MTL - Stone Gambler (Orc)-Chapter 28 The old pit of the first generation mine

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As the car slowly drove past, Bai Zishi leaned on the glass and looked at the pile of wool. His heart moved. According to his consumption level, the money he earned from gambling on stones probably wouldn't be much. Ever since he knew that his marriage after receiving the tribe's childcare fee might be interfered with, Bai had already rejected Alec's tribe's support before leaving, and now he still has about 840,000 points left in his magnetic card. Vincent has already told that Baiya City is the most luxurious place on the entire continent, and the consumption level of Yacheng is also the top on the entire continent. Well, before going to Yacheng, he needs more money. When he was in Maca City, he was afraid of being caught by others. Except for the first time, Bai never bought any piece of wool, and just concentrated on studying in the quarry. But there are very few people on the road they are going on now, and not many people will know if he gambles here.

Just as he was making such calculations, the car stopped slowly. Bai looked up at the driver's seat in surprise, and Vincent also turned his head to look at him, with Ellen yelling beside him: "Hey? Vincent, why did you stop the car? It's not time for dinner. ?”

The orc ignored the friends beside him, a faint and soft light shone in his black eyes: "Go."

Bai Zishi was stunned for a moment, and then a warm smile appeared on his face. It turned out that Vincent had noticed his expression. He got out from the open car door, and Vincent followed him, leaving the place where the wool was placed, and followed in.

This is a rather large house, with several tall shelves inside, on which are some cooking utensils and tents, pillows and bedding for camping, and the other shelf is placed with some seasonings, drinks, and dried meat And cooked dishes, in addition to some books and small toys, it seems to be a grocery store.

While Bai was looking around, an orc walked in from the back door of the grocery store. He was not tall, about 2.12 meters tall. When he saw Bai and Vincent, a gentle smile appeared on his handsome face: "Customer, what do you want to buy?"

Bai Zishi hesitated: "I want to buy some wool..."

"Buy wool, wait for a while." The orc didn't look embarrassed, and shouted to the back: "Qia, Qiya, someone wants to pick wool! Come out quickly..."

"Oh~~Come here, come~~" After a while, a lazy voice came from the back door, with a slow tone and a slight nasal cavity, which made people feel itchy a feeling of. About two minutes later, a sub-orc man wearing clothes made of silk-spun animal silk came out from the inside. His long fiery red hair was spread softly on his back. Lips, upturned nose... No matter how you look at her, she is a superb beauty.

Bai slightly opened his mouth... I always feel that this sub-orc man has a charming feeling, but it doesn't make people feel awkward, and the lazy feeling on his body is even more pleasing to the eye.

When Qi Ya saw Bai, her eyes lit up: "Ah... What a cute child..." Then she walked over and reached out to pinch Bai's cheek, exclaiming, "So soft, so tender." Bai Zishi I only felt a pain on my face, and before I could react in time, I heard a 'snap', and the hand pinching my face had already left. Looking back, Vincent's handsome face was already in front of him. The orc in front of him raised his chin and was examining his face carefully. The warm breath of the other party sprayed on his skin, making Bai Zishi feel uncomfortable for a while, but he also knew that the other party was looking at his scars, so he also There was no struggle, just lowered eyelids, not looking at each other.

Fortunately, he was only pinched red, Vincent heaved a sigh of relief, he still remembered that when he saw Bai for the second time, he was dragged away by Bixi, his wrist was easily pinched purple, his skin Such tenderness simply cannot tolerate a little stronger force. After knowing that there was nothing serious about him, Vincent, who was supposed to let go of Bai, was a little reluctant to let go. The Little Asian orc man in front of him was looking up, maybe because he felt embarrassed, and there was some powdery blush on his white and tender face. , with half-closed eyes, the thick eyelashes trembled slightly like two hundred small fans, as if shyly inviting a kiss. Vincent suddenly lost his mind.

"Hey, are you kissing?" At this moment, a lazy voice asked slowly.

Vincent lowered his eyes, let go of his hand, and looked indifferently at the sub-orc man: "Don't touch him again."

Qi Ya curled her lips: "Isn't it just a pinch? It's not a fragile product." However, when he saw Bai Zishi's face was red, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Huh? Why did it turn red?" ? I didn't use much energy!"

Bai gently rubbed his face, quite resentful, obviously you are too strong! It's not my fault that the skin is tenderer than the people in the orc world!

