MTL - Stone Gambler (Orc)-Chapter 32 indeterminate wool

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Vincent found a simple hotel without complicated decorations. The biggest advantage is that it looks clean and hygienic. After seeing the tidy room, Bai Zishi suddenly felt the urge to take a bath. Vincent glanced at the room: "Do you want to take a shower?"

After Bai Zishi nodded, Vincent walked out. He didn't pay attention either. Vincent took the key to the room, walked into the bathroom, and immersed himself in the warm water. Bai Zishi let out a deep breath and showed a comfortable smile. It's been a long time since I took a hot bath like this.

After the skin was almost wrinkled in it all the time, he reluctantly got up from the inside, looking at the dirty clothes on the ground and the clothes prepared by the hotel, Bai Zishi was worried, the clothes he bought were still in the RV, Dirty clothes can no longer be worn, and hotel clothes are uncomfortable to wear. Just when he was distressed, there was a knock on the door from outside.

"Who?!" Bai Zishi shouted alertly.

"It's me." The cold male voice came from outside, it was Vincent, "I brought your clothes."

Bai Zishi showed a smile that was both unexpected and pleasant. He was naked and hid at the door. He opened the bathroom door and stretched out an arm. The soft clothes touched his hand, and Bai Zishi took it. Come here and close the door: "Thank you, Vincent."

Vincent watched the slender, soft and tender arm disappear behind the door in a daze, and it took a while before he came back to his senses: "'s nothing."

Lowering his head, Vincent was not surprised that something rose up somewhere, he frowned, looking distressed. What to do, Bai is only 23 years old this year, and when he becomes an adult, there are still seven years... Seven years, this time is usually not too long for Vincent, but now it makes him almost mad with frustration.

Seven years, do you want to endure seven years abruptly? ! For some reason, Vincent suddenly had an obscure feeling that the sky was darkening. Vincent left the room quickly, just standing here, imagining the white and tender body behind the door, how to stretch the arms to put the jacket in, how to bend the beautiful back to put on the pants, let He had an unbearable feeling.

Standing on the balcony, Vincent closed his eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled, and it took him a while to calm down the frenzied agitation in his body. However, at this moment, Bai Zishi pushed the door open and came in, with the freshness after taking a bath, his already white and tender body was soaked in hot water with a light-colored powder, and he looked extremely delicious.

Vincent had to force himself to close his breath, and sadly found that the agitation that had just calmed down was so easily provoked, and Bai Mingming did nothing!

"Vincent, let's go out for a stroll." Bai Zishi said in a good spirit. Vincent really wanted to say that he would not go, but he was worried after all, so he had no choice but to endure this sweet torture.

When Ellen arrived in the car, the chill on Vincent's face was three points higher than usual. At first he was taken aback, but after noticing someone's vaguely begging and dissatisfied expression, the fright and worry disappeared. The gloating of Chiguoguo. After being stared at by Vincent coldly for a long time, he still couldn't stop the dark feeling in his heart.

At night, Bai Zishi slept on the quilt that Vincent had brought specially for him. Without the jolt of the car, he had a dreamless night till dawn. After breakfast at the hotel, Bai Zishi followed the two of them to the city street. Although Xiye is remote, there are already faster long cars. They first need to send the RV back to the merchant who rented the car, get back the car deposit they paid to the other party when renting the car, and then buy a long car ticket for the capital of the Alec tribe. Transportation with trains is very popular in the Boya Continent. Afterwards, I had to prepare some cooked food. During the 20 days on the long train, there was no way to cook. The food on the long train would definitely not be edible.

Bai watched Vincent and Ellen negotiating with the owner of the car rental agency boredly, looking left and right from time to time, Vincent thought for a while, and walked to his side: "Bai, it's not far from Shishi Street, do you want to go there? Take a look first? These things are very trivial, and it will take a while, I will go to you at noon, okay?"

Bai Zishi nodded happily, and Vincent sent him all the way to the gate of Gaishi Street, watching Bai go in before turning back.

Whether it's Maca City or Nishino City, Gambling Stone Street is so lively. Looking at the noisy city street, Bai Zishi sighed. Then he randomly picked a store to enter. It was a rather large store, divided into two parts. The part near the door in the front was equipped with a stone dissolving machine, and the back part was where woolen materials were placed.

The wool was divided into several piles, and piles were lying on the ground in a mess, some of which were marked with the number and price of the wool in bright colors. Some half bets and some are all bets. Most of the half bets are with windows open. No matter whether there is green or not, they are placed on a special shelf, and the price is marked. The difference is that some woolen materials are sky-high and some are low. price.

Bai Zishi searched for it, and found a pile of bricks and bricks beside him. He only has 400,000 yuan left in the magnetic card, and the piece of blood jade was given to Vincent. Out of the consideration of maximizing profits, he still started with these bricks.

