MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 273 Hero saves beauty

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About 1.7 meters tall, with short hair and wheat complexion, a heroic woman smiled and said, "Hello, my name is Xue Qi."

"Hello. Are you my eldest brother's comrade-in-arms?" Erwa looked her up and down and turned to the eldest.

Dawa: "That's right. I got hurt just to save them."

"It turned out to be a hero saving beauty." Erwa laughed and teased.

Dawa glared at him: "Don't talk nonsense, help me down quickly."

"Is the injury serious?" Zhong Jianguo came over.

Xue Qi hurriedly asked, "Is this your uncle?"

"I am Da, Zhong Qiang's father." Zhong Jianguo stretched out his hand, "Hello."

Xue Qi stood at attention and saluted: "Hello, Chief!"

Zhong Jianguo smiled and said, "You don't have to do this at home, hello, Xiao Xue."

"Hello, uncle." Xue Qi quickly stretched out her hands.

After Liu Jingjing was pregnant, Song Zhaodi no longer let her into the kitchen, and often cooks with Zhenxing, and occasionally the waitress Xiaodu and Zhenxing cook together.

Xiao Du's cooking skills are not good. Song Zhaodi was cutting meat, and when she heard voices faintly, she said to Xiao Du who was scraping ginger, "Go out and see who it is."

Xiao Du ran out with Jiang Jiang, and when he came back, he said, "A car came at the door, and there was a man sitting in the car, who looked like a deputy commander. You still call the deputy commander Dad, is that your son?"

"Dad?" Song Zhaodi dropped the knife and ran out.

Erwa looked at Dawa: "You hurt your arm, not your leg, can't you come down by yourself?"

"He moved around and his wounds opened several times." Zhen Gang said, "I told him to go to the hospital, but he insisted on coming home. He also said I'm a doctor, I don't need to go to the hospital."

Erwa frowned: "You are really troublesome. Fortunately, we can live on the first floor of our house. If it is the same as before, do I have to carry it every day? with you upstairs?"

"Yes." The baby nodded slightly.

Erwa wanted to beat him: "The wound has not healed, so I won't go to the hospital, I will tell my mother later."

"I heard it." Song Zhaodi held the door, gasping for breath, seeing that the baby was not missing any arms or legs, he let out a long breath, "Er baby, Help him down first, and take him to the hospital after lunch."

The big baby said anxiously: "Mother, I'll just leave it at home to raise it."

"The weather is hot, what about inflammation?" Song Zhaodi asked.

Dawa took a breath and saw Zhengang: "He's there."

"I won't talk nonsense with you." Song Zhaodi walked up to Xue Qi, "Hello, Xiao Xue."

Xue Qi hurriedly stretched out her hand: "Hello, Auntie."

"Come in." Song Zhaodi said, "It's tiring to take care of the baby, isn't it?"

Xue Qi froze for a moment: "Big, big baby?"

"My nickname." Dawa said, "You call me Zhong Qiangqiang."

Xue Qi nodded and said to Song Zhaodi, "It should be."

Song Zhaodi smiled, turned and pushed all the doors open, Erwa helped the eldest baby down, and Zhen Gang went to get her luggage.

Zhong Jianguo was curious: "Is this car the car in the hospital here?"

"Yes." Zhengang said, "I called the hospital, and the hospital drove to the pier to pick him up, but the baby didn't want to go, no matter what. "

Zhong Jianguo opened his mouth and wanted to say, I need a beating! Noticing Xue Qi, he coughed: "Go into the house." But he couldn't help but ask, "Did Xiao Xue come to see the big baby on purpose?"

"Uncle, let's go ahead and talk about it." Zhen Gang said.

Zhong Jianguo nodded and said to the driver, "You go back first, and we'll take the baby there by ourselves later."

The driver said yes and drove away.

Zhong Jianguo saw this, turned around and went into the house. However, as soon as he arrived in the courtyard, he heard Song Zhaodi calling for Zhenxing to make the bed for the eldest baby. Zhong Jianguo quickened his pace and said at the door: "He won't stay at home at night, so don't make the bed. First clean up Zhengang and Xiaoxue's bed. it is good."

