MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 219 Angie White Tea

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Mr. Yao smiled and said, "Mr. Song, long time no see."

"Come in, come in quickly." Song Zhaodi said, "Er baby, hurry up and clean up the table."

Erwa and Zhengang directly lifted the dining table to the kitchen door, Zhenxing moved the small square table between the two benches, and went to get the kettle and cup.

Zhong Jianguo turned sideways and let Teacher Yao come in first: "What's wrong with Teacher Yao coming over suddenly?"

"It's all right." Teacher Yao smiled, "Let's see Teacher Song. I haven't seen you for so many years, and Teacher Song hasn't changed at all."

Song Zhaodi smiled: "Nothing has changed, the face is drooping almost like a pig's kidney. You come a few years later, and I walk in front of you, and you won't dare to recognize it."

"How can there be." Teacher Yao said, "I don't think it has changed at all. Captain Zhong, what do you think?"

Qian Qinghua whispered: "Mom, it's Master Zhong now."

"Yes, it's Master Zhong." Teacher Yao turned to Zhong Jianguo, "When we got off the ship, we asked the staff if Zhong Tuan was transferred, and the staff told us that you are now Master Zhong. .Congratulations, congratulations."

Zhong Jianguo smiled and said, "Sit down and take a rest, drink some water." Seeing that there was a woman in her thirties beside Qian Qinghua, "Is this your daughter?"

Teacher Yao turned around: "Qinghua's daughter-in-law."

"Is Qinghua married?" Song Zhaodi pretended to be surprised.

Qian Qinghua was a little embarrassed: "My daughter is eight years old."

"So big?" Song Zhaodi was surprised, this time it wasn't pretending.

Mr. Yao sat down and said, "The leader of Qinghua introduced him to him. Qinghua thinks that he is not too young, and he also thinks that my daughter-in-law is very good, so the two are together. "

"I remember, the year you left, Qinghua was in the third year of junior high." Song Zhaodi said, "At that time, I was sixteen or seventeen years old, and fifteen years passed in a flash, and Qinghua was three years old. More than ten?"

Teacher Yao nodded: "Yes. When the college entrance examination resumed in the early years, Qinghua didn't dare to take the test. I asked him to try it, but he did pass the test."

"Where is he going to work now?" Song Zhaodi asked.

Teacher Yao: "The northwest side is too hard. It's better for adults to get used to it, but his children are still young, so I asked him to find a leader to fight for it and transfer him here. Work."

"Isn't it a teacher?" Song Zhaodi asked.

Mr. Yao smiled and said: "He doesn't want to be a teacher. When I tutored him, my daughter-in-law also listened. Qinghua was admitted to a college, and she was admitted to a secondary school. She was a secondary school. Education, I think it is best to be a teacher. I persuaded Qinghua to become a teacher together with her, and the two of them work in the same place, so they don’t have to be separated from each other.”

"It's really good, there are winter and summer vacations." Song Zhaodi said, and suddenly thought, "Where's Head Qian?"

Qian Qinghua: "My dad was too embarrassed to come, but he didn't come."

"Is he in the guest house, or in your hometown?" Zhong Jianguo was very curious.

Qian Qinghua: "I work in Yongcheng, and my father is there. He and my mother are retired."

"This is good." Song Zhaodi said, "If your elder brother is in the army, if you are in the army too, your parents are sick, and you can't take care of your daughter-in-law alone."

Mr. Yao: "Yes. I think so too." He glanced at the young man who was pouring tea for her, frowning slightly, "Mr. Song, is this child your relative?"

"My son." Song Zhaodi said.

Teacher Yao: "Your son? I look twenty years old, right? He looks familiar, did you adopt him? Have I seen him before?"

"Mr. Yao, my mother is Zhou Shufen." Zhenxing said, "My father is Ma Zhonghua, he sacrificed, teacher and Uncle Zhong—"

Teacher Yao hurriedly asked: "Your father is that pony?"

