MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 250 Celebrity endorsements

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Zhong Jianguo looked at him and said with contempt, "What can you see? Where should I go, don't bother me here."

"What's the matter?" Song Zhaodi waved at Erwa, motioning him to go upstairs first, and don't stay here for a beating.

Zhong Jianguo sat down and said deeply: "I feel that the party wants to test me."

"Are you going to be transferred?" Song Zhaodi asked.

Zhong Jianguo slowly shook his head: "No."

"You said earlier that we were fighting with Vietnam, and we sent your navy to support, and ordered you to lead the troops in person?" Song Zhaodi asked again.

Zhong Jianguo shook his head again: "No."

"Then I can't guess." Song Zhaodi frowned slightly, always feeling that Zhong Jianguo was deliberately teasing her, and thought about it, "It's time to cook, I'll cook." Go to the kitchen.

Zhong Jianguo raised his head, saw Song Zhaodi really leaving, and hurriedly grabbed her arm: "Eating is more important, or is my business more important?"

"As the saying goes, failure is a small thing, starvation is a big thing. Eating is important." Song Zhaodi said.

Zhong Jianguo opened his mouth: "...Nonsense again. Obviously starvation is a small matter, but a breach of law is a big deal."

"Here I say which is more important." Song Zhaodi said, "I will guess later after I have eaten."

Zhong Jianguo glared at Song Zhaodi viciously: "There is a woman over there, transferred from above. University degree, 25 years old this year, round face, big eyes, long hair, It looks exactly like you from the back. I saw it the day before yesterday and mistakenly thought it was you who went to find me, thinking that something had happened at home, and I ran to the front and realized that I had admitted the wrong person. "

"Beauty plan?" Song Zhaodi sat down quickly, not caring about her stomach.

Zhong Jianguo glanced at him: "Aren't you going to cook?"

"You can't die if you eat late." Song Zhaodi said, "Old man Wu is dead, Shi Ailian still has such great ability?"

Zhong Jianguo: "The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. I also suspect that it is Shi Ailian's ghost, and I have sent someone to investigate."

"Wait a minute, isn't your commander promoted by Mr. Xiao?" Song Zhaodi said, "It's impossible to put such a woman by your side, right?"

Zhong Jianguo: "Even if you say hello to him about this trivial matter, it is impossible for him, and he has no energy to investigate."

"She's here for me." Song Zhaodi wanted to laugh inexplicably, "Why isn't she afraid of killing her relatives?"

Zhong Jianguo: "It's also possible that she pushed the Wu family to do it."

"Then you have to check carefully." Song Zhaodi said, "I repeatedly explained to a few children to keep a distance from the opposite sex, but I didn't expect it to be on your side."

Zhong Jianguo hurriedly said, "Nothing happened to me here, don't talk nonsense."

"Okay, even if I'm wrong." Song Zhaodi said very perfunctory, "Don't just check social relations—"

Zhong Jianguo raised his hand: "With you in front of me, I will focus the investigation on her school days."

Song Zhaodi listened to what he said, and was sure that Zhong Jianguo was not confused, and was very sober: "It's embarrassing to pass such a thing to the party, and you are not afraid of the party's withdrawal of your party membership." After speaking, she got up. Go to the kitchen.

Zhong Jianguo followed: "The woman is a party member. I said that the party wanted to test me."

"If you have the ability, go to your commander and say so." Song Zhaodi glanced back at him and continued to the kitchen.

Zhong Jianguo: "There is no evidence and no evidence. In front of the commander, he only said that people are similar. I am surprised."

Erwa listened to the voice getting farther and farther away, guessing that the two of them entered the kitchen, and with a tut, turned back to the room to sleep. When she woke up again, it was dark outside. Erwa went downstairs and heard Song Zhaodi talking on the phone, so she stopped immediately to hear who she was calling.

Song Zhaodi hung up the phone, turned her face and said, "It's dinner."

"Who is it?" Erwa was curious, "As soon as you see me down, hang up."

Song Zhaodi: "Because there is nothing to say."

"Liu Ping? Did Lian Hui blame her and complain to you?" Erwa affirmed, "Can't she live a good life?

Zhong Jianguo: "You call and ask her."

"What do I ask her for?" Erwa puzzled, "Give her a chance to ask what kind of woman I like?"

Zhong Jianguo: "Since you don't dare to call, don't talk to your mother. Next time Liu Ping calls again, ask Di, and tell him to tell Liu Ping himself."

Erwa rolled her eyes at the ceiling: "I finally understand why my eldest brother always said you were the stepfather before. He was right, you really don't look like your father."

"Be careful of your stepfather's family law." Song Zhaodi reminded him, "Go upstairs to sleep if you don't want to eat."

Erwa hurried out to wash her face, and came back to see two dishes and one soup: "Mother didn't go shopping for vegetables in the morning?"

"Do it yourself." Zhong Jianguo said.

Erwa was speechless and couldn't help sympathizing with Shi Ailian, not to mention getting a woman like his mother, even if he got ten, and locked his father with those women, his father was thinking of him. Mother: "I want to say, if there is no food, I will buy it."

"No need." Song Zhaodi said, "Tomorrow you go to the factory, and the day after tomorrow, report to me at school, stay at school for a week and come back."

Erwa nodded: "I remember, I will go the day after tomorrow."

On the day of the clothing exhibition, Cai Kun was in charge of the clothing exhibition, and the name on the business card was also Cai Kun, so that Spring and Autumn Clothing became famous in the imperial capital, and Erwa's classmates still did not know that the boss of Chunqiu Clothing was him .

