MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 4 pretending to be stupid

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On the way back, Liu Yang and Zhong Jianguo asked Zhong Jianguo about things in the country. Zhong Jianguo said one thing and two things. Liu Yang was satisfied with Zhong Jianguo's attitude, and did not forget that Zhong Jianguo was married and had three children. He was afraid that the old man Zhong Jianguo would lie to their family Song Zhaodi, so he walked into the courtyard to wink at his mother and keep an eye on him.

Yang was worried that the two grandsons who had taken a nap suddenly woke up, and it was difficult to go to the main room, so she simply moved a stool and sat at the door of the side room, with her eyes looking into the room and her ears listening to the situation in the main room.

Zhong Jianguo felt inexplicably that something was wrong. He couldn't think of anything strange for a while, so he said, "Hello, my name is Zhong Jianguo."

"My name is Song Zhaodi." Song Zhaodi said, "My brother-in-law told you just now."

Zhong Jianguo nodded: "Yes. Hello, Comrade Song."

"Hello, Comrade Zhong." Song Zhaodi said, "What else did my brother-in-law tell you?"

Zhong Jianguo thought to himself, your brother-in-law said that your father and mother have gone to work, and there are only you and his mother in the family. We just talked casually and didn't say anything."

"Then what do you want to know?" Liu Ling has never had a blind date, and neither has the original owner, so the brand-new Song Zhaodi doesn't know what to say when people of this era go on a blind date, " Whatever you ask, I'll tell you what I know."

Yang's brows are wrinkled, how do you ask Di to take a bite of me? In the early days, I taught them to change "I" to "I" every day. Tell Zhong Jianguo everything? Could this girl cry stupidly again?

"Zhaodi, let Comrade Zhong have a drink first." Mrs. Yang stood up on crutches, gave Song Zhaodi a wink, and came over to me.

Song Zhaodi pretended not to understand Yang's warning, "Auntie, I'm talking to Comrade Zhong, I'll talk about it later."

"It's okay." Zhong Jianguo turned his head and asked, "Aunt, what do you want to do, I'll help you."

Yang waved her hand: "Just sit down and don't get up. I just read Zhao Di's sentence after sentence, and I won't allow you to drink water. I want to remind her not to be ignorant."

"It's okay, I'm not thirsty." Zhong Jianguo smiled, "You don't blame me for coming here in the afternoon."

Song Zhaodi: "Why are you here so late?"

Zhong Jianguo took a breath and said embarrassingly: "There is also a Song Village in the east, I thought it was there, but when I got there, I found out that Xiao Song Village was in the west, and it was delayed by taking the wrong road."

"So you haven't eaten yet?" Song Zhaodi asked.

Zhong Jianguo: "I usually eat late at noon, and I'm not very hungry now."

"The corn nests I made at noon, if you don't dislike it, I'll get it for you." Song Zhaodi said.

Zhong Jianguo went to the station just after seven in the morning, and took nearly three hours to reach Hongya Town. There was no car going to the countryside in Hongya Town, so Zhong Jianguo could only walk over. We took a fork in the road and arrived at Xiaosong Village soon after. Turning around in such a big circle, it is false to say that you are not hungry.

Zhong Jianguo wanted to say that he did not dislike it. But when he came to the door for the first time, he didn't arrive until the afternoon. If he came to eat at Song's house, it would not look good. He swallowed and said insincerely, "No, I'm really not hungry."

Song Zhaodi glanced at him and didn't move: "Then I won't go. I heard from my aunt that you are a major?"

Zhong Jianguo regretted his false courtesy when he said it, and was stunned when he heard the words: "Did my stepmother tell you that?"

"Yes." Song Zhaodi stared at Zhong Jianguo, not missing any expression on his face, and said nonsense, "You also said that your monthly salary is one hundred and eighteen, and you are still a college student officer, but incredible."

Zhong Jianguo opened his mouth: "...what else did she say?"

"Could she lie to me?" Song Zhaodi's face changed suddenly, pretending to be angry.

Zhong Jianguo: "It's not a lie. I haven't been home for two years. I only sent a few letters to my eldest brother. My stepmother doesn't know my situation. The military rank was cancelled two years ago. system."

