MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 6 before the wedding

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Song Zhaodi: "Auntie, this Comrade Zhong is my cousin's stepson. My cousin came a few days ago to say kiss to me. He is a college student, I think he is good, and I plan to marry him. , you don't ask me to be more expensive in the future."

"College student." The woman was envious and looked at Zhong Jianguo, "But why do I think he is a bit old, not as good as Wang Degui as you are."

Zhong Jianguo frowned, wondering how to explain.

Song Zhaodi: "I'm not saying that he is a college student now. He has graduated for several years and is now an officer. He trains in the army every day, and the wind, the sun and the rain make him look older than us."

"Officer?" The woman was surprised, but did not want to admit that Song Zhaodi was lucky, "How old is an officer?" He must be a small platoon leader.

Song Zhaodi: "Head of the regiment."

"Auntie know how big the head of the regiment is?" Sister Song saw that the other party couldn't believe it, and was extremely satisfied. "The head of the regiment is the commander, and the head of the division is the commander."

The woman exclaimed: "My mother, I just said that Zhao Di is a lucky person, and she is indeed a lucky person. Zhao Di, do I have to call you an official wife in the future? ?

"Zhaodi, in the future when the dog in the aunt's family grows up, I will ask him to serve as a soldier under the commander Zhong." Before Song Zhaodi could speak, he said to Zhong Jianguo, "Captain Zhong Zhong , give my dog ​​Dan a little company commander."

Zhong Jianguo was speechless.

"Auntie, your dog egg is too thin and short." Song Zhaodi said, "You can't even carry a connecting rod gun in the army, so how can you be a company commander? In my opinion, dog egg can be used as a cooking class. Principal."

The woman wondered: "Cooking class? Isn't that the cook? No, no."

"Your dog Dan is too thin, I think he can only handle a spatula." Song Zhaodi said, "Dog Dan is cooking? You tell Dog Dan, cook well, and in the future Go to the army to cook for my partner."

The woman looked back, saw that her son was having a face-to-face meeting, and snorted at Song Zhaodi, "It's beautiful!" She disappeared with a swoosh.

Zhong Jianguo was about to ask what happened to her. I heard from the other side of the wall, "You are not allowed to cook in the future. Stay away from the stove. Go and call your father to come and start the fire."

"What's the matter?" Zhong Jianguo lowered his voice and pointed to the wall.

Sister Song pointed to the kitchen.

After the three entered, Miss Song whispered: "That woman is a famous lazy person in our village, waiting for her child to make her every day. Dog eggs are a boy, not a girl. , What does it look like every day around the stove?

"My mother told her once that she thought my mother was nosy. Also, 10-year-old children are growing up and eat more dog eggs, she thinks they are too much to eat many."

"No wonder her face is round." Zhong Jianguo understood, "the good things from their family have been eaten into that woman's stomach."

Sister Song: "Yes."

"Did you just want to say that recruiting is not your responsibility?" Song Zhaodi asked Zhong Jianguo, "She will think we are stingy if we talk about it like this, and she won't listen to reasoning with her. Bewitching others to come to you. Let everyone know that you are stingy."

Zhong Jianguo thought about it carefully and had to admit that although Song Zhaodi seemed to be honest, she was not stupid: "I have been taught."


Back to town yesterday, Zhong Jianguo was about to faint from hunger, and today I dare not be more polite: "Thank you uncle. Uncle, you call me Jianguo or Xiao Zhong, stop calling Comrade Zhong, listen Weird."

Song mother put out the vegetables in the pot: "Then don't call Comrade Song, call me Zhaodi like me. Zhaodi, go and ask your brother-in-law to come back for dinner."

"I'll call." Zhong Jianguo volunteered.

Song mother: "You don't know the way. Zhao Di, go quickly."

Song Zhaodi walked out of the kitchen and pouted, calling her eldest brother-in-law to eat has always been her nephew's job, let her go today? There must be something to tell Zhong Jianguo.

Zhong Jianguo also found out, don't think that today is his second time to the Song family. Ge Yin Song's mother's acting skills are not very good, "Auntie, do you have something to tell me?"

Mother Song nodded: "I will discuss with Zhao Di's father, I will give you a cloth ticket and give you another hundred yuan, and you will bring Zhao Di to the county to buy some more clothes. "

Song mother finished speaking, took out a stack of ten yuan and a stack of cloth tickets from her pocket, Zhong Jianguo realized that Song mother was not polite to him, and was immediately stunned.

Sister Song patted him: "My mother is talking to you."

