MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 223 parents come

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On the morning of November 8th, Zhenxing and Sanwa were cooking, Zhong Jianguo was washing clothes, and Song Zhaodi helped him press the water. The couple put their clothes on the rope and planned to go out to exercise when the phone rang.

Zhong Jianguo said without hesitation, "I'll pick him up." He strode into the house.

Song Zhaodi trotted to follow him, reminding him: "First ask who it is."

"I know." Zhong Jianguo said and picked up the microphone.

Song Zhaodi wanted to hear it, and then she thought that she would be similar to Sanwa, maybe Sanwa learned from her eavesdropping, turned around and pulled out the desk and chair, I'll be fine later Have a meal.

Dawa and the others were not at home, so the Zhong family's breakfast became very simple, white rice porridge, white steamed buns, two plates of vegetarian dishes, and a few boiled eggs. The steamed buns were steamed yesterday. The porridge was cooked on the stove, and the three babies were on the fire to revitalize the stir-fry. In more than half an hour, the brothers made breakfast.

Zhenxing and Sanwa brought the dishes out, Zhong Jianguo was still talking on the phone. After the porridge was finished, Zhong Jianguo put down the phone.

Song Zhaodi heard Zhong Jianguo shout "eldest brother-in-law" before, and knew who was on the other end of the phone: "Or is it for the second sister?"

Zhong Jianguo shook his head: "Your parents are here. On the train this afternoon, your brother-in-law and Dali will take them to the train station, and they will arrive at our side in the morning the day after tomorrow."

"Then why did it take so long?" Song Zhaodi said, "I think it takes seven or eight minutes."

Zhong Jianguo took the steamed buns from Sanwa and the chopsticks from Zhenxing, "Tell me something you can't think of, and vigorously become a teacher in Shi No. 1 Middle School."

"What!?" Song Zhaodi was surprised, "No, didn't you go back to the county?"

Zhong Jianguo: "No."

"Then what about the house my sister built?" Song Zhaodi asked quickly.

Zhong Jianguo: "She has three sons, and she is afraid that no one will live in the future? In case the third child and Liu Gen find a daughter-in-law in the city and don't want to go to the countryside, their family happens to be in the county. New Years."

"No." Song Zhaodi said, "My sister's two homesteads were secretly bought by her."

Zhong Jianguo: "Your sister and your brother-in-law are honest, you can't think of that much. Your father can think of this too, and ask him back."

Song Zhaodi originally wanted to ask for leave to pick up her parents, but Liu Yang said on the phone that the old couple only brought a few clothes, some food to eat on the road, and nothing else, so there was no need to pick them up.

In the morning when they arrived, Song Zhaodi, Liu Jingjing and Zhenxing transferred a get out of class. After two classes, it was just after ten o'clock, and Song Zhaodi went directly from the school to the pier.

On the pier, Song Zhaodi saw a dark shadow in the distance, and waited for another ten minutes before the boat docked.

Song Zhaodi saw his father and mother coming down, and hurried up to meet him. When he got home, he couldn't wait to ask, "What happened to Dali?"

"Dali?" Mother Song thought she asked Song Lainan, "What happened to Dali?"

Song Zhaodi: "Didn't you agree to go to the county?"

"That's right." Father Song smiled, "The daughter-in-law of the man who helped your eldest sister get the homestead is the niece of the daughter-in-law of the principal of the county No. 1 middle school. Later, your eldest sister built a house and brought things with her. Go to his house to thank him, his daughter-in-law was there that day, and when he sees Dali, he will introduce him to him."

Song's mother continued: "When Dali was only ten years old, your eldest sister wanted to marry a daughter-in-law. As soon as people introduced it, she agreed without asking. This year's Spring Festival, Dali arrived. After two days at home, the woman called the village.

"Your eldest sister took Dali to the county, and the two met, and it was done. The girl was a college student, one year older than Dali, and was very satisfied with Dali. She stayed in the city, that The woman called Dali also stayed in the city. Both of them are teaching in the city’s No. 1 Middle School, and Dali is an official teacher when he enters, and his target will not be turned into a regular until next year.”

Song Zhaodi's eyes widened: "Why don't you tell me about such a big thing?"

"Your eldest sister didn't say anything?" Mother Song asked.

Song Zhaodi asked back, "If she said it, would she still need to ask you?"

"Yes." Mother Song responded, "This Laibao is only in his early forties, why is he so confused."

Song Zhaodi asked: "Eldest sister said that the young and old are not doing well in school, did you ask Dali to make up for him?"

"This summer, I will teach him at home vigorously for more than a month." Father Song said, "When we came, that kid showed us off, and this year he can get full marks in the test."

Song Zhaodi asked: "Where is Liu Gen?"

Song Zhaodi: "Then I can rest assured." Pushing open the door of the guest room, "Go in and rest for a while. The beds are all made up for you."

During lunch, the family didn't mention Song Lainan. Song Zhaodi had no classes in the afternoon. When her parents were tired, she took the old couple out for a walk.

The wind was strong in winter, Song Zhaodi did not dare to take her parents to the beach, so she took them to the training area. Although ordinary people are not allowed to approach it, it looks fine from a distance.