Seeing that Bai ignored him, Qi Ya felt a little apologetic in her heart, and she couldn't bear to even apologize, and muttered: "I didn't know it would be like this, who made you look so cute..."

Bai Zishi glared at him, he looks cute, he looks cute... He is obviously a normal man, is it my fault for being cute here? !

Qi Ya was angered by Bai Zishi, and she rolled her eyes: "Well, don't you want to buy woolen materials? I'll take it as an apology if you think it's cheaper."

The other party apologized like this, and Bai Zishi couldn't say anything more, but since the boss took the initiative to discount, don't let it go for nothing: "That's the deal."

Qi Ya took Bai out, and Vincent stood at the door and watched.

"All the wool is here. You can pick it slowly. First of all, every piece of wool here has a price. I don't sell anything here by the catty."

Bai Zishi nodded. These woolen materials cost about forty or fifty yuan, and most of them were made of white sand, yellow sand, and black sand, in different sizes. The smallest one was only as big as two palms of Bai Zishi, and the larger one weighed only two hundred catties. But the more he looked at Bai Zishi, the more he was surprised. He found that the quality of this pile of wool was really not ordinary high. No matter which piece there were scattered pine flowers, most of them had python belts, and what's more, they were straight. You can see white or yellow fog from the surface of the jade -- you know, the fog is equivalent to the impurities of jadeite, and no matter how good or bad the texture of the jadeite is, there is a high possibility of green in the foggy wool. . Especially the ones with white mist, the white mist means that the kind is old, once such woolen material turns green, the jadeite inside is generally clean in texture, and the water head will not be too bad.

I'm afraid that piece of wool is not cheap. Bai Zishi's expression became solemn, such a good-looking jadeite was piled up here, without even a label written on it.

Anyway, let's see it first. Bai Zishi didn't bring any tools when he came out this time, so he just started looking. He first picked out a piece of woolen material that was covered in white mist. This piece of woolen material weighed about thirty to forty catties, and there were four or five clusters of dark-colored pine flowers scattered on it, which were very obvious on the yellow skin. It was neither loose nor called Tight, but the python pattern is very clear, the dark green can be seen from the skin, and it seeps down very obviously. This one is definitely not going to be cheap. Thinking of this, Bai Zishi put his hand up.

Qi Ya looked at Bai Zishi's bare hands in surprise, raised her eyebrows, and didn't say much.

Small groups of fluffy things surrounded him in an instant, naughtily jumping and touching his perception, such kind affection made Bai Zishi almost stay where he was, that feeling was really too good, It took him a while to break free from this wonderful feeling, he raised his head and asked impatiently: "How much is this piece of wool?"

Qi Ya came over and fiddled with it a few times: "The appearance of this piece is quite good, almost one of the best pieces I have here, 3.1 million."

"3.1 million!" Bai Zishi was a little surprised, "This piece of wool is not big, isn't 3.1 million a bit expensive?"

Qi Ya waved her hand casually: "Look at what place this is, 3.1 million is not much. I've already considered you cheap. If someone else's wool is less than 3.4 million, I will definitely not sell it!"

Bai Zishi bit his lip, looked at the piece of wool again, didn't say anything, just went around, he couldn't afford it.

I looked at several foggy ones in a row, and basically there were jadeites in them, but it was just a difference in the quality of the jadeite. As long as he felt that the sensitivity was strong, Bai Zishi asked the price one by one, and those who were obviously even jadeite The piece of hibiscus that the Xi family unwrapped was not as good as it was, and he ignored it. Unfortunately, these high-quality pieces were obviously not something he could afford. Moreover, Bai Zishi discovered that, except that there is a piece of black sand skin whose jadeite texture is not as good as another piece of white sand skin that is more expensive than it, the price of the woolen materials Qi Ya gave is arranged from high to low, basically the jadeite texture he sensed sorted by high and low. This vision is precise!

