MTL - Stone Gambler (Orc)-Chapter 89 difficult

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On December 29th, Bai Zishi successfully obtained the promotion certificate, and he kindly invited Susa to celebrate together. Susa said some congratulations in the communicator with a smile, and waited to hang up. In the blink of an eye, Qi's face darkened in an instant, his teeth were clenched tightly, and his chest hurt from the joyful tone just now. However, the reasons for the protest submitted to the Justice Council no longer exist, so what else can he say?

The matter of Qi Ya's qualification to protest was kept secret, because Susa's actions undoubtedly said that he was not at ease with Qi Ya's level, and he would not be willing to replace it with anyone else. You don't believe me, why do you ask me? Susa knew the seriousness of this matter, so she did it very strictly, even ambiguously implying to her younger brother that the stone gambler on her side knew about this matter, and the other party did not want to win by force. Of course, having said that, Su Sa did not want Qi Ya to underestimate the enemy at all. Qi Ya had already studied the information about Bai Zishi's gambling price. Qi Ya was afraid of Bai Zishi, even though the opponent was old. It is more than half of his age, and the sub-orc man who may have such terrible results, if anyone treats him as a minor in the stone gambling field, he is a fool.

Besides going out to get to know each other on newspapers, Qi Ya and Bai Zishi have never seen each other's photos, so when they met, they were greatly surprised: "It's you?!" X2!

Seeing the cute little thing she saw three years ago, Qi Ya raised the corners of her lips in a happy mood, raised a hand and said hello lazily: "Hey! Little cutie! Long time no see."

"My name is Bai Zishi." This cute name...

"Well, I see, cutie." Qi Ya waved her hand indifferently. Bai Zishi glanced at him and said nothing. The members of the justice group are here. Kuroro has invited three stone gamblers who are very famous in the Federation of Trade Unions. The three eighth-level hunters are all famous people who have no stake in the four parties. .

The leader was a sub-orc man with deep wrinkles on his face. As the head of the justice team, Andrew announced the rules before the start of the game. His tone was serious and to the point: "There is a door behind me for this game. In the next three hours, you can choose as much as you like from the woolen materials that have been carefully selected. There is no limit to the number of woolen materials you can choose, but one thing to keep in mind is that you will get a share of the woolen fabrics that gamble, but Points will also be deducted for those who lose their bets, and you need to be cautious when choosing.”

Both contestants nodded to show they understood. Andrew nodded calmly and raised a hand. The orcs who were standing on both sides of the tall red wooden door saw the gesture and pulled the door forcefully. The goal is a dark room, the sun pours from the open door, the light penetrates into the darkness and is swallowed. The two people who opened the door walked in, and with two slight 'pop' sounds, two extremely dim lights were turned on, and the light was so dim that it was only possible to see where the road was and where the wool was.

Bai Zishi and Qi Ya glanced at each other before stepping into the room. The two people who turned on the light backed out, and the door was closed behind them, making a clicking sound. Bai Zishi couldn't help but glance back, knowing that no one would come in or go out within three hours.

There were two vans parked at the door, and Qi Ya took a step to get on one first, and drove slowly towards the direction of wool. Bai took a deep breath, and glanced at the room. It was a room of about 100 square meters. The woolen materials were placed in a mess, and only some outlines could be seen under the dim light. For ordinary stone gamblers, gambling in such a dim room is both beneficial and risky. There is a saying in the stone gambling world called "the color is not visible under the light", that is to say, under strong light, it is easy to cause color difference, which will affect people's judgment. Therefore, a properly dim environment is beneficial, but dim However, it is not easy to observe the details of other aspects of wool. Generally speaking, people still like to gamble on stones in a bright environment.

However, it didn't matter to Bai Zishi. On such an important occasion, he didn't even think about promoting his style. In this environment, he had to rely on his own ability. Of course, pretense is still necessary. Parking the car beside a random piece of wool, Bai Zishi got out of the car and prepared to pick wool. In the dark, with his eyes, he couldn't see the performance on the surface of the wool. In the end, he simply turned on the intensifier with his right hand, and directly touched the nearest piece of wool with his left hand. After a while, Bai Zishi took his hand away. It was a piece of wool with nothing inside except the rough skin.

Emeralds are not so easy to find either. Bai Zishi smiled in the dark, he noticed what Yajia Andrew said, all these wool materials were carefully selected, and he also said to choose carefully. That is to say, among the woolen materials in this room, there are definitely a small number of woolen materials that are favored by the stone gamblers with emeralds. Otherwise, according to the rule that the woolen materials can be selected irrespective of the quantity, if two people divide the woolen materials in half, if they can If the betting up is more than the betting down, how should this be calculated?

After Bai Zishi touched more than 30 pieces of wool that had no induction, he knew that the "minority" estimated just now was definitely overestimating this group of wool. Slowly, Bai Zishi's brows furrowed tightly. After touching this small piece of wool, there was not a piece of jadeite!

He finally realized that this game was different from anything he had experienced before. In the previous assessments he went through, the production rate of jadeite was definitely not as low as this! Obviously, the difficulty has increased significantly. Bai Zishi figured it out, stood up very neatly, walked forward, and walked to an area with a relatively large amount of wool. Expand the lighting range of the intensifier. Squat there and start searching, but if you can see 'green' at a glance---whether it is a green pine flower or a green python belt, you will reach out.

