MTL - Stone Gambler (Orc)-Chapter 79 Mustafa's decision

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A person from the sub-orc guard came out, with a serious face, looked at the communicator in Bai Zishi's hand, asked the whole story, and then asked the surrounding crowd for confirmation. Many people saw what happened just now. It was originally the fault of the sub-orcs of the Libyan tribe. He bumped into someone without apologizing and pushed him. Now that he used the tribal envoys to suppress people, his resentment became even stronger. What's more, his domineering target was a stone gambler. Shiya's house! When the guards came to ask questions, everyone naturally told the truth.

The matter is now very clear. The captain of the guard team wrote down the sign number of the Libyan orcs: "Anyone who provokes and disrupts the security of the event without any reason, please give me a warning. If you do it again, then we have the right to refuse you to participate in the stone gambling event."

The face of the sub-orc man suddenly became ugly, his expression was very dissatisfied, and his words were even more threatening: 'I am a member of the envoy group, is this how your sub-orc treats guests? When I see your city lord, I will definitely tell him about this matter! My father is..."

"Gula?" However, he didn't speak, but was interrupted by a familiar voice from Bai Zishi, and the sub-orc man seemed to be choked by something suddenly, the voice stopped abruptly, Bai Zishi turned sideways Looking at it, Fasha was holding a fist-sized jadeite in her hand, and she was looking at this side with a puzzled face.

Fasha came over, looked at Bai Zishi, then at the sub-orc man, and then at the serious-looking guard members: "What happened?" The sub-orc man smiled awkwardly at Fasha, He hesitated and couldn't speak.

Seeing this scene, the captain of the guard team felt that they had nothing to do, so he gave a defensive salute to Bai Zishi: "The matter has been dealt with, so I will see you later." Bai Zishi replied with a smile etiquette. The guards then solemnly said to Gu La: "Please abide by the rules of the stone gambling event. If you have any objections, you are welcome to complain to the organizing committee." Then turned around handsomely and left.

Gula who said this sentence was blushing, wanted to get angry but seemed to have scruples and didn't say anything. Fasha's doubts deepened, she pulled Bai Zishi and asked, "What's wrong?"

Immediately, Bai Zishi received a look that was both threatening and pleading. He smiled slightly, glanced at the nervous man, and said, "A small conflict has been resolved."

Gula breathed a sigh of relief, but although he didn't say anything, Fasha wasn't stupid, and he wasn't completely ignorant of Gula's reputation in their hometown. He must have been domineering and willful just now. But even so, he couldn't say anything. After all, Gula's father and Mustafa's father are very good orc brothers, so he can only pretend that he doesn't know anything, and only looks at Bai Zishi. His jadeite: "Bai, look, it's a piece of jadeite, it's really a piece of bean seed!! Although it's not big, it's the first piece of jadeite I've ever personally made!! Didn't you see it? , It’s simply amazing, such a beautiful jadeite can be extracted from such an ugly stone.” Fasha, who praised the jadeite for a long time, sighed, “No wonder so many Asian orcs are eager to become stone gamblers. It's such a wonderful thing."

"Congratulations, Fasha." Seeing that Fasha was so happy, Bai Zishi was not in a bad mood, "Why didn't you sell it?"

Fasha touched the emerald in her hand: "I'm going to keep him as the foundation stone of Mustafa's child, how meaningful it is!"

"Fasha Ada..." Gula, who had been left out for a long time, finally seized the opportunity to speak, and shouted in a very soft voice. Bai Zishi suddenly got goosebumps all over his body. Fasha seemed to have gotten used to it, and suddenly realized: "Oh, yes By the way, Gula, I haven’t asked when you came here?” Gula was about to answer when Fasha suddenly slapped himself on the head, “Oh, oh, I forgot that this is not a place to talk, how about it, Let's find a place to talk. You wait for me outside first, I will come out in a while. "

Gula seemed to be extremely jealous of Fasha, and obediently left without saying anything. Only then did Fasha smile wryly: "I didn't expect to run into Gula... It seems that we won't be together today. He will definitely pester me, so I took him away." The words were very regrettable and depressed . Bai Zishi saw Sha's appearance and knew that he didn't really want to see that Gula's, and he also knew that Fasha realized what happened just now, and took this annoying person away on purpose.

Saying goodbye to Fasha, Bai Zishi was finally able to carefully observe the piece of wool just now. It was a piece of black black sand material, with a not-so-obvious python band on the surface, but the direction and color of the pattern were not the best ones. Kind, but obviously, it is not the kind that can be bought and sold at will. The wool number is clearly written on this piece of wool with a white marker [ email protected]. This means that he is No. 345 wool in the @number in the marked area, and the reserve price is marked with 3 million points next to it, which is really not low.