"Then you are not an officer?" Song Zhaodi's eyes flashed, and there was such a change in the middle.

If Song Zhaodi marries him, the salary will not be hidden. Zhong Jianguo told the truth: "I am a regiment commander, and the monthly allowance for military age is more than 130 yuan. The army also has other subsidies, such as oil and grain, and sometimes fish and cloth. None of this counts towards wages."

"So good?" Song Zhaodi was really surprised, "Cousin didn't lie to me."

Zhong Jianguo is very sure that his eldest brother will not tell his stepmother Zhao Yin about him. Zhao Yin does not know that he is now the head of the regiment, so talking to the Song family is obviously deliberately exaggerating to fool the Song family. But Zhong Jianguo couldn't understand why Song's mother was Zhao Yin's cousin and Song Zhaodi was her niece. Why did she lie to her relatives?

"My stepmother only told you so much?" Zhong Jianguo continued to ask.

Song Zhaodi nodded, half-truth and half-truth: "My cousin said that your conditions are very good, and I won't suffer when marrying you. I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it."

Zhong Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief: "So you are willing to marry me?"

"Yes." Zhong Jianguo's trip was to find a mother for his children, not his own daughter-in-law. Song Zhaodi must let Zhong Jianguo let go of her vigilance. Zhong Jianguo didn't show a trace of impatience for his intentional expression of rusticity, and Song Zhaodi immediately determined that this person is not bad. There is no room for unmarried people in the times, and Song Zhaodi must be willing to meet such a good-natured and promising man.

Listening to Song Zhaodi's mouth running on the train, Mrs. Yang couldn't sit still any longer, and shouted: "Zhaodi, it's up to your parents to decide the marriage, and your parents haven't agreed!"

"Auntie, my mother said, marry a man and marry a man, and dress and eat." Song Zhaodi said, "Comrade Zhong's salary is high, and I won't let me freeze and starve. My parents will not object. "

Zhong Jianguo glanced at Song Zhaodi and wondered, is this girl lacking in heart? How could she say such a big thing as getting married is as simple as going to the supply and marketing agency to buy a box of matches.

"Comrade Song, I think you and I still have to ask your uncle and aunt to come back and discuss." Zhong Jianguo said, "If you have anything else to ask, you can ask me directly."

Song Zhaodi wanted to ask a lot, such as the character of the three children. My wife died suddenly at a young age. For example, he has a high salary, good treatment and good looks. He is also a team leader. Such conditions are very good for his wife. Why should he go home and look for his stepmother's niece and so on.

"Are you beating your wife?" Song Zhaodi asked after thinking for a moment.

Young's conditioned reflex to support the wall.

Zhong Jianguo's hand trembled, and he almost threw the brand-new porcelain jar on the ground, and asked in disbelief, "Beat your wife?"

"That's right." Song Zhaodi only saw Zhong Jianguo's shocked expression, and she was sure that Zhong Jianguo had never done anything with his dead wife, "I heard that the military lord has a very strong temper, and he would not hesitate to do so. Piss off your daughter-in-law. Comrade Zhong, that daughter-in-law who was ahead of you—"

Zhong Jianguo hurriedly said: "Nothing. I never hit a woman, you can rest assured about that."

Song Zhaodi's shoulders collapsed and she looked really relaxed. Zhong Jianguo's dangling heart was put into practice, and he heard, "Then do you hand in your salary?"

"What?" Zhong Jianguo didn't understand.

Song Zhaodi: "I will marry you in the future. If you don't give me my salary, what will I eat? There is no land for me, and I can't grow rice."

Seeing this, Mrs Yang walked quickly to the main room with a cane and explained: "Comrade Zhong, my family's Zhaodi is not greedy for your salary. But you have to give us the salary. Make it clear, if you don't make it clear, I won't allow Zhao Di to go to Shencheng with you."

"Wait, Shencheng?" Zhong Jianguo frowned, "Go to Shencheng?" Asked Exit suddenly thought, "My stepmother told you that I am in Shencheng?"

Song Zhaodi wondered: "Isn't it?" This Zhao Yin has no truth.

"I was transferred to Wengzhou Island two years ago." Zhong Jianguo said, "The main force of the East China Sea Fleet has moved to Wengzhou Island. Will go back to Shencheng again.”