"I can't stay at home for one night?" Dawa asked.

Zhengang put down his luggage: "No. Teacher, is there a bed in the room downstairs? The baby's wound should be open. I'll show him."

"I hurt the upper body, not the lower body, so I don't need to go back to the room." Dawa beckoned to Zhenxing, "Help me take off my clothes."

Song Zhaodi hurriedly asked: "Is there any medicine?"

"Yes, yes, here." Xue Qi hurriedly handed the bag to Zhen Gang.

Zhengang opened the bag and took out a small medicine box. Seeing it, the Zhong family held their breath subconsciously. After Zhengang had wrapped the big baby again, Song Zhaodi said, "Would you like to go back to the house and sleep for a while?"

I want to say, no need. But he hadn't slept well in the past two days, which caused him to yawn when he heard the word "sleep".

"Xiao Xue, help the baby to go there." Song Zhaodi pointed to the room of the attendant, Xiao Du.

Xue Qi nodded: "Zhong Jianqiang, slow down."

Dawa frowned slightly and stood up with Erwa's shoulders.

Zhen Gang subconsciously said, "I'll come."

"Zhengang, come here, I have something to ask you." Song Zhaodi said.

Dawa stopped and said, "Mother, if you want to ask anything, you can ask me directly."

"Go back to the house first!" Song Zhaodi waved.

Xue Qi followed up: "Zhong Jianqiang, let me help you to rest. Your wounds opened several times along the way, and you hardly got any rest."

Before, Dawa lived in the hospital. His comrades often visited him, and Dawa did not feel lonely. On the fourth day of their group walk, no one asked Dawa to chat, and Dawa was discharged from the hospital.

Zheng had a headache when he was talking about it, so he applied to the hospital, he went back, and sent the baby by the way. As the war drew to a close, the hospital agreed to Zhen Gang's request and approved his return.

After finally coming back, Dawa doesn't want to go to the hospital tonight: "Mother, can I stay at home tonight?"

Song Zhaodi wanted to say no, but thinking that he hadn't come home for two years: "I can only stay at home for one night."

"Yes." Dawa agreed very readily, and began to think about what reason to stay at home tomorrow.

Zhengang watched Dawa go in, and then asked in a low voice, "Teacher, do you want to ask how Dawa was injured?"

"No." Song Zhaodi said, "We'll talk about Dawa's injury later. What's the relationship between Dawa and that Xue Qi?"

Zhengang subconsciously glanced at the room where Dawa was: "Comrade-in-arms relationship."

"Isn't it the object of Dawa?" Zhong Jianguo asked hurriedly.

Zhengang opened his eyes wide and noticed that Zhenxing, Erwa and Liu Jingjing all thought so, and laughed: "What misunderstanding do you have about Dawa? His virtue , can you find the object so quickly?"

"No?" Zhong Jianguo asked again.

Zhengang: "Of course not. Xue Qi is a signal soldier, and the Vietnamese female soldiers don't know how to touch them. The baby was injured in order to save their female soldiers. At that time, the baby was covered in blood, which scared Xue Qi to tears. When the troops returned, she stayed to take care of the baby."

"I thought Dawa really brought one back." Song Zhaodi was very disappointed.

Zhengang laughed: "I did bring one back, but it's not a big baby." Song Zhaodi opened her eyes again. Zhen Gang smiled and waved at Xue Qi who was slowly closing the door, "She is my target."


Zhen Gang nodded: "After the baby was injured, I wanted to cook something delicious for him, so I went to buy food myself, and borrowed the hospital kitchen to cook for the baby. Tang, do the laundry for him, Xue Qi—" glanced at Xue Qi, a little embarrassed, "She thinks I'm good."

"Well, Zhen Gang is very good." Xue Qi said, "Please allow my uncle and aunt to allow me to be with him." As he spoke, he bent down.

