MTL - Stone Gambler (Orc)-Chapter 67 practical exam

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At 8:00 a.m. on December 12th, Dongshi Street opened five passageways that could only pass through two people side by side. Tall orcs stood solemnly on both sides of the passageway, checking the exam certificates of candidates one by one. Gunners cheat.

Bai Zishi is No. 256, which happens to be the first batch. The streets of Dongshi Street are very wide. There are about 2,600 candidates in the first batch of candidates. These 2,600 people don't look too crowded in the empty streets. There are wool shops on both sides of the road, and it is roughly estimated that there are about 180 of them. Yacheng has the most woolen shops in the entire Boya Continent, and Dongshi Street is the place where Yacheng's woolen shops are most concentrated. It belongs to the Yacheng Stone Gamblers General Association.

Bai Zishi walked into the first store. The owner of the store was standing behind a specially set up table with a sign hanging on his chest, and there were several staff members sitting on forklifts. The wool in the store is divided into five piles, which are the five grades of wool from the first to the fifth.

Bai Zishi's goal was very clear, he wasn't going to look at anything other than first-grade wool. If you want to get a full score, the safest thing is to pick out the wool that can soar from the first level. Even if you pick out an ordinary hibiscus seed, it is considered good, but if you pick out the fifth grade, then even if you pick out a water seed, a high-quality waxy seed, it is estimated that it can only be regarded as a pass.

There was not enough time, so Bai Zishi didn't look at the performance of the wool at all, and squatted down to touch the first-grade wool one by one. However, it is not so easy to pick up leaks. It only takes ten seconds for each of the two hundred pieces of wool, and it takes about six or seven minutes to touch this pile of wool. Just a very common bean.

Bai Zishi took out a small notebook and wrote down the wool from the bean seed in his mother tongue, and wrote down the label and variety of the wool from which store. He had already made up his mind, and he would never use those five label stickers lightly if he didn't encounter wool above the water level. The big deal is to set aside time at the end to follow the ranking of wool on the small book. He is not very afraid of the wool being picked up by others. Not everyone intends to challenge the difficult ones. Most people still prefer the wool of the second, third and fourth grades. Not many people are interested in the first and fifth grades. It is because the possibility of losing the bet can reach 90%. The latter means that the probability of betting up is high, but the chance of big upswing is small, and it is not easy to score.

It was only five pieces of wool, but Bai Zishi couldn't believe that he couldn't find a few good pieces among so many pieces of wool!

Without delay, he walked to the second store, where the woolen materials were distributed in the same way as the first store. As he predicted, most of the candidates were concentrated in the three piles of the second, third and fourth grades, and even the woolen piles of the fifth grade had more people than the first piles.

Bai Zishi touched the wool one by one with his hands, such a strange thing did not attract the attention of other candidates. Everyone's time is very tight, especially since they have learned that the quantity of each pile of wool is the same, if they don't start quickly, it is very likely that they will be selected from the grades they are not willing to choose.

This second store still didn't have what he wanted, not even a piece of bean seed. Bai Zishi sighed, and sure enough, it was a bit difficult to choose from the first-grade wool. Feeling all the way like this, he didn't find the first piece of wool that he wanted until the fourth store.

This is a piece of wool with a reddish-brown skin. It is of medium size and weighs forty to fifty kilograms. It looks mediocre and ordinary. If it weren't for the unique crystal structure of jadeite wool, some people would even believe that it is an ordinary stone. However, there is a piece of jade that is at least the water glutinous species in this piece of wool! The water waxy seeds can be extracted from the wool material with such performance, which can already be regarded as a big rise! Bai Zishi finally took out the first label sticker, and put his own logo on this piece of wool. After the special label is pasted, unless there is a special washing glue, don't even think about peeling it off. The owner of the store moved very quickly. Bai Zishi waved and came with a box. The wool was not big, so the owner could carry it up by himself, put the wool into the alley and locked it in front of Bai Zishi. Bai Zishi After paying the bill, thank you quickly and leave.

Thirty minutes have passed now, and it is too urgent. Based on a store in a few minutes, he can only visit a maximum of 30 stores in four hours. Bai Zishi even ran from one store to another. The Federation of Gamblers and Gamblers also arranged a bus on the street, in order to save time for candidates.

Bai Zishi didn't use his car, so he planned to watch family by family at the front of the street. In this way, even if you finally have to find wool according to the ranking in the small book, the road you need to take is short.

Time, time, only four hours, too short! Not enough at all! Breathing heavily, Bai Zishi ran into the sixth store, heading straight for the first-grade wool. He didn't even want to waste the time to catch his breath, he directly reached out to touch the wool one by one, each time he quickly reached out, and then quickly retracted, to move on to the next one, like a candidate who no longer knows which one to choose and picks randomly .

An hour has passed, and after shopping around the store, he still couldn't find a second piece of woolen material that Bai Zishi was satisfied with. He added three pieces of bean seeds and one piece of hibiscus seed to his small notebook. These three pieces of woolen material were roughly the same Almost, Hibiscus species is slightly stronger, but only some advantages. Bai Zishi didn't want to waste one of the five pieces of wool on such a piece of wool.