For four years in college, Erwa never told his roommates that he could make clothes. Several of his roommates saw him coming back and asked if he was sick. Erwa smiled and didn't tell his roommate that he was going back to his hometown to set up a factory until the eve of graduation.

Several roommates can't understand that students from Imperial College have a promising future. Even if you don't want to go to the court or the procuratorate, you can go to other departments.

Erwa smiled, left her address and phone number, and told several roommates that he would be the host when she went to Yongcheng on business in the future.

Several people saw that he insisted on doing this, and they could only say, I wish you a prosperous business.

At the end of June, Erwa returned to Yongcheng, and the number of workers in the workshop increased from ten to forty. But the day after returning to the factory, Cai Kun told Erwa that he had put down a lot of orders and had to hire someone as soon as possible.

Erwa also wanted to invite someone, but he thought it was too urgent. But it was a pity that I didn't earn the money I got, so I called Song Zhaodi to ask what to do.

Song Zhaodi's method is only three words - processing.

Erwa's 30 styles of clothes, half of which were imitated by other garment factories. But people who can afford genuine products feel that it is shameful to wear fake products. Therefore, there are many more of the same style on the market, and there are still individual industrial and commercial households looking for Erwa wholesale.

Erwa hung up the phone and began to wonder who to call. The next day, Erwa took the order from Shencheng to Binhai and asked Zhong Weiguo to place the order.

On May 15th, Zhong Miaomiao came back with a copy of "Traveling Spring and Autumn" and asked Zhong Weiguo if their factory could make the clothes in the book.

Zhong Weiguo saw the word "tourism" and asked, "Is that a travel book?" Zhong Miaomiao handed him the book, Zhong Weiguo opened it and saw that there were ten clothes in the whole book, eight women's clothes and two men's clothes. Seeing Zhong Weiguo very puzzled, what does a clothing magazine do called "Travel Spring and Autumn".

Zhong Miaomiao explained that it is a magazine jointly organized by the Tourism Bureau and Spring and Autumn Clothing. Zhong Weiguo thought of Erwa's factory at that time. He knew the name of Erwa's factory. Because Erwa had just set up a factory, Zhong Weiguo was afraid that his wife would be worried and that Zhong Miaomiao would talk nonsense outside, so he didn't tell them what Erwa's garment factory was called.

The two thought that the second child was making a little trouble, and did not ask any further questions. However, Zhong Weiguo, who also believed that Erwa was playing a minor role, did not believe that the Spring and Autumn in "Traveling Spring and Autumn" was Erwa's factory.

On July 2nd, Erwa went to Zhong Weiguo's factory to find them for processing. Seeing that the factory manager signed the confidentiality agreement, Zhong Weiguo was still in a dream. He didn't see him for half a year. Did his nephew report it?

With the mushrooming of private enterprises, Zhong Weiguo and his factory have fewer and fewer orders, and the factory manager is also worried about merging with other garment factories.

Erwa asked them to process it for them. Although it was only a semi-finished product, the quantity was not much for them, and the factory manager was very excited. Because the children of his relatives and friends all work in the garment factory, he doesn't think about himself, and for the sake of the younger generation, he hopes that the factory can continue to operate.

The contract was signed, Erwa said that she would go to Zhongwei Country to see his aunt. The factory manager personally sent him outside the door and told Erwa to call him directly in the future.

Er ​​Wa said with a smile, okay. However, Erwa has never looked for him since. It's not because the clothes made by Zhong Weiguo's factory are not good, nor is it because they are afraid that he will find a OEM for processing, but because Erwa decided that starting from the 15th, only four new sets will be released every two weeks.

Lian Hui received a phone call from Erwa and disagreed. There are only four clothes in one book, and the sales of the magazine will plummet.

Erwa explained to Lian Hui and asked actors to take pictures in the future.

Looking for an actor? That's still four, and it can't be more. Lian Hui reminded him.

Erwa said yes.

There are not only garment factories but also shoe factories in Yongcheng. Lian Hui and his unit have received two sponsorships from the shoe factory, both of which are sponsored by the same shoe factory, and that shoe factory is located in Yongcheng.

On July 5th, Erwa found the owner of the shoe factory and told him that he had several design drafts of leather bags here.

The owner of the shoe factory has never made a bag and dare not buy it. But Erwa said that his model needs a bag, and the person who carried the bag on "Traveling Spring and Autumn" is a well-known actor.

The owner of the shoe factory listened to what he said, and when he looked at Erwa again, it was like seeing the God of Wealth, and hurriedly said that he would immediately go and find the old masters in the factory to see if they could do it.

The design draft was sold to the owner of the shoe factory. Erwa was worried. When she returned to Wengzhou Island, she asked, "Mother, which actress is the most famous now?"

"I don't know the most famous one, but I like an actress." Song Zhaodi said, "acting in movies."

Erwa's spirited up, the actress who can make her mother fall in love, "Isn't she particularly beautiful?"

"It reminds me that I must be very beautiful." Song Zhaodi said.

Erwa: "Tell me now."

"There are two weekly movie magazines upstairs, and one of them has a woman on the cover, which is her." Song Zhaodi said, "It is said that the actress has a good temper. Yes, she will definitely help you."

Erwa stood up and sat down again: "Mother, I haven't been out of the island recently, and I've been staring at my dad all day. Why are you so clear about other actresses' tempers?"

"When did I stare at your father?" Song Zhaodi said, thinking wrongly, "Why should I stare at your father?".

Erwa smiled and said, "Because my father was entangled by a snake spirit."