MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 246 Erwa was beaten

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Your dad's salary."

"Apart from money, is there anything else?" Erwa asked.

Song Zhaodi let go of Zhong Jianguo: "Beat. I won't stop you."

Erwa's face changed greatly, and she quickly said, "Dad, Dad, I was wrong, I was wrong." She quickly stood up and was ready to run.

"Is the person introduced by Dad a veteran?" Sanwa asked curiously.

Zhong Jianguo sat down, glared at Erwa, and nodded at Sanwa: "Yes. The technical soldiers have been discharged from the army, and many units are rushing for them, so they don't have to worry about losing jobs. Make a living on your own.”

"Then how do you contact them?" Sanwa asked.

Zhong Jianguo: "I have files there, I will write to ask later. How many people do you want? Erwa."

"There are only a dozen machines in my factory, and all the workers add up to 30 people. How many people do you think are suitable?" Erwa asked.

Song Zhaodi frowned: "Don't give your dad sloppy eyes. Find four people for him first, one in charge of the warehouse, one at the gate, and two security guards to help with chores on weekdays.

"When you write the letter, make it clear that the salary will be paid according to 30. In the future, if you recruit people in the Erwa Factory, you can bring their family members. You must obey the rules. If you don't obey the rules, how will you come how to get back."

"You don't need to remind me of this." Zhong Jianguo said, "My soldiers are not unruly. Erwa, are four people enough?"

Erwa was afraid of being beaten: "Enough, enough, in the future to expand the scale, you can help me find a few more people."

"I'm going to the camp." Zhong Jianguo stood up, passed Erwa, and kicked him in the leg.

Erwa was caught off guard, staggered, and hit the wall with a bang.

Zhong Jianguo gave him a cold look, then turned and left.

Erwa was stunned and couldn't believe it: "Dad, did he beat me?"

"What do you think? Second brother." Sanwa was actually startled.

Erwa blinked hard: "He kicked me, didn't he kick Brother Reborn?"

"Brother Rehabilitation is not at home." Sanwa reminded him, "If you are curious, I can help you ask Reborn brother."

In the morning of New Year's Eve, I came back from rebirth. Sanwa didn't think it was a big deal to watch the fun, and told him that Erwa was beaten.

Reborn curious: "How did Sanwa think that Dad introduced veterans?"

"I heard it from my classmates." Sanwa said, "Like our military academy students, even if they are professional, the work arranged by the state will not be too bad, at least for middle-level managers of state-owned enterprises. Ordinary soldiers There is no such good treatment.”

Gengsheng complimented: "Sanwa is smart, unlike some people who don't know how to be beaten."

"Who are you talking about?" Erwa stared at him.

Rebirth: "Of course it's you. The next time you talk, you can't think about it. The belt that hit you is the belt."

Er ​​Wa subconsciously touched the leg that was beaten two days earlier, and muttered, "I didn't know that the person Dad introduced was a veteran."

"That's why I said you don't have a brain." Gengsheng said, "Dad has never been out of the island. What else does he know other than veterans?"

Zhengang: "Don't talk about the second baby, I didn't think of it at the time."

"That's you stupid." Said again.

Zhengang sneered and put down the book: "Erwa, do you want to beat him?"

"Beat!" Erwa said, "I wanted to beat him for a long time."

Reign quickly stood up, pointed at them, and bluffed: "I think you dare!?"

"Not only they dare, but also me." Zhenxing, who was chopping dumplings, handed the knife to Liu Jingjing, walked out and said, "Gensheng, since you were transferred here, I've been wanting to beat him up. you."

Reborn back again and again: "I tell you, I'm now—"

"You are rehabilitating now." Zhen Xing interrupted him, "Tell us honestly, where did your money go, we will spare you once."

Kengsheng felt that they really wanted to beat him, so he didn't dare to hide: "I used to live and eat at my grandfather's house when I went to work, I saved a lot of money, and I borrowed some from my grandfather, and planned to buy it for Erwa. A tractor and wagon, leaving Erwa to transport goods. Zhong Erwa, aren't you particularly moved?"

Erwa doesn't believe: "Really?"

"Thirty thousand or four thousand dollars." Song Zhaodi was playing with the record player, which was an antique to her, when she heard Gengsheng say this, she stopped, "Did Qi always give you the salary book? "

Rebirth: "I told my grandfather that I will pay him back at the end of next year, and pay him twice as much."

"The answer is wrong, I guessed it right." Song Zhaodi said, "Your grandfather gave you all the money saved these years, do your uncle and your aunt know?"

Rebirth: "You mustn't let them know. Besides, it's not like I won't pay him back. Erwa, remember to pay me back ten thousand."

"Ten thousand?!" Liu Jingjing exclaimed.

Song Zhaodi walked to the kitchen door: "Lend your money to Erwa, I will ask Erwa to pay you twice as much."

"Teacher, this is not very good." Liu Jingjing said, "Er Wa set up a factory, if there is any difficulty, he can use my money."

Song Zhaodi shook her head: "Brothers clearly settle accounts. It is appropriate to lend money for interest. Erwa, do you hear me?"

"No problem." Erwa said, "When I make money next year, mother, I will pay you 50,000."

Song Zhaodi: "First pay off the accounts of your brothers, and then pay me back. Anyway, your father and I are not waiting for the money."