Bai Zishi glanced at Qi Ya, deeply feeling that it would be difficult for him to miss this person. In fact, when Bai Zishi was surprised by Qi Ya's precise vision, why wasn't Qi Ya? Qi Ya is 58 years old this year. He passed the test of the Stone Gambler Association in the Stone Gambler General Union the year before last, and was promoted from a tenth-level stone-gambler apprentice to a first-level stone-gambler. This qualification is rare in Yacheng. This time I appeared here because my childhood partner married an orc from Maca City to visit. The orc who set up a stall by the road was his good friend’s partner. He picked some wool to sell here on a whim. Thinking of meeting a little guy with precise vision here. This little guy only looks at the best-looking ones here, which is nothing at all. Those who know a little bit about gambling can see that Qi Ya didn't care about it at first, but after a while, he found that the Little orc man asked The few pieces of wool at the price are basically what he estimates can be green! As for the few pieces that are good in quality but hard to get green, I just put them down after seeing them. Is this a hidden master? !

Qi Ya put it away and started to be careless, observing this little orc man carefully. He didn't wear black-patterned gloves when he touched the wool. Generally, there are two situations for such a person: one is not harmed by Youta, and the other is One is a novice who doesn't often gamble with stones, and thinks that the harm of Youta once or twice is not so serious. Just don't know which one he is? And when he inspected the wool, he didn't use any tools, not to mention a magnifying glass and a strong light device, and he never even spilled water! At most, it is to look at the woolen material with your hands for a while and then put it down. Qi Ya was a little confused again, is there such a master? Even the masters in the Stone Gambling Masters Guild couldn't just look through it to see if there was any emerald in it!

Bai Zishi didn't know how many times the sub-orc man next to him had been thinking about it. He thought for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Is there wool below 800,000?"

"Yes." It turned out that there was not enough funds. Qi Ya came over, picked and picked among the pair of woolen materials, and pulled out thirteen pieces of woolen material, which were not big in size, and the smallest piece of black sand leather was also inside, "The minimum of these woolen materials is 50,000 yuan, and the highest is 800,000 yuan. .”

Bai Zishi didn't judge it from the best appearance, so he directly picked a piece of brown watch wool with no pine flowers on it, and brought it over. The wool that didn't respond made him a little disappointed and put it down. Then I moved to another piece, and after a while, I put it down again. After looking at about five or six pieces, I found that there was a piece of sensory power that was almost at the level of bean seeds, and another piece was much stronger than bean seeds, but weaker than Furong. Planted, others are a piece of white flowers. Putting down the piece in his hand and having nothing, Bai Zishi picked up the smallest piece of black sand skin.

This piece of black sand leather is the one that Qi Ya said has the lowest price. It was given to him by the boss after he selected woolen materials. Not only is it small, but its performance is not good. There are no pine flowers that can't come out, no python pattern, not even a single moss and crack that can be risky to bet on. The only thing that can be regarded as an advantage is that according to the boss, this is the wool produced by the first generation of mines that has been passed down from generation to generation. In the beginning, the boss's ancestors also thought that this was the first generation of old mines, and they refused to sell it at a low price after several times, so they fell into the end of being a leader, but this is also the reason why Qi Ya is a big customer.

At the beginning, Qi Ya also felt a little interested. After reading it carefully, although she concluded that it was indeed like the material of the first-generation old pit, she didn't see any possibility of it being green, and she didn't know what she was thinking. The price is there. 50,000 points is actually a very high price for such woolen materials.

But now, Bai Zishi was sluggish, and he was holding such a piece of wool the size of two palms. He always felt as if he was in the warm rain, those fine little fur **** covered his whole body, playfully hitting his heart, so many, so warm and friendly. He clenched the piece of wool with both hands, firmly suppressed his excitement, put the piece of wool aside, and then went to look at the five pieces under him.

Although he was looking at it, he actually didn't have any thoughts, all his mind was thinking about what kind of emerald it was? It actually made him feel this way, almost stronger than all the emeralds he could sense combined. In the end, he picked out the woolen material that was better than bean seeds and inferior to hibiscus seeds among the dozen or so woolen dishes, and put it aside: "I want these two pieces, how much?"

Seeing that Bai had transferred away the black sand from the old pit of the first-generation mine, Qi Ya raised her eyebrows and pointed to the larger piece of yellow sand beside her: "This one costs 330,000 yuan, and this small one costs 50,000 yuan." , a total of 380,000."

Bai Zishi nodded, took out his magnetic card, and handed it to Qi Ya. Qi Ya took it and took Bai into the store. After the two of them finished paying, Qi Ya looked at the two pieces of wool on the ground: "I'm here. There are tools for diagnosing stones, which cost 100 points at a time, but because you are so cute, I won’t charge you for diagnosing stones.”