, you have to transfer boats from Hangcheng. Shencheng and Hangcheng are more prosperous than our side, and I plan to go there and buy clothes for Zhao Di. "

Mother Song was very happy, and said with joy: "Do you still have money?"

"Also." Zhong Jianguo said, "You keep the money." After a while, "Can you give me the cloth ticket? It will be cold in a few days, my three children Last year's clothes were small, so I bought some cloth when I bought clothes for Zhao Di. What, Zhao Di can make clothes?"

Mother Song: "Don't worry about this, there is no girl in our countryside who can't cook, make clothes, and store the soles of shoes."

"Mother, I heard that Comrade Zhong is here."

Liu Yang's voice came in from outside, Zhong Jianguo went out: "Just call me Jianguo. Hey, such a long fish, this is—"

"Old fish." Liu Yang put down the basket full of grass, "The man who went fishing at sea yesterday came back, and the captain said that there are two fish for the family. Mother, I'm thinking about our family in a few days. I have to do things, tell the big guys when we divide the fish, our family will use the fish and exchange the rice with them.”

Mother Song nodded and said she knew: "Put it in a pot first, eat the rice and then marinate the fish."

"Auntie, do you want to buy pork?" Zhong Jianguo asked.

Mother Song pointed at the pigsty: "The day after tomorrow, kill that pig, and then find someone else to exchange some vegetables."

Zhong Jianguo has never been a farmer for a day, and he knows what pigs mean to the farmer. Looking at the big fat pig who was unconscious and sound asleep, he mistakenly thought that Song's mother was inconvenient, Zhong Jianguo His heart was extremely complicated, but he didn't say anything and turned back to the kitchen to help Song Zhaodi serve the dishes.

Today is Friday, and Song Zhaodi has a class. After dinner, she goes to school to ask for leave, and then takes Zhong Jianguo's car to go out. However, he was stopped at the entrance of the village.

Song Zhaodi jumped out of the car: "Village Chief, what's the matter?"

"Is he your partner?" The village chief pointed at Zhong Jianguo, who was holding a bicycle.

Song Zhaodi: "Yes. He is not an outsider, my aunt's stepson."

"I also heard that he is a soldier." The village chief asked.

Zhong Jianguo was surprised and turned to Song Zhaodi, how did he know?

"Did my aunt next door tell you?" Song Zhaodi rolled her eyes and said, "The village chief, when do you want to get married?"

The village chief waved his hand: "I don't care when you get married, I just want to ask if you are still married in our village."

"I have to follow the army." Song Zhaodi said, and immediately understood what he meant, "The village chief is worried that there will be no teachers in the school after I leave? At the educated youth point, look for them."

The village chief waved his hand: "They are going to the countryside to exercise, not to enjoy happiness."

"The village chief thinks that being a teacher is a blessing? Teaching children is more tiring than working. I would rather help my mother work than teach the skin children of our village." Song Zhaodi said, "Besides, they come from big cities. They have more knowledge and are more suitable to be teachers than me. Don't stop me, go find them."

The village chief raised his eyebrows: "Listen to what you mean, you two are getting married?"

"Yes. I don't want to get married so soon." Song Zhaodi pointed at Zhong Jianguo, "He is in the East China Sea Fleet, the village chief knows about the East China Sea Fleet? It's the East China Sea Fleet that fought with Lao Jiang the year before last. . Lao Jiang is restless, he has to go back in a few days. I have to reassure him."

There is a college student in the Song family, and some people in the village are envious and others are jealous. However, regardless of whether the villagers envied or envied Song Zhaodi, when they mentioned her to other villagers, she always looked proud.

Due to the chaos in the world, Song Zhaodi failed to graduate, but she is indeed a college student. She taught in the village, and the villagers in the surrounding villages sent their children to school here. Because of this incident, the village heads of several surrounding villages were very polite when they saw the head of Xiaosong Village.

The village chief was most afraid of Song Zhaodi marrying off. When he heard that Song Zhaodi had a partner, he pulled his shoes and went to school. Seeing that Song Zhaodi hadn't gone to class yet, she ran to Song's house again.

Song Zhaodi was blocked halfway, the village chief squinted and looked at Zhong Jianguo, a pain in the flesh, as if watching his succulent cabbage being arched by a pig.

Before Song Zhaodi spoke, the village chief also hoped to persuade Song Zhaodi, soldier, East China Sea Fleet, etc., the village chief who was a party member could not say anything to stop him: "Really?"

