darkened, it seemed that Song Zhaodi was hiding a lot of things from him: "It wasn't me, it was painted by my newly married daughter-in-law."

Commissar Zhang wanted to say, isn't your daughter-in-law dead? When he said that, he suddenly thought that Zhong Jianguo had been away for seven or eight days, just to find a mother for his three children: "I heard from the teacher that the girl you went back to see is a rural girl. She has such great ability?"

"She's very capable." Zhong Jianguo smiled, "I still have something to do at home, I'll leave it to you."

Commissar Zhang grabbed Zhong Jianguo: "Don't worry, your daughter-in-law is not a village girl?"

"Yes." Zhong Jianguo recalled Song Zhaodi's changes, "She is a village girl who has a college question. I'll talk about it tomorrow, my family doesn't even have a leaf of vegetables, I have to go shopping ."

Commissar Zhang let go and couldn't help but say, "Why is your luck so good."

"It's pretty good." Zhong Jianguo smiled, walked out of the office, and sighed in the sky, hoping it wasn't a disaster.