Although it takes some time to find this way, it is not all a waste of effort. At least when he touched the forty or so pieces of wool, someone finally responded to his senses—a group of small fur **** bouncing around his perception and touching him, soft and warm.

The corners of his mouth were raised in joy. Although according to the energy display, this is only a piece of jadeite with a very average quality, or even a low-quality jadeite, at least there is jadeite. Bringing the truck over, Bai Zishi carried the piece of wool onto the truck with some difficulty. The sound of wool contacting the car startled Qi Ya, he pursed his lips and glanced this way, then quickly turned back, his brows were furrowed, this time the stone betting competition is difficult!

After finding the first piece, it would not be difficult to find the second and third piece, Bai Zishi thought so, but things were far from that simple.

Taking his hand away, Bai Zishi stared in disbelief at the wool that was particularly conspicuous under the light of the intensifier. This is a rectangular piece of wool about 30 centimeters long, 10 centimeters wide, and 20 centimeters high. On the side where the light is shining, there are about three emerald python belts two days wide side by side. The color is bright, and there are very obvious The tendency to go inward, not to mention this, is that judging from the tight and beautiful pine flowers on some raised parts of the side wool, there should be no emeralds in this piece of wool! And the thing was so strange that he didn't have any sense. Although the induction force is absolutely infallible, his research on wool over the past three years is not fake. Just from his knowledge of betting on stones, there should be some emeralds in this piece of wool.

It would be fine if it was Bai Zishi in the past, but this is not the first time he has encountered such a situation here, and there have been several times when he has seen good wool with his eyes, and he is full of confidence that he can get good wool Time, all lost. One or two pieces of wool material with a good performance of the inner hollow is fine, so much effort is worth seven or eight yuan! This couldn't help but make Bai Zishi murmur in his heart.

He couldn't help but examine the piece of wool carefully. One intensifier was not enough, so he took out another spare. After touching this piece of wool and looking over it bit by bit, I finally found some problems in one place---it was a slightly gray area the size of a baby's palm. Under the dim light, there seems to be no difference, but when the light is right, Bai Zishi is sensitive to the difference in color, and when he touches it with his hands, the texture of that piece seems to be rougher.

fake? ! A word suddenly popped up in my mind. Bai Zishi was stunned on the spot by his own conjecture. Wool materials can be faked. He knew this when he was in the Celestial Dynasty. Some frauds are made up of wool materials that did not produce jadeite after the window was opened, so that people can't see that the window was opened. There are traces of emeralds and then sold, some cut the wool and found no jade and then closed the wool to disguise it as a complete wool, and some simply hollowed out the jade and filled it with other things and then closed it and sold it as wool... In short, the means He even heard people from the purchasing department say that some masters can disguise ordinary stones so that even the old people in the emerald industry can't see them. Of course, in Boya, a world where stone gambling is prevalent, there have been fraudulent behaviors in history, but the Stone Gambler Guild is not just for fun. Anyone who is caught forgery will be severely punished. In addition, people in the Orc Continent still don't like to play fakes, and the counterfeiting industry was destroyed before it flourished.

However, the performance of this piece of wool is really beyond doubt.

Sure enough, this game is not so easy! Bai Zishi couldn't help but wryly smiled, and understood the meaning of Yajia Andrew's phrase "choosing carefully". It seems that whether you can get a good material or not depends on luck.

After thinking about it, Bai Zishi simply put the intensifier aside, put his hands together, started from one place, and touched each piece of wool, without letting go of any piece. When you encounter wool that reacts, use a strong light device to observe it repeatedly, make a look, and then put it on the truck. It has to be said that there are very few pieces of wool with jade in it. In nearly two hours, Bai Zishi only touched three pieces of wool with jade, only one of higher quality was a piece of ice, and the remaining two The pieces look like beans. This can be said to be frighteningly inefficient, after all, Qiya's truck over there already has six or seven yuan on it.

Hearing the sound of the other party carrying the wool again and again, Bai Zishi was anxious at first, but now he is more relaxed. He has the ability to avoid so many traps. But what about the other party? Bai Zishi looked at Qi Ya's information and admitted that he was a strong stone gambler, but in this room, this kind of simple strong stone gambler can no longer handle it. It doesn't matter if there is less wool, no points will be deducted, the more you pick, the more points will be deducted when you lose your bet, which is not good.

Sitting next to him, he took a breath, and there was another 'bang-dang' sound. This is already the eighth block, right? Bai Zishi counted for Qi Ya, then stood up with a sigh of relief, stretched out two white palms, and continued, three yuan is not safe.

Three hours slipped away quickly when the two of them were serious. The timer passed the last second, the locked door opened, and the light shone in through the open door. Bai Zishi squinted uncomfortably, stopped his movements, and stood up.

"It's time!" Andrew's old and majestic voice came, and the two contestants glanced at each other's car. There were eleven pieces of wool in Qiya's car. And Bai Zishi only has a pitiful four pieces. Yes, the child only found a piece of wool with emeralds in the last hour!

Andrew's cloudy eyes glanced at the two people's cars, his eyes paused on Bai Zishi, and then he looked away as if nothing had happened: "Your wool cart will be sealed first. After the meal, the calculus will start."

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