"The village chief, he is still the head of the regiment." Song Zhaodi said, "There are more than 2,000 soldiers under his command, so I don't dare to talk about such a big panic."

The village chief blinked: "Head? Oh my god, this is amazing. Hello, hello, Head Zhong." He quickly stretched out his hands.

"Hello, Village Chief Song." Half an hour ago, Zhong Jianguo saw Song Zhaodi take care of the inconvenient neighbors. Zhong Jianguo, a diplomat who persuaded the princes of various countries to be exaggerated, believed at this moment that some people's mouths were so powerful, "Cun Chief Song, do you agree with Comrade Zhao Di and me?"

The village head nodded again and again: "Agree, you must agree, I will ask the school to open a letter of introduction and a certificate for Zhao Di. By the way, when will you get married?"

"No. 9." Song Zhaodi said, "No. 9 works at my house, and then I go to his house after finishing the work in my house. The time is too busy, and his house is too far away from here, my cousin I won't be here that day. The village chief, I have to invite you to preside over the marriage tomorrow."

The village chief smiled and said, "Okay. Are you going to town?"

"No." Zhong Jianguo said, "I only got off the car the night before yesterday and didn't buy anything. Today I will take Zhao Di to the county to buy some clothes."

The village head counted and couldn't help but click his tongue: "Your marriage is in a hurry."

"No way, the troops will be given seven days off." Zhong Jianguo smiled bitterly.

The village chief also said casually, he also knew that it was not easy for a serving officer to spare seven days: "Come on."

"Then let's go." Song Zhaodi smiled, "The village chief will go to my house tomorrow to eat pig-killing vegetables, and my family will kill pigs tomorrow."

The village chief waved his hand: "I see."

After nine o'clock, Song Zhaodi and Zhong Jianguo arrived in the county. When the car stopped, Song Zhaodi couldn't help rubbing her butt: "It hurts too much."

Zhong Jianguo held up her bicycle. When she turned around, she saw her jumping on the spot. She couldn't help laughing and said, "Put two clothes on when I go back. It's also that I forgot that the road here is not good."

"Wengzhou Island is a good road?" Song Zhaodi had nothing to say.

Zhong Jianguo: "There is a stone road over there, which is slightly flatter than this side. Let's go in." Pointing to the department store in front.

"Does the car need to be locked?" Song Zhaodi asked subconsciously.

Zhong Jianguo: "It's alright, no one dares to steal a bicycle. Your mother told me to buy you a few more clothes. Can we buy four sets first?"

Song Zhaodi followed him in, and saw the clothes hanging behind the counter, thinking, I don't want any of them: "Just buy a set and wear it that day. I can do it myself, you buy more cloth , I do it myself."

Zhong Jianguo was afraid of her being polite, so he stared at Song Zhaodi and asked, "Just buy one, are you sure?"

"Yes!" Song Zhaodi looked around, guessing which clothes should be resized, after a while, she saw that a set of emerald green trousers and gowns with a little embroidery was very easy to modify, "Just that one."

Shencheng is a big city second only to the imperial capital of China. Zhong Jianguo has been in Shencheng for many years and has seen more fashionable clothes. I don’t know what to say about Song Zhaodi’s taste so as not to hurt her self-esteem : "I think the big red one next to it is pretty good."

"I want that one." Song Zhaodi turned to him, "Will you buy it for me?"

The salesperson at the counter saw that there was a gap of 60 to 70 centimeters between the two, and they were discussing new clothes. He immediately guessed that the two were about to get married, and couldn't help reminding: "Lesbian, this is cheap, next to The red one is good."

Red is nice, the color of the flag. Song Zhaodi also wanted to wear red when she married for the first time in her past and present life. However, when Liu Ling studied clothing design in his previous life, he had checked the changes in clothing after the founding of China. From the end of the 1960s to the end of the 1970s, there were only three colors of clothing in China, gray, blue and green, and military uniforms were especially popular.

Although a vigorous revolution was being carried out all over the country during this period, because it only started last year, it has not risen to clothing. But the person Song Zhaodi wants to marry is a soldier, and Zhong Jianguo is her backer. Song Zhaodi didn't dare to leave a story to others, so she said confidently, "I like cheap ones."

The salesperson was speechless.

Seeing this, Zhong Jianguo was speechless and wanted to laugh again: "Okay, I want that one. Go back to your mother and ask, explain it to your aunt." Then he took out the cloth ticket.

"My mother listens to me." Song Zhaodi took the clothes and pointed to the cloth booth next to her: "Take them all and buy cloth."