Yang had never heard of Wengzhou Island, so she turned to Song Zhaodi: "Where is that?"

Song Zhaodi really wanted to pretend she didn't know: "I heard from the college students from the village that it's in Yongcheng in the south of the Yangtze River?"

"Yes. Wengzhou Island is under the jurisdiction of Yongcheng City." Zhong Jianguo saw that Yang's face changed, and he began to beat a drum in his heart, and turned to Song Zhaodi, "Do you think that I am a soldier in Shencheng, that Promise my stepmother?"

Song Zhaodi: "Of course not. I just said that my mother wanted to marry a man to marry a man, to dress and eat. I agreed to meet you only because I saw that you were from the city and the conditions were good."

When the three children were not taken care of, Zhong Jianguo thought clearly that even if her future daughter-in-law was illiterate, as long as she could cook, work hard, and take good care of the three children, she looked average. Average size, he also recognized it.

Seeing Song Zhaodi today, Zhong Jianguo noticed that she was thin and tall, and she looked pretty good, very surprised. Song Zhaodi opened her mouth and closed her mouth and said "I" endlessly, and Zhong Jianguo didn't dislike it either.

After chatting with Song Zhaodi, seeing that she was not stupid or stupid, knew to pour water for him, and asked him if he had eaten, Zhong Jianguo began to think about how to discuss with her father and mother to get evidence earlier. After all, he only has one week off.

Rao is Zhong Jianguo who knows astronomy and geography, but he doesn't know how to deal with Song Zhaodi. "Auntie, according to me and Comrade Song, I still have to ask my aunt and uncle to come back." In fact, Zhong Jianguo wanted to ask more about this. Is the girl lacking in heart and lungs?

"It is necessary." Song Zhaodi rescued Yang's mother and son. Before the eldest sister of the Song family married Liu Yang, Yang's family loved Song Zhaodi the most. , "Go and call your parents."

Song Zhaodi stood up and saw the eldest brother-in-law who went to help her ask for leave came in, with a happy look in her eyes: "eldest brother-in-law, go and call your parents and tell them to come back quickly."

"What's wrong?" Liu Yang asked.

Yang turned back and said, "If you are told to go, hurry up, there is so much nonsense, hurry up."

Liu Yang saw that his mother's face was wrong, so he ran away.

Song mother and Song father were weeding in the paddy field, when they saw their son-in-law panting, they quickly asked, "What happened?"

The two told the team leader and went home.

Mother Song asked as she walked, "How about that Zhong Jianguo?"

"Only looks and height are better than Wang Degui, let alone a college student." Liu Yang said with a pity, "I'm married and have three children."

Father Song: "Zhong Jianguo has such good conditions, which are rarely seen in big cities like Shencheng, which are similar to the imperial capital. If he has no children, we will recruit Di to graduate from the imperial capital university. It may not be our turn to recruit Di."

"Are you the one who kills your daughter like this?" Mother Song was not happy.

Father Song: "I'm telling the truth."

"You still said that?" Mother Song stared.

Liu Yang hurriedly smoothed things out: "Father, mother, I look at Zhao Di and am very satisfied with Zhong Jianguo. I told her just now that I would not go to class, and I had a good chat with him. I think this can be done. "

"Listen to what you mean, Zhong Jianguo, with three children, can also be worthy of our family Zhaodi?" Song mother asked.

Liu Yang wanted to nod, but when he thought of how his mother-in-law was protecting his wife and sister just now, he swallowed his words: "It's barely worthy of our family's Zhao Di."

Father Song glanced at him, cowardly!

Liu Yang pretended not to see it, passed her husband and walked to her mother-in-law, "Mother, I asked Zhong Jianguo how long he could stay at home, and he said that he would go back in a few days, what about Zhaodi? ?"

"Leave in a few days, what do you mean?" Mother Song asked hurriedly.

Liu Yang: "Zhong Jianguo is a soldier and has not been discharged from the army. Although he did not say how many days, I know it will not exceed ten days. If there is another war, he may have to go back tomorrow."

"There is still a war?" Song mother said, trembling in her heart, "No, I don't agree with Zhao Di to marry Zhong Jianguo."

Read The Duke's Passion