In order to be easy to identify the woolen materials in the marked area and the hidden area in the Stone Gambling Festival, in order to be easy to identify when the bid is opened, so as not to appear too large a number, all 500 pieces of woolen material are divided into one batch, and each batch has its own number, and this piece of woolen material belongs to @fake. @组织 is the second number of all wool fabrics, that is to say, this piece of wool fabric will be opened on the first day of bid opening in the marked area!

After touching it a few times again, that strange and powerful feeling lingered in Bai Zishi's feeling all the time. Such a strange feeling made it difficult for Bai Zishi to determine what was going on in this piece of wool! He thought about it for a while, and leaned towards the conjecture that there was jade in it, because he sensed such a strong force in the wool, if it wasn't for the emerald, Bai Zishi couldn't imagine what kind of things existed in it! But if it's Jade...why doesn't any energy come into contact with him? This is different than usual!

That surging and forbearing power... Bai Zishi suddenly bit his lower lip, to prevent himself from screaming, he thought of the only answer he could think of - Mo Fei! The legendary black emerald! ! In the Boya Continent, Mo Fei is the only kind of jade that has no grade, because all the Mo Fei that have been unearthed in history without exception are all dark black, but with a transparent luster like glass. In other words, once the black jadeite appears, it is the best jadeite, and there is no good or bad texture. Moreover, Mo Fei has never appeared from a new pit, only famous and ancient old pits can breed the best jadeite like Mo Fei.

If it's really Mo Fei... If it's really like this, then he must take this piece of wool at all costs! ! Even if it is not Mo Fei after it is taken, it is worth it just to find out what is inside this piece of jade!

Bai Zishi deeply memorized the serial number of this piece of wool in his head, then turned around and studied other wool carefully. As for what he saw, he didn't know at all. What he was afraid of was that his attention would attract more competitors, because since the identity of the stone gambler was exposed just now, Bai Zishi was keenly aware that many people were following him. After that, a bunch of people gathered around to take a closer look. This is the reason why he tried his best to restrain himself even though he wanted to scream out loud in his heart just now.

He was afraid of being seen out!

Patiently turning pieces of wool over and over again, looking over and over again for a long time, using all kinds of means such as magnifying glass, strong light device, spraying water, touching with hands, etc., only confused those people and couldn't see Baizi clearly. What did Shi see in the end. After doing this several times, the people following him gradually dispersed, and it was not easy to take advantage of the Stone Gambler.

This piece of wool disturbed Bai Zishi's attention, and he didn't have any impression of Shenma wool after looking at it all afternoon, so he left before the closing time of the Stone Gambling venue. The wool fabric with a reserve price of 3 million points seems to be of average performance, but it is big enough, and the price may not be lower when the bid is opened. Bai Zishi calculated his own worth, more than 20 million points...At first, he thought that more than 20 million points was a lot, but now it seems that this amount of money will not even have a splash in the stone gambling event. Today is the first day, and there are still four days to go. The bidding for @345 woolen fabric is about to open. To be on the safe side, Bai Zishi thinks that he must prepare at least 40 million points, just for this piece of woolen fabric! If it's really Mo Fei inside, then Vincent doesn't have to worry about getting promoted, if not... then there are two more chances in the future, enough for him to earn the money back.

Bai Zishi, who was absently thinking about how to raise money, was walking, and suddenly bumped into a hard place, and at the same time, a familiar voice called out: "Be careful!"

A pungent and sore feeling went straight to Bai Zishi's forehead, and tears filled his eyes involuntarily. He raised his head, looked at the person with teary eyes, covered his nose and murmured an apology: "Uh... sorry, Mustafa , I think things are too preoccupied."

Mustafa looked softly at the slender and delicate little orc man in front of him: "It's okay, I still want to thank you for accompanying me daddy today. He is very happy that the bet has gone up."

Bai Zishi shook his head: "I should thank you for your care."

Mustafa looked at his watery black eyes, and suddenly felt a slight itching in his heart, as if gently kissing those wet eyes.

"Bai!" The orc's deep and cold voice stopped his impulsiveness. Bai Zishi raised his head to look over there in surprise, and said goodbye to Mustafa in a hurry: "Vincent is calling me, Mustafa, Goodbye."

"Goodbye." Mustafa looked at the happy figure of the Little Asian orc man, lowered his head and touched the place where he was hit just now, and his soft expression hardened. The Youth Fighting really good to participate in.

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