Zhong Jianguo immediately took out all the cloth tickets, and there was a burst of exclamations all around.

Song Zhaodi looked over and found that the salesperson selling the cloth widened his eyes, puzzled: "What happened?"

"Comrade, can you give me two of your cloth tickets?" A woman in her 40s appeared next to her, "I'll exchange the gas ticket with you."

Zhong Jianguo smiled and said: "I'm sorry, sister-in-law, we have several children and several elderly people waiting for winter clothes. These cloth tickets are also from the village and the factory. People change. Our house is far from here, and we make clothes once a year."

"That's it." The woman was immediately embarrassed. Out of the corner of her eyes, she caught a patch on Song Zhaodi's arm, and said embarrassingly, "That's fine."

Zhong Jianguo looked apologetic: "I'm sorry." He gave the money, took the cloth out, and put the cloth on the back seat of the car, "Zhao Di, sit on the cloth?"

Song Zhaodi wanted to nod her head very much, however, when others saw her, she would definitely mumble about her ruining things, and when she got home, her mother would scold her endlessly. If you put it on top, you won't panic." Zhong Jianguo bought a lot of cloth, and the salesperson found a hemp rope to tie it up. Song Zhaodi picked up the cloth as she spoke, "Let's go back."

Zhong Jianguo looked at her, saw that she was really reluctant to sit on the cloth, and saw that she tucked the extra cheap clothes into the cloth and held it in her arms like a baby, I didn't want to say it but couldn't help saying: "Actually, you can actually marry someone with better conditions than me."

"Better than you?" Song Zhaodi got into the car, holding the cloth in one hand, and grabbing Zhong Jianguo's clothes in the other, "I'm also older than you."

Zhong Jianguo twitched the corners of his mouth: "I mean no children."

"I really like children." Song Zhaodi said.

Zhong Jianguo raised his brows, surprised in his heart, but did not show his face: "You told the village chief that you would rather work for your mother than go to school."

"That's right." Song Zhaodi said, "I am a Chinese teacher for the first, second and third grades. There are seventy or eighty children in a class. If it were you, would you be willing?"

Zhong Jianguo think about it: "It's scary enough. I don't think your village is very big, how come there are so many children?"

"The children from the four surrounding villages all go to our village to go to school." Song Zhaodi said, "The village elder said that the previous teacher graduated from junior high school and could not teach children well. Give it to me, and they will be at ease. If I hadn't only been able to teach three classes a day, the village chief would have to ask me to teach fourth- and fifth-grade students."

Zhong Jianguo doesn't understand: "There are only three classes a day?"

"Two classes in the morning and one class in the afternoon. I go back to work at home during the rest of the time." Song Zhaodi said, "I also have to work at home."

Zhong Jianguo didn't know much about the village, and he didn't know what to talk to her when he came to know it. After all, they only met yesterday. After thinking for a while, Zhong Jianguo said, "When we leave, remember to bring your graduation certificate. There is also an elementary school on Wengzhou Island. If you go to the elementary school as a teacher, you will be paid 30 to 50 yuan a month."

"So much?" I went to the county today, and from Liu Ling, who lived a hundred years ago, I felt firsthand how cheap things were at this time, a pound of pork was only a dime, "The one over there Why is the salary so high?"

Zhong Jianguo: "The wages over there are low. The primary school I told you is a school for the children of cadres, and the school attaches great importance to the descendants of soldiers. This year, a middle school is also established. When we go to the countryside, we will go to the normal school to ask for teachers.”

Song Zhaodi winked at Zhong Jianguo's back because she couldn't see it: "It's quite a coincidence. Zhong Jianguo, will you be going back to Binhai in the next two days?"

"You have to go back and tell my big brother." Zhong Jianguo said, "However, I have something else to tell you, we have to leave on the 9th. You pack up in the morning on the 9th Good thing, go to Binhai after lunch, and take the train at night."

Now is not a hundred years later, no one dares to bully Yangyang Huaxia. Lao Jiang said he would call him when he called, but Song Zhaodi dared not make a joke about it: "I know, it won't delay your business."

When she got home, Mother Song saw the clothes Song Zhaodi bought, and her face became extremely ugly.

Song Zhaodi shrugged secretly, walked up to Mother Song, and whispered in her ear: "I bought all the money for Zhong Jianguo. There are you and Dad, and two more Nephew's portion."

Mother Song warmed her heart and pretended to be angry: "I don't lack clothes."