Song Zhaodi hurriedly said, "There's no need for this." After a while, "Our family is different from other families, as long as you two like each other, we have no problem. "

"Yes, we have no opinion." Zhen Xing said, "As long as your parents have no opinion."

Xue Qi suddenly thought: "I, my parents don't know yet."

"Sit down first." Song Zhaodi pointed at the sofa, "I wonder where Xiao Xue is from?"

Zhengang: "Her hometown is in the Northeast. After the Great Revolution, she moved to the imperial capital with her parents. After graduating from college, she joined the army."

"Then Xiao Xue helped Zhen Gang to send the baby here, so you have to report back to the army?" Song Zhaodi asked.

Xue Qi couldn't help scratching her head: "Yes." She glanced at Zhong Jianguo, saw that he was silent, then looked at Song Zhaodi, seeing that Song Zhaodi was waiting for her He continued, "My mother is a military doctor and my father is an instructor. If they find a relationship, they should be able to transfer me here."

"Then when you go back this time, ask Zhengang to go back with you." Song Zhaodi said, "When you transfer here, you will spend two months with Zhengang. , If you think you can get along, the two of you will get engaged first and get along for a year and a half before getting married."

Xue Qi blurted out, "So troublesome?"

"Pfft!" Erwa laughed, got up and patted Zhengang's shoulder, "I understand."

Zhen Gang slapped his hand: "What do you understand?!"

"You know." Erwa said, "In the future, younger siblings, marriage is a major event in a lifetime. Go to the kitchen and have a look." Chong Xiaodu and Zhenxing waved.

Song Zhaodi rubbed her forehead: "Xiao Xue, Erwa is right. I didn't mean to delay what I said just now. If you think it's troublesome, you have to wait until May next year. When you get home, tell your parents about you and Zhengang, and your parents don't agree with your flash marriage."

"Flash marriage?" Xue Qi asked, "What do you mean?"

Zhong Jianguo: "Marriage as fast as lightning."

"Well, then I'll listen to you." Xue Qi said so, thinking, I'll ask my parents when I go back.

Song Zhaodi laughed: "My family's situation is more complicated, Zhen Gang and Zhen Xing who went to the kitchen just now, they have the same father and the same mother. Zhen Gang told you ?"

"I told her on the way here." There are also two older brothers, one is a researcher and the other is a government official. He selfishly doesn't want his father-in-law's family to know too much.

Song Zhaodi: "Then you also go to rest." Song Zhaodi said, "Zhengang, there are two empty rooms upstairs, you can make a bed for Xiao Xue. ."

"Okay." As soon as Zhen stood up, he winked at Xue Qi, and the two went upstairs with a salute.

Zhong Jianguo waited for the two of them to get upstairs, and then said, "This Xue Qi, I look a little ill-natured."

"Can you be admitted to a college if you lack heart?" Song Zhaodi asked.

Liu Jingjing smiled and said, "Uncle means like a silly big sister?"

"Yes, yes." Zhong Jianguo said, "The eyes are black and white, bright, and the face is melon seeds. He looks very smart."

Song Zhaodi: "He's really shrewd. Knowing that Zhengang has no father or mother, it is impossible to follow him."

"Teacher, do you mean I'm stupid?" Liu Jingjing asked.

Song Zhaodi glanced at her: "How smart do you think you are?"

Liu Jingjing choked.

Zhong Jianguo was happy: "Don't think Mr. Song's words are ugly, you are indeed quite stupid. At the beginning, you were lucky to meet Zhenxing, if Li Lanying's son is enough for you received."

"I also despise her son." Liu Jingjing muttered, "There are three women in my family, and I still despise women, what is it?"

Song Zhaodi raised her eyebrows: "He has looked for you before?"

"I met him twice." Liu Jingjing said, "I think he deliberately blocked me and said a few words to him."

Song Zhaodi: "Why didn't I hear you mention it? Didn't I bully you?"

"No." Liu Jingjing said, "There were other teachers at that time, and he didn't dare to say anything too outrageous. After he left, several teachers present Tell me, he's not even half as good as revitalizing."