In fact, Bai Zishi at this time has entered a misunderstanding. He completely underestimated the emerald from the bean seed hibiscus! You must know that the bean seed hibiscus seed can be grown from the first-grade wool material, which can be regarded as a big increase. And Bai Zishi didn't know when, he had an idea in his mind, thinking that only when all five pieces of wool material rose sharply could he get a good grade. In fact, it is not the case, the five pieces of wool are all soaring, which is something that only high-level stone gamblers can do, and they can't choose from these wools that are not at all performance. In the examination of stone betting masters, as long as candidates can pick two pieces of wool, they are basically qualified. However, five in two is not an easy task. You must know that there is infinite knowledge in wool, looking at pine flowers and python patterns. It’s not that pine flowers are necessarily good. Some pine flowers are very empty. This kind of woolen material also has no jadeite, or the jadeite inside has been destroyed long ago. In stone betting, only those who fail in gambling account for the majority. There are countless people in Boya who have become stone bettors, but very few of them can really come out. The biggest obstacle is money, and the cultivation of stone gamblers definitely seems to be a matter of burning money. A piece of wool can be as little as thousands, as many as millions, or even tens of millions. Countless times of betting on stones can cultivate the experience and experience of stone betting masters. There are quite a few sub-orcs who have embarked on the stone gambling, but there are indeed few who persevere.

But Bai Zishi is different, he has a unique talent. But because of this, his vision was also limited to a rather high level. He stood on an absolutely high starting point, and the people around him were either people like Vincent Allen, whose family had a strong influence in Yacheng and did not lack high-quality jadeite, or senior stone gamblers like Sigma. This made it natural for him to get used to his high vision, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all. Moreover, he regards the Stone Gambling Master assessment as very important, and it is certain that he will pass the test. Yesterday's failure in the written test pushed him to the edge of a cliff.

Bai Zishi frowned tightly, dripping fine beads of sweat in the late autumn morning. Now more than an hour has passed, and he hasn't even found his second piece of wool! This not only made him grit his teeth, but his eyes were short of time, and finally made Bai Zishi realize the severity of the challenge that he only saw first-class wool.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Zishi stepped into the eleventh store. The woolen materials were piled not far from the store entrance. He squatted down and stretched out a hand to put on the first piece of woolen material. His palm was already full of dust, and he didn't even have time to wipe it. Stretch out, take away, stick out, take away... such actions have become a habit. However, as pieces of wool were touched, Bai Zishi's heart gradually sank.

no! In this case, there is absolutely not enough time!

Vincent's gentle and pampering expression appeared in his mind, Bai Zishi gritted his teeth, no! It must be passed. Only those who have passed the stone gambler assessment can go up step by step and gain prestige and influence! Only in this way can you ensure your own safety to the greatest extent when conducting physical research! Only then can we stay with Vincent for a long time and prevent him from being sad about his own death in the future!

Bai Zishi's eyes inadvertently touched his left hand, which had been idle all the time, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and a thought suddenly popped up in his heart-if he uses his left and right hands at the same time, can he sense two pieces of wool at the same time? ! If it is really possible, then he is equivalent to half the time!

When he thought of it, he tried it. Bai Zishi found two pieces of wool that had been tested and touched just now, and there was a piece of brick material in it. He piled them together, and put his hands on each piece of wool. After a moment, his eyes lit up. The two faint sensations came at the same time, but they didn't seem to merge together. He could easily distinguish these two small sensations!

A big smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and Bai Zishi started working with his left and right hands together. The improvement in efficiency made his hard work pay off! In the next two hours, he found three pieces of wool that he wanted from more than 30 stores.

A piece of yellow sand skin weighs about 60 to 70 kilograms, and the jadeite inside can reach water seeds; a piece of white sand skin weighs about 20 kilograms, which is a good quality waxy seed; and a piece of black black sand weighs about 30 kilograms. The jade in the black black sand is the best, and it should be a colorful high-water species.

With only ten minutes left, Bai Zishi decided not to visit the next store. He opened his little book and wrote down about a dozen pieces of wool, the best of which was a piece of hibiscus. He didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed out after seeing the name of the store. It was the 22nd store he had seen, not very far from where he was.

With ten minutes left, Bai Zishi stepped into the door of the store, and with six minutes left, he found the piece of hibiscus wool and put his own label on it. With four minutes left, the shopkeeper brought the box, lifted the wool, put it in the box, and locked it. At the last minute, Bai Zishi looked at the words 'Payment Successful' on the checkout device, and let out a long breath. At the same time, a sharp bell rang through the entire Woolen Street.

"The time for the first practical assessment is up. Candidates are requested to stop their work and exit in order. If there is overtime work, the admission qualification will be cancelled."

When Bai Zishi stepped out of Dongshi Street, he saw Vincent waiting outside, looking at his lover, he bent his mouth and showed him a big smile.

Now, in the end, he could only obey the destiny.