"If you don't lack it, then I will give it to the eldest sister and the eldest brother-in-law." Song Zhaodi pointed to the two people who were learning to ride a bicycle at the door.

Mother Song raised her hand and hugged the cloth into the room, and said as she walked, "They are also in short supply."

Zhong Jianguo was teaching Liu Yang how to ride a bicycle, Song Zhaodi was not afraid that Zhong Jianguo would find out her true face, and said with a smile: "Mother, you pick four pieces, find me the rest and wrap them in coarse cloth and keep them. Clothes for his three children."

"You don't buy clothes yourself, but use Zhong Jianguo's money to buy cloth for me. Zhong Jianguo is not angry?" Song mother worried.

Song Zhaodi: "He is very satisfied with me now, and I will give you all these cloths, and he does not dare to say anything. At most, he will be sullen for a while."

"Occasionally he can't say anything, you often buy things for us, Zhong Jianguo will not be happy if he has no temper." Song mother was afraid that Song Zhaodi was ignorant, "your father said Zhong Jianguo last night People with ability have temperament. If you buy something for me in the future, be sure to ask clearly, he really doesn't care, and you buy it again."

Song Zhaodi: "I know. Mother, I plan to use these two days to make clothes and a pair of shoes for his three children. It's okay to make the clothes bigger, the shoes are just right, Would you go back and find some shoe samples for me?"

"Oh, it's hard to be a stepmother." Song mother sighed, "Zhao Di, if you want to go back now, we still have time, and there will be no regret medicine on the 9th."

Song Zhaodi: "I don't regret it. Those three children are not well raised, so I will give birth to a few myself." After a while, "Mother, don't worry, I am marrying Zhong Jianguo, not marrying. His son. The children are ignorant, and I will ask Zhong Jianguo to clean them up."

"Okay." Mother Song picked out the four worst pieces of cloth, and pushed the rest to Song Zhaodi, "Put these away."

Song Zhaodi knew the fabric the most. Looking at the fabric in Song's mother's hand, she couldn't help feeling that she felt sorry for the parents in the world. However, she pretended not to notice that when she made clothes for Zhong Jianguo's three sons, she also made clothes for Song's mother, Song's father and two nephews.

On the morning of the 7th, Zhong Jianguo drove back to Binhai City.

Sister Zhong asked, "Not bad?"

Zhong Jianguo smiled before saying a word: "It's pretty good. Graduated from high school, diligent and sensible, and looks good."

"So good?" Sister-in-law Zhong was surprised, "The sun came out to the west, or was her head kicked by a donkey?"

Zhong Jianguo: "The stepmother looked down on the Song family. The Song family told her that Song Zhaodi had graduated from high school, and she probably thought they were bragging. Song Zhaodi's eldest brother-in-law waved his hands in annoyance when he heard my stepmother. The family doesn't like the stepmother, so the sister-in-law doesn't have to worry about Song Zhaodi being the same as her."

Zhong Jianguo: "The Song family is very reasonable and agrees with Song Zhaodi to come with me." Then they talked about the wedding, "Song Zhaodi's parents didn't say it clearly, but I can feel that the Song family does not want to let the villagers People know that I have three children, so don't go there on the ninth day."

Zhong Jianguo: "When Song Zhaodi comes over, you will know that it is not difficult for people to find someone with similar conditions to me."

"Then why would I want to marry you?" Sister-in-law Zhong frowned, "Did you inquire clearly?"

Zhong Jianguo couldn't say that Song Zhaodi had a partner before, so he said: "Song Zhaodi's conditions are not easy to find in the countryside, and it is even more difficult to find when you are older. Well, I caught up. "I turned my head and saw my eldest son pricked up his ears to listen, "Son, are you relieved now?"

"Is the stepmother not bad?" the child asked.

Zhong Jianguo was in good spirits on happy occasions. He stretched out his hand and hugged his eldest son to his lap: "It's not bad. He can also make clothes and shoes. When I came, I was cutting cloth to make cotton clothes for you."

"Really?" The child didn't believe it, "Mum can't make clothes and shoes, she can? Dad, it's a puppy to lie."

Zhong Jianguo's eyes darkened: "She is different from your mother. She can cook and is a teacher."

"My mother is also a teacher." The child said.

Zhong Jianguo nodded: "This is the same as your mother. If you see her tomorrow, you have to call her mother."

"Why don't I shout?" The child tilted his head and asked, "Will you hit me? My sister said that if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather, just like a grandfather. Dad, you will become a stepmother. Dad?"

Read The Duke's Passion