Song Zhaodi: "Of course. The child I raised is definitely better than him."

"Be quiet." Zhong Jianguo said, "The baby is sleeping."

Song Zhaodi: "Let's go to the kitchen and talk."

Liu Jingjing was also afraid of waking up the baby, so she stood up on the table and asked as she walked, "Teacher, my due date is at the end of August. Need a babysitter?"

Song Zhaodi nodded: "Yes, please, by the end of the year, the children will not be as noisy as they were when they were young. By the way, the bed that Sanwa slept on when she was a child is still upstairs. Revitalize and brush it, so you don’t have to make new ones.”

"I heard from Zhenxing that there is a baby basket. When you go to class, put the three babies in the basket and take them to school." Liu Jingjing asked, " is that true?"

Song Zhaodi nodded: "I gave that thing to Xiao Xiurong. If you want, you have to do it again. The carpenter on the island will do it. Think about the lack of What, do it all at once."

"There is nothing missing." Liu Jingjing said, "I heard from my mother that when we were young, there were many children in the family, they went to work, and my grandma took care of them. But come on, take out the bed made of hemp rope, tear off a little rope, and put us inside the rope."

Erwa raised her head: "Won't you strangle you?"

"I don't know, I don't have an impression." Liu Jingjing said, "My mother will come over a few days later and see the child's bed and baby basket, I guess I have to chat again. Tell me to waste money."

Song Zhaodi: "Then tell me what I did, and ask her to tell me."

"Then she has to say, your mother-in-law is indeed a college student, and she can even think of the child's bed and the basket that carries the child." Liu Jingjing said, "Obviously I'm also a college student."

Song Zhaodi laughed: "You failed to train seven college students."

"That's true." Liu Jingjing said, "At the end of last year, I went back with Zhenxing, and my mother asked you how you taught seven college students. She said that if you eat well and dress well, you can go to university, and my mother said I was talking nonsense. She also said that my elbows were turned out."

Song Zhaodi gave her a high bench: "You didn't say that your mother's family is a foreign family?"

"Then my mother-in-law cried." Zhen Xing said, "I think my mother-in-law is a bit like my aunt."

The pork on Zhong Jianguo's chopping board was cooked, he squeezed a piece and said, "They are all about the same age. If your teacher hadn't married me, , I guess you can live better than your mother-in-law and your aunt, and can nagging."

"If I didn't marry you, would you be able to eat the belly of a general?" Song Zhaodi asked, "It's almost the same as drinking the northwest wind."

Zhong Jianguo almost choked on the flesh: "Can't you talk to me well?"

& nbsp; You might as well compare me to Grandet."

Zhong Jianguo: "I don't know any Grandet, I just know your eldest sister."

"You two stop arguing." Erwa said, "Mother, you mentioned aunt just now, I suddenly thought that your second sister is coming out soon."

Song Zhaodi counted the days: "Next month?"

"Yes." Erwa said, "At the end of last year, when Mao Ni went back, I asked her to go to Eryi Village to inquire about Du Tao and her brother. What have you been doing these past few years.

" Mao Ni said that Du Tao and her brother were working outside. I guess it was here, so I asked the security guard who had seen Du Tao to pay attention. I said, Du Tao is married, her husband is a local. Her brother has a partner, the girl is a foreigner, and they are not married yet."

Song Zhaodi: "Are you still working in the factory?"

"Yes." Erwa said. "Du invented that factory, I don't know if it was merged with another factory or closed down. Anyway, he quit."

Zhong Jianguo was curious: "He will retire in a few years, why not?"

"It's still ten years." Erwa said, "You told me before that Eryi was arrested because she believed what Du Fafang said. I asked someone to check it carefully. He rented a store in the urban area of ​​Yongcheng City. While selling things, he introduced jobs to migrant workers. He paid him five yuan for a full month of work. I heard that some factories were short of manpower. Just ask him to help the contact person, and the factory will give him another sum of money."

Song Zhaodi couldn't help but glance at Zhong Jianguo: "Both of us are wrong, he is not ordinary."

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