There is no trace of pine flower python pattern on these brick materials thrown aside randomly, the cortex is rough, and the crystal particles on it are loose and thick. Bai Zishi was not surprised at all, the owner picked out the ones with a little bit of pine flower and python pattern. He doesn't care, if not, how can he pick up the leak? However, Bai Zishi's luck was not so good this time. There are a total of fifty-six pieces of large and small wool, and the best ones only have a slight reaction, even if they turn green, it is probably shit, anyway, it is a very bad kind.

The current Baizishi hasn't sensed enough jadeite, so he can't accurately locate the texture and energy level of the jadeite, but only has a rough estimate. He is consciously establishing his own system, after all, sensing does not mean seeing. However, Bai Zishi felt that this was better than seeing more. The mystery of gambling stones is also one of the reasons why he attracts many people. If everything is clear, then his charm will be more or less affected. Enjoy this hazy thrill with low risk.

He didn't find any emeralds from the brick materials, so Bai Zishi could only exchange a bunch of raw materials. He carefully checked the materials with lower prices among the raw materials. When you see a product with less than 400,000 yuan, you will squat down and take a look. First, look at the appearance of the skin. After making a basic judgment, you will put your hand on it and open up your senses.

I don't know if Bai Zishi's luck is really bad today, or what. The few pieces I looked at in a row were either without jadeite or the jadeite inside had low sensitivity. I guess it would be best to make a little profit if I bought it. Bai Zishi shook his head in disappointment, and sighed that the boss's way of picking wool was too cruel.

He couldn't find the wool he wanted at a low price, so Bai Zishi simply looked around, and went up to check if he saw something pleasing to the eye. Little did he know that his performance was seen by others, and he was also a Little orc man who felt curious about gambling stones. How can anyone see gambling stones without any tools, and just walk away after a while?

Putting down a piece of more than ten kilograms of red sand skin wool, Bai Zishi looked a little regretful. This piece of jadeite has a delicate skin, and the python pattern is relatively clear. A few pine flowers are entangled with the python pattern. Weak, it is estimated that there are water species. But unfortunately, the price of this piece of wool is 430,000. Moreover, Bai Zishi didn't know the size of the emerald inside, and the 430,000 yuan was beyond his capabilities.

Putting down the piece of wool, Bai Zishi was attracted by a voice. Turning around curiously, Bai Zishi saw the sub-orc man he met yesterday at a glance. Today, he is still surrounded by many people, and the smile on his face is still very gentle. They seemed to be looking at a gambling stone.

Bai Zishi thought for a moment, then squeezed past. The heated discussions reached Bai Zishi's ears.

"I think this piece of wool is quite safe. Although there are small cracks on the side, judging from the green condition, it didn't hurt the emerald at all." The sub-orc man who was talking turned on his intensifier , looking into the cracks in the wool, "Also, look at the color, the green must have been eaten in."

It was a piece of wool about 60 to 70 kilograms, roughly in the shape of a cuboid, and stood upright in an open space. There was a piece of dark moss on the reddish-brown skin, and three or four clusters of pine flowers were wrapped around the moss. There is a finger-wide crack in the place, and green is faintly seen. The light greenness is really gratifying, and the faintly exposed green seems to have the texture of waxy seeds. If the green is really eaten in, the texture of the emerald in the middle of the wool is very large, and it may even be as high as ice. From this point of view, this is indeed a piece of wool with excellent performance, but the bad thing is that there are scattered "locks" around the crack, which makes several pieces of wool uncertain. There is a jargon. It is called "not afraid of big cracks, afraid of small locks".

Cracks are very harmful to jadeite. Large cracks are easy to observe and see the degree of its influence on jadeite. However, because the cracks are small and easy to change, whether large or small, deep or shallow, it is hard to see. Unpredictable, due to the concealment and changeability of the lock, it is difficult to grasp, so there is a saying that "you are not afraid of a big crack, but a small lock".

However, along with risks, there are often opportunities. The rough jadeite is unpredictable. Although the wool with strands is extremely risky, the jade structure inside is likely to be destroyed by these fine strands, but it is also possible that these are epigenetic cracks. The so-called Epigenetic cracks refer to those formed after the emeralds are produced. Such cracks will not affect the jadeite inside, and the probability of producing the best quality is extremely high.

Everyone is not sure, and they are arguing endlessly here, but the mainstream voice is still to bet on. Bai Zishi noticed that the sub-orc man hadn't spoken, but was just looking at the tiny strand intently.

Curious for a moment, Bai Zishi went in and touched it. After a while, he showed a regretful expression and retreated. The jadeite inside was lifeless. He knew that this lock must have completely destroyed the jadeite.

When everyone was arguing, the Naya orc man finally spoke, and he did say to Bai Zishi: "My little friend, I just saw you up and looked at this piece of wool. What's your opinion?"

Midia looked at it for a long time and felt that it was a piece of wool to bet on. Just when he was about to express his conclusion, he saw the little orc man curiously moved up to touch it, and then returned it. cute. Well, let's use his answer as an introduction.