MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 287 Erwa's Peach Blossom

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Zhong Jianguo raised his hand and slapped her: "Believe it or not, I will slap it?

"Trust." Song Zhaodi took his wrist and took it down, "I believe you are not willing."

Zhong Jianguo shook off her hand and walked out, opened the door and suddenly realized that it was dark, where could he go. Turning around and seeing Song Zhaodi making the quilt, Zhong Jianguo suddenly fell down in anger, and said coldly, "You make the bed before nine o'clock, can you sleep?"

"I'm not sleepy." Song Zhaodi turned her head and smiled and said, "I'm afraid you will be sleepy. Lay the quilt first, if you are sleepy, just go to sleep." .

Zhong Jianguo snorted twice: "I do this trick every time."

"What am I here?" Song Zhaodi looked innocent, "Will you watch TV? I'll turn on the TV."

Zhong Jianguo: "Don't watch it! There aren't any decent TV shows lately. Is the radio upstairs? Turn it on and listen to the radio for a while."

Song Zhaodi took the radio from the bookshelf and put it on Zhong Jianguo's bedside table.

Zhong Jianguo glanced at her, then fiddled with the radio, but before finding the station, he began to ask, "Aren't you going?"

"Erwa, Zhenxing they don't know, you don't know yet?" Song Zhaodi was speechless, "That Zhao Qianyi has nothing to do with me, what do I do with him?"

Zhong Jianguo was relieved and immediately found the People's Broadcasting Station.

Song Zhaodi pouted at the back of his head and pulled out the unabridged version of "Grimm's Fairy Tales" that Erwa had bought abroad.

Shi Ailian was still waiting for Erwa, and Erwa didn't dare to leave her at home.

The next day was Qingming, and in the morning, he put his mother on the grave. In the afternoon, Erwa went to the factory with the buns from Song Zhaodi's bag. There is now a canteen in his factory, as well as a snack shop, so there is no need for Erwa to cook by himself. But the buns in the cafeteria were not as delicious as the ones at home, so Song Zhaodi made them, and Erwa brought a little, but he didn't make them, and he didn't take the initiative to mention them. Anyway, he works freely, is greedy, and can go home at any time.

Erwa didn't come back for two weeks after she left. April 17th, Saturday noon, the rebirth came back.

Song Zhaodi was watching Cancan do her homework, staring at Yanyan, don't run out, and threw her bag on the sofa, Song Zhaodi noticed: "Why didn't you make a phone call in advance?" Involuntarily stood up , "I didn't cook your meal." Then he shouted to the kitchen, "Zhenxing, Jingjing, stir-fry two more dishes, and the regeneration is back."

"Second uncle." Cancan raised his head to say hello.

Reborn smiled and said to Song Zhaodi, "I'll give you a surprise." Put on slippers, sat opposite Song Zhaodi, and then said, "Mother, I'm transferred to the city."

"Vice mayor?" Zhenxing heard this and ran out hastily.

Song Zhaodi looked at him: "You are really confused in class. Two years ago, Regent was the county secretary and deputy mayor, how could he still be the deputy mayor. Rehabilitation, right?"

"My mother is my mother." Gengsheng smiled and gave a thumbs up, "Now the mayor, the office has been moved to the city government." Seeing a plate of mangosteen on the table, "Erwa bought of?"

Zhenxing: "The teacher bought it. The teacher just said that Erwa has been gone for two weeks, and I don't know if she will come back today. Has he not been to you recently?"

"I've been busy with work and handover these days, so I didn't go to him." He peeled off a mangosteen, and felt the darkness around him. When he saw it was hot, he looked at his hand and gave He is half mangosteen. "

Yan Yan grinned: "Thank you, one, two, three, four, four uncles."

"Fourth, what the **** is Uncle Four?" Gengsheng couldn't help blinking.

Zhenxing smiled and said, "You kind of ghost." After speaking, he went back to the kitchen to continue cooking.

Cancan put down his pen: "Yanyan, you have to call Second Uncle."

"My father said Uncle." After Yanyan finished eating, he turned to Rehabilitation, "Fourth Uncle, no more."

Gengsheng also gave him the meat in his hand: "After eating these, you can't eat any more. We will eat later. You are old, no, the meat made by your second uncle."