"Yes." Zhen Xing said, "Mr. Yao, drink tea."

Mr. Yao has experienced the Anti-Japanese War and the Civil War, and is not surprised by the word "sacrifice": "Then, what about Xiao Zhou?"

Song Zhaodi recounted what happened back then, and Teacher Yao's eyes instantly turned red.

Zhengxing opened the cabinet under the long table, took some toilet paper and handed it to Teacher Yao: "It's been a long time. Without my mother's help for those people, life is definitely not as good as day by day, and it can be regarded as suffering. Retribution.".

"What kind of retribution is this." Song Zhaodi said, "If you didn't say that your mother didn't blame your relatives, even if you let them out of the island, I would have to go outside the island to find a few people to scare them. They have a meal."

Mr. Yao wiped away her tears: "Mr. Song really hasn't changed at all. Xiao Zhou, Xiao Zhou, who is so good at living, why does he have such a family."

"It's all a mess." Song Zhaodi said, "The school has changed a lot now, I'll take you to see it?"

Teacher Yao nodded: "Go and have a look. We have to take the boat back later."

"The principal is the same principal we used to be." Song Zhaodi said, "However, he is about to retire."

Mr. Yao: "I remember he was about the same age as me."

"Yes." Song Zhaodi said, "Retire next year. The school now has a high school, and he is the principal of the elementary, junior high and high school.

Mr. Yao sighed: "I'm getting old." He got up and walked outside, took a deep breath of the sea breeze with a fishy smell, and couldn't help thinking of the past, "Mr. Song, if it weren't for you , I may be underground now."

Song Zhaodi: "I wasn't just for you."

"I know." Teacher Yao said, "We didn't know how violent it was until we went out. Stinky old nine or something, the scolding was as ugly as it was ugly. At that time, I really divorced Lao Qian. , how can I see Qinghua go to school." As he spoke, tears came out again.

Qian Qinghua's daughter-in-law hurriedly said, "Mom, it's over, and the days to come will be better and better."

"I know." Teacher Yao couldn't help but wiped her tears before asking, "Are those teachers still there?"

Song Zhaodi: "Two retired and left with their children. Another died of illness." After a while, "the school has built a dormitory for the teachers, and the school is about to start, and the teachers returning home are all I'm back, and now they're all in the family home."

"Then let's go there." Teacher Yao said, and went outside.

Song Zhaodi followed her to the vicinity of the school, pointed to the brand new two-story building, and told Mr. Yao that there was the Family Home.

Ms. Yao raised her feet and stopped again: "Are they also teachers?" Pointing to the woman in a white dress and another young man who came out of the courtyard.

Song Zhaodi looked over and was delighted: "That **** is yes, the other is our third baby."

"Three babies?" Teacher Yao couldn't help exclaiming, "Three, three babies are all this big?"

Sanwa looked over and said, "Mother, are you calling me?"

"Come here." Song Zhaodi waved at him.

Sanwa ran over and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Do you still know who this is?" Song Zhaodi asked.

Mr. Yao smiled and said, "He was just over a year old when I left, and he didn't know how to speak. How can he remember me?"

"Mother knows?" Sanwa asked curiously.

Song Zhaodi: "This is Teacher Yao from our school in the past. Her son Qian Qinghua was transferred to Yongcheng, which is near here. Teacher Yao will come and see."

"Hello Teacher Yao." Sanwa smiled.

Mr. Yao looked at Sanwa and said, "This child looks like you."

"I look like a mother?" Sanwa asked with wide eyes.

Mr. Yao: "You don't look alike, but the two of you look alike when you stand together. Even if I don't know you, I will think you are mother and son."

"I'm almost forty, he hasn't reached sixteen yet, it's just not like, others will think we are mother and son." Song Zhaodi said, noticing Liu Jingjing coming over, "This is a newcomer 's teacher, surnamed Liu."