"Second brother, I have fifty dollars, I will borrow it all from you, and you will pay me back one hundred." Sanwa continued.

Erwa wanted to beat him: "Your money is your mother's."

"Fifty yuan is enough for you to pay the workers a month's wages." Sanwa snorted, "No matter how small a mosquito is, it has meat, don't pull it down, I don't want to lend you yet."

Song Zhaodi wanted to laugh: "Sanwa, rush your second brother to pay me back tomorrow, each of you will give you two thousand, and your brothers will all share."

"Two thousand?" Geng Sheng tutted, "I thought you said five thousand."

Song Zhaodi: "It's beautiful. Don't worry about your father's money and me. When your father retires, we have to travel."

"Mother, you are only forty years old now." Gengsheng said, "My dad is forty-eight, if Dad can rise up, it will take at least another twenty years before he retires. By then your Money should be moldy."

Song Zhaodi: "It's useless for you to provoke me. If you have nothing to do, go and help wash the vegetables."

"Don't worry about it." Sanwa walked to Song Zhaodi's side, "Mother, I'll travel with you at that time and help you and Dad carry bags."

Song Zhaodi smiled: "Okay, call me in advance when you are on family leave, and I will help you buy a plane ticket."

"Teacher, I'll help you carry your bags too." Zhen Gang said quickly, "When you retire, you will be older, I am a doctor, and I can take care of you."

Gengsheng couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "You are all, that's enough. Erwa's factory hasn't started yet, so you all start thinking about the money in the teacher's hand. I'll give it to Dawa when I look back. Call and tell him about it."

"I don't want my mother's money." Sanwa said, "I'm not like you."

Zhen Gang nodded: "The teacher gave me money, and I don't want it either."

Liu Jingjing was curious and asked Zhenxing in a low voice: "Then why are they so active?"

"The teacher can eat and play, just enjoy it with her." Zhen Xing said.

Liu Jingjing asked in a low voice, "That doesn't cost tens of thousands, right?"

"In the past, pork was a cent, now it is seven or eight cents, and twenty years later, it may cost seven or eight yuan." Song Zhaodi said, "Now a piece of clothing is ten yuan, which you think is very expensive, Twenty years from now, a piece of clothing that costs 100 yuan may only cost 3 or 4 yuan now.”

Rebirth: "Mother is right. However, I think mother, don't ask for 50,000 yuan from Erwa. After 20 years, ask him to give you 5 million and give it to us. 200,000 per person, how about it?"

"It's not good." Song Zhaodi said, "If you want to make a lot of money, you should quit your job tomorrow and set up a factory. I'll talk to your grandfather."

Gengsheng shook his head: "I have a state to support me in the future. What do I need so much money for? Except for overseas inspections, I usually can't go out, and I have no chance to use the money."

"Then you still care about your mother's money." Sanwa didn't understand.

Song Zhaodi: "He did it on purpose, ignore him. Sooner or later your father will have to beat him up."

"If Dad knew that I helped Erwa buy a tractor, he would praise me, not to mention beating me." Gengsheng stretched his waist and went to the kitchen, passing by Song Zhaodi, "Mother, your Really strong will."

Song Zhaodi: "I have soft ears, and you have fooled me long ago." Although I don't know why Gengsheng repeatedly raised the money, Song Zhaodi knows one thing, Gengsheng doesn't care about the money she lent to Erwa. Otherwise, he wouldn't buy a tractor for Erwa.

"Yes." Gengsheng Chongzhengang and Erwa waved, "Come over to wash the vegetables, we will play mahjong after dinner, play money, take the fifty dollars in Sanwazi's hand win."

Sanwa: "I don't play with you."

"Then if you want to play in the future, we will not play with you." Gengsheng said.

Song Zhaodi: "Don't talk nonsense, it's already noon. Your dad comes back and sees that we haven't cooked yet. Be careful if he gets angry, he will get up and cook tomorrow morning."

"I seriously doubt that Dad's craftsmanship has been the same for ten years, just to punish us." Gengsheng rolled up his sleeves and sighed, "I shouldn't have learned to cook with you at the beginning, and in the future Just use this trick to punish my son."

Song Zhaodi: "You still have a partner first."

Reborn choked.

Erwa was happy: "How does the heartache feel? Reborn brother."

"Get out!" Gengsheng glared at him and went to the kitchen to peel the onions.

On the morning of the tenth day of the lunar year, Song Zhaodi sent Sanwa to Shencheng and went back after watching him get on the train.

The first time I left home, the three baby wanted to cry, the second time I left home, the third baby was reluctant, but I didn’t have the urge to cry, but I couldn’t help but calculate when I could have summer vacation.

Song Zhaodi didn't know this, so when she got home, she drove the reborn to Yongcheng. She and Liu Jingjing cleaned the guest room and waited for Goudan's sister Mao Ni to come.

On the 18th of the first month, in the afternoon, Song Zhaodi was putting away the quilt when she heard someone shout, "Zhaodi, here we come."

Song Zhaodi's eyelids jumped, she turned around quickly, and when she saw the person, she couldn't help but help her forehead: "Aunt, when did you arrive?"

"We just got off the boat." Goudan's mother opened the door and looked around, "You are so nice here. Zhao Di, is this building yours?"