"It's uncle." Cancan reminded, "Second uncle, you are wrong."

Song Zhaodi patted the table: "Hurry up and do your homework. What Yanyan wants to shout."

"Grandma, Yanyan made a mistake, I want to correct him." Cancan said seriously.

Song Zhaodi: "From your uncle's side, your father is indeed the second child. If you don't believe me, write down the age of your uncle and see for yourself. You don't know how old you are. ,I tell you."

"Okay." Cancan wrote one, two, three, four, five, six, seven with a pencil. As Song Zhaodi reported her age one by one, Cancan raised her head: "I want to call Yanyan's father, my second uncle and fourth uncle?"

Song Zhaodi: "You can shout whatever you like. We didn't ask you to call Fourth Uncle, so don't ask Yanyan, okay?"

The fourth uncle is very awkward, and there is no second uncle. Cancan nodded: "Okay."

"Good." Song Zhaodi smiled, "You write, I will peel a mangosteen, and we will eat."

Cancan hurriedly continued her homework.

Song Zhaodi asked the rehabilitation: "How many days can I stay at home?"

"Two days." Gensheng said, "Go back on Monday morning."

Song Zhaodi: "Has the house been cleaned up?"

"Okay. I found a car in the city to help me pull it." Gengsheng said, "I packed it up in a day. What is Erwa busy with? Isn't he the busiest time of year?"

Song Zhaodi told him that Wu Lisha was Wu Tong and Zhao Qianyi: "Erwa really sent Wu Tong in, and Shi Ailian's woman must go to the city government to find you, you go back and talk to the guard. Just don't pay attention to her."

"I see." Gengsheng snorted, "I don't think I dare to look for me. But, mother, that Zhao Qianyi, if Wu Tong mentioned you in front of him, would he come to the island? Looking for you?"

Song Zhaodi said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this. If he dares to come, your father will dare to break him. Besides, that man was not like a man before. If he knew that your father was the deputy commander , if you lend him the courage, he won't dare to come."

"That's good." Gengsheng said, "He really came, and my dad has to ignore you for several days."

Zhong Jianguo drove by himself today, a little earlier than usual. As soon as he entered the yard, he heard the sound of rebirth. At first, Zhong Jianguo didn't care. Hearing his three words "Zhao Qianyi", Zhong Jianguo slowed down and was very satisfied with Song Zhaodi's words. However, when he heard Reign's words, Zhong Jianguo wanted to beat him: "Is Lao Tzu such a careful person in your eyes?"

"No, no." Gengsheng stood up subconsciously, ready to run at any time.

Zhong Jianguo saw this and despised him: "What does it look like. Sit down, I won't hit you."

"You told my brother the same way before." Gengsheng said, "I'll go see if the meal is ready." With that, he strode to the kitchen.

Cancan glanced at the reborn back: "Second uncle is so afraid of grandpa."

"The belt on your grandpa's waist is very painful." Song Zhaodi asked, "Would you like to try it?"

Cancan hurriedly shook her head and continued her homework.

Yanyan wanted to throw himself into Zhong Jianguo's arms and deceive another mangosteen. Seeing his expressionless face, he ran to Song Zhaodi's side and sat down honestly.

Song Zhaodi didn't know what to say to these two grandsons, but each one was more clever than the other: "Yanyan, go get grandpa's slippers."

"Okay." Yanyan ran to the door and took the largest pair of shoes, "Grandpa, change your shoes."

Zhong Jianguo said "um" and asked, "Reborn yourself?"

"Otherwise?" Song Zhaodi said, "Bring you a daughter-in-law back? You don't have to think about it. It's better to count on Erwa."

The kitchen is cooking soup, not cooking, so the kitchen is quiet. Gengsheng heard Song Zhaodi's words, and went out again: "Mother, I heard that Lian Rui is about to graduate. She studied finance and accounting in college. As far as I know, she plans to go to work in Erwa Factory after graduation."

"Who did you hear?" Zhong Jianguo asked.

Rebirth: "When my grandfather died, I learned that my cousin and Lian Rui were high school classmates. Didn't Liu Pinggu and the others also go there. My cousin asked Lian Rui to chat, and I saw them both. I’m very familiar with her, so if you ask a question, the girl told me everything she knew. But I guessed that she went to work in the Erwa Factory.”