Mr. Yao: "Hello Mrs. Liu. What are you doing here?"

"She just came, and my mother asked me to take her around." Sanwa said, "I'm afraid she's sick and I don't know where the hospital is."

Mr. Yao: "Just right. I also want to go shopping. Come with us."

"Is it suitable?" Liu Jingjing looked at Song Zhaodi.

Teacher Yao smiled and said, "There's nothing inappropriate."

"Aren't you going to chat with your former colleague?" Song Zhaodi reminded her.

Mr. Yao: "Come back and talk. There are still two hours."

"Where shall we go first?" Song Zhaodi asked.

Teacher Yao think about it: "Go to the new school first."

"That's fine, let's go." Song Zhaodi walked around with Teacher Yao and went back with Sanwa.

Mr. Yao and his party went to the teacher's dormitory with Liu Jingjing.

After two o'clock, Song Zhaodi heard someone calling her and went out to see that it was Teacher Yao who was leaving. Song Zhaodi took them to the pier, and when they came back, she heard the lover of Head Lu in the west calling her.

Song Zhaodi walked over: "Xiaojiang, is there something?"

"I just came back from the non-staple food factory and saw a very good-looking woman. The workers of the non-staple food factory said she was a teacher who just came from our school, right?" Jiang Xiaoqin asked curiously.

Song Zhaodi nodded: "High school math teacher."

"It's amazing." Jiang Xiaoqin admired, "It's only in her early twenties."

Song Zhaodi: "Yes. Is your house packed?"

"It's almost there." Jiang Xiaoqin said.

Song Zhaodi: "If you have anything in the future, come to my house to find me." Saying that, she made a gesture to go back.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Xiaoqin said hurriedly, "I have something to do."

Song Zhaodi stopped and looked at her: "Is there anything else?"

"Wait for me." Jiang Xiaoqin ran into the room and took a package and handed it to Song Zhaodi.

Song Zhaodi was curious: "What?"

"Our tea." Jiang Xiaoqin smiled, a little embarrassed, "The people over there like it, you try it."

Song Zhaodi suddenly thought that a long time ago, Zhong Jianguo brought back a bag of green tea from time to time, and it was not very good. At that time, she also thought that Zhong Jianguo's soldiers' emotional intelligence was really low, and it would be a good idea to send tea to the boss. I don't know if it's a little more decent.

Zhong Jianguo said that it was made by the soldiers themselves. Song Zhaodi didn't complain about his soldiers, but when she saw the white tea in her hand, she couldn't help: "You made this yourself?"

"I made it." Jiang Xiaoqin was embarrassed, "You, if you don't like drinking, just boil tea eggs with it."

Song Zhaodi knew that her home was in Anji: "I like drinking tea, I haven't tasted Anji white tea, thank you."

"No, you're welcome, as long as you like it." Jiang Xiaoqin was a little embarrassed, "I heard from Lu Liang that you have everything in your family, and I don't know what to give you."

Song Zhaodi smiled and said, "Don't give anything away, just have a good life." He waved at her and turned back.

Sanwa heard Song Zhaodi's voice in the room, and she never saw her coming in, so she walked out, and when she entered the hospital, she immediately greeted her: "Mother, what?"

Song Zhaodi didn't say a word, she said, "The tea is made in Anji."

"Good or bad?" Erwa asked.

Song Zhaodi: "It should be very good."

"Very?" Erwa was surprised, "So, our neighbor is not bad."

Song Zhaodi: "Definitely better than Li Lanying."

"By the way, Li Lanying is looking for you." Zhen Gang said, "When you took Teacher Yao to the pier, she came to you. I asked her what was going on, but she didn't say anything. I'll find you when you come back."

Song Zhaodi snorted: "Nothing goes without going to the Three Treasures Hall. There is nothing wrong with her looking for me. Sanwa, go and close the door. If she calls me, she will say that I am a little uncomfortable and may have heatstroke. Now, rest upstairs."