Bai Zishi also couldn't wait to know what the emerald that gave him such a feeling looked like. Besides, there were two orcs, Vincent and Ellen, so it was impossible for him to take two rough stones on the road, so he ordered them without thinking too much. head.

"Do you need help?" Qi Ya asked kindly, keeping his eyes on the black sand leather. To be honest, he is now interested in this wool again. Why are there so many wool fabrics that perform better and are not very expensive? , this incomprehensible Little Asian orc man has taken a fancy to this piece?

Bai Zishi was not very good at unraveling stones, so since someone helped him, he was happy. After handing over the yellow sand skin, he pointed to the black sand skin on the ground and said, "I'll trouble the boss with the good performance. I'll take the rest, let's each have a piece, so it's faster."

Qi Ya...Actually, what I want to explain is the one that didn't perform well...He glanced at Bai Zishi, but didn't say anything, and directly moved this piece of wool to the stone cutter. Such wool can be cut directly without rubbing. That's it. After looking at the depth, shape, direction, amount, and density of the pine flowers and python belts, I pulled down the hand lever of the stone cutter, cut it down, sprinkled some water, and saw a small green, not crisp , seems a bit dull. Qi Ya was not surprised. She changed the direction of the wool and cut it a few more times. Each time, she saw green in three or two cuts. This skill alone moved Bai Zishi's face.

Qiya's progress is very fast, and Bai Zishi is not ambiguous. He chose a manual grinding wheel and began to rub it from the surface. If so, it will definitely not be damaged.

Qi Ya, who accidentally raised her head to see Bai Zishi's careful movements, found it both funny and inexplicably dignified. He simply stopped what he was doing and looked at the other person rubbing the stone. This time, from Bai Zishi's movements, Qi Ya could see that Bai Zishi was really a novice in caving stones. The only thing is to be very careful. But after seeing more and more broken stones falling on the ground, and the wool was still white, Qi Ya didn't have much patience.

It was really just a brick. He couldn't help laughing at himself, looking at Jie Shi's appearance and age, he also knew that he was also a rookie, if he was a master, would he only have 800,000 on him? To think that this little orc man is a hidden master!

Bai Ke doesn't care what Qiya thinks of his actions, anyway, he can't tolerate any damage to the jade inside, but the wool material in his hand has shrunk by more than half and there is still no shadow of the jade. I muttered in my heart, could it be that the induction force is wrong again? But it can't, he can still feel the collision like being drenched by warm rain.

There must be, Bai Zishi rubbed the stone patiently, and Qiya on the side had already released the piece of jade and put it aside. It is a piece of oil green seed, and the transparency and luster look oily, which is very common. Fortunately, this piece is rich in green. Although it is obviously impure, with gray and blue components, it can be regarded as the top grade in oil green.

Leaning against the wall of the shop, he leisurely watched the Little orc man sitting and sitting boringly. Why hasn't he given up yet.

Qi Ya felt annoyed after watching it for a while, and turned his head to observe the handsome orc inside, but he didn't know what was going on, he always felt that he had seen this orc somewhere.

His scrutiny didn't affect Vincent in any way, his gaze was focused on the Little Asian orc man who showed no sign of giving up without blinking.

Qi Ya pursed her lips: "Tell him to give up, it has reached this level, even if he wiped off the whole piece of wool, it would be a waste of effort."

Vincent acted as if he didn't hear it, and didn't even give Qi Ya a look. Qi Ya couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Has his charm declined? The pride of being a popular sub-orc made Qi Ya not speak, and just lowered her head and casually glanced at the surrounding scenery.

Suddenly, Bai Zishi's short breath of surprise caught his attention, and his voice was full of surprise and amazement.

Qi Ya looked over curiously, and when his sight touched the piece of wool in the hands of the Little orc man, his pupils dilated suddenly, and he changed from leaning to running in an instant, and walked over in three or two steps, almost with a slap in the face. Yes, he took the piece of wool from Bai Zishi's hand: "I'll explain the next one."

Bai Zishi didn't care about his abruptness. On the contrary, he understood Qi Ya's mood very well. He let go of the woolen material, squatted down next to Qi Ya, and stared at Qi Ya's movements blushing with excitement. Stone debris covered his hair and body.

Vincent stood at the door, looked at the astonishing little orc man with bright eyes, and smiled slightly with his lips curled up.

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