"The Lian family agrees?" Song Zhaodi asked.

Gengsheng smiled and said, "Erwa graduated from Imperial University, you have to look good, you have to be tall and tall, and there is a well-known clothing factory, where can you find such a good object? Not to mention Dad Now he is the deputy commander, and his position is higher than that of Uncle Lian. There is no reason for the Lian family to disagree with this marriage. However, I also know that Erwa is not single now, so their affairs are a bit of a grind. "

"Have a girlfriend?" Zhong Jianguo frowned, "Then why doesn't he admit it?"

Song Zhaodi: "Probably he didn't plan to marry someone."

"He—" Zhong Jianguo gritted his teeth, "I'm sorry!"

Rebirth: "When he comes back, beat him hard. But don't say what I said."

"Does Lian Hui know?" Song Zhaodi asked.

Reborn: "I definitely know. They have a very good relationship. Maybe the one Erwa is talking about now is introduced by Lian Hui."

"Then, if Lian Rui knew about it, wouldn't it make the Lian family uneasy?" Song Zhaodi was worried, "I've seen that girl with her eyes rolling around, but it's not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Gengsheng smiled and said, "She never told anyone that she likes Erwa. She dared to make trouble with Lian Hui, and Lian Hui dared to cut her. Besides, once she wants to come here, Lian Hui will Hui knows what she thinks. Although Lian Rui is Lian Hui's younger sister, Lian Hui will inform Erwa as soon as possible."

"Up to two months." Song Zhaodi counted the time, "Liu Ping will have to call me." However, it didn't last for two months. A month later, at the end of May, Liu Ping Song Zhaodi called and asked her if Lian Rui liked Erwa.

Song Zhaodi pretended to be surprised, and asked her, Lian Rui and Erwa are several years apart, they are not the same generation, how could she like Erwa.

Liu Ping said that she did not know when Lian Rui fell in love with Erwa. Ask Lian Rui, Lian Rui just said a word, going to work in the Erwa factory. Later, Liu Ping told Song Zhaodi that Lian Hui said that Erwa had a girlfriend now, and Erwa could not like Lian Rui, and persuaded Lian Rui to die. The two sisters quarreled for more than an hour every night.

Song Zhaodi was mentally prepared, she heard Liu Ping sigh on the other end of the phone, and couldn't help comforting her: "Don't worry, I'll call Erwa now." To the second baby.

Lian Rui and Lian Hui quarreled, Song Zhaodi didn't bother to go around with Erwa, and told him what Lian Rui liked him, so she asked: "Lian Rui will go to your factory after graduation, you What are you going to do?"

Erwa was stunned: "Mother, say it again."

"I've said it several times and it's the same." Song Zhaodi said, "I heard that you talked about one recently. If you think it's suitable, bring it home for me and your father to meet and get engaged in a few days, Lian Rui is dead."

"What to order." Erwa frowned, "It's not there yet."

Song Zhaodi said earnestly: "You are not too young, you should know what kind of person is suitable to be a wife, and what kind of person can only be everywhere. That girl Lian Rui has a cheerful and outgoing personality, but she has a bad idea. Quite a lot, if the person she likes is Sanwa, she can't even pass the test for me. But the person she likes is you, which is different. Your wife can't be well-rounded, and she has to have a high emotional intelligence and will come. girl."

"Mother, what do you mean, tell me to break up with this one, and look around with Lian Rui?" Erwa asked.

Song Zhaodi: "No. I'm telling you to think about it. If you can bring this person out now, it's not that kind of shallow eyelids. I think you can get engaged first."

"I'll think about it." Erwa had a headache, "Shi Ailian hasn't stopped yet, and she came over again. Isn't this looking for something for me?"

Song Zhaodi: "Life is like this. Don't worry, you still have time to think about it, at least it will take another month before Lian Rui can come to you. If you don't want to break up with your current partner, hurry up When Er Lian Rui goes over, you say that there is no need for an accountant in the factory for the time being. If you agree to Lian Rui to go over, you have to break up with that girl. Otherwise, with Lian Rui's temperament, you will definitely find opportunities to harass the family. "

"I know." Erwa said, "The girls in Lianhui's circle, six out of ten women are cruel, honest, docile, at most two, no more. I will Solve the Shi Ailian matter as soon as possible."

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