Song mother and Song father have not been here yet, Song Zhaodi pointed to them: "In the past, Zhong Jianguo went to work directly there, since he became a division commander, he seldom trained with the soldiers. "

"I see that Xiao Zhong is a little fat, right?" Mother Song asked.

Song Zhaodi smiled: "I'm not fat, the flesh on my face is loose. I rub my face every night before going to bed, and he does it with me. I said he didn't rely on his face to eat, he said he had to Take recruiting publicity photos. Be young and look good on camera.”

"He took pictures?" Father Song asked.

Song Zhaodi: "Don't listen to his nonsense. He said last year that he wanted to disarm."

"If the army is cut down, will Xiao Zhong be okay?" Song mother asked quickly.

Song Zhaodi: "No. Several division commanders of the same level as him have the highest education. If he wants to change jobs, the troops will not let them go. Let's go back. Stay here for a while, inside The people should come out and chase us."

"Then let's go home." Song mother said, "Maybe your side is too close to the sea, I always feel that this side is colder than ours."

Song Zhaodi said as she walked, "The humidity is heavy, and there are many people with uncomfortable legs here." As she spoke, she saw two people coming from the non-staple food factory. Before Song Zhaodi said hello, the two He waved at Song Zhaodi.

Mother Song was curious: "Your neighbor?"

"No." Song Zhaodi said, "The fishermen on the island. Since the people are allowed to trade privately, they often take some seafood to the non-staple food factory to sell."

Song mother: "Isn't that robbing the non-staple food factory?"

"The above allows them to sell, but the non-staple food factory does not dare to forbid them to sell." Song Zhaodi said, "The price is about the same, everyone likes to buy whoever buys it." The voice fell, and the song mother arrived. Song Zhaodi approached, "Are you sold out?" Song Zhaodi asked proactively.

Qu Mu: "Two catties of prawns will be sold out in a while."

"Do you still sell two pounds?" Song Zhaodi said, "Let you eat it yourself."

Mu: "Eat it every day, his dad is tired of it. It just happened to sell some money to buy some pork."

"Should your family get married, right?" Song Zhaodi didn't want to ask, but when she talked with her mother about Dali's object, she couldn't help but think that Zhuangzhuang and Dali reviewed their homework in her home in their early years, Just ask a question.

Mother Qu: "Zhuangzhuang stays in Hangcheng, the nurses on this island are definitely not willing to go with him. Others, there is no suitable girl. My father and I asked him to find it by himself. He said no rush. In his twenties, if he didn't pass the test, the child would have run away."

"Where is your family's Chu ambition?" Song Zhaodi asked Chu's mother.

Mother Chu said with a smile: "I only learned last year that the school of Zhizhi is better than Zhuangzhuang, but our relatives want to introduce a junior high school student to Zhizhi, I am afraid that he will not like it. Dare to agree, I also want to ask him to find it by himself."

"Didn't you just say that you wanted to find someone to ask if Mrs. Liu has an engagement?" Qu Mu asked.

Song Zhaodi raised her eyebrows: "The new Liu Jingjing?"

"That's right." Mother Qu was curious, "Mr. Song is the director, so you should know about Teacher Liu, right?"

Song Zhaodi laughed: "I really don't know."

"Then you ask?" Mother Chu asked.

Song Zhaodi: "Our family Zhenxing is still single. I want to go over and ask, she may misunderstand me and ask for Zhenxing. You can ask someone else."

"Rejuvenation?" Mother Chu suddenly thought, "Your family rejuvenation, look at my head, there is your family rejuvenation, and our family is determined to do something."

Song Zhaodi waved her hand: "You can't say that."

"No. Your family's revitalization is on the island, and I would choose to be close to me. I know the bottom line." Mother Chu said, "Mr. Song, I look at that girl very well, you go and help Ask your family's revitalization."

Song Zhaodi pretended to think for a while: "Then I'll ask tomorrow. It's getting dark, you guys should go back quickly."

"Let's go." Mother Qu said, "Mr. Song, you know a lot of people, so take care of our family in your spare time. When it's done, I'll buy you two Big carp."

Song Zhaodi wanted to laugh: "OK, let's go."

When they walked away, Mother Song said, "Listen to what you said just now, that Mr. Liu is pretty good, why don't you introduce her to Zhenxing?"

Song Zhaodi told the two about Liu Jingjing. Mother Song opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe it: "That girl is bolder than you?"

Song Zhaodi smiled bitterly: "Yeah. So aside from her talk of breaking up with her parents, I think she's pretty good."

"What do you think about revitalization?" Mother Song asked.

Song Zhaodi: "He told me that Liu Jingjing was his alumni, and the two of them didn't say a few words, but they were able to remember their names clearly, and they knew that Liu was not Liu, which must be interesting.

"Liu Jingjing arrived in the morning, and after revitalizing it in the afternoon, he helped others to arrange things. The speed is so fast, it is normal to put it on Dawa and Gengsheng, but it is a bit strange to put it on him. However, he himself Didn't even realize it."

"Then why didn't you mention it?" Mother Song asked.

Song Zhaodi: "I can't watch them for a lifetime, their own business, let them grind it by themselves. Anyway, the revitalization is only twenty-one years this year, and it's not too late to get married after two years. By the way, Mother, father, live here until the new year and then go back."

"A year later?" Father Song thought for a moment, "Should your second sister be sentenced?"

Read The Duke's Passion